Postgresql Users
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- Re: Query optimization, (continued)
- Re: Fwd: no more strict deadlines!!,
savio rodriges
- Value to long for type ....: Columnname missing,
Thomas Guettler
- Searchable chess positions in a Postgress DB,
Sidney Cadot
- pltcl and modules,
hamann . w
- trigger when clause,
Andy Chambers
- efficient trigger function selection?,
Kenneth Tilton
- Pg 9.1.3 pg_crypto question,
Aaron Burnett
- PgNext CFP still open,
Joshua D. Drake
- Is this doable using Postgresql crosstab or some other function?,
- Download not found for SEPostgreSQL,
Eye Gee
- PostgreSQL pgstat wait timeout question,
- Instangram is powered by PostgreSQL,
- Help needed to mount a dmp file,
- My main/base/pgsql_tmp directory has over 5.7 millions files,
Francois Lacoursiere
- Resize numeric column without changing data?,
Lukas Eklund
- 9.1.3 Standby catchup mode,
hans wulf
Re: 9.1.3 Standby catchup mode,
Michael Nolan
Re: 9.1.3 Standby catchup mode,
Fujii Masao
measure time intervals,
Vincent Dautremont
Postgresql 9.0.7 weird planner decision (rows in plan close to reality but plan suboptimal),
Maxim Boguk
question about alternate ordering of results,
hamann . w
Using DEFAULT as a parameter value with PQexecPrepare(),
EXT-Rothermel, Peter M
EDB - oracle compatibility (Nested Tables),
v8.3.4 metadata changes while users active,
Gauthier, Dave
EnterpriseDB install of Postgres on Ubuntu 10.04 library path issues - no version information available (required by /lib/,
Scott Chapman
Function with variables/insert/for loop problems,
PM Support
Hot synchron backup doesn't start,
hans wulf
copy syntax,
Andy Chambers
Can postgres be configure for GSS/Kerberos authentication without a keyfile?,
Leaky Perl / DBIx / Postgres 9.0.1 Trio,
Eliot Gable
PostgreSQL 8.4 crash on user defined C language function,
Vincas Dargis
Questions of the privileges to use the pg_cancel_backend and pg_terminate_backend function. Thanks.,
[no subject],
Vincas Dargis
Looking for RPMs for SuSE enterprise 11, PostgreSQL 9.1, Power architecture,
Chris Travers
Unable to createlang,
Tom Harkaway
Command counter increment vs updating an active snapshot,
Ozgun Erdogan
what happens when concurrent index create,
leo xu
CPU Load 100% when pg_dump start in Postgresql 8.4,
Prashant Bharucha
views, queries, and locks,
Jon Nelson
Problem to change COLLATE,
Cast timestamptz to/from integer?,
Chris Angelico
Where to create an Index,
Efraín Déctor
9.1.3: launching streaming replication,
Welty, Richard
Please help me to take a look of the erros in my functions. Thanks.,
Fwd: [HACKERS] Switching to Homebrew as recommended Mac install? / apology,
David Johnston
Fwd: [HACKERS] Switching to Homebrew as recommended Mac install?,
David Johnston
Postgres.exe on windows format on command line that starts the process,
User-defined Aggregate function and performance.,
Ronan Dunklau
Mac OS X Lion how to connect to remote server ?,
Yvon Thoraval
Versioned, chunked documents,
Ivan Voras
Parameter setting in multi-statement command; I got bit today,
Jerry Sievers
Trigger.. AFTER and BEFORE with specific column changed,
Problems with Binary Replication,
How to check the role has been granted to which role. Help me to double check . Thanks.,
PostgreSQL Trigger and rows updated,
PSQL 9.1.3 segmentation fault,
Hu, William
where to find initdb log file?,
clover white
ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xc325,
Prashant Bharucha
pg_dump incredibly slow dumping a single schema from a large db,
Mike Roest
Surge 2012 CFP is Open!,
Katherine Jeschke
Adding new and changed data,
Hendrik Visage
double check the role has what's kind of the privilege? And the same for the objects. Thanks.,
octet_length operator: what encoding?,
Chris Angelico
default value returned from sql stmt,
David Salisbury
Move Tables From One Database to Another,
Rich Shepard
Managing two sets of data in one database,
Jonathan Bartlett
Why checkpoint_timeout had maximum value of 1h?,
Maxim Boguk
why is pg_dump so much smaller than my database?,
Carson Gross
PG Log,
Arvind Singh
scripted 'pg_ctl start' hangs and never finishes, goes <defunct>,
Brian Fehrle
could not read block... how could I identify/fix,
Naoko Reeves
system catalog privilege and create privilege ??? how to control them?? thanks,
How return a row from a function so it is recognized as such by caller?,
Kenneth Tilton
Limit the normal user to see system catalog or not??? And create privilege???,
how postgresql passes the parameter to the function. syntax error near or at "$1".,
how to pass the function caller's parameter to inside the function. syntax error at or near "$1",
what's difference between vacuum analyze and analyze?,
oracle linux,
Gregg Jaskiewicz
Query regarding submission on To Do item for psql client "psql : Allow processing of multiple -f (file) options ",
Vikash3 S
user get notification when postgresql database updated,
How to tell if server is in backup mode?,
Toby Corkindale
create one function to let other user execute vacuum command. got such an error.,
Valid query times out when run from bash script,
W. David Jarvis
Multiple Slave Failover with PITR,
Ken Brush
configuring RAID10 for data in Amazon EC2 cloud?,
Welty, Richard
How can I modify a row in a function such that the caller sees it?,
Kenneth Tilton
PANIC: corrupted item pointer,
Janning Vygen
Facing error while restoring the database,
Akshay Joshi
Problem with installation,
Error trying to set up streaming replication,
postgresql commit.,
Backing up through a database connection (not pg_dump),
Tim Uckun
Re: Backing up through a database connection (not pg_dump),
hubert depesz lubaczewski
DBT-3 workload running error: tmp_query.sql is missing,
Desperately need a magical PG monitoring tool,
pgstat wait timeout,
Norberto Dellê
Re: Quite a fast lockless vacuum full implemenation,
language name case sensitivity, also known as plpgsql <> 'PLpgSQL',
Gregg Jaskiewicz
"OLD used in query that is not in a rule",
Gauthier, Dave
PostgreSQL crashed server,
Martín Marqués
loading a function from a file,
Values inside rolvaliduntil of pg_authid,
Frank Lanitz
compilation info without pg_config,
Maximilian Tyrtania
can these queries be combined into one?,
hamann . w
table alias for update,
hamann . w
Howto Replication for dummies?,
group by does not show error,
AI Rumman
pgcon 2012,
Arvind Singh
about numerical accuracy of statistical functions,
Yuanyuan Tian
broken xlog - recovery plan check,
Colin Taylor
Change the default [tgenabled] for new "internal" triggers ?,
plpgsql function to insert or update problem,
Andy Colson
PITR backup - estimating size,
Mike Blackwell
Streaming replication and empty databases,
Bartosz Dmytrak
profiling store procedure,
Geek Matter
PostgreSQL 64 Bit XIDs - Transaction IDs,
Gerhard Wiesinger
postgresql 8.2 security definer is a built-in function. very confused??,
Is record handle available to a check constraint stored procedure call?,
Gauthier, Dave
Question about warning: "invalid resource manager ID 128 at ..." on hot stanby,
Maxim Boguk
Very high memory usage on restoring dump (with plain pqsl) on pg 9.1.2,
Heiko Wundram
Help in Parsing PG log usings CSV format,
Arvind Singh
Cannot store special chars using c lib,
Alexander Reichstadt
Server choice for small workload : raptors or SSD?,
Rory Campbell-Lange
Large Databases redux,
Jason Herr
Problem with pgsql2shp - thinks I'm passing a table instead of a query?,
Bryan Montgomery
Altering column type from text to bytea,
Alexander Reichstadt
Large PostgreSQL servers,
Kjetil Nygård
\copy Variable Substitution in 9.1.2,
Gary Chambers
strange result with union,
salah jubeh
postgresql.conf evaluation of duplicate keys,
Martin Gerdes
[Fwd: Re: POSTGRESQL Newbie],
Vincent Veyron
Geek Matter
Binary compatibility,
Alexander Pyhalov
huge price database question..,
Jim Green
unaccent install howto ?,
Yvon Thoraval
Indexes on System Table,
Cody Cutrer
Index on System Table,
Cody Cutrer
pg-admin development snapshots,
Andy Chambers
Is it even possible?,
Sam Loy
Initialize the User-defined Aggregate in ECPG,
Chengjie Qin
PASSWORD vs. md5('somepass'),
Alexander Reichstadt
Re: How to convert integer to string in functions,
Stefan Keller
usage of pg_get_functiondef() -- SQL state 42809,
current thinking on Amazon EC2?,
Welty, Richard
Slow information_schema.views,
Oliver Kohll - Mailing Lists
Conditionnal validation for transaction,
Florent THOMAS
nice'ing the postgres COPY backend process to make pg_dumps run more "softly",
Aleksey Tsalolikhin
How to isolate the result of SELECT's?,
Andre Lopes
Multi server query,
Florent THOMAS
Ubuntu 11.10 Postgres 9.1.3 is missing pg_resetxlog; where can I get it?,
Anonymized database dumps,
Janning Vygen
dropping an index inside a transaction,
Andy Chambers
One more query,
prem tolani
pg_upgrade and statistics generation,
Bruce Momjian
prem tolani
Authenticating from a web service call,
Bryan Montgomery
Windows 7 Compatibility,
Wong, Beverly
Problem for restoure data base Postgre,
Re: Problem for restoure data base Postgre,
Zero-length character breaking query?,
Doug Gorley
Commit hits time-out before CommandTimeout,
Ben Schalley
Indexing MS/Open Office and PDF documents,
undo update,
How to perform full text search,
how to measure wal_buffer usage,
Lonni J Friedman
Using copy with a file containing blank rows,
George Weaver
Fetch from cursor with indexed sorting,
Andrey Chursin
WHERE IN (subselect) versus WHERE IN (1,2,3,),
Kevin Goess
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