So I've gone from bad to worse. Googling and googling and no response
on my auth issue from the list yesterday, I coudn't stand doing
nothing. The only thing I saw that made me curious was some thread
where a guy could not auth and he changed the password hash to something
else and it worked. I looked at our current password hash in openldap
and it was ssha. For the life of me I could not find how to see what
the current one was in 389. The only thing I could find in the docs was
how to set a password policy which allowed you to set the hash. So I
did so according to the documentation on the Users cn. The only thing I
did was turn it on, and make sure password hash was set to ssha. I left
the rest default which was no expiration, etc. I saved, and tried to
restart according to the docs, it woudn't restart. I shut down with the
init script instead, and tried to start, and now I get this:
[root@lyleauth1 schema]# /etc/init.d/dirsrv start
Starting dirsrv:
lyleauth1...[09/Jan/2013:16:23:05 -0600] dse_read_one_file - The
entry cn=schema in file /etc/dirsrv/slapd-lyleauth1/schema/99user.ldif
(lineno: 1) is invalid, error code 21 (Invalid syntax) - attribute type
olcOverlay: Missing parent attribute syntax OID
[09/Jan/2013:16:23:05 -0600] dse - Please edit the file to correct the
reported problems and then restart the server.
*** Warning: 1 instance(s) failed to start
Looking at the time stamp on that file, it is: Dec 20 16:36 99user.ldif
. So what I did yesterday did not touch it. Anyone have any idea how
to fix this?
Doug Tucker
389 users mailing list