Leo, I'm newbie. could you give me a few more details, or tell me where can i read?
regards!2013/1/15 Leo Pleiman <lpleiman@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sounds complicated. The way I performed DS migrations was to established the new server as a multi-master and then simply stop the old server and delete the multi-master relationship on the new server. The published instructions are very clear.
On Jan 15, 2013 8:27 AM, "German Waisvol" <german.waisvol@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
--good morning, I need help migrating from fedora-ds (installed on Redhat 4) to another server (389-ds installed on Redhat Server 6.3).
I followed the procedure, based on the documentation and the topics on the forum, but at the end, i get this error message:
[root@abelardo ~]# --oldsroot /tmp/fedora-ds --actualsroot /opt/fedora-ds General.ConfigDirectoryAdminPwd=generica
Beginning migration of Directory and Administration servers from /tmp/fedora-ds . . .
Beginning migration of directory server instances in /tmp/fedora-ds . . .
The target directory server instance already exists at /etc/dirsrv/slapd-abelardo-ldap/dse.ldif. Skipping migration. Note that if you want to migrate the old instance you will have to first remove the new one of the same name.
Beginning migration of Administration server from /tmp/fedora-ds . . .
Creating Admin Server files and directories . . .
The server 'ldap://' is not reachable. Error: unknown error
Exiting . . .
Log file is '/tmp/migratea7ojkn.log'
I attach the procedure that i followed for make the migration:
on the fedora-ds server:
1) /etc/init.d/ldap stop
2) cd /opt/fedora-ds/slapd-abelardo-ldap/db
3) ./db2ldif -n userRoot -a /opt/fedora-ds/slapd-abelardo-ldap/db/userRoot.ldif
4) ./db2ldif -n NetscapeRoot -a /opt/fedora-ds/slapd-abelardo-ldap/db/NetscapeRoot.ldif
5) Edit the NetscapeRoot.ldif and change Fedora Directory to 389 Directory, and Fedora Administration to 389 Administration.
6) make the tar and send this to the new server: tar -cpvf fedora-ds.tar fedora-ds
on the new 389-ds server:
1) Install Redhat 6.3 server
2) yum update
3) Install EPEL:
1) wget
4) rpm -ivh epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
5) Install 389-ds:
yum --enablerepo=epel-testing-389-ds-base --enablerepo=epel-testing install 389-ds
6) extract the tar to /tmp on the new server: tar -xpvf fedora-ds.tar
7) Remove the 10presense.ldif files:
rm -rf ./slapd-abelardo-ldap/config/schema/10presence.ldif
rm -rf ./bin/slapd/install/schema/10presence.ldif
8) Change Fedora to 389 in the following files:
9) Run the migration script: --oldsroot /tmp/fedora-ds --actualsroot /opt/fedora-ds General.ConfigDirectoryAdminPwd=generica
Best regards,
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