I think I've answered part of my own question by trolling through the
source; in
the explicit string '(objectclass=*)' is searched for and, if found,
thrown away before the EXCLUDE is processed.
So the goal here is to have user password changes and account
terminations make it from AD -> 389-ds, without having all entries from
AD show up.
I would be happy with some kind of (unix filesystem-speak) symlink
capability from one suffix to another, but I don't know the right
terminology to use in searching for documentation on doing this. Any
suggestions would be welcome.
-- C.
On 01/25/2013 11:07 AM, Colin Panisset wrote:
We have two separate directory environments at present, one 389-ds
(389-ds-base- and one AD based on W2k8.
We would like to be able to replicate user entries, password changes,
and employee terminations from AD to 389-ds but, because the 389-ds
environment is a restricted subset, we don't want all new users in the
AD domain to automatically appear in 389-ds.
I've seen https://fedorahosted.org/389/ticket/460 which looks like it
would do the job, but the milestone is 1.3.2 which is a ways off.
The suffixes in use by the different directory servers are different --
one is dc=example,dc=com and the other is dc=otherplace,dc=com
Complicating the matter is that the two directories are managed by
different OUs in the same company.
Other than referrals, is there some way to copy/replicate attributes
from one suffix to another, or to change the suffix during a replication?
Fractional replication uses the filter '(objectclass=*)' prior to the $
EXCLUDE but would it be possible to extend that to cover a smaller
subset of entries? We're not interested in replicating from 389-ds back
to AD at this point.
Colin Panisset
Senior Systems Engineer, REA Group
Ph: +61 (0)3 8456 4636 Mb: +61 (0) 457 788 259
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