Libvirt Users
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- LibvirtError: Operation not supported : JSON monitor is required,
- Can I assign a dedicated NIC to a container?,
WANG Cheng D
- Virsh Attach Volume Fails,
Vilobh Meshram
- libvirt 1.2.4 and virt-manager 0.9.0 are not incompatible,
- Virtualbox HOWTO?,
Dr. Boris Neubert
- newbee questions,
John Smith
- Corrupt image?,
- Some odd quriks of libvirt and xen on fedora 20.,
Alvin Starr
- About virsh console on Windows guest,
Yoann Dandine
- virsh update-device: need to clear network filters,
Oleg Bondarev
- [LXC] Libvirtd without root,
Jan Olszak
- How can I have more than one console/terminal windows when connecting to lxc,
WANG Cheng D
- Forwarding incoming connections from an secondary external interface with dhcp,
Bhima Pandava
- Re: libvirt-users Digest, Vol 52, Issue 39,
Taimur Al Said
- Ability of a VM to detect Libvirt events.,
Taimur Al Said
- Deriving VMs from a reference image via scripts,
Philip Prindeville
- Using IVSHMEM with Libvirt,
Qasim Maqbool
- Libvirt qemu permission denied error,
Asadullah Hussain
- Fwd: [s3-bug-review] [RHEL7] [Virtual disks] Met error messages while the guest OS booting up on a nbd device.,
Chenli Hu
- Live snapshot merging (qemu 2.0),
Thomas Stein
- TLS and intermediate CA,
Nathaniel Cook
- Guest Virtual Bios in XEN,
Mui Le Van
- routed subnet problem,
Patric Buskas
- "virt-install" source location boot disk,
Jay Vyas
- virsh blockcommit hangs at 100%,
- virtual subnet,
Lucio Crusca
- KVM guests unusable after install,
Jay Vyas
- "failed to send audit message operation not permitted",
Pasquale Dir
- What's the meaning of sub-element <ip address='X.X.X.X'> in <interface type='bridge'> of domain xml?,
Jianwei Hu
- Snapshots,
- Re: [virt-tools-list] live-migrating a VM whose current host's storage is fubar'ed,
Cole Robinson
- LXC vCPU controlling problem,
Xingjun Wang
- Is it possible to get the vm which is using a storage pool's volume?,
Pasquale Dir
- libvirt Java - vmware (esx driver),
Mihai Cazacu
- libvirt and glusterfs integrate problem,
- Setting elevator=noop in the guest necessary?,
Johannes Kastl
- LXC + USB passthrough = Operation not permitted,
Filip Maj
- libvirt with glusterfs problem,
- libvirt: error : internal error: cannot apply process capabilities -1,
Santhosh Kokala
- passthrough filesystem (9p) permissions issues on Fedora 20,
David Mansfield
- Help with understanding and solving snapshot problem,
- disk iotune,
Doron Fediuck
- Not able to start a VM - Xen and libvirt,
Aravindhan Dhanasekaran
- Issue with 1.2.3 and lxcCheckNetNsSupport,
Thierry Parmentelat
- Windows 2008r2 guest tcp retransmit hangs,
Dennis Jacobfeuerborn
- Question regarding ssh and lxc,
Schulz, Arno
- Changing dnsmasq DNS settings for virtual machines,
Johannes Kastl
- need help on libvirt and virt manager,
Muhammad Yousuf Khan
- libvirt live migrate problem,
- ebtables rules are not applied when using libvirt nwfilter,
Thinh Nguyen
- Advice request for building a centralized vm disk provider server,
Pasquale Dir
- Async migration: possible?,
Pasquale Dir
- set keep alive,
- Ask for help about bug 1058149,
Qiang Guan
- Passing non-standard Options through Libvirt to QEMU,
Asadullah Hussain
- Specify a disk image file which is on an iscsi target,
Pasquale Dir
- Programmatically force shutdown a guest: possible?,
Pasquale Dir
- Facing some error when restarting the libvirtd.,
cool dharma06
- TUN/TAP device for lxc guest,
- virsh attach-disk live guest problem,
john fisher
- Attach / detach problem for passthrough/SR-IOV in libvirt,
Mohsen Ghaemi
- libvirt-users@xxxxxxxxxx,
Mohsen Ghaemi
- Using qemu+ssh on openSUSE 13.1/Tumbleweed,
Johannes Kastl
- Sending command to virtual machine,
- LXC + passthrough mount and host filesystem-cache,
James R. Leu
- Recreating nwfilter rules without a restart,
Brian Rak
- Libvirt libssh2 authentication,
David Dias
- who Maintain netfilter, i want to submit a patch,
- host crashes "unable to handle paging request",
Raphael Bauduin
- Clock problems on live migration,
Paul Boven
- Starting processes inside VMs using Libvirt?,
Taimur Al Said
- can I undo the snapshot apply of a qcow2 image,
- Issues to manage RAM on openvz guests,
Aurelien Martin
- Live migration process in src/,
Faizul Bari
- Linux host / Windows guest sharing,
Pal, Laszlo
- io mode=native precisions,
Raphael Bauduin
- KVM networking help needed - Promiscuous network configuration for guest Snort instance,
Philip Wang
- Working Set Size Estimation,
Giampiero De Ciantis
- Undoing domiftune changes,
Brian Rak
- KVM -snapshot mode,
chris 0
- a question on vCPU setting for lxc,
WANG Cheng D
- shutdown all domains,
Peng Yu
- How assign static ip using NAT?,
Peng Yu
- Re: Scheduler Parameters,
Faruk Caglar
- Sys::Virt integration into other event loops,
Scott Wiersdorf
- questions on clock catchup,
Jincheng Miao
- Problem in getting memory statistics,
Pasquale Dir
- Re: Problem in getting memory statistics,
Pasquale Dir
libvirtError: this function is not supported by the connection driver: virInterfaceDefineXML,
Sijo Jose
Re: PCI Passthrough of 2 identical devices,
Thomas Jagoditsch
Questions on using bridge for KVM on ubuntu 13.10,
Peng Yu
kernel panic when using root from virtfs,
Vasiliy Tolstov
error:libvirt can not be used with os services,
Adding an application to the list,
How to get guest's cpu and mem usage with Java APIs,
Enrico De Maio
Question about virtio drivers,
Fail to install libvirt,
Du Jun
Attaching a hostdev on startup,
Mat Arge
Providing fallback DNS servers via DHCP,
Florian Rüchel
"connection refused", but server is listening,
Pasquale Dir
Migration failure after libvirt upgradation,
Shweta Salaria
create ovs port without root,
Vasiliy Tolstov
Simple Networkfilter not working as expected.,
Matthias Babisch
How to enable mount loop device in LXC using libvirt LXC driver,
Du Jun
Fail to convert LXC container configuration into a domain XML fragment,
Du Jun
ISO refuses to let vm starts (and is not mentioned in config),
Mauricio Tavares
cgroup for VM - does it work properly?,
Martin Pavlásek
IPv6 nwfilter,
Brian Rak
fedora 19 + libvirt- routing problems,
Patrick Chemla
Python-libvirt in a virtual environment.,
Sijo Jose
Flags in java api bindings,
Pasquale Dir
libvirt-sock No such file or directory,
Ram Srivatsa Kannan
Live migration (kvm) not working if any I/O operation is in progress,
Pasquale Dir
Connecting libvirt to manually compiled QEMU,
Asadullah Hussain
What is the best virtual network for my case?,
Pasquale Dir
Mouse events,
how to disable vnet_hdr through libvirt,
Jianfeng Tang
Set a domain name instead of an ip address into tls certificate,
Pasquale Dir
'virsh capabilities' on Debian Wheezy-amd64 reports different cpu to Wheezy-i386 (on same hardware),
Struan Bartlett
method for communication between containers,
WANG Cheng D
POOL of SRIOV networks with multiple PFs,
john fisher
[libvirt] LXC, user namespaces and systemd,
Dariusz Michaluk
Problems with tls connection when ran with user privileges,
Pasquale Dir
VirtFS accessmode,
Lanati, Matteo
VM Creation Timestamp,
Tony Atkinson
Problem starting VM,
libvirt lxc /dev/null,
Nerijus Baliunas
bridge / ubuntu / no arp reply,
François Chenais
libvirt iSCSI target discovery,
Sijo Jose
assigning a single IP to the guest with "typical" hosting provider,
Tomasz Chmielewski
Rhel7 snap6 -- SR-IOV,
Murali Krishna
libvirt_lxc namespace and umount in global namespace,
Olivier Nicaise
problem with nwfilter direction='out',
Stephan Sachse
Errors with ESX driver & floppy0.filename,
Phil Mayers
Error when building from source,
arnaud gaboury
lxc state driver is not active,
Tom Taylor
libvirtd ssl configuration,
Гусев Павел
Problems with qemu-system-arm and isa-serial,
Niccolo Rigacci
tftp server inside a container ?,
Thomas Elsgaard
lxc and cgroups,
arnaud gaboury
Networkfilters in Routed setup,
Adjust disk image migration (NBD),
Joaquim Barrera
Right way to do SAN-based shared storage?,
LXC container driver,
arnaud gaboury
Connection from host to lxc container dbus,
Piotr Bartosiewicz
F20 Virt-Manager with MacVTap not working,
John Obaterspok
Can you verify currently defined libvirt secret provides valid Cephx auth?,
Scott Sullivan
Help? Running into problems with migrateToURI2() and virDomainDefCheckABIStability(),
Chris Friesen cannot detects domain shutdown,
Kim Larry
libvirt 1.2.1 / lxc : default virtual network not defined after installing/starting Libvirt,
Mohamed Amine Larabi
libvirt/qemu and cgroups,
arnaud gaboury
How to use /dev/mapper in virt-manager/libvirt,
Marc Haber
Failed to terminate process X with SIGKILL: Device or resource busy,
libvirt crashes with Caught Segmentation violation,
Minami Katsumata
Automate Windows 7 installation via Answer file,
RAJESH David John
Question about managing migration transfers,
Joaquim Barrera
Connecting disks to controller virtio-scsi of qemu/kvm,
Can I move the disk image of the guest while it is running?,
Gergely Horváth
Extending an existing LVM pool - vgextend and pool XML,
Daniel H Barboza
SR-IOV: no traffic isolation between VFs with Broadcom 10Gbps cards,
Yoann Juet
Management of host device for network passthrough,
Richard Gomes
Creating a static Virtio-Serial 'Port',
Matthew Harrold
Libvirt Error Creating VMs for Nimbus Cloud,
Joshua McKee
Trouble configuring with macvtap passthrough on Debian Wheezy / Jessie,
Richard Gomes
cool dharma06
Dynamically setting permanent memory libvirt-lxc,
mallu mallu
Looks like blockpull does not accept a subset of the entire chain of backing files,
Richard Gomes
libvirt-sandbox question.,
Christopher Stone
dropping capabilities in lxc containers,
Thierry Parmentelat
Re: How to find domain os type and ip address,
Does libvirt support attach volume to linux container now?,
Du Jun
Libvirt-LXC + systemd + user namespace,
Jan Olszak
Problems with pmsuspend/wakeup,
intel quad gigabit nic and pci passthrough,
Ivan Kabaivanov
Libvirt support for VEB,
Padmanabhan Krishnan
running LXC hello world example,
Jacob Everist
How to change virtfs/9p/v9fs umask,
Javi Legido
Newbie question about network setup,
hubert depesz lubaczewski
Will virsh command setvcpus/vcpupin be supported by lxc driver in the future?,
WANG Cheng D
Yet another disk I/O performance issue,
Matteo Lanati
LXC configuration for Systemd in the user namespace.,
Jan Olszak
jumbo frame,
Anton Gorlov
Should domain be undefined after migration, or not?,
Brian Candler
How to configure MacVtap passthrough mode to SR-IOV VF?,
blockcopy, userspace iSCSI support?,
Scott Sullivan
vnc port/listen address ignored when setting machine?,
hubert depesz lubaczewski
Retry reboots in xmls files for libvirt,
Fernando Porro
Live migration finish threshold,
Joaquim Barrera
Ceph RBD locking for libvirt-managed LXC (someday) live migrations,
Joshua Dotson
virDBusCallMethod:1173 : Launch helper exited with unknown return code,
Karoline Haus
Does libvirt lxc driver support "cpuset" attribute?,
WANG Cheng D
Dedicated GDM session for a virt-manager virtual machine?,
Alex GS
How to update filterref of a vm on the fly?,
Gao Yongwei
If it's possible for a third-party PCIe card to be shared by multiple containers,
WANG Cheng D
libvirt on armhf with selinux driver,
Ivan Gooten
how to detect if qemu supports live disk snapshot,
Francesco Romani
Migration: default value for maxdowntime? (QEMU/KVM),
Scott Sullivan
migrate interrupted but cannot continue,
ANNOUNCE: ruby-libvirt 0.5.2,
Chris Lalancette
Canceling a live migration via virsh? (QEMU/KVM),
Scott Sullivan
Best practice for custom iptables rules,
Ownerships of VMs and Image files,
Christoph Pleger
How to start the container's network interface automatically,
WANG Cheng D
How to start the linux container's network interface automatically,
WANG Cheng D
ANNOUNCE: Oz 0.12.0 release,
Chris Lalancette
Re: [libvirt] [RFC] Implementing ftrace support for libvirt,
Mauricio Tavares
Fake Network Interface,
Andrew Martin
--persistent/--config confusion,
Dennis Jacobfeuerborn
fail to live migration is related to virtio-console,
how to use openConsole and openGraphics,
Live migration without block copy,
Paul Mathews
Reg: Methods in DomainJobInfo,
Virsh console stops accepting inputs,
Satvinder Gunsi
blockcopy for libvirt and version compatibility,
Mark Trinh
fuse in libivrt-lxc,
Eldar Yusupov
About debugging of libvirt.,
cool dharma06
QXL and VRAM settings in Virsh/Virt-Manager,
Alex GS
Connect libvirt to iSCSI target,
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