On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 2:36 PM, Merlin Moncure <mmoncure@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 1:11 PM, Kenneth Tilton <ktilton@xxxxxxxx> wrote:If all you are doing is assignment into a variable, you can use
> On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 1:52 PM, Kenneth Tilton <ktilton@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> First, apologies for being too succinct. I should have reiterated the
>> message subject to provide the context: I am just trying to return a row
>> from a function and have the caller understand it. Oh, and I am a nooby so
>> it is probably something daft.
>> Second, I just tried returning the row as an out variable and got the same
>> result. I'll try messing with the caller...
> OK, this works in re getting the row back:
> bpa := now_plus_30(NEW);
> But I need to execute an arbitrary function passed in as text, and I now
> realize EXECUTE is for SQL and I am trying to use it to "eval" plpgsql and
> those are different animals.
> I see no plpgsql equivalent of EXECUTE, ie where I can build up a plpgsql
> statement like this:
> execute 'bpa := ' || function_name || '($1)' using NEW into bpa;
EXECUTE...INTO...USING. That should work.
Thanks, Merlin. Maybe I have some subtle detail wrong. When NEW.warn_time_init is 'now_plus_30' and I have this as my execute statement:
execute NEW.warn_time_init || '($1)' into bpa using NEW;
...I get:
ERROR: syntax error at or near "now_plus_30"
LINE 1: now_plus_30($1)
QUERY: now_plus_30($1)
CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function "bp_alert_init" line 6 at EXECUTE statement
********** Error **********
ERROR: syntax error at or near "now_plus_30"
SQL state: 42601
Context: PL/pgSQL function "bp_alert_init" line 6 at EXECUTE statement
Using a more conventional syntax I am back to where I started:
execute 'select ' || NEW.warn_time_init || '($1)' into bpa using NEW;
NOTICE: bpa inbound (,now_plus_30)CONTEXT: SQL statement "select now_plus_30($1)"PL/pgSQL function "bp_alert_init" line 6 at EXECUTE statementNOTICE: warn time in input row = ("2012-04-27 19:04:37.793835+00",now_plus_30)CONTEXT: SQL statement "select now_plus_30($1)"PL/pgSQL function "bp_alert_init" line 6 at EXECUTE statementERROR: invalid input syntax for type timestamp with time zone: "("2012-04-27 19:04:37.793835+00",now_plus_30)"CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function "bp_alert_init" line 6 at EXECUTE statement********** Error **********ERROR: invalid input syntax for type timestamp with time zone: "("2012-04-27 19:04:37.793835+00",now_plus_30)"SQL state: 22007Context: PL/pgSQL function "bp_alert_init" line 6 at EXECUTE statement
cheers, ken