389 Directory Server Users - Thread Index
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- Re: dsadmin python library - using signature to document methods, (continued)
- Forwarding client requests to AD,
David Barr
- almost off-topic: when is it advisable to get a 3rd party signed (vs. a self-signed) cert to use with 389-ds?,
Jon Detert
- documentation on creating/using roles,
Elizabeth Jones
- nsDS5ReplicaCredentials confusion,
Jon Detert
- Single Master replication : after master o.s. + dirsrv upgrade, replication fails with nsds5replicaLastInitStatus=3,
Jon Detert
- dbmon.sh - tool to monitor db and cache usage, Rich Megginson
- How can I grant read access to the attributes of a nsDS5ReplicationAgreement object?,
Jon Detert
- Apache 2.4.4,
Tom Browder
- How to get password expire time for user,
Fosiul Alam
- using PWM with 389 DS,
Elizabeth Jones
- Replication fails: id2entry.db4 too large?,
Luigi Santangelo
- AD group/user sync question,
Vesa Alho
- How to make sure that all slave server has same data,
Fosiul Alam
- invalid password syntax - passwords with storage scheme are not allowed,
Fosiul Alam
- MMR not working after upgrade to 8.2, Chris Taylor
- 389 and AD group sync,
Vesa Alho
- Add additional attributes to a Winsync agreement,
- AD sync problem for group with more than 1500 entries,
David Baird
- Which ports are used/needed by the admin console?,
- 389-console: tries to connect to localhost:389 instead of hostname:389,
- Changing log rotation format,
Jeffrey Dunham
- DS performance settings while multi-mastering,
Patrick Raspante
- recovering DNA ranges,
Rob Crittenden
- lowercase/case sensitive DNs,
Colin Tulloch
- Samba authentication via DS/LDAP,
Todor Petkov
- replication is not working due "Unable to parse the response", Fosiul Alam
- Need help to setup a slave server,
Fosiul Alam
- Announcing 389 Directory Server version Testing, Noriko Hosoi
- Integrating DS with UCMDB, Todor Petkov
- Can't create DSInstances as user (uid !=0) with 389-ds-base- on FC18,
Luca Menegus
- How to check if user is locked,
Todor Petkov
- questions about client certificate-base authentication,
- Console error, carne_de_passaro
- 1.3.x to EPEL repos - when?,
Vesa Alho
- errors log - NSACLPlugin - acllas__client_match_URL:,
Picture Book
- Rolling upgrade of multiple servers,
Bright, Daniel
ACL Question,
rayane karim
389 Master - Master Replication,
Santos Ramirez
setup-ds-admin.pl failure,
AD and 389ds synchronization of shadowLastChange,
vladimir Safoo
AD and 389ds synchronization of password attributes, vladimir Safoo
Filtered replication from AD?,
Colin Panisset
Migrating from ApacheDS,
Andrew Carr
attribute uniqneness plugin error: Another entry with the same attribute value already exists,
Picture Book
referential integrity postoperation plugin 1.10.12,
Picture Book
389-console is pointing to the wrong instance,
Elizabeth Jones
Fedora-ds + freeradius + chap, m4rr3nt0 m4r
Announcing 389 Directory Server version Stable, Noriko Hosoi
★ 389-users FedoraProjet, Silaki a laissé un message pour toi, Badoo
Freeradius+chap+Fedora-ds, m4rr3nt0 m4r
Distributed Numeric Assignment,
Josh Ellsworth
notes=U, unindex search? really,
Picture Book
Migrating fedora-ds 1.0.4 + 3.5.3 on Redhat 4 to a new server Redhat 6.4 with 389-ds + samba 3.5.10,
German Waisvol
netscaperoot deleted,
Elizabeth Jones
Problem for migrate from fedora-ds 1.0.4 to 389-ds,
German Waisvol
confused about how to create nsslapd backends,
Jon Detert
error code 50 - Insufficient 'write' privilege to the 'unhashed#user#password' attribute of entry,
Picture Book
How to shrink cn=changelog db, Picture Book
seach cn=changelog notes=P,
Picture Book
NSMMReplicationPlugin - replica_check_for_data_reload: Warning:,
James Lee
replication with some attributes excluded leads to schema violation,
Petr Spacek
dirsrv won't start,
Doug Tucker
request for access logs...,
Mark Reynolds
id works, cannot auth though,
Doug Tucker
Unable to Update Referrals Info,
Tom Tucker
Multiple 389 Servers for Clients Using SSSD,
Chandan Kumar
Multi Master Replication using SSL/TLS, Chandan Kumar
LdapImport.pl, Doug Tucker
Couple of quick questions about proxying.,
Kevin Thorpe
AD <-> LDAP password expiration sync,
Orion Poplawski
Client Config on CentOS 6,
Ali Jawad
Search operation takes too much time for respond,
Balaji P
Difference between Start and End Replication Request,
Moisés Barba Pérez
Client ACI question,
Matti Alho
Support for apple OS X schema?,
Orion Poplawski
migrate PDC with Samba3+389ds to SAMBA AD DC (samba4), Maurizio Marini
Bind localhost to 389, external IP to 636, fails with Local Network address is in use,
Graham Leggett
Importing certificates during setup-ds.pl - is this possible?,
Graham Leggett
console X11 issue,
Doug Tucker
installation issues,
Doug Tucker
Windows sync - additional attributes,
Deyan Stoykov
Re: Differences between Ubuntu vs CentOS Client regarding password policies, Rich Megginson
Announcing 389 Directory Server version 1.3.0.rc2 Testing, Noriko Hosoi
multi-master replication limits,
Colin Tulloch
Swap Master Hardware.,
Shardul Kerkar
Backing up our 389-DS,
harry . devine
How to set up 389 client,
Chaudhari, Rohit K.
Notification when AD password sync fails,
Orion Poplawski
Specifying Fail over ldap servers at client side,
Chandan Kumar
Nested groups ldap to PAM,
Deas, Jim
creating replication user from 389-console,
Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan
sync nsaccountlock - userAccountControl,
Adriano Matos Meier
RUV is not getting updated for both Master and consumer,
Das, Jyoti Ranjan (STSD)
official supported way for multi master replication,
Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan
suggestion for Howto:ChainOnUpdate page,
Scripts to analyze 389 directory server access logs?,
Justin Piszcz
389 <=> AD group sync,
Matti Alho
chain on update by ldapmodify problem,
Password Expiration Time,
Tariq Kmail
NSMMReplicationPlugin - repl_set_mtn_referrals,
Andreas Kekkou
Changelog encryption,
Andreas Kekkou
389-dir + dynamic groups + PAM,
(no subject),
db2* backup scripts - location and recreating,
Orion Poplawski
ACI for single user access,
James Chamberlain
Tuning dbcache size for large directory,
SO kills ns-ldapd because of memory usage,
Moisés Barba Pérez
Question about 389-ds and Solaris,
Jean-Francois Saucier
excluding attributes/objectclasses belonging to a specific schema from export to ldif, Timo Ballin
389ds + modrdn + NSMMReplicationPlugin - Consumer failed to replay change,
Derek Belcher
MMR issue ...,
Reinhard Nappert
segfault while moving entry to non-existent LDAP container,
Vladimir Elisseev
Nested group and ssh login against 389-dir, thomas
Password + anything works ?,
Ali Jawad
Sync with AD,
Andreas Kekkou
Re: 389-users Digest, Vol 90, Issue 3, albert.solaris
Is there any paramter to configure replication retry time in case of fail over,
Divya Ravikumar
Re: 389-users Digest, Vol 90, Issue 2, albert.solaris
LDAP authentication related - CANNOT change password by running passwd on clients,
Force Password Change, trumpjk
how to properly change port number, Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan
AD replication agreement with 2 different servers/domains,
Juan Asensio Sánchez
Problem sync groups with Active Directory,
Juan Asensio Sánchez
Michael Mercier
New Debian install,
pwdUpdateTime when password policies are applied.,
Juan Carlos Camargo
Start TLS and 389 Directory,
Kyle Flavin
Announcing 389 Directory Server version Testing, Rich Megginson
ACL doesn't works,
Satish Patel
ACI question,
Matti Alho
Want to change the hostname of my 389-box. Is there an easy way to fix the cert?,
User management on 389 console,
Alberto Suárez
ACI and authenticating clients/servers,
Matti Alho
groupOfURLS, groupOfUniqueNames, and memberURL issues,
Nick Cappelletti
389 DS Achitecture for Multiple Sites,
Kyle Flavin
Clients freezing during boot, Ali Jawad
Re: 389-users Digest, Vol 88, Issue 15, Vijay Thakur
389 DS Authentication,
Vijay Thakur
Allow to add a user (userpassword),
Alberto Viana
Slave server in can't acquire busy replica state, Marcio Costa
extract CA certificate,
Gregory Matthews
Can an admin server manage remote directory servers?,
Orion Poplawski
Adding attributes to WinSync,
mailing lists
Version equivalence between 389 Directory Server and Red Hat Directory Server,
Juan Asensio Sánchez
SSL - Multiple Server Certs,
Tom Tucker
Announcing 389 Directory Server version Testing, Rich Megginson
Expired password still allows samba login,
David Hoskinson
Announcing 389 Directory Server version Testing, Rich Megginson
Re: Announcing 389 Directory Server version Testing,
Carsten Grzemba
Account Useability Request Control Usage, Charles Gilbert
Announcing 389 Directory Server version Testing,
Rich Megginson
SSL connection based on cert,
Alberto Viana
Protection of entries on downstream master or hub,
Lucas Sweany
389-ds-base- broke my server,
Orion Poplawski
audit log doesn't log adding a entry,
Picture Book
Directory Express Gateway problems with bind,
Anders Nielsen
Skipping entries on consumer initialize,
Wes Hardin
GUI errors when viewing replication agreements,
Wes Hardin
Questions about 389 and Sendmail virtusertable, Pro Green European
PasswordExpiringControl, PasswordExpiredControl and DraftBeheraLDAPPasswordPolicy10RequestControl,
Juan Asensio Sánchez
What to do about windows sync when AD entries move out of scope,
Rich Megginson
Problem compiling sample plugin,
Juan Asensio Sánchez
Backup Directory Server by db2bak.pl script,
Fosiul Alam
Replication Agreement Between DS 8.2 and 9.0,
Paul Whitney
Do I need separate directory instances for Linux authentication and (for example) IMAP authentication?,
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