Renaming Loopback 'Mounted' Volume Group

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Please take a look at this old thread first ...

This was back in February and I'm just now trying to get back into recovery mode. I've mounted the image like so:
/sbin/losetup /dev/loop0 ./recover.img
/sbin/kpartx -lv /dev/loop0
/sbin/kpartx -av /dev/loop0

This gives me /dev/mapper/loop0p1, and /dev/mapper/loop0p2 which seem to be my original boot drive and VolGroup00. When I do an lvscan I get:
WARNING: Duplicate VG name VolGroup00: Existing 
Vmi02d-0hr7-7NVb-vYZi-1fbD-E9n5-ixWu0a (created here) takes precedence 
over D7avZX-pVCb-ibTN-tyvs-7Q62-rzR9-tquBi9
Presumably the latter is the UUID of the volume group on my disk image.

Is there a way that I can now rename this original volume group so it doesn't conflict with my currently mounted one so I can start the data recovery process? I tried vgrename, which I thought could use UUID's as input, but that didn't work. Any ideas?


Thanks - Tod

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