I was searching if there was such feature included in postgresql.
I'll find another way around to achieve what I want with this.
As I have to use windows NTP colient and not a 3rd party client I'll go check windows NTP client configuration, see if I can make it act as the Unix one does.
On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 9:48 AM, Raymond O'Donnell <rod@xxxxxx> wrote:
On 10/04/2012 14:39, Vincent Dautremont wrote:Windows can adjust the time using NTP also, though I don't know how
> Thank you but my problem is precisely because I'm using Postrgresql on a
> windows computer and I cannot change that :-/
abruptly or otherwise it does it. Under your date & time settings there
should be an "Internet time" tab.
There are also some Windows NTP clients which might be worth looking at.
Raymond O'Donnell :: Galway :: Ireland