Postgresql Users
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- Re: Amazon High I/O instances, (continued)
- .Net/C# - How to use Entity Framework Code First with Npgsql?,
Hermano Cabral
- Database Bloat,
- file auto-clean up?,
Sebastien Boisvert
- function depend on view,
salah jubeh
- Different results from view and from its defintion query [w/ windowing function],
Thalis Kalfigkopoulos
- importing updated files into a database,
- citext: citext=text is case sensitive,
Craig Ringer
- How hard would a "path" operator be to implement in PostgreSQL,
Chris Travers
- xml performance,
Raju Angani
- count number of concurrent requests,
Ondrej Ivanič
- Schemas vs partitioning vs multiple databases for archiving,
Bartel Viljoen
- Fwd: PSQL Help from your biggest fan,
Evan Stanford
- Views versus user-defined functions: formatting, comments, performance, etc.,
Adam Mackler
- Re: Views versus user-defined functions: formatting, comments, performance, etc.,
Tom Lane
- Re: Views versus user-defined functions: formatting, comments, performance, etc.,
Merlin Moncure
- Re: Views versus user-defined functions: formatting, comments, performance, etc.,
David Johnston
- Re: Views versus user-defined functions: formatting, comments, performance, etc.,
Craig Ringer
- Re: Views versus user-defined functions: formatting, comments, performance, etc.,
Dmitriy Igrishin
- Re: Views versus user-defined functions: formatting, comments, performance, etc.,
Uwe Schroeder
- Re: Views versus user-defined functions: formatting, comments, performance, etc.,
Chris Travers
- Replication with infrequent large updates,
Matthew Vernon
- Best practice non privilege postgres-user,
Frank Lanitz
- Alternatives to very large tables with many performance-killing indicies?,
Wells Oliver
- checkpoint_timeout and archive_timeout,
Jeff Janes
- Re: Field size,
- Problem with connection spikes, and slow, very slow, io access,
hubert depesz lubaczewski
- You cannot do PITR with streaming replication - true?,
- Set Returning Functions and joins,
David Greco
- success with postgresql on beaglebone,
Tomas Hlavaty
- ProblemWithCharsOSX,
Angel Zúñiga
- Check PostgreSQL status using MS-DOS bat file?,
Loughrey, Hugh
PG Installer - Licensing Issues,
Andrew Hastie
More probs with BLOBs,
Neanderthelle Jones
corrupted statistics file "pg_stat_tmp/pgstat.stat",
Carl von Clausewitz
cast name to oid,
Little, Douglas
Indexing question,
amit sehas
Determining a table column by the view column.,
Dmitriy Igrishin
pg_dump on hot standby canceled despite hot_standby_feedback=on,
Stuart Bishop
Add Metadata to Postgre SQL,
José Pedro Santos
Visualize database schema,
Dario Beraldi
Retrieving the start and end hour queries correctly,
Re: Still no way to install PostGres on os x Lion?,
Regarding pc-lint on PostgreSQL code,
Rajeev rastogi
Summing activity intervals without any obvious column to group by,
Carey Tilden
Automatic checkpoints not running on streaming slave,
Mike Roest
Migrating Postgresql 8.0 to 8.3,
quickinfo site and email offline,
Leonardo Carneiro
Deleting BLOBs,
Neanderthelle Jones
How to raise error from PostgreSql SQL statement if some condition is met,
json support for composites in upcoming 9.2,
jan zimmek
select distinct in a subquery bug/problem,
Dan Halbert
External Storage of data dir,
Benjamin Adams
John R Pierce
<Possible follow-ups>
James Sewell
Krithika Venkatesh
Re: Partitioning,
George Neuner
Torsten Förtsch
Re: [HACKERS] Mailsystem maintenance/migration announcement,
Alvaro Herrera
is 9.x so much better than 8.x?,
Geert Mak
Full-text search: Problems with dictionaries and periods,
Theron Luhn
slowness what only full vacuum can solve,
Laszlo Fogas
Postgres and Upstart,
Chris Angelico
change column data type of a big table,
Anibal David Acosta
Revoking table & function creation privileges,
Moshe Jacobson
documentation — version switch,
Geert Mak
Function to dump function ddl,
Little, Douglas
Slow query,
Nicholas Wieland
Expression alias not recognized in WHERE clause (ERROR: relation "p" does not exist),
Stefan Keller
postgresql service stoped,
Fanbin Meng
processing large amount of rows with plpgsql,
Geert Mak
Using contains operator on arrays that have duplicate elements: feedback request.,
Seref Arikan
pgAgent job keeps running,
Installation faillure version 8.4.12,
Segato Luca
PostgreSQL 9.1 product code,
Haiming Zhang
Using Insert with case,
Bob Pawley
Feature Request - Postgres FDW,
David Greco
Interval to months,
Aram Fingal
Are stored procedures always kept in memory?,
Roman Golis
pg_xlog growth on slave with streaming replication,
Mike Roest
Interval "1 month" is equals to interval "30 days" - WHY?,
Dmitry Koterov
Memory error in user-defined aggregation function,
Adriaan Joubert
warnings about invalid "search_path",
JSON in 9.2: limitations,
Craig Ringer
timestamp with timezone and time zone name,
Shridhar Daithankar
How does connect privilege works?,
Shridhar Daithankar
How to analyze load average ?,
Hi,Frirends, are there any commands in pgsql/bin/ corresponding "create tablespace"?,
Streaming replication failover with 3 servers,
Stuart Bishop
Is it possible to create row-wise indexable condition for special case...,
Maxim Boguk
Is this a Postgres Bug?,
Mike Christensen
Pgadmin3 v1.14.2 foreign keys,
Mary F. Masterson
maximum number of databases and / or schemas in a single database instance,
Menelaos PerdikeasSemantix
Installer problem report with interesting solution,
Craig Ringer
strategies for segregating client data when using PostgreSQL in a web app,
Menelaos PerdikeasSemantix
Another question about Range types,
Mike Christensen
Range-Types in 9.2,
Andreas Kretschmer
Re: Singleton table (was Re: How to don't update sequence on rollback of a transaction),
Craig Ringer
Error: [Custom Archiver]: Out of memory,
Edison So
The semantics of (NULL,NULL) vs NULL,
Ingmar Brouns
"seeking help to collect some postgres meta data",
How to don't update sequence on rollback of a transaction,
Frank Lanitz
How to get results with zero count from this query?,
Async replication: how to get an alert on failure,
Edson Richter
Need help with SQL query and finding NULL array_agg,
Streaming replication and high query cancellation values,
Christophe Pettus
Threads With Libpq Issue,
dinesh kumar
Threads With Libpq,
dinesh kumar
Append second slave to Warm Standby running on postgresql v8.4 master->slave cluster,
Капралов Александр
Regarding pgTAP,
Rajeev rastogi
Installing on IBM AIX 7.1,
Andrew Hastie
Postgres will not compile on Mac 10.8 with contrib/uuid-ossp,
Steven Schlansker
new material for "Postgres for MySQL users" presentation,
Ondrej Ivanič
conversion from epoch,
Little, Douglas
GIN vs GIST multicolumn index,
Oleg Mürk
Debian upgrade with PostgreSQL,
Patrick Ernst
pg_ctl kill QUIT,
Venkat Balaji
password help,
Guillermo Echevarria Quintana-Gurt
Enums documentation "glitch",
Edson Richter
array_length of an empty array,
John R Pierce
Elegant method of accessing N-dimension array in C function,
Bborie Park
Trim not working (PostgreSQL 9.1.2 on Win64),
Edson Richter
Postgresql Developer Privileges,
can we avoid pg_basebackup on planned switches?,
Ben Chobot
REINDEX and COPY is wainting since Jun 21!,
Re: Schema-only dump dumps no constraints, no triggers,
Marek Kielar
fgets failure in Solaris after patching,
Stephan, Richard
Adding users connection via SSL,
Mark Morgan Lloyd
Switching from OSX to Linux, multi-line queries in \copy don't work anymore,
Ryan Kelly
information_schema.referential_constraints broken?,
Igor Neyman
Terminating a rogue connection,
Mark Morgan Lloyd
postgres maintenance db,
Schema-only dump dumps no constraints, no triggers,
Marek Kielar
log select access,
Little, Douglas
File system level backup,
Manoj Agarwal
WAL tuning advice,
Joseph Marlin
FATAL : could not read directory base": Invalid argument,
Abraham, Danny
Re: FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host “::1”,
View definition and schema search path bug or expected behaviour?,
Chris Bartlett
BI tools and postgresql,
Mark Phillips
Install pgbench on the client server.Please helps thanks.,
upgrade causes psql to not work,
BJ Freeman
how to calculate or know seq_scan scan how many blocks every time,
leo xu
Full text search ts_heading strange result,
Johann Spies
Smaller data types use same disk space,
McGehee, Robert
insert binary data into a table column with psql,
Pg 9.1: Do I need to run vacuum analyze instead vacuum full?,
Edson Richter
Problem using a pl/pgsql function to populate a geometry column with x,y data,
Mark Wynter
9.1.4: pg_restore: couldn't uncompress data?,
Larry Rosenman
Roles with empty password (probably bug in libpq and in psql as well).,
Dmitriy Igrishin
how to connect to oracle database,
Pawel Kopka
can't compile twitter_fdw,
Maximilian Tyrtania
General guidance: Levenshtein distance versus other similarity algorithms,
Rachel Owsley
Reporting tool for Npgsql,
Marcus Túlio Ramos
meaning of "waiting" column in pg_stat_activity?,
Chris Curvey
Problem with 9.1 streaming replication,
Georges Racinet
PL/pgSQL - Help or advice please on using unbound cursors,
Andrew Hastie
How to ;ist all table foreign key dependency relationships,
Berend Tober
postgresql ask for someparameters,
leo xu
Why is an ISO-8859-8 database allowing values not within that set?,
Herouth Maoz
search_path reset on error (making it not reset),
High CPU on read-only streaming replication server,
Get DB Size by row,
Benjamin Adams
A Better Way? (Multi-Left Join Lookup),
David Johnston
Pg_ctl promote -- wait for slave to be promoted fully ?,
Manoj Govindassamy
big database resulting in small dump,
Ilya Ivanov
Select Rows With Only One of Two Values,
Rich Shepard
I cannot insert bengali character in UTF8,
AI Rumman
Problem setting environmental variables for postgresql or plpythonu,
Mark Wynter
postgres 9 bind address for replication,
Adam Crews
Default value of serial fields changes after restore,
Luiz Damim
Re: How to stop a query,
Synchronization Master -> Slave,
Edson Richter
Handling error during async query,
Daniele Varrazzo
Synchronization Master -> Slave (on slow connetion),
Edson Richter
GENERATED columns,
Daniel McGreal
Odd corruption issue reported on, need advice,
Craig Ringer
data from the table is getting dropped when I am restarting my application after making changes in the objects created in my application in play,
Some feedback on range types,
Scott Bailey
problem with dblink and "drop owned by",
James W. Wilson
Trouble with NEW,
Bob Pawley
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