Hello Joe, Sunday, October 21, 2001, 4:56:22 PM, schriebst Du: JT> The first thing I would try is shrinking the filesystem and pv by one JT> extent. If this works the pv move should now work ok. ok, I reduced the reiserfs from 150 GB down to 140 GB. I also reduced the LVM to 145 GB. This worked fine without any errors... Than I started pvmove again (linux:~ # pvmove -v /dev/hdf1 /dev/hdc1), where hdf1 is the faulty drive and hdc1 is the new one... linux:~ # pvmove -v /dev/hdf1 /dev/hdc1 pvmove -- checking name of source physical volume "/dev/hdf1" pvmove -- locking logical volume manager pvmove -- reading data of source physical volume from "/dev/hdf1" pvmove -- checking volume group existence pvmove -- reading data of volume group "Stonki2" from lvmtab pvmove -- checking volume group consistency of "Stonki2" pvmove -- searching for source physical volume "/dev/hdf1" in volume group "Stonki2" pvmove -- building list of possible destination physical volumes pvmove -- checking destination physical volume names in command line pvmove -- checking volume group activity pvmove -- moving physical extents in active volume group "Stonki2" pvmove -- WARNING: if you lose power during the move you may need to restore your LVM metadata from backup! pvmove -- do you want to continue? [y/n] y pvmove -- starting to move extents away from physical volume "/dev/hdf1" pvmove -- checking for enough free physical extents in "Stonki2" pvmove -- /dev/hdf1 [PE 3319 [LV_Stonki2 [LE 27209]] -> /dev/hdc1 [PE 3319] [1/9911] pvmove -- ERROR reading input physical volume "/dev/hdf1" (still 393216 bytes to read) pvmove -- ERROR "pv_move_pe(): read input PV" pv_move_pe pvmove -- ERROR "pv_move_pe(): read input PV" moving physical extents so, same error.. Also also looked trough the archive of this mailinglist. I didn't find any patch.. Only for version > 1.00. Mine is: linux:~ # pvmove -V Logical Volume Manager 0.9.1_beta7 Heinz Mauelshagen, Sistina Software 10/04/2001 (IOP 10) cu Stonki