Linux LVM
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[linux-lvm] Unable to get XFS, ext3, reiserfs & LVM to coexist happily,
Adrian Head
Re: [linux-lvm] [PATCH] writeable snapshots, Anselm Kruis
[linux-lvm] Need help with PV recovery,
Matt Zimmerman
[linux-lvm] trying to upgrade from mandrake 8.1 to cooker destroyed lvm,
SI Reasoning
[linux-lvm] installation of LVM,
Prashant Kharche
[linux-lvm] Removing a physical volume.,
Anders Widman
Re: [linux-lvm] RAID support...,
Eric M. Hopper
[linux-lvm] kernel: invalidate: busy buffer,
christian e
[linux-lvm] anyone tried 2.4.17 yet ??,
christian e
[linux-lvm] Re: Problem getting snapshots mounted for ext3 & resierfs on2.4.17-xfs+lvm-1.0.1, Adrian Head
[linux-lvm] Problem getting snapshots mounted for ext3 & resierfs on2.4.17-xfs+lvm-1.0.1,
Adrian Head
Re[1] [linux-lvm] Procedure to pvmove PE's on bad media?, Octavio Di Sciullo
[linux-lvm] Procedure to pvmove PE's on bad media?,
Octavio Di Sciullo
[linux-lvm] LVM Boot = /sbin/modprobe: error while loading shared libraries:libzso.1,
Ben Holness
[linux-lvm] pvcreate problems - can't find partition,
Ben Holness
Re: [linux-lvm] question on lvextend, Urs Thuermann
[linux-lvm] 2.4.17rc2,
[linux-lvm] Suggestion for a LVM-GUI, Volker Gering
Re: [linux-lvm] Implementation questions,
Jason Edgecombe
Re: [linux-lvm] Kernel v2.5, Heinz J . Mauelshagen
Re: [linux-lvm] Problems binding raw devices to PV's,
Heinz J . Mauelshagen
Re: [linux-lvm] lvm in SuSE 7.3,
[linux-lvm] Patching Kernel 2.4.16.,
[linux-lvm] Continued error with snapshots (unable to init journal), Kenny Gorman
[linux-lvm] CONFIG_EXT2_RESIZE,
Jonathan S. Polacheck
[linux-lvm] [ecizhang@xxxxxxxxx: help], Luca Berra
[linux-lvm] loop devices?,
Mika Lansirinne
[linux-lvm] pvmove killed vg,
[linux-lvm] Creating LV's with _very large_ PV's,
List User
[linux-lvm] [Fwd: Mistake(s) on install of EXP300...],
Scott P
[linux-lvm] more odd problems,
Todd Underwood
[linux-lvm] problems importing non-exported VG,
Todd Underwood
[linux-lvm] read hangs when snapshot gets full,
Martin Petermann
[linux-lvm] PV#s are not unique,
Peter Palfrader
[linux-lvm] You must specify a filesystem type error,
Kenny Gorman
[linux-lvm] Mistake(s) on install of EXP300...,
Scott P
[linux-lvm] Root disk becomes read-only after LVM configuration, DiPasquale, Carl (C.J.)
[linux-lvm] lvcreate segfalts 2.4.16 1.0.1-rc4,
Jesse Nelson
[linux-lvm] LVM/RAID or viceversa?,
Peter Thalmann
[linux-lvm] Fwd: invalidate: busy buffer also on hppa,
joel . soete
[linux-lvm] vgimport with lost partitions?, Andreas Wilhelm
[linux-lvm] tools in the distros?,
Lewis Bergman
[linux-lvm] lvreduce is corrupting metadata (was: Re: Urs_lvdisplay.out), Urs Thuermann
[linux-lvm] lvreduce is corrupting metadata (was: Re: Urs_lvdisplay.out) (3/3), Urs Thuermann
[linux-lvm] lvreduce is corrupting metadata (was: Re: Urs_lvdisplay.out) (2/3), Urs Thuermann
[linux-lvm] lvreduce is corrupting metadata (was: Re: Urs_lvdisplay.out) (1/3), Urs Thuermann
[linux-lvm] Unable to resize volume, Chris Lyttle
[linux-lvm] amanda and lvm,
Darin Perusich
[linux-lvm] Docs on PC disk partition tables?,
Mark Mokryn
[linux-lvm] Problems after upgrading LVM,
Klaus Agnoletti
[linux-lvm] FW: Error while compiling 2.4.10 kernel for Suse 7.3, Csuk, Ferenc
[linux-lvm] [superkind@xxxxxxxxxxx: [lvm-devel] Restore PVs/VGs], Heinz J . Mauelshagen
[linux-lvm] LVM & snap-mirror,
Chemolli Francesco (USI)
[bluca@xxxxxxxxxx: [linux-lvm] Mandrake 8.1 and LVM],
Luca Berra
[linux-lvm] LVM+Webmin,
Rado S
[linux-lvm] only found 0 of 5120 LEs for LV,
Nay, Shawn
[linux-lvm] lvm-1.0.1 patch causes kernel compile errors on SPARC64,
Rich Scheller
[linux-lvm] reiserfs panic,
Patrick Caulfield
[linux-lvm] Linux 2.4.16+SMP+Ext3+LVM snapshots,
[linux-lvm] ext2online fails,
Jonathan S. Polacheck
[linux-lvm] df and lvscan show differnet sizes,
Jonathan S. Polacheck
[linux-lvm] Mandrake 8.1 and LVM,
Sarwer Zafiruddin
[linux-lvm] lvm.c compilation errors with 2.5.1-pre2 and pre3,
Todd Roy
[linux-lvm] vgscan -- only found 696 of 1250 LEs for LV /dev/vg1/rawhide (2), Bernhard Erdmann
[linux-lvm] Automatic snapshot system?,
Jason L Tibbitts III
[linux-lvm] Lilo problem, Csuk, Ferenc
[linux-lvm] RE: Kernel panic during booting using root with LVM on top of RAID solved, Csuk, Ferenc
[linux-lvm] Can't create the Logical Volume in my system,
[linux-lvm] DevFS + LVM, problems with PVs,
Michael Guntsche
[linux-lvm] LVM tools RPM spec file for CVS builds,
Lars Kellogg-Stedman
[linux-lvm] Is lvmcreate_initrd expected to work?,
Lars Kellogg-Stedman
[linux-lvm] SUMMARY: Help! All PVs present but vgscan fails to assemble volume group, Lars Kellogg-Stedman
[linux-lvm] LVM limit on PE's/size?,
Scott P
[linux-lvm] lvm-1.0.1 not working with DAC960/2.2.20,
Adrian Phillips
Re: [linux-lvm] Help! VG corrupted?,
[linux-lvm] Help!! VG Corrupted?, Ben
[linux-lvm] *** ANNOUNCEMENT *** LVM 1.0.1 available at,
AJ Lewis
[linux-lvm] Kernel panic during booting using root with LVM on top of RAID, Csuk, Ferenc
[linux-lvm] Re: Here we go again: vgscan doesn't see my volume groups.,
Lars Kellogg-Stedman
[linux-lvm] LVM 1.0.1-rc5 or use CVS ?,
Adrian Phillips
[linux-lvm] Here we go again: vgscan doesn't see my volume groups., Lars Kellogg-Stedman
[linux-lvm] lvcreate seg faults in 1.0.1-r4,
Tim Nichols
[linux-lvm] [Fwd: ext2 label support for LVM in mount and e2fsck], Kirby C. Bohling
[linux-lvm] ext2 label support for LVM in mount and e2fsck, Kirby C. Bohling
[linux-lvm] LDM and devfs with LVM,
Mark Anders
Re: [linux-lvm] vgcfgrestore error !, Heinz J . Mauelshagen
RE: [linux-lvm] LVM performance,
Steve Wray
[linux-lvm] resize reiserfs, Ulrich Wiederhold
Re: [linux-lvm] Kernel-2.4.15pre6, Patrick Caulfield
Re: [linux-lvm] Restricted partitions?,
Wolfgang Weisselberg
[linux-lvm] parameter error, Donald Thompson
RE: [linux-lvm] Initrd, usefull ?, Joost van der Locht
R: [linux-lvm] 2.4.11.VFS-lock.patch. Where are you?, Gianni dumbware
[linux-lvm] Help on LVM/SW-RAID build problems, BOIK MOON
Re: [linux-lvm] Looks like I have a problem with the dynamic linking with "lvcrea te", Patrick Caulfield
Re: [linux-lvm] Invalidate: Busy Buffer, Ulrich Wiederhold
Re: [linux-lvm] snapshot questions,
[linux-lvm] Segmentation Fault with vgextend and LVM 1.0.1rc4,
[linux-lvm] Problem with kernel-2.4.13 and 2.4.11-VFS-lock.patch, Aman Shahi
[linux-lvm] Problems compiling LVM 1.0.1rc4 and kernel 2.4.13-ac4,
Tren Blackburn
[linux-lvm] After power outtage my vg is gone,
Klaus Pedersen
[linux-lvm] lvm -- lvm_chr_ioctl: unknown command 4004fe0a,
Holger Rauch
[linux-lvm] sorry - delete prev post from me, Mark
[linux-lvm] invalidate: busy buffer message on boot w/ 2.4.13,
[linux-lvm] VFS-Patch::linux-2.4.12-ac6 with 2.4.11 VFS-Lock Patch, Aman Shahi
[linux-lvm] Re: Clean up /proc/lvm/global formatting, Andreas Dilger
[linux-lvm] VFS-Patch,
Aman Shahi
[linux-lvm] More information on my LV with bad read performance..,
Robert Macaulay
[linux-lvm] LVM read performance bad, Robert Macaulay
[linux-lvm] lvm-1.0.1-rc4 and 2.4.13,
Ulrich Wiederhold
[linux-lvm] Problems creating a PV,
Sangohn Christian
[linux-lvm] lvm und promise fasttrack,
Jens Tkotz
Re: [linux-lvm] SNMP MIB for LVM,
Russell Coker
[linux-lvm] need VFS-lock patch,
Aman Shahi
[linux-lvm] FW: Problem lvcreate, Laurie Conn
[linux-lvm] Segment Failure ,while doing lvcreate,
David Chang
[linux-lvm] vgscanfailed"novolumegroupsfound",
[linux-lvm] /etc ro mounten,
Ulrich Wiederhold
[linux-lvm] badiane: problem with LVM,
[linux-lvm] 2.2.13ac5 with LVM,
Patrick McCarty
[linux-lvm] How to mount volumes during boot,
Mitchell D. Miller
[linux-lvm] which kernel would you recommend ??,
christian e
[linux-lvm] LVM on IA64,
Stefan Fent
[linux-lvm] mounting a reiserfs snaphsot fails,
Jürgen Vollmer
[linux-lvm] segmentation fault when lvcreate is run,
Brent Harding
[linux-lvm] What really works?,
Jason A. Lixfeld
[linux-lvm] Re: can't pvcreate more than 64 dasds on Linux/390, stingtaogiga
[linux-lvm] LVM-1.0.1-rc4 and kernel-2.2.19 patch,
Philippe Lefevre
[linux-lvm] pvmove with Bad bocks,
[linux-lvm] Kernel 2.4.12 bug?,
[linux-lvm] LVM 0.9/1.0.x migration,
Hadmut Danisch
[linux-lvm] kernel 2.4.x-ac private gendisk_head,
Benjamin Lee
[linux-lvm] pre releases of LVM,
[linux-lvm] toner cartridges, vortex1
[linux-lvm] redhat 7.1 and lvm, Brent Harding
[linux-lvm] snapshots,
Robert Dyas
[linux-lvm] LVM 1.0.1_rc4 with 2.4.12-ac3?,
Jason L Tibbitts III
[linux-lvm] SnapRestore software on NetApp,
Emanuel Quass
[linux-lvm] lvchange and stripes,
Andreas Kostyrka
[linux-lvm] Re: [reiserfs-list] Horrid performance with 2.4.{9,10,12} + LVM +ReiserFS, Hans Reiser
Re: [linux-lvm] Horrid performance with 2.4.{9,10,12} + LVM + ReiserFS,
José Luis Domingo López
[linux-lvm] Re: [reiserfs-list] Horrid performance with 2.4.{9,10,12} + LVM + ReiserFS, Andreas Dilger
Re: [linux-lvm] read_intr errors,
[linux-lvm] shrink issue,
[linux-lvm] problem to compile lvm-1.0.1.rc4,
Christoph Berger
[linux-lvm] pv problem?,
[linux-lvm] Remount a LVM Vol after a system crash,
Christoph Berger
[linux-lvm] added a physical volume but df reports no joy,
[linux-lvm] Fwd: Re: mount hanging 2.4.12, Ed Tomlinson
[linux-lvm] replace bad hard disc,
Stefan Onken
[linux-lvm] vgextend,
[linux-lvm] Problem with LVM over RAID-1,
Urs Thuermann
[linux-lvm] Tools compile problem, 1.0.1-rc4 on RH6.2 w/kernel 2.4.12,
Morten Wang
[linux-lvm] pv recovery after trashing partition table.,
Jim N Cromie
[linux-lvm] lvcreate: no such device or address,
Anthony Johnson
[linux-lvm] Error vg_read_with_pv_and_lv... just want to clean up,
Bradburn, Michael
[linux-lvm] Problems patching 2.4.12 with xfs _and_ lvm-1.0.1-rc4-2.4.12.patch,
Ulrich Wiederhold
Re: [linux-lvm] Patch for lvm-1.0.1-rc4 to work under linux-2.4.10-ac4 (Re-edition),
Mark van Walraven
[linux-lvm] devfs/vgchange error, Donald W Watson
[linux-lvm] [PATCH] snapshots on unaligned lvs,
Chris Mason
[linux-lvm] [PATCH] fix oops when snapshots get full,
Chris Mason
[linux-lvm] core dump - lvcreate,
Mohan Reddy Amasa
[linux-lvm] pvcreate -fffff ?, Uday Bhaskar Sarma Seetamraju
[linux-lvm] eta for a 2.4.10 compatible release?,
Wichert Akkerman
[linux-lvm] Problems after restarting my debian,
Ulrich Wiederhold
[linux-lvm] Downgrading,
Jason A. Lixfeld
[linux-lvm] More strangeness,
Jason A. Lixfeld
[linux-lvm] lvcreate cores dump (NTCTA001 - MSV),
[linux-lvm] rc4 can't take snaphots of 0.9.1_beta7 lvs,
Chris Mason
[linux-lvm] Too many problems,
Jason A. Lixfeld
[linux-lvm] vgcreate blackhole,
Uday Bhaskar Sarma Seetamraju
[linux-lvm] LVM metsdata,
Lee Go-Tze
[linux-lvm] Removing a SCSI device,
Martin Webster
[linux-lvm] [OOPS] full snapshot (with test vfs locking patch for reiserfs snapshots in 11-pre),
Ed Tomlinson
[linux-lvm] kernel reports vg twice,
Wichert Akkerman
[linux-lvm] Removing direct access to gendisk_head,
Jan-Benedict Glaw
[linux-lvm] LVM seems to be causing SCSI errors.,
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