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Re: Pg 9.1: Do I need to run vacuum analyze instead vacuum full?

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Em 24/07/2012 18:15, François Beausoleil escreveu:
Le 2012-07-24 à 16:36, Edson Richter a écrit :

I know PostgreSQL from time to time runs automatically the vacuum process.
My applications grows due lots of data import during the day (about 100Mb/day).
Do I need also to schedule a Vacuum Analyze to happens from time to time?
I already asked that question for 9.1 here:


There are great points on there, and for sure I'll read and analyze carefuly. But a simpler question remains: Auto vacuum also update statistics, or I need to schedule Vacuum Analyze to do that? I would not want to have two schedules doing same (or very close) things bloating my database server.

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