On Wed, Oct 29, 2014 at 8:47 PM, David Johnston <david.g.johnston@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
SELECT value1,value2,value3,value4, value5, hstore(ARRAY['field9', 'field10', 'field11', 'field12', 'field13', 'field14'], ARRAY[field9, field10, field11, field12, field13, field14]) as metadata, value7, (select array((select row(f1, f2) from table2 p where p.f3 = field7))) as values_array FROM table1More generally, you really should table-prefix all column in correlated subqueries.[...] from table2 p where p.f3 = table1.field7 [...]I guess the InitPlan 1 you showed simply scanned table2 and applied the filter which then was fed to InitPlan 2 where the array is built; that array then is inserted into the outer query ~8M times...David J.
Wow, you were right! There was a field with same name in both tables, and that caused problems. I've just prefixed each field with the table identifier, and now it works really fast.
Many thanks, guys!