Libreoffice - Date Index
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- Crash test update
- From: "Crashtest VM" <crashtest.libreoffice@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [libreoffice-design] Re[2]: [libreoffice-design] Minutes from the design meeting 2018-Sep-05
- From: "kainz.a" <kainz.a@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [libreoffice-design] Re[2]: [libreoffice-design] Minutes from the design meeting 2018-Sep-05
- From: Pedro Rosmaninho <mota.prego@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to Build LO Eclipse
- From: Drew Jensen <drewjensen.inbox@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to Build LO Eclipse
- From: Samuel Mehrbrodt <Samuel.Mehrbrodt@xxxxxx>
- Re: How to build LO Eclipse.
- From: Samuel Mehrbrodt <Samuel.Mehrbrodt@xxxxxx>
- Re: [libreoffice-design] Re[2]: [libreoffice-design] Minutes from the design meeting 2018-Sep-05
- From: Jean-Francois Nifenecker <jean-francois.nifenecker@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [libreoffice-design] Re[2]: [libreoffice-design] Minutes from the design meeting 2018-Sep-05
- From: infinitytec <infinitytec@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: layout.xml differs from parseDump(...)
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: CppunitTest_sc_opencl_test failing on Intel OpenCL capable hardware
- From: Luke Benes <lukebenes@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: layout.xml differs from parseDump(...)
- From: Patrick Jaap <patrick.jaap@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: GCC 9
- From: Stephan Bergmann <sbergman@xxxxxxxxxx>
- No SDBC driver was found for the URL
- From: Alex Kempshall <mcmurchy1917-libreoffice@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- LibreOffice ESC call, Thur - 16:00 central European (local) time
- From: Michael Meeks <michael.meeks@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: doubt regarding data type.
- From: Stephan Bergmann <sbergman@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: doubt regarding data type.
- From: Tadeus Prastowo <tadeus.prastowo@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: doubt regarding data type.
- From: Rahul Gurung <gurungrahul2@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: doubt regarding data type.
- From: Tadeus Prastowo <tadeus.prastowo@xxxxxxxx>
- doubt regarding data type.
- From: Rahul Gurung <gurungrahul2@xxxxxxxxx>
- Weekly QA Report (W36-2018)
- From: Xisco Fauli <xiscofauli@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Crash test update
- From: "Crashtest VM" <crashtest.libreoffice@xxxxxxxxx>
- CppCheck Report Update
- From: "cppcheck.libreoffice@xxxxxxxxx" <cppcheck.libreoffice@xxxxxxxxx>
- Google Code-in tasks
- From: Saurav Chirania <saurav.chir@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: layout.xml differs from parseDump(...)
- From: Thorsten Behrens <thb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Libreoffice-commits] core.git: clang-tidy performance-move-const-arg
- From: Noel Grandin <noelgrandin@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Software Quality Testing Users List
- From: "Kayla Justine" <kayla.justine1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- layout.xml differs from parseDump(...)
- From: Patrick Jaap <patrick.jaap@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Need help on how to insert a layer into a Draw document in a unit test
- From: Regina Henschel <rb.henschel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Libreoffice-commits] core.git: clang-tidy performance-move-const-arg
- From: Stephan Bergmann <sbergman@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Cppcheck: Reduction of False Positives with a MSVC Project File
- From: Stephan Bergmann <sbergman@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Calc research & funcalc ...
- From: Michael Meeks <michael.meeks@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Cppcheck: Reduction of False Positives with a MSVC Project File
- From: Kaganski Mike <mikekaganski@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Cppcheck: Reduction of False Positives with a MSVC Project File
- From: Stephan Bergmann <sbergman@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Cppcheck: Reduction of False Positives with a MSVC Project File
- From: Luke Benes <lukebenes@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: avmedia VLC backend
- From: Kirk Puppy <kirkpuppy@xxxxxxxxx>
- minutes of ESC call ...
- From: Michael Meeks <michael.meeks@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re[2]: [libreoffice-design] Minutes from the design meeting 2018-Sep-05
- From: Роман К. <79045_79045@xxxxxxx>
- Re: [libreoffice-design] Minutes from the design meeting 2018-Sep-05
- From: Pedro Rosmaninho <mota.prego@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [libreoffice-design] Minutes from the design meeting 2018-Sep-05
- From: "kainz.a" <kainz.a@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: avmedia VLC backend
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [libreoffice-design] Minutes from the design meeting 2018-Sep-05
- From: Stephan Bergmann <sbergman@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Need help on how to insert a layer into a Draw document in a unit test
- From: Regina Henschel <rb.henschel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Crash test update
- From: Caolán McNamara <caolanm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Minutes from the design meeting 2018-Sep-05
- From: Heiko Tietze <tietze.heiko@xxxxxxxxx>
- Crash test update
- From: "Crashtest VM" <crashtest.libreoffice@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: regarding tdf#91367 - replace ApiTokenSequence and UNO formulas in OOXML calc import
- From: Rahul Gurung <gurungrahul2@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: regarding tdf#91367 - replace ApiTokenSequence and UNO formulas in OOXML calc import
- From: Eike Rathke <erack@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: regarding tdf#91367 - replace ApiTokenSequence and UNO formulas in OOXML calc import
- From: Rahul Gurung <gurungrahul2@xxxxxxxxx>
- LibreOffice ESC call, Thur - 16:00 central European (local) time
- From: Michael Meeks <michael.meeks@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- avmedia VLC backend
- From: Kirk Puppy <kirkpuppy@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: make check fails in [build JCS]
- From: Stephan Bergmann <sbergman@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to Build LO Eclipse
- From: Drew Jensen <drewjensen.inbox@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: How to Build LO Eclipse
- From: Shobhan Mandal <dev.shobhanmandal@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Precedence between fo:line-height and style:line-height-at-least
- From: Michael Stahl <Michael.Stahl@xxxxxx>
- Weekly QA Report (W35-2018)
- From: Xisco Fauli <xiscofauli@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: regarding tdf#91367 - replace ApiTokenSequence and UNO formulas in OOXML calc import
- From: Eike Rathke <erack@xxxxxxxxxx>
- CppunitTest_sc_opencl_test failing on Intel OpenCL capable hardware
- From: Luke Benes <lukebenes@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to build LO Eclipse.
- From: Drew Jensen <drewjensen.inbox@xxxxxxxxx>
- How to build LO Eclipse.
- From: Drew Jensen <drewjensen.inbox@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: make check always fail
- From: slacka <lukebenes@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- make check always fail
- From: Rahul Gurung <gurungrahul2@xxxxxxxxx>
- CppCheck Report Update
- From: "cppcheck.libreoffice@xxxxxxxxx" <cppcheck.libreoffice@xxxxxxxxx>
- Precedence between fo:line-height and style:line-height-at-least
- From: Regina Henschel <rb.henschel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- sc_opencl_test failing
- From: Kaganski Mike <mikekaganski@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- regarding tdf#91367 - replace ApiTokenSequence and UNO formulas in OOXML calc import
- From: Rahul Gurung <gurungrahul2@xxxxxxxxx>
- [ANN] orcus 0.14.0 is now required on master
- From: Kohei Yoshida <libreoffice@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: [board-discuss] Re: License information for extensions on LO's extension site
- From: Michael Meeks <michael.meeks@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to run single cppunit tests
- From: Markus Mohrhard <markus.mohrhard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- how to run single cppunit tests
- From: Rahul Gurung <gurungrahul2@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: License information for extensions on LO's extension site
- From: toki <toki.kantoor@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: License information for extensions on LO's extension site
- From: Drew Jensen <drewjensen.inbox@xxxxxxxxx>
- Crash test update
- From: "Crashtest VM" <crashtest.libreoffice@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: License information for extensions on LO's extension site
- From: Stephan Bergmann <sbergman@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: API-CHANGE - dropping string properties which use URL
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [no subject]
- From: Nidhin Mahesh <nidhinmahesh1@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
- From: Kohei Yoshida <libreoffice@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: make check fails in [build JCS]
- From: Regina Henschel <rb.henschel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: License information for extensions on LO's extension site
- From: Andreas Mantke <maand@xxxxxx>
- Re: Tinderbox 71 Failing on CppunitTest_sd_export_ooxml2
- From: Luke Benes <lukebenes@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- problems exporing spreadsheet to JPEG
- From: Oliver Kowalke <oliver.kowalke@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: License information for extensions on LO's extension site
- From: Kaganski Mike <mikekaganski@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: License information for extensions on LO's extension site
- From: Stephan Bergmann <sbergman@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: License information for extensions on LO's extension site
- From: Andreas Mantke <maand@xxxxxx>
- Re: API-CHANGE - dropping string properties which use URL
- From: Pusteblumi <benbignoise@xxxxxx>
- Re: GSoC weekly update : Add Support for Python in LOEclipse Plugin - Shobhan Mandal
- From: Christian Lohmaier <lohmaier@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: License information for extensions on LO's extension site
- From: Heiko Tietze <tietze.heiko@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Regarding libreoffice android error
- From: Christian Lohmaier <lohmaier@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- License information for extensions on LO's extension site
- From: Stephan Bergmann <sbergman@xxxxxxxxxx>
- New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
- From: scan-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- minutes of ESC call 2018-08-30
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: License information for extensions on LO's extension site
- From: Stephan Bergmann <sbergman@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Bijan Tabatabai license statement
- From: Bijan Tabatabai <bijan311@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Implementing accessibility non-regression check tool
- From: Samuel Thibault <sthibault@xxxxxxxx>
- java.awt.AWTError: Assistive Technology failure after Ubuntu / Debain Upgrade
- From: Luke Benes <lukebenes@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Minutes from the design meeting 2018-Aug-29
- From: Heiko Tietze <tietze.heiko@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Implementing accessibility non-regression check tool
- From: Jan-Marek Glogowski <glogow@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: make check fails in [build JCS]
- From: Noel Grandin <noelgrandin@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: make check fails in [build JCS]
- From: Stephan Bergmann <sbergman@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Jenkins CI behaviour
- From: Stephan Bergmann <sbergman@xxxxxxxxxx>
- make check fails in [build JCS]
- From: Regina Henschel <rb.henschel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Implementing accessibility non-regression check tool
- From: Jan-Marek Glogowski <glogow@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Implementing accessibility non-regression check tool
- From: Samuel Thibault <sthibault@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Jenkins CI behaviour
- From: Eike Rathke <erack@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Jenkins CI behaviour
- From: Markus Mohrhard <markus.mohrhard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Jenkins CI behaviour
- From: Rahul Gurung <gurungrahul2@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Jenkins CI behaviour
- From: Markus Mohrhard <markus.mohrhard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Jenkins CI behaviour
- From: Rahul Gurung <gurungrahul2@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Mysql/Mariadb connector extension flag not recognized on MacoS when building LibreOffice
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Mysql/Mariadb connector extension flag not recognized on MacoS when building LibreOffice
- From: Alexander Thurgood <alex.thurgood@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Mysql/Mariadb connector extension flag not recognized on MacoS when building LibreOffice
- From: Andras Timar <timar74@xxxxxxxxx>
- Mysql/Mariadb connector extension flag not recognized on MacoS when building LibreOffice
- From: Alexander Thurgood <alex.thurgood@xxxxxxxxx>
- LibreOffice ESC call, Thur - 16:00 central European (local) time
- From: Michael Meeks <michael.meeks@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Weekly QA Report (W34-2018)
- From: Xisco Fauli <xiscofauli@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: A Fresher Needs Help in Contributing
- From: Muhammet Kara <muhammet.kara@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Jenkins CI behaviour
- From: Muhammet Kara <muhammet.kara@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Missing w:separator attribute in OOXML file
- From: Patrick Jaap <patrick.jaap@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Jenkins CI behaviour
- From: Rahul Gurung <gurungrahul2@xxxxxxxxx>
- New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
- From: scan-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: How to make a unit test for Draw to test file format?
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: clang-8: error: unknown argument: '-flto-partition=none' when building lxml
- From: Stephan Bergmann <sbergman@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Ubuntu 16.04 -> 18.04 => one unittest failure
- From: Jean-Baptiste Faure <jbfaure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Crash test update
- From: "Crashtest VM" <crashtest.libreoffice@xxxxxxxxx>
- [ANN] master now requires mdds 1.4.1
- From: Kohei Yoshida <libreoffice@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Missing w:separator attribute in OOXML file
- From: Thorsten Behrens <thb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Aditya Sahu license statement
- From: Aditya Sahu <adityasahu1511@xxxxxxxxx>
- Tinderbox 71 Failing on CppunitTest_sd_export_ooxml2
- From: Luke Benes <lukebenes@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to make a unit test for Draw to test file format?
- From: Regina Henschel <rb.henschel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- cpp unittests - give error during building about Junit
- From: Rahul Gurung <gurungrahul2@xxxxxxxxx>
- CppCheck Report Failure
- From: "cppcheck.libreoffice@xxxxxxxxx" <cppcheck.libreoffice@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Error while make test
- From: Markus Mohrhard <markus.mohrhard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Crash test update
- From: "Crashtest VM" <crashtest.libreoffice@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Ubuntu 16.04 -> 18.04 => one unittest failure
- From: Jean-Baptiste Faure <jbfaure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- clang-8: error: unknown argument: '-flto-partition=none' when building lxml
- From: Luke Benes <lukebenes@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Error while make test
- From: Rahul Gurung <gurungrahul2@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Ubuntu 16.04 -> 18.04 => one unittest failure
- From: Kaganski Mike <mikekaganski@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to make a unit test for Draw to test file format?
- From: Regina Henschel <rb.henschel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
- From: scan-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Missing w:separator attribute in OOXML file
- From: Patrick Jaap <patrick.jaap@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: JunitTest_forms_unoapi tests now failing on Windows
- From: Jan-Marek Glogowski <glogow@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to make a unit test for Draw to test file format?
- From: Tomaž Vajngerl <quikee@xxxxxxxxx>
- JunitTest_forms_unoapi tests now failing on Windows
- From: Luke Benes <lukebenes@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- SWT noa-libre support for linux gtk3 ?
- From: p-y <py.foucou@xxxxxxxxx>
- How to make a unit test for Draw to test file format?
- From: Regina Henschel <rb.henschel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- A Fresher Needs Help in Contributing
- From: Aditya Sahu <adithebest15@xxxxxxxxx>
- Ubuntu 16.04 -> 18.04 => one unittest failure
- From: Jean-Baptiste Faure <jbfaure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Crash test update
- From: "Crashtest VM" <crashtest.libreoffice@xxxxxxxxx>
- Minutes from the design meeting 2018-Aug-22
- From: Heiko Tietze <tietze.heiko@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Error while make test
- From: Markus Mohrhard <markus.mohrhard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Error while make test
- From: Rahul Gurung <gurungrahul2@xxxxxxxxx>
- minutes of ESC call ...
- From: Michael Meeks <michael.meeks@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
- From: Kaganski Mike <mikekaganski@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
- From: Stephan Bergmann <sbergman@xxxxxxxxxx>
- New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
- From: scan-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Weekly QA Report (W33-2018)
- From: Xisco Fauli <xiscofauli@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64 in libmariadb-connector-c - build failure on master, with macOS
- From: Alexander Thurgood <alex.thurgood@xxxxxxxxx>
- LibreOffice ESC call, Wed - 18:00 central European (local) time
- From: Michael Meeks <michael.meeks@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64 in libmariadb-connector-c - build failure on master, with macOS
- From: Stephan Bergmann <sbergman@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: 64-bit Windows build failure after MSVC Update
- From: Stephan Bergmann <sbergman@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 64-bit Windows build failure after MSVC Update
- From: Luke Benes <lukebenes@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64 in libmariadb-connector-c - build failure on master, with macOS
- From: Michael Stahl <mst@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64 in libmariadb-connector-c - build failure on master, with macOS
- From: Alexander Thurgood <alex.thurgood@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64 in libmariadb-connector-c - build failure on master, with macOS
- From: Drew Jensen <drewjensen.inbox@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64 in libmariadb-connector-c - build failure on master, with macOS
- From: Alexander Thurgood <alex.thurgood@xxxxxxxxx>
- Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64 in libmariadb-connector-c - build failure on master, with macOS
- From: Alexander Thurgood <alex.thurgood@xxxxxxxxx>
- Victor Walker licence statement
- From: Victor Walker <vwalker98@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Product team minutes ....
- From: Michael Meeks <michael.meeks@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Product team minutes ....
- From: Michael Meeks <michael.meeks@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Looking for reviewer
- From: Regina Henschel <rb.henschel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Crash test update
- From: "Crashtest VM" <crashtest.libreoffice@xxxxxxxxx>
- CppCheck Report Failure
- From: "cppcheck.libreoffice@xxxxxxxxx" <cppcheck.libreoffice@xxxxxxxxx>
- New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
- From: scan-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Infra call on Tue, Aug 21 at 16:30 UTC
- From: guilhem@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Guilhem Moulin)
- <Adam Kovacs> license statement
- From: christo161@xxxxxxxxx (ádám kovács)
- Minutes of ESC call: 2018-08-16
- From: kendy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Jan Holesovsky)
- Error on First Run in Windows: Solar Mutex not owned
- From: noelgrandin@xxxxxxxxx (Noel Grandin)
- error creating LO installation dmg file using make
- From: sbergman@xxxxxxxxxx (Stephan Bergmann)
- error creating LO installation dmg file using make
- From: sbergman@xxxxxxxxxx (Stephan Bergmann)
- Compiler baselines
- From: sbergman@xxxxxxxxxx (Stephan Bergmann)
- Crash test update
- From: crashtest.libreoffice@xxxxxxxxx (Crashtest VM)
- error creating LO installation dmg file using make
- From: sbergman@xxxxxxxxxx (Stephan Bergmann)
- error creating LO installation dmg file using make
- From: prsvrrgtd@xxxxxxxxxxx (Ch g)
- Crash test update
- From: crashtest.libreoffice@xxxxxxxxx (Crashtest VM)
- Minutes from the design meeting 2018-Aug-08
- From: tietze.heiko@xxxxxxxxx (Heiko Tietze)
- Fwd: [PATCH] xmlsecurity: nsscrypto_initialize: try to avoid profile migr...
- From: mst@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Michael Stahl)
- [comment libreoffice-6-1] Access2Base - Fix Filter arg not applied in OpenForm
- From: noelgrandin@xxxxxxxxx (Noel Grandin)
- [comment libreoffice-6-1] Access2Base - Fix Filter arg not applied in OpenForm
- From: jp@xxxxxxxxx (Jean-Pierre Ledure)
- LibreOffice ESC call, Thur - 16:00 central European (local) time
- From: michael.meeks@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Michael Meeks)
- Weekly QA Report (W32-2018)
- From: xiscofauli@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Xisco Fauli)
- Crash test update
- From: crashtest.libreoffice@xxxxxxxxx (Crashtest VM)
- Error on First Run in Windows: Solar Mutex not owned
- From: Oliver.Brinzing@xxxxxx (Oliver Brinzing)
- broken radio/checkboxes in LibreOffice 6.1 (was: Re: UI regressions in "gen" plugin with LibreOffice 6.1)
- From: rene@xxxxxxxxxx (Rene Engelhard)
- broken radio/checkboxes in LibreOffice 6.1 (was: Re: UI regressions in "gen" plugin with LibreOffice 6.1)
- From: momonasmon@xxxxxxxxx (Maxim Monastirsky)
- broken radio/checkboxes in LibreOffice 6.1 (was: Re: UI regressions in "gen" plugin with LibreOffice 6.1)
- From: rene@xxxxxxxxxx (Rene Engelhard)
- broken radio/checkboxes in LibreOffice 6.1 (was: Re: UI regressions in "gen" plugin with LibreOffice 6.1)
- From: tietze.heiko@xxxxxxxxx (Heiko Tietze)
- broken radio/checkboxes in LibreOffice 6.1 (was: Re: UI regressions in "gen" plugin with LibreOffice 6.1)
- From: momonasmon@xxxxxxxxx (Maxim Monastirsky)
- broken radio/checkboxes in LibreOffice 6.1 (was: Re: UI regressions in "gen" plugin with LibreOffice 6.1)
- From: rene@xxxxxxxxxx (Rene Engelhard)
- broken radio/checkboxes in LibreOffice 6.1 (was: Re: UI regressions in "gen" plugin with LibreOffice 6.1)
- From: rene@xxxxxxxxxx (Rene Engelhard)
- broken radio/checkboxes in LibreOffice 6.1 (was: Re: UI regressions in "gen" plugin with LibreOffice 6.1)
- From: momonasmon@xxxxxxxxx (Maxim Monastirsky)
- broken radio/checkboxes in LibreOffice 6.1 (was: Re: UI regressions in "gen" plugin with LibreOffice 6.1)
- From: rene@xxxxxxxxxx (Rene Engelhard)
- broken radio/checkboxes in LibreOffice 6.1 (was: Re: UI regressions in "gen" plugin with LibreOffice 6.1)
- From: noelgrandin@xxxxxxxxx (Noel Grandin)
- broken radio/checkboxes in LibreOffice 6.1 (was: Re: UI regressions in "gen" plugin with LibreOffice 6.1)
- From: tietze.heiko@xxxxxxxxx (Heiko Tietze)
- broken radio/checkboxes in LibreOffice 6.1 (was: Re: UI regressions in "gen" plugin with LibreOffice 6.1)
- From: rene@xxxxxxxxxx (Rene Engelhard)
- broken radio/checkboxes in LibreOffice 6.1 (was: Re: UI regressions in "gen" plugin with LibreOffice 6.1)
- From: rene@xxxxxxxxxx (Rene Engelhard)
- CppCheck Report Failure
- From: cppcheck.libreoffice@xxxxxxxxx (cppcheck.libreoffice at
- broken radio/checkboxes in LibreOffice 6.1 (was: Re: UI regressions in "gen" plugin with LibreOffice 6.1)
- From: momonasmon@xxxxxxxxx (Maxim Monastirsky)
- Error on First Run in Windows: Solar Mutex not owned
- From: lukebenes@xxxxxxxxxxx (Luke Benes)
- Error on First Run in Windows: Solar Mutex not owned
- From: noelgrandin@xxxxxxxxx (Noel Grandin)
- Error on First Run in Windows: Solar Mutex not owned
- From: lukebenes@xxxxxxxxxxx (Luke Benes)
- Crash test update
- From: crashtest.libreoffice@xxxxxxxxx (Crashtest VM)
- Rahul Gurung - license statement
- From: gurungrahul2@xxxxxxxxx (Rahul Gurung)
- broken radio/checkboxes in LibreOffice 6.1 (was: Re: UI regressions in "gen" plugin with LibreOffice 6.1)
- From: rene@xxxxxxxxxx (Rene Engelhard)
- Questions about CppUnit
- From: markus.mohrhard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Markus Mohrhard)
- Fwd: [PATCH] xmlsecurity: nsscrypto_initialize: try to avoid profile migr...
- From: mst@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Michael Stahl)
- Fwd: [PATCH] xmlsecurity: nsscrypto_initialize: try to avoid profile migr...
- From: Michael.Stahl@xxxxxx (Michael Stahl)
- GCC 9
- From: sbergman@xxxxxxxxxx (Stephan Bergmann)
- UI regressions in "gen" plugin with LibreOffice 6.1
- From: caolanm@xxxxxxxxxx (Caolán McNamara)
- Windows Debug builds failure: 'DbgGUIInitSolarMutexCheck': identifier not found
- From: mikekaganski@xxxxxxxxxxx (Kaganski Mike)
- converting to cpp
- From: j.carl43@xxxxxx (Jens Carl)
- Windows Debug builds failure: 'DbgGUIInitSolarMutexCheck': identifier not found
- From: mikekaganski@xxxxxxxxxxx (Kaganski Mike)
- Questions about CppUnit
- From: spencer.frisby.1@xxxxxxxxx (FRISBY, SPENCER G CIV USAF AFMC 518 SMXS/MXDPA)
- Minutes of ESC call: 2018-08-08
- From: kendy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Jan Holesovsky)
- converting to cpp
- From: gurungrahul2@xxxxxxxxx (Rahul Gurung)
- Windows Debug builds failure: 'DbgGUIInitSolarMutexCheck': identifier not found
- From: sbergman@xxxxxxxxxx (Stephan Bergmann)
- LibreOffice ESC call, Wed - 18:00 central European (local) time
- From: kendy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Jan Holesovsky)
- about basic header files
- From: mikekaganski@xxxxxxxxxxx (Kaganski Mike)
- about basic header files
- From: gurungrahul2@xxxxxxxxx (Rahul Gurung)
- New Windows Tinderbox Needed
- From: lukebenes@xxxxxxxxxxx (Luke Benes)
- New Windows Tinderbox Needed
- From: kendy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Jan Holesovsky)
- Windows Debug builds failure: 'DbgGUIInitSolarMutexCheck': identifier not found
- From: lukebenes@xxxxxxxxxxx (slacka)
- Windows Debug builds failure: 'DbgGUIInitSolarMutexCheck': identifier not found
- From: sbergman@xxxxxxxxxx (Stephan Bergmann)
- Windows Debug builds failure: 'DbgGUIInitSolarMutexCheck': identifier not found
- From: sbergman@xxxxxxxxxx (Stephan Bergmann)
- Windows Debug builds failure: 'DbgGUIInitSolarMutexCheck': identifier not found
- From: lukebenes@xxxxxxxxxxx (slacka)
- Windows Debug builds failure: 'DbgGUIInitSolarMutexCheck': identifier not found
- From: lukebenes@xxxxxxxxxxx (slacka)
- GSoC weekly update: Improvements in Notebookbar
- From: kshitijpathania@xxxxxxxxx (Kshitij Pathania)
- New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
- From: scan-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxx (scan-admin at
- UI regressions in "gen" plugin with LibreOffice 6.1
- From: tietze.heiko@xxxxxxxxx (Heiko Tietze)
- Windows Debug builds failure: 'DbgGUIInitSolarMutexCheck': identifier not found
- From: sbergman@xxxxxxxxxx (Stephan Bergmann)
- UI regressions in "gen" plugin with LibreOffice 6.1
- From: rene@xxxxxxxxxx (Rene Engelhard)
- Windows Debug builds failure: 'DbgGUIInitSolarMutexCheck': identifier not found
- From: lukebenes@xxxxxxxxxxx (Luke Benes)
- Regarding libreoffice android error
- From: koshtitushar1994@xxxxxxxxx (Tushar Koshti)
- Weekly QA Report (W31-2018)
- From: xiscofauli@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Xisco Fauli)
- UI regressions in "gen" plugin with LibreOffice 6.1
- From: rene@xxxxxxxxxx (Rene Engelhard)
- UI regressions in "gen" plugin with LibreOffice 6.1
- From: xiscofauli@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Xisco Fauli)
- Kirill Kergakov license statement
- From: k.kergakov@xxxxxxxxx (Кирилл Кержаков)
- UI regressions in "gen" plugin with LibreOffice 6.1
- From: rene@xxxxxxxxxx (Rene Engelhard)
- GSoC weekly update : Add Support for Python in LOEclipse Plugin - Shobhan Mandal
- From: dev.shobhanmandal@xxxxxxxxx (Shobhan Mandal)
- Minutes of ESC call: 2018-08-02
- From: mst@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Michael Stahl)
- Windows Debug builds failure: 'DbgGUIInitSolarMutexCheck': identifier not found
- From: noel.grandin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Noel Grandin)
- Minutes of ESC call: 2018-08-02
- From: noelgrandin@xxxxxxxxx (Noel Grandin)
- Minutes of ESC call: 2018-08-02
- From: mst@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Michael Stahl)
- Crash test update
- From: crashtest.libreoffice@xxxxxxxxx (Crashtest VM)
- Windows Debug builds failure: 'DbgGUIInitSolarMutexCheck': identifier not found
- From: caolanm@xxxxxxxxxx (Caolán McNamara)
- Windows Debug builds failure: 'DbgGUIInitSolarMutexCheck': identifier not found
- From: lukebenes@xxxxxxxxxxx (Luke Benes)
- UI regressions in "gen" plugin with LibreOffice 6.1
- From: rene@xxxxxxxxxx (Rene Engelhard)
- CppCheck Report Update
- From: cppcheck.libreoffice@xxxxxxxxx (cppcheck.libreoffice at
- New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
- From: scan-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxx (scan-admin at
- Converting java unit test to cppunit
- From: markus.mohrhard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Markus Mohrhard)
- New Windows Tinderbox Needed
- From: markus.mohrhard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Markus Mohrhard)
- 64-bit Windows build failure: 'this' pointer for member, may not be aligned 8 as expected by the constructor
- From: lukebenes@xxxxxxxxxxx (Luke Benes)
- New Windows Tinderbox Needed
- From: lukebenes@xxxxxxxxxxx (Luke Benes)
- Converting java unit test to cppunit
- From: gurungrahul2@xxxxxxxxx (Rahul Gurung)
- Crash test update
- From: crashtest.libreoffice@xxxxxxxxx (Crashtest VM)
- Segfault compiling master
- From: rb.henschel@xxxxxxxxxxx (Regina Henschel)
- Segfault compiling master
- From: tietze.heiko@xxxxxxxxx (Heiko Tietze)
- Is there a way to know if a dispatch command opens a dialog?
- From: tietze.heiko@xxxxxxxxx (Heiko Tietze)
- 64-bit Windows build failure: 'this' pointer for member, may not be aligned 8 as expected by the constructor
- From: caolanm@xxxxxxxxxx (Caolán McNamara)
- Segfault compiling master
- From: sbergman@xxxxxxxxxx (Stephan Bergmann)
- Segfault compiling master
- From: sbergman@xxxxxxxxxx (Stephan Bergmann)
- Segfault compiling master
- From: noelgrandin@xxxxxxxxx (Noel Grandin)
- 64-bit Windows build failure: 'this' pointer for member, may not be aligned 8 as expected by the constructor
- From: lukebenes@xxxxxxxxxxx (Luke Benes)
- Minutes of ESC call: 2018-08-02
- From: kendy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Jan Holesovsky)
- Segmentation fault when compiling
- From: mcmurchy1917-libreoffice@xxxxxxxxxxx (Alex Kempshall)
- 64-bit Windows build failure: 'this' pointer for member, may not be aligned 8 as expected by the constructor
- From: caolanm@xxxxxxxxxx (Caolán McNamara)
- Segfault compiling master
- From: rb.henschel@xxxxxxxxxxx (Regina Henschel)
- Segfault compiling master
- From: mst@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Michael Stahl)
- Segfault compiling master
- From: rb.henschel@xxxxxxxxxxx (Regina Henschel)
- Crash test update
- From: l.lunak@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Luboš Luňák)
- Is there a way to know if a dispatch command opens a dialog?
- From: sbergman@xxxxxxxxxx (Stephan Bergmann)
- Segfault compiling master
- From: mst@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Michael Stahl)
- Segfault compiling master
- From: mst@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Michael Stahl)
- Segfault compiling master
- From: tietze.heiko@xxxxxxxxx (Heiko Tietze)
- How to insert extra and hidden information for each element of document via LibreOffice API?
- From: yupanqui.munozjulho@xxxxxx (munozy)
- Crash test update
- From: caolanm@xxxxxxxxxx (Caolán McNamara)
- Is there a way to know if a dispatch command opens a dialog?
- From: tietze.heiko@xxxxxxxxx (Heiko Tietze)
- Is there a way to know if a dispatch command opens a dialog?
- From: noelgrandin@xxxxxxxxx (Noel Grandin)
- Is there a way to know if a dispatch command opens a dialog?
- From: vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Miklos Vajna)
- New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
- From: scan-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxx (scan-admin at
- Minutes from the design meeting 2018-Aug-01
- From: tietze.heiko@xxxxxxxxx (Heiko Tietze)
- Crash test update
- From: crashtest.libreoffice@xxxxxxxxx (Crashtest VM)
- Segmentation fault when compiling
- From: lukebenes@xxxxxxxxxxx (slacka)
- LibreOffice ESC call, Thu - 16:00 central European (local) time
- From: kendy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Jan Holesovsky)
- Segmentation fault when compiling
- From: serval2412@xxxxxxxx (julien2412)
- Is there a way to know if a dispatch command opens a dialog?
- From: saurav.chir@xxxxxxxxx (Saurav Chirania)
- Segmentation fault when compiling
- From: mcmurchy1917-libreoffice@xxxxxxxxxxx (Alex Kempshall)
- LibreOffice ESC call, Wed - 18:00 central European (local) time
- From: sbergman@xxxxxxxxxx (Stephan Bergmann)
- Windows Debug builds failure: 'DbgGUIInitSolarMutexCheck': identifier not found
- From: noel.grandin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Noel Grandin)
- LibreOffice ESC call, Wed - 18:00 central European (local) time
- From: michael.meeks@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Michael Meeks)
- R-tree to be available in mdds
- From: michael.meeks@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Michael Meeks)
- Windows Debug builds failure: 'DbgGUIInitSolarMutexCheck': identifier not found
- From: lukebenes@xxxxxxxxxxx (Luke Benes)
- 64-bit Windows build failure: 'this' pointer for member, may not be aligned 8 as expected by the constructor
- From: lukebenes@xxxxxxxxxxx (Luke Benes)
- R-tree to be available in mdds
- From: libreoffice@xxxxxxxx (Kohei Yoshida)
- Crash test update
- From: crashtest.libreoffice@xxxxxxxxx (Crashtest VM)
- Calc - Debugging issues in undo
- From: jrope@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Julien Ropé)
- GSoC Weekly update for UI Test logger
- From: saurav.chir@xxxxxxxxx (Saurav Chirania)
- ODF specification for border around text portions
- From: rb.henschel@xxxxxxxxxxx (Regina Henschel)
- Weekly QA Report (W30-2018)
- From: xiscofauli@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Xisco Fauli)
- ODF specification for border around text portions
- From: rb.henschel@xxxxxxxxxxx (Regina Henschel)
- 64-bit Windows build failure: 'this' pointer for member, may not be aligned 8 as expected by the constructor
- From: caolanm@xxxxxxxxxx (Caolán McNamara)
- ODF specification for border around text portions
- From: zolnaitamas2000@xxxxxxxxx (Tamás Zolnai)
- ODF specification for border around text portions
- From: kelemeng@xxxxxxxxxx (Gabor Kelemen)
- ODF specification for border around text portions
- From: vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Miklos Vajna)
- ODF specification for border around text portions
- From: rb.henschel@xxxxxxxxxxx (Regina Henschel)
- 64-bit Windows build failure: 'this' pointer for member, may not be aligned 8 as expected by the constructor
- From: lukebenes@xxxxxxxxxxx (Luke Benes)
- 64-bit Windows build failure: 'this' pointer for member, may not be aligned 8 as expected by the constructor
- From: lukebenes@xxxxxxxxxxx (Luke Benes)
- Equivalent of std::mktime in LO
- From: markus.mohrhard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Markus Mohrhard)
- Equivalent of std::mktime in LO
- From: vikasmahato0@xxxxxxxxx (Vikas Mahato)
- New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
- From: scan-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxx (scan-admin at
- CppCheck Report Update
- From: cppcheck.libreoffice@xxxxxxxxx (cppcheck.libreoffice at
- Crash test update
- From: crashtest.libreoffice@xxxxxxxxx (Crashtest VM)
- New Windows Tinderbox Needed
- From: lukebenes@xxxxxxxxxxx (Luke Benes)
- [SOLVED]Re: Is there someone who successfully make their own build of LibreOffice with Visual Studio 15.8.0 Preview 3.0 ?
- From: himajin100000@xxxxxxxxx (himajin100000)
- How to insert extra and hidden information for each element of document via LibreOffice API?
- From: vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Miklos Vajna)
- How to insert extra and hidden information for each element of document via LibreOffice API?
- From: mst@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Michael Stahl)
- Compiler baselines
- From: sbergman@xxxxxxxxxx (Stephan Bergmann)
- How to insert extra and hidden information for each element of document via LibreOffice API?
- From: andrew@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Andrew Pitonyak)
- How to insert extra and hidden information for each element of document via LibreOffice API?
- From: antlists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Wols Lists)
- Calc cell type
- From: erack@xxxxxxxxxx (Eike Rathke)
- Compiler baselines
- From: lukebenes@xxxxxxxxxxx (slacka)
- OpenDocument spec tables row height [was: Writer - row-height, min-row-height and use-optimal-row-height]
- From: lionel@xxxxxxxxx (Lionel Elie Mamane)
- Question, please, regarding building the code
- From: mikekaganski@xxxxxxxxxxx (Kaganski Mike)
- Question, please, regarding building the code
- From: rb.henschel@xxxxxxxxxxx (Regina Henschel)
- Compiler baselines
- From: sbergman@xxxxxxxxxx (Stephan Bergmann)
- Crash test update
- From: crashtest.libreoffice@xxxxxxxxx (Crashtest VM)
- Compiler baselines
- From: lukebenes@xxxxxxxxxxx (slacka)
- Minutes from the design meeting 2018-Jul-25
- From: tietze.heiko@xxxxxxxxx (Heiko Tietze)
- minutes of ESC call ...
- From: xiscofauli@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Xisco Fauli)
- minutes of ESC call ...
- From: michael.meeks@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Michael Meeks)
- Compiler baselines
- From: sbergman@xxxxxxxxxx (Stephan Bergmann)
- Calc cell type
- From: mikekaganski@xxxxxxxxxxx (Kaganski Mike)
- Calc cell type
- From: vikasmahato0@xxxxxxxxx (Vikas Mahato)
- Compiler baselines (was: [Libreoffice-qa] minutes of ESC call ...)
- From: thb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Thorsten Behrens)
- LibreOffice ESC call, Wed - 18:00 central European (local) time
- From: michael.meeks@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Michael Meeks)
- Question, please, regarding building the code
- From: susanjean05@xxxxxxxxx (Susan Jean)
- Compiler baselines (was: [Libreoffice-qa] minutes of ESC call ...)
- From: tml@xxxxxx (Tor Lillqvist)
- Compiler baselines (was: [Libreoffice-qa] minutes of ESC call ...)
- From: sbergman@xxxxxxxxxx (Stephan Bergmann)
- LO build: CppunitTest error in Ubuntu 16.04/18.04
- From: mst@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Michael Stahl)
- Question, please
- From: mst@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Michael Stahl)
- How to insert extra and hidden information for each element of document via LibreOffice API?
- From: Yupanqui.MUNOZJULHO@xxxxxx (MUNOZ JULHO Yupanqui)
- Generate encryption key
- From: vikasmahato0@xxxxxxxxx (Vikas Mahato)
- Generate encryption key
- From: erack@xxxxxxxxxx (Eike Rathke)
- Generate encryption key
- From: erack@xxxxxxxxxx (Eike Rathke)
- LO build: CppunitTest error in Ubuntu 16.04/18.04
- From: prsvrrgtd@xxxxxxxxxxx (Ch g)
- Using native SVG as image in flat ODF
- From: rb.henschel@xxxxxxxxxxx (Regina Henschel)
- Generate encryption key
- From: quikee@xxxxxxxxx (Tomaž Vajngerl)
- George Wood license statement
- From: gwoodcode@xxxxxxxxx (George Wood)
- Generate encryption key
- From: quikee@xxxxxxxxx (Tomaž Vajngerl)
- Generate encryption key
- From: vikasmahato0@xxxxxxxxx (Vikas Mahato)
- Question, please
- From: lukebenes@xxxxxxxxxxx (slacka)
- Weekly QA Report (W29-2018)
- From: xiscofauli@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Xisco Fauli)
- Question, please
- From: susanjean05@xxxxxxxxx (Susan Jean)
- Release build fails for LO
- From: jbfaure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Jean-Baptiste Faure)
- GSOC 100 paper cuts update
- From: nicksonthanda10@xxxxxxx (Nick Thanda)
- GSoC Weekly update for UI Test logger
- From: saurav.chir@xxxxxxxxx (Saurav Chirania)
- Debugging issue #118842
- From: jrope@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Julien Ropé)
- GSoC weekly update: Smarart Editing in Impress
- From: jhaekansh80@xxxxxxxxx (Ekansh Jha)
- Crash test update
- From: crashtest.libreoffice@xxxxxxxxx (Crashtest VM)
- Hi everyone!
- From: caioboffo@xxxxxxxxx (Caio Boffo)
- Caio Boffo Silva license statement
- From: caioboffo@xxxxxxxxx (Caio Boffo)
- Release build fails for LO
- From: mst@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Michael Stahl)
- About Persona/lightweight themes
- From: serval2412@xxxxxxxx (julien2412)
- CppCheck Report Update
- From: cppcheck.libreoffice@xxxxxxxxx (cppcheck.libreoffice at
- A open lock specification?
- From: stefbon@xxxxxxxxx (Stef Bon)
- GSoC weekly update : Add Support for Python in LOEclipse Plugin - Shobhan Mandal
- From: dev.shobhanmandal@xxxxxxxxx (Shobhan Mandal)
- minutes of ESC call ...
- From: michael.meeks@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Michael Meeks)
- New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
- From: scan-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxx (scan-admin at
- segfault in DocumentLoader example
- From: katarina.behrens@xxxxxx (Katarina Behrens)
- LibreOffice ESC call, Thur - 16:00 central European (local) time
- From: bjoern.michaelsen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Bjoern Michaelsen)
- Libreoffice 6.1 branch fails to build against >=harfbuzz-1.8.1
- From: georgediam@xxxxxxxxx (George Diamantopoulos)
- segfault in DocumentLoader example
- From: katarina.behrens@xxxxxx (Katarina Behrens)
- segfault in DocumentLoader example
- From: oliver.kowalke@xxxxxxxxx (Oliver Kowalke)
- LibreOffice ESC call, Thur - 16:00 central European (local) time
- From: michael.meeks@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Michael Meeks)
- LibreOffice ESC call, Thur - 16:00 central European (local) time
- From: xiscofauli@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Xisco Fauli)
- LibreOffice ESC call, Thur - 16:00 central European (local) time
- From: michael.meeks@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Michael Meeks)
- Bringing attributes draw:fontwork-xyz to ODF?
- From: rb.henschel@xxxxxxxxxxx (Regina Henschel)
- Windows 32-bit build failure: unreachable code
- From: lukebenes@xxxxxxxxxxx (Luke Benes)
- Libreoffice 6.1 branch fails to build against >=harfbuzz-1.8.1
- From: dr.khaled.hosny@xxxxxxxxx (Khaled Hosny)
- Libreoffice 6.1 branch fails to build against >=harfbuzz-1.8.1
- From: georgediam@xxxxxxxxx (George Diamantopoulos)
- leading dot and trailing # in lock files
- From: olivier.tilloy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Olivier Tilloy)
- Weekly QA Report (W28-2018)
- From: xiscofauli@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Xisco Fauli)
- GSoC Weekly update for UI Test logger
- From: saurav.chir@xxxxxxxxx (Saurav Chirania)
- Windows 32-bit build failure: unreachable code
- From: vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Miklos Vajna)
- leading dot and trailing # in lock files
- From: mikekaganski@xxxxxxxxxxx (Kaganski Mike)
- Release build fails for LO
- From: jbfaure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Jean-Baptiste Faure)
- GSoC weekly update: Smarart Editing in Impress
- From: jhaekansh80@xxxxxxxxx (Ekansh Jha)
- New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
- From: scan-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxx (scan-admin at
- CppCheck Report Update
- From: cppcheck.libreoffice@xxxxxxxxx (cppcheck.libreoffice at
- Infra call on Tue, Jul 17 at 16:30 UTC
- From: guilhem@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Guilhem Moulin)
- Crash test update
- From: crashtest.libreoffice@xxxxxxxxx (Crashtest VM)
- GSoC weekly update : Add Support for Python in LOEclipse Plugin - Shobhan Mandal
- From: dev.shobhanmandal@xxxxxxxxx (Shobhan Mandal)
- Windows 32-bit build failure: unreachable code
- From: lukebenes@xxxxxxxxxxx (Luke Benes)
- java service with get/set methods will fail with ""illegal object given!"
- From: Oliver.Brinzing@xxxxxx (Oliver Brinzing)
- leading dot and trailing # in lock files
- From: olivier.tilloy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Olivier Tilloy)
- Libreoffice 6.1 branch fails to build against >=harfbuzz-1.8.1
- From: georgediam@xxxxxxxxx (George Diamantopoulos)
- Calc functions and Calc option 'convert text to number'
- From: winfried.libreoffice@xxxxxxxxx (Winfried Donkers)
- leading dot and trailing # in lock files
- From: mikekaganski@xxxxxxxxxxx (Kaganski Mike)
- leading dot and trailing # in lock files
- From: olivier.tilloy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Olivier Tilloy)
- Calc functions and Calc option 'convert text to number'
- From: erack@xxxxxxxxxx (Eike Rathke)
- Calc functions and Calc option 'convert text to number'
- From: winfried.libreoffice@xxxxxxxxx (Winfried Donkers)
- Calc functions and Calc option 'convert text to number'
- From: Winfried.Donkers@xxxxxxxxxx (Winfried Donkers)
- minutes of ESC call ...
- From: vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Miklos Vajna)
- CppunitTest_sc_tabviewobj failing on Windows with "make check"
- From: j.carl43@xxxxxx (Jens Carl)
- CppunitTest_sc_tabviewobj failing on Windows with "make check"
- From: j.carl43@xxxxxx (Jens Carl)
- minutes of ESC call ...
- From: mikekaganski@xxxxxxxxxxx (Kaganski Mike)
- minutes of ESC call ...
- From: michael.meeks@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Michael Meeks)
- LibreOffice ESC call, Wed - 18:00 central European (local) time
- From: michael.meeks@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Michael Meeks)
- CppunitTest_sc_tabviewobj failing on Windows with "make check"
- From: vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Miklos Vajna)
- CppunitTest_sc_tabviewobj failing on Windows with "make check"
- From: lukebenes@xxxxxxxxxxx (Luke Benes)
- GSOC 100 paper cuts update
- From: nicksonthanda10@xxxxxxx (Nick Thanda)
- UITest/writer_tests: FAIL: test_tracked_changes_reject (trackedChanges.trackedchanges)
- From: mst@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Michael Stahl)
- Libreoffice 6.1 branch fails to build against >=harfbuzz-1.8.1
- From: mst@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Michael Stahl)
- java service with get/set methods will fail with ""illegal object given!"
- From: vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Miklos Vajna)
- Weekly QA Report (W27-2018)
- From: xiscofauli@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Xisco Fauli)
- Fwd: Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Fwd: Re: Minutes of ESC call 2017-07-05
- From: sophia.schroeder@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Sophia Schröder)
- java service with get/set methods will fail with ""illegal object given!"
- From: Oliver.Brinzing@xxxxxx (Oliver Brinzing)
- [libreoffice-l10n] Fwd: Re: Minutes of ESC call 2017-07-05
- From: sophi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (sophi)
- Libreoffice 6.1 branch fails to build against >=harfbuzz-1.8.1
- From: georgediam@xxxxxxxxx (George Diamantopoulos)
- tdf#115718 Fix Watch Window EditBox
- From: erack@xxxxxxxxxx (Eike Rathke)
- Tabs not readible
- From: erack@xxxxxxxxxx (Eike Rathke)
- GSoC Weekly update for UI Test logger
- From: saurav.chir@xxxxxxxxx (Saurav Chirania)
- GSoC weekly update: Smarart Editing in Impress
- From: jhaekansh80@xxxxxxxxx (Ekansh Jha)
- GSoC weekly update: Improvements in Notebookbar
- From: kshitijpathania@xxxxxxxxx (Kshitij Pathania)
- GSoC weekly update : Add Support for Python in LOEclipse Plugin - Shobhan Mandal
- From: dev.shobhanmandal@xxxxxxxxx (Shobhan Mandal)
- Tabs not readible
- From: SeeCOM@xxxxxxx (SeeCOM)
- Is there someone who successfully make their own build of LibreOffice with Visual Studio 15.8.0 Preview 3.0 ?
- From: himajin100000@xxxxxxxxx (himajin100000)
- CppCheck Report Update
- From: cppcheck.libreoffice@xxxxxxxxx (cppcheck.libreoffice at
- Minutes of ESC call 2017-07-05
- From: sophia.schroeder@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Sophia Schröder)
- Crash test update
- From: crashtest.libreoffice@xxxxxxxxx (Crashtest VM)
- Balazs Varga license statement
- From: balazs.varga991@xxxxxxxxx (Balázs Varga)
- Looking for Quattro Pro .qpw files
- From: xiscofauli@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Xisco Fauli)
- Minutes of ESC call 2017-07-05
- From: thb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Thorsten Behrens)
- Crash test update
- From: crashtest.libreoffice@xxxxxxxxx (Crashtest VM)
- Make clean fails for unpackedTarballs in subpath firebird
- From: lohmaier+libreoffice@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Christian Lohmaier)
- Make clean fails for unpackedTarballs in subpath firebird
- From: mikekaganski@xxxxxxxxxxx (Kaganski Mike)
- Arawa - licence statement
- From: phemmel@xxxxxxxx (Philippe Hemmel)
- Minutes from the design meeting 2018-Jul-04
- From: tietze.heiko@xxxxxxxxx (Heiko Tietze)
- Make clean fails for unpackedTarballs in subpath firebird
- From: rb.henschel@xxxxxxxxxxx (Regina Henschel)
- Faster linking (-gsplit-dwarf, gold/lld, --gdb-index)
- From: l.lunak@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Luboš Luňák)
- Future of Java
- From: mikekaganski@xxxxxxxxxxx (Kaganski Mike)
- Future of Java
- From: pnetmod@xxxxxxx (Mark)
- Slow UITests
- From: vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Miklos Vajna)
- LibreOffice ESC call, Thur - 16:00 central European (local) time
- From: michael.meeks@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Michael Meeks)
- Verbose mode & running selected tests
- From: vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Miklos Vajna)
- tdf#115718 Fix Watch Window EditBox
- From: mcmurchy1917-libreoffice@xxxxxxxxxxx (Alex Kempshall)
- Crash test update
- From: crashtest.libreoffice@xxxxxxxxx (Crashtest VM)
- Verbose mode & running selected tests
- From: mrestelli@xxxxxxxxx (marco restelli)
- Weekly QA Report (W26-2018)
- From: xiscofauli@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Xisco Fauli)
- GSoC weekly update: ListBox separate read values from input values
- From: hrishabh.iitkgp@xxxxxxxxx (Hrishabh Rajput)
- GSOC 100 paper cuts update
- From: nicksonthanda10@xxxxxxx (Nick Thanda)
- [ANN] ODF extension schema & validation
- From: mst@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Michael Stahl)
- GSoC weekly update: Smarart Editing in Impress
- From: jhaekansh80@xxxxxxxxx (Ekansh Jha)
- Close EasyHack tdf#96099 "Reduce number of typedefs used for trivial container types"?
- From: sbergman@xxxxxxxxxx (Stephan Bergmann)
- Close EasyHack tdf#96099 "Reduce number of typedefs used for trivial container types"?
- From: erack@xxxxxxxxxx (Eike Rathke)
- GSoC Weekly update for UI Test logger
- From: saurav.chir@xxxxxxxxx (Saurav Chirania)
- CppCheck Report Update
- From: cppcheck.libreoffice@xxxxxxxxx (cppcheck.libreoffice at
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