Linux LVM
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- Re: merge an lvm snapshot back, (continued)
- removing mirror images,
ben scott
- lvm2 release 2.02.34, Alasdair G Kergon
- FC6+LVM2 over RAID: drive failed and LVM hung, Gerry Reno
- LVM mirroring questions...,
Jess Bromley
- Problem in mounting LVM1 filesystem on RHEL AS 4.4,
umesh susvirkar
- LVM-Metadata, Stephan Schulz
- lvconvert parameters to remove mirror, ben scott
- UUID Issue, Koree A. Smith
- JBOD/NRAID configuration with LVM (repost),
Florian Lindner
- LVM2,
Kaushal Shriyan
- device x:x too small for target, Stephan Schulz
- Adding LVM TW support to live boot cd., Michael D. Setzer II
- pvmove hung at 100%,
Chris Black
- Problem with partition table on LV,
Mufit Eribol
- lost PV, Marcelo-Julian Burda
- [RFC] Allow pesize change to adjust free values, Bastian Blank
- JBOD/NRAID configuration with LVM, Florian Lindner
- kernel panic when running lvm commands, Tobias McNulty
- Characters allowed for vg name,
Gerrard Geldenhuis
- vgimport without vgexport (hardware crash),
Taylor Lewick
- how to recover lvm after OS re-install,
lemon lemon
- Duplicate VG,
- RE: Restore LVM snapshot without creating a full dumpto an "external" device?,
Karl Wagner
- Restore LVM snapshot without creating a full dump to an "external" device?,
Bas van Schaik
- Can I create a PV that only uses a portion of a partition?,
Lionel Kernux
- How to "clone" a logical volume,
Lionel Kernux
- Page cache corruption when creating a snapshot,
- Snapshot of a Snapshot,
Karl Wagner
- how to use mkfs.ext3 "stride=" on LVM on RAID correctly?, Tomasz Chmielewski
- add mirror to already existing LV?,
Don Buchholz
- Is it possible to split a mirrored logical volumes in two differents VG, laurent . nicol
- Where I can get LVM metadata?,
Karan Popali
- mirrored LV + cmirror problem,
Lajkó Attila
- EVMS equivalants in LVM, Vijayababu Dandi
- LVM2 tools lvmcmdline.c major and minor number limits,
Darren Lavender
- pvcreate problem,
Yajith Ajantha Dayarathna | යජිත් අජන්ත දයාරත්න
- pvmove safety,
Joseph L. Casale
- Question: How much space is needed do make sure that a LVM snapshot won't overflow,
Guilherme Destefani
- dm-io operations on LVs, hxsrmeng
- How to map LBA to LV?, Rodrigo Severo
- Lvm hangs when creating a snapshot, Zurell, Falko
- Disk dying and LVM2,
Martin Sarsale
- snapshots and filesystem freezing,
Tomasz Chmielewski
- LVM snapshot and Plone data FS, Thomas Bellembois
- Docs on clustererd option of vgcreate,
Gerrard Geldenhuis
- [Fwd: Re: Incorrect metadata area header checksum], Eckhard Kosin
- LVM API's, Vijayababu Dandi
- Zumastor 0.6 released, Dan Kegel
- question about install on a new disk,
François Patte
- How to create partitions using LVM,
Vijayababu Dandi
- "vgchange -a n VG" freezes, other LVM commands too,
Tomasz Chmielewski
- LVM limits?,
Jordi Prats
- naive questions,
François Patte
- is LVM cluster-aware?,
Tomasz Chmielewski
- Recovering LVM Volume,
Jim Secan
- How to set the "OPEN" - Attribute manual to 0, David Steinberg
- how to remove a device, Jordi Prats Català
- How to hide a "Linux LVM" partition away from Windows?,
Ignacy Gawedzki
- LVM2 development release 2.02.31, Alasdair G Kergon
- Recover UUID,
J Lindsay
- Moved unexported VGs to replacement system after MB failure, Cory Zerwas
- --removemissing explanation,
Joseph L. Casale
- snapshot of a lvm, bhagwat swarup
- can't use LVM2 - "Failed to write physical volume"?,
Tomasz Chmielewski
- fdisk and lvs size differences,
Tomasz Chmielewski
- uuid already in use,
Thomas Krichel
- Failed Disk Replacement, Joseph L. Casale
- Linux 2.4.34 Kernel Patch Device Mapper And LVM2 Support, Kiss Tamás
- [LINUX-LVM] shrinking a volume inside an LVM,
Kemp, Levi
- duplicating a snapshot volume,
Troy Hanson
- Snapshot - Commit and Rollback,
Rahul Sahadevan
- How to 'copy' a volume?,
Erich Weiler
- File Descriptor left open message, Reuben Budiardja
- LVM tuning,
- Crashed disk with LVM,
- how to access partitioned logical volumes?,
Tomasz Chmielewski
- Resize LVM2 partition under VMware,
Naslain Christophe
- won't dual boot: 2 disks and LVM,
- RE: won't dual boot: 2 disks and LVM, Joseph L. Casale
- RE: won't dual boot: 2 disks and LVM, pham_cuong
- Re: won't dual boot: 2 disks and LVM, Chris Cox
LV, VG, and PV information not available after vgcfgrestore,
Smith, Troy (NIH/NCI) [C]
Dropped LVM2 snapshot,
Karl Wagner
dynamic allocation,
Corin Langosch
Inconsistent VG,
C'est Pierre
After replacing sata card can't read,
Glynn Morrison
lvm raid failure,
Null EXE
Is LVM2 available on upstream kernel?,
Seokmann Ju
Name change: '/dev/dm-0' -> '/dev/lvm/home', Ivan Lezhnjov Jr.
dm errors with lvcreate --snapshot,
Dane Miller
RAID mapper device size wrong after replacing drives, Ian Puleston
LVM & DM-MP, Smith, Troy (NIH/NCI) [C]
Re: Welcome to the "linux-lvm" mailing list (Digest mode),
Seokmann Ju
DM devices,
C'est Pierre
snapshot has post-snapshot files,
Ross Boylan
Improving performance with many snapshots, Dan Kegel
Remote mirroring, Stuart D. Gathman
moving a logical volume between servers,
Brad Sickler
recovering data off of unavailable logical volume, Dave Scott
lvm amnesia (Incorrect metadata area header checksum),
Dave Scott
Function clone_bio,
Sumit Narayan
question about reducing LVM partition, Tahir Saleh
Mirrored disks copying after boot, David Benham
Renaming Loopback 'Mounted' Volume Group,
Steps to "clone" a volume group,
Bryn M. Reeves
LVM snapshots in a iSCSI and XenSource environment,
S. J. van Harmelen
cmirror LV size - kernel panic, Michael Eisenkölbl
Strange snapshots behavior in dev/<vg>/,
Denny Schierz
balooning/dynamic snapshots?,
Tomasz Chmielewski
Beginner Questions,
Joseph L. Casale
EXCEPT option is not working in /etc/hosts.allow,
bhagwat swarup
Regarding full snapshot, Frode Mangset
developing python module for LVM(just 2?), Greg_Swift
Extend LVM physical volume, Martin Giese
LVM2 Problem Can't resize locked LV lv,
pvresize not working?, Brian J. Murrell
LVM snapshot limits,
Shaun Kruger
error messages, François Patte
mount volume problem, ismail
AW: Re: very slow fw performance when snapshots active,
Zurell, Falko
very slow fw performance when snapshots active,
Falko Zurell
new LVM2 feature?,
Peter W. Morreale
stupid question about lvm/lvm2/clvm,
pvmove obliterates filesystem (Opensuse 10.2, x86-64),
Brian Strand
cluster LVM,
Jordi Prats
Maximum Physical volume size?,
Thomas, Charles Norton
LVM on an external USB device - why not?,
Ian Burnett
Issues with > 2TB PV with old GPT; how to build a partition around it, Rich Graves
consistency when I try the migration?, rroldan
Rescuing files from a LVM partition, Andrew Stewart
Problem resizing partition,
Guillermo Marraco
LVM Specifications,
Sandro Steger
could not mount LVM2 read only snapshot,
Michael Jiang
Poison pills,
Stuart D. Gathman
Where to report bugs?,
Hannes Dorbath
Backuping "special" snapshots,
Marc Patino Gómez
cannot access LVM1 any more,
Paul Muster
lvm on a share environnement (SAN inside),
hubert chomette
Copy LVs,
Peter Larsen
LVM2 striping or md raid0,
Kelly Byrd
LVM Overhead,
Joseph L. Casale
exception when snapshot size is less than the volume size,
Sagar Borikar
Resizing an ext3 file system after extending a logical volume group,
Richard Kollmar
LVM locking type 1 error, Dony Pierre
Rename physical volume,
Turbo Fredriksson
Q: Online resizing ext3 FS,
Chris Osicki
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: Q: Online resizing ext3 FS, Hiren Joshi
RE: Q: Online resizing ext3 FS, Hiren Joshi
Can LVM block I/O and hang a system?,
Maurice Volaski
is it possible to move lvm2 logvols?,
Farkas Levente
Any exiisting users of existing LVM2 command line library interface (lvm2cmd.h)?,
Dave Wysochanski
lvm HA problem with file descriptor left open,
Question on duplicating equally-sized HDs with dd and changing VG name and PV UUIDs,
Holger Rauch
collapse (merge) snapshot into origin,
Brian J. Murrell
Attaching an existing LVM volume to a new linux on same box, Cliff Avey :26, asmith
how much memory does LVM need? oom-killer comes,
Tomasz Chmielewski
pvmove hung on 2.6.22 (ubuntu gutsy),
Moving LVM drive from fedora 5 to fedora 7, Stephen Kitchener
Restore snapshot, Denis Richard
Snapshot COW area on different PV / device,
Hannes Dorbath
"cannot allocate memory" when trying to do a snapshot?,
Tomasz Chmielewski
AW: Snapshot Full, Zurell, Falko
Snapshot Full,
Hans C. Kaspersetz
Guest os running with lvm under xen (lvm-backed vbd),
partitioning enterprise Linux 4 one or more partitions?,
Aubin, Jean-Francois
performance of dm-crypt devices?,
Tomasz Chmielewski
LVM mirrors and drive failure,
Stuart D. Gathman
growing snapshots beyond original lv size, Nikola Ciprich
Re: Altering a Physical Volume's UUID on SATA,
Altering a Physical Volume's UUID on SATA hard drives [solved],
using lvconvert for mirroring,
ben scott
pvmove problems,
inux-lvm mailing list submission, vishnu
Is this possible with LVM?,
Lothar Werzinger
Tool to manage LVM,
Piter PUNK
[patch] support /sys/block being symlinks instead of directories, Kay Sievers
Some questions on "Mirrors cannot be resized while active yet",
Simone Gotti
RHEL5 I/O request size, Mahmoud Hanafi
Trouble pvmoving lv's out of a metadatacopies=0 pv,
Janne Peltonen
lvcreate kernel oops 2.6.22, Norbert Phillipps
superblock or partition table corrupt - fixable?,
Scott Eade
pvmove with nbd, Imre Gergely
vgconvert on live system, Stuart D. Gathman
Best practice: metadata backup,
Stuart D. Gathman
Listing physical volumes in a volume group,
Steeve McCauley
How to automate lvextend?, Andreas . Trawoeger
Re: LVM on dmraid breakage,
Luca Berra
Message not available
Re: [dm-devel] Re: LVM on dmraid breakage, Alasdair G Kergon
Message not available
Re: [dm-devel] Re: LVM on dmraid breakage, Alasdair G Kergon
Message not available
Can't create snapshot,
Falko Zurell
AW: Redirecting LVM command output on RHEL5?, Zurell, Falko
Redirecting LVM command output on RHEL5?,
Joubert, Kevin
Re: Proper method of snapshotting XFS with external log using LVM2,
Mario Becroft
mounting a lvm volume from an external machine?,
Jordi Moles
Missing logical volume,
Nigel Duff
LVM on hardware RAID,
Doug Eubanks
Xen, LVM, Snapshots Random Kernel Panics,
Norbert Phillipps
libLVM progress?,
Ken Stein
Mounting LVM from boot cd., Michael D. Setzer II
LVM snapshot unreliable?, Falko Zurell
Strange messages on my Fedora Box,
Georges Giralt
Flexible storga: LVM setup on top of mdadm sets. Good idea or not?,
extending raw partition and logical partition,
Gerry Reno
Live Cloning of Root LVM (or Dynamic LVM?),
Thierry Thelliez
snapshots can't be deactivated,
Falko Zurell
disk recovery - mounting external USB lvm2 volume,
Allan Wolfe
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