Linux Wireless Networking
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- [RFC v1 108/256] cl8k: add mac_addr.h, (continued)
- [RFC v1 108/256] cl8k: add mac_addr.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 109/256] cl8k: add main.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 091/256] cl8k: add fw/fw_msg.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 069/256] cl8k: add edca.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 070/256] cl8k: add edca.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 110/256] cl8k: add main.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 085/256] cl8k: add fem_common.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 071/256] cl8k: add ela.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 083/256] cl8k: add fem.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 087/256] cl8k: add fw/fw_dbg.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 097/256] cl8k: add fw/msg_tx.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 096/256] cl8k: add fw/msg_tx.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 111/256] cl8k: add maintenance.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 120/256] cl8k: add noise.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 098/256] cl8k: add hw.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 112/256] cl8k: add maintenance.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 072/256] cl8k: add ela.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 121/256] cl8k: add omi.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 130/256] cl8k: add phy/phy_common_lut.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 073/256] cl8k: add enhanced_tim.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 138/256] cl8k: add power_table.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 114/256] cl8k: add mib.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 088/256] cl8k: add fw/fw_file.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 074/256] cl8k: add enhanced_tim.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 089/256] cl8k: add fw/fw_file.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 086/256] cl8k: add fw/fw_dbg.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 129/256] cl8k: add phy/phy_common_lut.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 100/256] cl8k: add hw_assert.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 099/256] cl8k: add hw.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 113/256] cl8k: add mib.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 115/256] cl8k: add motion_sense.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 139/256] cl8k: add prot_mode.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 101/256] cl8k: add hw_assert.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 122/256] cl8k: add omi.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 136/256] cl8k: add power_cli.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 124/256] cl8k: add ops.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 128/256] cl8k: add phy/phy_athos_lut.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 140/256] cl8k: add prot_mode.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 116/256] cl8k: add motion_sense.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 135/256] cl8k: add power_cli.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 104/256] cl8k: add key.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 103/256] cl8k: add key.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 117/256] cl8k: add netlink.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 118/256] cl8k: add netlink.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 102/256] cl8k: add ipc_shared.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 123/256] cl8k: add ops.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 141/256] cl8k: add radio.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 137/256] cl8k: add power_table.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 125/256] cl8k: add phy/phy.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 150/256] cl8k: add reg/reg_cli.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 142/256] cl8k: add radio.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 151/256] cl8k: add reg/reg_cmu.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 145/256] cl8k: add recovery.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 119/256] cl8k: add noise.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 170/256] cl8k: add rssi.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 152/256] cl8k: add reg/reg_fem.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 143/256] cl8k: add rate_ctrl.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 175/256] cl8k: add rx/rx_amsdu.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 154/256] cl8k: add reg/reg_ipc.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 126/256] cl8k: add phy/phy.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 149/256] cl8k: add reg/reg_cli.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 144/256] cl8k: add rate_ctrl.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 134/256] cl8k: add power.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 153/256] cl8k: add reg/reg_io_ctrl.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 146/256] cl8k: add recovery.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 155/256] cl8k: add reg/reg_lcu_common.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 161/256] cl8k: add reg/reg_modem_gcu.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 171/256] cl8k: add rssi.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 156/256] cl8k: add reg/reg_lcu_phy.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 147/256] cl8k: add reg/ceva.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 176/256] cl8k: add rx/rx_filter.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 157/256] cl8k: add reg/reg_macdsp_api.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 172/256] cl8k: add rx/rx.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 192/256] cl8k: add traffic.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 173/256] cl8k: add rx/rx.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 193/256] cl8k: add traffic.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 133/256] cl8k: add power.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 191/256] cl8k: add trace.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 194/256] cl8k: add twt.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 148/256] cl8k: add reg/reg_access.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 132/256] cl8k: add phy/phy_olympus_lut.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 158/256] cl8k: add reg/reg_macsys_gcu.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 177/256] cl8k: add rx/rx_filter.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 160/256] cl8k: add reg/reg_mac_hw_mu.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 174/256] cl8k: add rx/rx_amsdu.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 159/256] cl8k: add reg/reg_mac_hw.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 178/256] cl8k: add rx/rx_reorder.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 162/256] cl8k: add reg/reg_otp_pvt.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 210/256] cl8k: add tx/sw_txhdr.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 181/256] cl8k: add sounding.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 211/256] cl8k: add tx/sw_txhdr.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 196/256] cl8k: add twt_cli.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 180/256] cl8k: add sounding.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 232/256] cl8k: add vendor_cmd.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 229/256] cl8k: add utils/utils.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 221/256] cl8k: add utils/file.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 195/256] cl8k: add twt.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 220/256] cl8k: add utils/file.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 131/256] cl8k: add phy/phy_olympus_lut.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 197/256] cl8k: add twt_cli.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 222/256] cl8k: add utils/ip.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 230/256] cl8k: add utils/utils.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 198/256] cl8k: add twt_frame.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 127/256] cl8k: add phy/phy_athos_lut.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 165/256] cl8k: add reg/reg_riu_rc.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 179/256] cl8k: add rx/rx_reorder.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 183/256] cl8k: add sta.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 163/256] cl8k: add reg/reg_ricu.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 213/256] cl8k: add tx/tx.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 164/256] cl8k: add reg/reg_riu.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 240/256] cl8k: add wrs/wrs.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 242/256] cl8k: add wrs/wrs_ap.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 223/256] cl8k: add utils/ip.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 166/256] cl8k: add rf_boot.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 231/256] cl8k: add vendor_cmd.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 241/256] cl8k: add wrs/wrs_ap.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 212/256] cl8k: add tx/tx.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 182/256] cl8k: add sta.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 243/256] cl8k: add wrs/wrs_api.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 199/256] cl8k: add twt_frame.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 214/256] cl8k: add tx/tx_amsdu.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 224/256] cl8k: add utils/math.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 200/256] cl8k: add tx/agg_cfm.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 225/256] cl8k: add utils/string.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 233/256] cl8k: add version.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 185/256] cl8k: add stats.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 201/256] cl8k: add tx/agg_cfm.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 253/256] cl8k: add wrs/wrs_stats.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 167/256] cl8k: add rf_boot.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 202/256] cl8k: add tx/agg_tx_report.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 226/256] cl8k: add utils/string.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 244/256] cl8k: add wrs/wrs_api.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 238/256] cl8k: add vns.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 215/256] cl8k: add tx/tx_amsdu.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 184/256] cl8k: add stats.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 203/256] cl8k: add tx/agg_tx_report.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 168/256] cl8k: add rsrc_mgmt.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 255/256] cl8k: add wrs/wrs_tables.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 169/256] cl8k: add rsrc_mgmt.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 187/256] cl8k: add tcv_config.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 216/256] cl8k: add tx/tx_inject.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 246/256] cl8k: add wrs/wrs_cli.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 254/256] cl8k: add wrs/wrs_tables.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 228/256] cl8k: add utils/timer.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 227/256] cl8k: add utils/timer.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 239/256] cl8k: add wrs/wrs.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 245/256] cl8k: add wrs/wrs_cli.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 189/256] cl8k: add temperature.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 217/256] cl8k: add tx/tx_inject.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 247/256] cl8k: add wrs/wrs_db.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 204/256] cl8k: add tx/baw.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 219/256] cl8k: add tx/tx_queue.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 234/256] cl8k: add version.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 205/256] cl8k: add tx/baw.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 206/256] cl8k: add tx/bcmc_cfm.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 235/256] cl8k: add vif.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 190/256] cl8k: add trace.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 256/256] wireless: add Celeno vendor, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 207/256] cl8k: add tx/bcmc_cfm.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 236/256] cl8k: add vif.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 248/256] cl8k: add wrs/wrs_rssi.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 218/256] cl8k: add tx/tx_queue.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 186/256] cl8k: add tcv_config.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 188/256] cl8k: add temperature.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 209/256] cl8k: add tx/single_cfm.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 208/256] cl8k: add tx/single_cfm.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 249/256] cl8k: add wrs/wrs_rssi.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 237/256] cl8k: add vns.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 250/256] cl8k: add wrs/wrs_sta.c, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 251/256] cl8k: add wrs/wrs_sta.h, viktor . barna
- [RFC v1 252/256] cl8k: add wrs/wrs_stats.c, viktor . barna
- Re: [RFC v1 000/256] wireless: cl8k driver for Celeno IEEE 802.11ax devices, Johannes Berg
- Re: [RFC v1 000/256] wireless: cl8k driver for Celeno IEEE 802.11ax devices, Kalle Valo
- [PATCH] mt76: mt7921: enable HE BFee capability, Deren Wu
- [PATCH] mt76: disable TWT capabilities for the moment, Lorenzo Bianconi
- [PATCH 5.13] mac80211: minstrel_ht: fix sample time check, Felix Fietkau
- [PATCH v3] mt76: fix iv and CCMP header insertion, Ryder Lee
- [PATCH 00/12] iwlwifi: updates intended for v5.14 2021-06-17,
Luca Coelho
- [PATCH 01/12] iwlwifi: pcie: identify the RF module, Luca Coelho
- [PATCH 02/12] iwlwifi: mvm: don't request SMPS in AP mode, Luca Coelho
- [PATCH 03/12] iwlwifi: mvm: apply RX diversity per PHY context, Luca Coelho
- [PATCH 04/12] iwlwifi: mvm: honour firmware SMPS requests, Luca Coelho
- [PATCH 05/12] iwlwifi: mvm: fix error print when session protection ends, Luca Coelho
- [PATCH 06/12] iwlwifi: mvm: Call NMI instead of REPLY_ERROR, Luca Coelho
- [PATCH 07/12] iwlwifi: correct HE capabilities, Luca Coelho
- [PATCH 08/12] iwlwifi: mvm: support LMR feedback, Luca Coelho
- [PATCH 09/12] iwlwifi: advertise broadcast TWT support, Luca Coelho
- [PATCH 10/12] iwlwifi: pcie: fix some kernel-doc comments, Luca Coelho
- [PATCH 12/12] iwlwifi: mvm: Read acpi dsm to get unii4 enable/disable bitmap., Luca Coelho
- [PATCH 11/12] iwlwifi: pcie: remove TR/CR tail allocations, Luca Coelho
- [PATCH] mac80211: Recast pointer for trailing memcpy(),
Kees Cook
- [PATCH v2] mwl8k: Avoid memcpy() over-reading of mcs.rx_mask,
Kees Cook
- [PATCH] mt76: mt7921: fix the coredump is being truncated,
- [PATCH] orinoco: Avoid field-overflowing memcpy(),
Kees Cook
- [PATCH] ath11k: Avoid memcpy() over-reading of he_cap,
Kees Cook
- [PATCH] mwl8k: Avoid memcpy() over-reading of ETH_SS_STATS,
Kees Cook
- [PATCH] mac80211: don't open-code LED manipulations, Johannes Berg
- pull-request: wireless-drivers-next-2021-06-16, Kalle Valo
- [wireless-drivers-next:pending] BUILD SUCCESS c1919b71933727220507aac1b019302d58a9d97d, kernel test robot
- [wireless-drivers-next:master] BUILD SUCCESS f39c2d1a188de8884d93229bbf1378ea1947a9c8, kernel test robot
- [PATCH] linux-firmware: update firmware for MT7921 WiFi device to 20210612122753,
- [PATCH] mt76: mt7921: fix kernel warning when reset on vif is not sta,
- [PATCH 00/12] ath11k: optimizations in data path,
Jouni Malinen
- [PATCH 01/12] ath11k: disable unused CE8 interrupts for ipq8074, Jouni Malinen
- [PATCH 02/12] ath11k: allocate dst ring descriptors from cacheable memory, Jouni Malinen
- [PATCH 03/12] ath11k: modify dp_rx desc access wrapper calls inline, Jouni Malinen
- [PATCH 04/12] ath11k: avoid additional access to ath11k_hal_srng_dst_num_free, Jouni Malinen
- [PATCH 06/12] ath11k: remove usage quota while processing rx packets, Jouni Malinen
- [PATCH 08/12] ath11k: allocate HAL_WBM2SW_RELEASE ring from cacheable memory, Jouni Malinen
- [PATCH 05/12] ath11k: avoid active pdev check for each msdu, Jouni Malinen
- [PATCH 07/12] ath11k: add branch predictors in process_rx, Jouni Malinen
- [PATCH 11/12] ath11k: add branch predictors in dp_tx path, Jouni Malinen
- [PATCH 10/12] ath11k: avoid while loop in ring selection of tx completion interrupt, Jouni Malinen
- [PATCH 09/12] ath11k: remove mod operator in dst ring processing, Jouni Malinen
- [PATCH 12/12] ath11k: avoid unnecessary lock contention in tx_completion path, Jouni Malinen
- [PATCH] ath11k: Enable QCN9074 device,
Jouni Malinen
- [PATCH v2] mt76: mt7921: introduce testmode support,
- [syzbot] INFO: trying to register non-static key in ath9k_wmi_event_tasklet, syzbot
- [PATCH V5 00/16] net: iosm: PCIe Driver for Intel M.2 Modem,
M Chetan Kumar
- [PATCH V5 01/16] net: iosm: entry point, M Chetan Kumar
- [PATCH V5 02/16] net: iosm: irq handling, M Chetan Kumar
- [PATCH V5 03/16] net: iosm: mmio scratchpad, M Chetan Kumar
- [PATCH V5 04/16] net: iosm: shared memory IPC interface, M Chetan Kumar
- [PATCH V5 05/16] net: iosm: shared memory I/O operations, M Chetan Kumar
- [PATCH V5 06/16] net: iosm: channel configuration, M Chetan Kumar
- [PATCH V5 07/16] net: iosm: wwan port control device, M Chetan Kumar
- [PATCH V5 08/16] net: iosm: bottom half, M Chetan Kumar
- [PATCH V5 09/16] net: iosm: multiplex IP sessions, M Chetan Kumar
- [PATCH V5 10/16] net: iosm: encode or decode datagram, M Chetan Kumar
- [PATCH V5 11/16] net: iosm: power management, M Chetan Kumar
- [PATCH V5 12/16] net: iosm: shared memory protocol, M Chetan Kumar
- [PATCH V5 13/16] net: iosm: protocol operations, M Chetan Kumar
- [PATCH V5 14/16] net: iosm: uevent support, M Chetan Kumar
- [PATCH V5 15/16] net: iosm: net driver, M Chetan Kumar
- [PATCH V5 16/16] net: iosm: infrastructure, M Chetan Kumar
- Re: [PATCH V5 00/16] net: iosm: PCIe Driver for Intel M.2 Modem, patchwork-bot+netdevbpf
- [PATCH] mt76: mt7921: introduce testmode support,
- [PATCH V2] treewide: Add missing semicolons to __assign_str uses,
Joe Perches
- [PATCH v2] mt76: mt7921: introduce dedicated control for deep_sleep, Lorenzo Bianconi
- [PATCH] mt76/mt7915: Fix unsigned compared against zero,
John Wood
- [PATCH] mt76: mt7921: limit txpower according to userlevel power, Lorenzo Bianconi
- [PATCH] mt76: mt7921: improve code readability for mt7921_update_txs, Lorenzo Bianconi
- [PATCH 00/12] iwlwifi: updates intended for v5.14 2021-06-12,
Luca Coelho
- [PATCH 01/12] iwlwifi: mvm: support BIOS enable/disable for 11ax in Russia, Luca Coelho
- [PATCH 02/12] iwlwifi: mvm: pass the clock type to iwl_mvm_get_sync_time(), Luca Coelho
- [PATCH 03/12] iwlwifi: mvm: fix indentation in some scan functions, Luca Coelho
- [PATCH 04/12] iwlwifi: remove unused REMOTE_WAKE_CONFIG_CMD definitions, Luca Coelho
- [PATCH 05/12] iwlwifi: mvm: don't change band on bound PHY contexts, Luca Coelho
- [PATCH 07/12] iwlwifi: increase PNVM load timeout, Luca Coelho
- [PATCH 06/12] iwlwifi: pcie: handle pcim_iomap_table() failures better, Luca Coelho
- [PATCH 08/12] iwlwifi: pcie: Add support for AX231 radio module with Ma devices, Luca Coelho
- [PATCH 09/12] iwlwifi: pcie: print interrupt number, not index, Luca Coelho
- [PATCH 12/12] iwlwifi: yoyo: support region TLV version 2, Luca Coelho
- [PATCH 11/12] iwlwifi: remove duplicate iwl_ax201_cfg_qu_hr declaration, Luca Coelho
- [PATCH 10/12] iwlwifi: pcie: remove CSR_HW_RF_ID_TYPE_CHIP_ID, Luca Coelho
- [PATCH] mt76: mt7921: introduce PCIe ASPM support (L0s/L1/L1ss),
Deren Wu
- [PATCH v6] mt76: mt7921: fix sta_state incorrect implementation,
- [PATCH v2] mt76: fix iv and CCMP header insertion,
Ryder Lee
- [PATCH 1/2] mt76: mt7915: fix IEEE80211_HE_PHY_CAP7_MAX_NC for station mode,
Ryder Lee
- IBSS performance issues on CentOS 5.10, Laaf
- Re: MediaTek MT7612u and IBSS mode, Sven Eckelmann
- [PATCH] mac80211: Fix sw connection monitor and sw scan when STA is connected HE,
Ping-Ke Shih
- [PATCH 0/7] check Makefile and Kconfigs for SPDX tag,
- [PATCH] mac80211: consider per-CPU statistics if present, Johannes Berg
- [PATCH v2] mt76: mt7915: improve MU stability, Ryder Lee
- [PATCH 1/4] mt76: mt7622: use devm_platform_ioremap_resource(),
Ryder Lee
- [PATCH] mac80211_hwsim: correctly handle zero length frames,
Anirudh Rayabharam
- ipw2200 driver no longer sets encrypted WEP in ipw2200 device?,
Peter Breuer
- pull request: mt76 2021-06-10,
Felix Fietkau
- [PATCH] mt76: mt7915: drop the use of repeater entries for station interfaces, Felix Fietkau
- [PATCH] mt76: move mt76_get_next_pkt_id in mt76.h, Lorenzo Bianconi
- [mac80211:master] BUILD SUCCESS a9799541ca34652d9996e45f80e8e03144c12949, kernel test robot
- [PATCH] cfg80211: expose the rfkill device to the low level driver,
Emmanuel Grumbach
- [PATCH] mt76: reduce rx buffer size to 2048, Lorenzo Bianconi
- pull-request: mac80211 2021-06-09,
Johannes Berg
- [PATCH] mac80211: drop multicast fragments, Johannes Berg
- [PATCH] wext: fix a misspelling,
- [PATCH] nl80211: fix a mistake in grammar,
- [PATCH] cfg80211: fix default HE tx bitrate mask in 2G band, Ping-Ke Shih
- [PATCH] mt76: connac: fix the maximum interval schedule scan can support,
- [PATCH 6/9] cypress: update firmware for cyw4356 sdio,
Chi-Hsien Lin
- [mac80211:master] BUILD SUCCESS d5befb224edbe53056c2c18999d630dafb4a08b9, kernel test robot
- Re: [syzbot] WARNING in cancel_delayed_work, syzbot
- [PATCH V4 00/16] net: iosm: PCIe Driver for Intel M.2 Modem,
M Chetan Kumar
- [PATCH V4 01/16] net: iosm: entry point, M Chetan Kumar
- [PATCH V4 02/16] net: iosm: irq handling, M Chetan Kumar
- [PATCH V4 03/16] net: iosm: mmio scratchpad, M Chetan Kumar
- [PATCH V4 04/16] net: iosm: shared memory IPC interface, M Chetan Kumar
- [PATCH V4 05/16] net: iosm: shared memory I/O operations, M Chetan Kumar
- [PATCH V4 10/16] net: iosm: encode or decode datagram, M Chetan Kumar
- [PATCH V4 06/16] net: iosm: channel configuration, M Chetan Kumar
- [PATCH V4 07/16] net: iosm: wwan port control device, M Chetan Kumar
- [PATCH V4 08/16] net: iosm: bottom half, M Chetan Kumar
- [PATCH V4 09/16] net: iosm: multiplex IP sessions, M Chetan Kumar
- [PATCH V4 11/16] net: iosm: power management, M Chetan Kumar
- [PATCH V4 12/16] net: iosm: shared memory protocol, M Chetan Kumar
- [PATCH V4 13/16] net: iosm: protocol operations, M Chetan Kumar
- [PATCH V4 14/16] net: iosm: uevent support, M Chetan Kumar
- [PATCH V4 16/16] net: iosm: infrastructure, M Chetan Kumar
- [PATCH V4 15/16] net: iosm: net driver, M Chetan Kumar
- Re: [PATCH V4 00/16] net: iosm: PCIe Driver for Intel M.2 Modem, David Miller
- [PATCH v4 0/3] Add support to configure beacon tx mode,
Maharaja Kennadyrajan
- [PATCH v3 0/3] Add support to configure beacon tx mode,
Maharaja Kennadyrajan
- [PATCH] wireless-regdb: update 5725-5850 MHz rule for GB,
Seth Forshee
- [PATCH 1/9] cypress: update firmware for cyw43012 sdio,
Chi-Hsien Lin
- [PATCH 1/4] mac80211: fix 'reset' debugfs locking,
Johannes Berg
- [PATCH 1/2] mt76: testmode: move chip-specific stats dump before common stats,
Shayne Chen
- [PATCH 00/10] net: WWAN subsystem improvements,
Sergey Ryazanov
- [PATCH 02/10] wwan_hwsim: add debugfs management interface, Sergey Ryazanov
- [PATCH 06/10] net: wwan: core: make port names more user-friendly, Sergey Ryazanov
- [PATCH 08/10] net: wwan: core: implement TIOCINQ ioctl, Sergey Ryazanov
- [PATCH 10/10] net: wwan: core: purge rx queue on port close, Sergey Ryazanov
- [PATCH 04/10] net: wwan: core: init port type string array using enum values, Sergey Ryazanov
- [PATCH 05/10] net: wwan: core: spell port device name in lowercase, Sergey Ryazanov
- [PATCH 03/10] net: wwan: make WWAN_PORT_MAX meaning less surprised, Sergey Ryazanov
- [PATCH 01/10] wwan_hwsim: WWAN device simulator, Sergey Ryazanov
- [PATCH 07/10] net: wwan: core: expand ports number limit, Sergey Ryazanov
- [PATCH 09/10] net: wwan: core: implement terminal ioctls for AT port, Sergey Ryazanov
- Re: [PATCH 00/10] net: WWAN subsystem improvements, patchwork-bot+netdevbpf
- [PATCH AUTOSEL 5.12 28/49] mt76: mt7921: remove leftover 80+80 HE capability, Sasha Levin
- [PATCH AUTOSEL 5.12 13/49] mt76: mt7921: fix max aggregation subframes setting, Sasha Levin
- [PATCH net-next] mac80211: mesh: Fix spelling mistakes, Zheng Yongjun
- [PATCH] brcmfmac: Add clm_blob firmware files to modinfo,
matthias . bgg
- Re: Comment on the patch of "memory leak in ath9k_hif_usb_firmware_cb", Dmitry Vyukov
- Is the extra_tx_headroom guarenteed ?,
Steven Ting
- [PATCH] rtw88: add quirks to disable pci capabilities,
Ping-Ke Shih
- [PATCH] mt76: connac: add mt76_connac_mcu_get_nic_capability utility routine, Lorenzo Bianconi
- [PATCH v2] mt76: mt7921: enable VHT BFee capability, Felix Fietkau
- [PATCH] wcn36xx: Move hal_buf allocation to devm_kmalloc in probe,
Bryan O'Donoghue
- [PATCH] mt76: mt7921: make mt7921_set_channel static, Lorenzo Bianconi
- [PATCH] mt76: connac: check band caps in mt76_connac_mcu_set_rate_txpower, Lorenzo Bianconi
- [PATCH] mt76: mt7921: wake the device before dumping power table, Lorenzo Bianconi
- [PATCH net-next] ath10k: Use devm_platform_get_and_ioremap_resource(),
Yang Yingliang
- [PATCH v6 00/12] wcn36xx: Enable downstream consistent Wake on Lan,
Bryan O'Donoghue
- [PATCH v6 07/12] wcn36xx: Add set_rekey_data callback, Bryan O'Donoghue
- [PATCH v6 09/12] wcn36xx: Add GTK offload info to WoWLAN resume, Bryan O'Donoghue
- [PATCH v6 04/12] wcn36xx: Do not flush indication queue on suspend/resume, Bryan O'Donoghue
- [PATCH v6 03/12] wcn36xx: Add ipv4 ARP offload support in suspend, Bryan O'Donoghue
- [PATCH v6 10/12] wcn36xx: Add Host suspend indication support, Bryan O'Donoghue
- [PATCH v6 01/12] wcn36xx: Return result of set_power_params in suspend, Bryan O'Donoghue
- [PATCH v6 02/12] wcn36xx: Run suspend for the first ieee80211_vif, Bryan O'Donoghue
- [PATCH v6 05/12] wcn36xx: Add ipv6 address tracking, Bryan O'Donoghue
- [PATCH v6 08/12] wcn36xx: Add GTK offload to WoWLAN path, Bryan O'Donoghue
- [PATCH v6 11/12] wcn36xx: Add host resume request support, Bryan O'Donoghue
- [PATCH v6 06/12] wcn36xx: Add ipv6 namespace offload in suspend, Bryan O'Donoghue
- [PATCH v6 12/12] wcn36xx: Enable WOWLAN flags, Bryan O'Donoghue
- [PATCH] treewide: Add missing semicolons to __assign_str uses,
Joe Perches
- [syzbot] WARNING in ieee80211_vif_release_channel, syzbot
- [mac80211:master] BUILD SUCCESS bddc0c411a45d3718ac535a070f349be8eca8d48, kernel test robot
- [wireless-drivers-next:master] BUILD SUCCESS 080f9c10c773df39ccebe8dc414179d9179005a9, kernel test robot
- [mac80211-next:iosm] BUILD REGRESSION 400a4588283d05861c0b8ab54c8ab195f7752e6c, kernel test robot
- [PATCH v5] mt76: mt7921: fix sta_state incorrect implementation,
- [PATCH v4] mt76: mt7921: fix sta_state incorrect implementation,
- [PATCH] net/wireless/nl80211.c: Fix typo pmsr->pmsr, Sosthène Guédon
- [PATCH] mt76: mt7921: introduce dedicated control for deep_sleep, Lorenzo Bianconi
- [PATCH v2 0/2] Make ampdu tx work correctly,
chris . chiu
- [PATCH wireless-drivers-next 0/4] TI wlcore firmware log fixes,
Russell King
- pull-request: wireless-drivers-2021-06-03,
Kalle Valo
- [PATCH v2 0/1] ssb: use DEVICE_ATTR_ADMIN_RW() helper macro,
Zhen Lei
- [PATCH] wlcore/wl12xx: Fix wl12xx get_mac error if device is in ELP,
Tony Lindgren
- [RFC 0/6] WWAN netdev creation framework tweaks,
Sergey Ryazanov
- [PATCH v3 1/2] mt76: connac: add mt76_connac_mcu_update_sta_cmd support,
- [PATCH 1/1] ssb: use DEVICE_ATTR_ADMIN_RW macro, Zhen Lei
- [PATCH] mt76: connac: add mt76_connac_power_save_sched in mt76_connac_pm_unref, Lorenzo Bianconi
- [syzbot] memory leak in cfg80211_inform_single_bss_frame_data,
- [PATCH] mt76: connac: fix UC entry is being overwritten, Lorenzo Bianconi
- [PATCH] mt76: mt7921: enable VHT BFee capabiliity,
Deren Wu
- [PATCH] brcmfmac: Delete second brcm folder hierarchy,
matthias . bgg
- [RFC v2 0/5] generic WWAN framework interface creation,
Johannes Berg
- [syzbot] general protection fault in mac80211_hwsim_tx_frame_nl,
- [PATCH] mt76: mt7915: improve error recovery reliability, Felix Fietkau
- [PATCH v2 1/3] mt76: connac: add mt76_connac_mcu_update_sta_cmd support,
- [PATCH v2] mt76: mt7615: update radar parameters, Ryder Lee
- [PATCH 1/2] mt76: mt7615: update radar parameters,
Ryder Lee
- [PATCH 1/3] mt76: connac: add mt76_connac_mcu_update_sta_cmd support,
- rtl8822ce no bluetooh at all,
- [PATCH V2] rsi: fix AP mode with WPA failure due to encrypted EAPOL,
Martin Fuzzey
- [PATCH v5 00/12] wcn36xx: Enable downstream consistent Wake on Lan,
Bryan O'Donoghue
- [PATCH v5 01/12] wcn36xx: Return result of set_power_params in suspend, Bryan O'Donoghue
- [PATCH v5 02/12] wcn36xx: Run suspend for the first ieee80211_vif, Bryan O'Donoghue
- [PATCH v5 03/12] wcn36xx: Add ipv4 ARP offload support in suspend, Bryan O'Donoghue
- [PATCH v5 04/12] wcn36xx: Do not flush indication queue on suspend/resume, Bryan O'Donoghue
- [PATCH v5 05/12] wcn36xx: Add ipv6 address tracking, Bryan O'Donoghue
- [PATCH v5 06/12] wcn36xx: Add ipv6 namespace offload in suspend, Bryan O'Donoghue
- [PATCH v5 07/12] wcn36xx: Add set_rekey_data callback, Bryan O'Donoghue
- [PATCH v5 08/12] wcn36xx: Add GTK offload to WoWLAN path, Bryan O'Donoghue
- [PATCH v5 09/12] wcn36xx: Add GTK offload info to WoWLAN resume, Bryan O'Donoghue
- [PATCH v5 10/12] wcn36xx: Add Host suspend indication support, Bryan O'Donoghue
- [PATCH v5 11/12] wcn36xx: Add host resume request support, Bryan O'Donoghue
- [PATCH v5 12/12] wcn36xx: Enable WOWLAN flags, Bryan O'Donoghue
- Re: [PATCH v5 00/12] wcn36xx: Enable downstream consistent Wake on Lan, Loic Poulain
- [PATCH] b43legacy: Fix spelling mistake "overflew" -> "overflowed",
Colin King
- [PATCH -next] brcmfmac: Fix a double-free in brcmf_sdio_bus_reset,
Tong Tiangen
- [RFC 0/4] wwan framework netdev creation,
Johannes Berg
- [PATCH v4 00/12] wcn36xx: Enable downstream consistent Wake on Lan,
Bryan O'Donoghue
- [PATCH v4 01/12] wcn36xx: Return result of set_power_params in suspend, Bryan O'Donoghue
- [PATCH v4 02/12] wcn36xx: Run suspend for the first ieee80211_vif, Bryan O'Donoghue
- [PATCH v4 03/12] wcn36xx: Add ipv4 ARP offload support in suspend, Bryan O'Donoghue
- [PATCH v4 04/12] wcn36xx: Do not flush indication queue on suspend/resume, Bryan O'Donoghue
- [PATCH v4 05/12] wcn36xx: Add ipv6 address tracking, Bryan O'Donoghue
- [PATCH v4 06/12] wcn36xx: Add ipv6 namespace offload in suspend, Bryan O'Donoghue
- [PATCH v4 10/12] wcn36xx: Add Host suspend indication support, Bryan O'Donoghue
- [PATCH v4 11/12] wcn36xx: Add host resume request support, Bryan O'Donoghue
- [PATCH v4 07/12] wcn36xx: Add set_rekey_data callback, Bryan O'Donoghue
- [PATCH v4 08/12] wcn36xx: Add GTK offload to WoWLAN path, Bryan O'Donoghue
- [PATCH v4 09/12] wcn36xx: Add GTK offload info to WoWLAN resume, Bryan O'Donoghue
- [PATCH v4 12/12] wcn36xx: Enable WOWLAN flags, Bryan O'Donoghue
- [PATCH v4.14 00/10] wireless security fixes backports,
Johannes Berg
- [PATCH v4.14 01/10] mac80211: assure all fragments are encrypted, Johannes Berg
- [PATCH v4.14 02/10] mac80211: prevent mixed key and fragment cache attacks, Johannes Berg
- [PATCH v4.14 05/10] mac80211: drop A-MSDUs on old ciphers, Johannes Berg
- [PATCH v4.14 03/10] mac80211: properly handle A-MSDUs that start with an RFC 1042 header, Johannes Berg
- [PATCH v4.14 04/10] cfg80211: mitigate A-MSDU aggregation attacks, Johannes Berg
- [PATCH v4.14 06/10] mac80211: add fragment cache to sta_info, Johannes Berg
- [PATCH v4.14 07/10] mac80211: check defrag PN against current frame, Johannes Berg
- [PATCH v4.14 08/10] mac80211: prevent attacks on TKIP/WEP as well, Johannes Berg
- [PATCH v4.14 09/10] mac80211: do not accept/forward invalid EAPOL frames, Johannes Berg
- [PATCH v4.14 10/10] mac80211: extend protection against mixed key and fragment cache attacks, Johannes Berg
- Re: [PATCH v4.14 00/10] wireless security fixes backports, Greg KH
- [PATCH v4.9 00/10] wireless security fixes backports,
Johannes Berg
- [PATCH v4.9 02/10] mac80211: prevent mixed key and fragment cache attacks, Johannes Berg
- [PATCH v4.9 01/10] mac80211: assure all fragments are encrypted, Johannes Berg
- [PATCH v4.9 03/10] mac80211: properly handle A-MSDUs that start with an RFC 1042 header, Johannes Berg
- [PATCH v4.9 04/10] cfg80211: mitigate A-MSDU aggregation attacks, Johannes Berg
- [PATCH v4.9 05/10] mac80211: drop A-MSDUs on old ciphers, Johannes Berg
- [PATCH v4.9 06/10] mac80211: add fragment cache to sta_info, Johannes Berg
- [PATCH v4.9 07/10] mac80211: check defrag PN against current frame, Johannes Berg
- [PATCH v4.9 08/10] mac80211: prevent attacks on TKIP/WEP as well, Johannes Berg
- [PATCH v4.9 09/10] mac80211: do not accept/forward invalid EAPOL frames, Johannes Berg
- [PATCH v4.9 10/10] mac80211: extend protection against mixed key and fragment cache attacks, Johannes Berg
- Re: [PATCH v4.9 00/10] wireless security fixes backports, Greg KH
- [PATCH v4.4 00/10] security fixes backports,
Johannes Berg
- [PATCH v4.4 01/10] mac80211: assure all fragments are encrypted, Johannes Berg
- [PATCH v4.4 02/10] mac80211: prevent mixed key and fragment cache attacks, Johannes Berg
- [PATCH v4.4 03/10] mac80211: properly handle A-MSDUs that start with an RFC 1042 header, Johannes Berg
- [PATCH v4.4 04/10] cfg80211: mitigate A-MSDU aggregation attacks, Johannes Berg
- [PATCH v4.4 07/10] mac80211: check defrag PN against current frame, Johannes Berg
- [PATCH v4.4 05/10] mac80211: drop A-MSDUs on old ciphers, Johannes Berg
- [PATCH v4.4 10/10] mac80211: extend protection against mixed key and fragment cache attacks, Johannes Berg
- [PATCH v4.4 06/10] mac80211: add fragment cache to sta_info, Johannes Berg
- [PATCH v4.4 09/10] mac80211: do not accept/forward invalid EAPOL frames, Johannes Berg
- [PATCH v4.4 08/10] mac80211: prevent attacks on TKIP/WEP as well, Johannes Berg
- Re: [PATCH v4.4 00/10] security fixes backports, Greg KH
- [PATCH v2] mt76: mt7921: enable random mac address during sched_scan, Deren Wu
- [PATCH] mt76: mt7921: enable random mac address during sched_scan,
Deren Wu
- [PATCH] mt76: mt7921: remove mt7921_get_wtbl_info routine, Lorenzo Bianconi
- [PATCH 0/2] Make ampdu tx work correctly,
chris . chiu
- [PATCH] iwlwifi: remove the repeated declaration, Shaokun Zhang
- [PATCH] ath10k: remove the repeated declaration,
Shaokun Zhang
- [PATCH] mt76: mt7921: enable hw offloading for wep keys, Lorenzo Bianconi
- [PATCH] net: wireless: wext-compat: Fix spelling mistakes, Zheng Yongjun
- [PATCH] mac80211: Fix NULL ptr deref for injected rate info, Sven Eckelmann
- [PATCH] iw: add option to set auth type for connect, Jianhui Zhao
- [PATCH v3] wireless: carl9170: fix LEDS build errors & warnings,
Randy Dunlap
- Divide error in minstrel_ht_get_tp_avg(),
Oleksandr Natalenko
- [PATCH v2] wireless: carl9170: fix LEDS build errors & warnings,
Randy Dunlap
- [PATCH] b43legacy: Remove unused inline function txring_to_priority(),
- [PATCH] mt76: mt7915: read all eeprom fields from fw in efuse mode, Shayne Chen
- [PATCH] wireless: carl9170: fix LEDS build errors & warnings,
Randy Dunlap
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