I didn't change any file. I right clicked on the Users cn and set a
password policy and it killed it and I can't figure out how to undo it
since it won't start.
Doug Tucker
On 01/11/2013 11:06 AM, Chandan Kumar wrote:
You may not need to re-install it. If you could just replace the file
that you changed, I hope you took a backup before experimenting with
the file. Same thing happened with me too, I restored the directory
server from the bakcup files.
On Friday, January 11, 2013, Doug Tucker wrote:
Well, I give up. I can find nothing in the docs or on google to
get me around this. I'm see no way other than to uninstall 389
and reinstall from scatch so no need to respond to this.
Doug Tucker
On 01/10/2013 11:19 AM, Doug Tucker wrote:
So I've gone from bad to worse. Googling and googling and no
response on my auth issue from the list yesterday, I coudn't
stand doing nothing. The only thing I saw that made me
curious was some thread where a guy could not auth and he
changed the password hash to something else and it worked. I
looked at our current password hash in openldap and it was
ssha. For the life of me I could not find how to see what the
current one was in 389. The only thing I could find in the
docs was how to set a password policy which allowed you to set
the hash. So I did so according to the documentation on the
Users cn. The only thing I did was turn it on, and make sure
password hash was set to ssha. I left the rest default which
was no expiration, etc. I saved, and tried to restart
according to the docs, it woudn't restart. I shut down with
the init script instead, and tried to start, and now I get this:
[root@lyleauth1 schema]# /etc/init.d/dirsrv start
Starting dirsrv:
lyleauth1...[09/Jan/2013:16:23:05 -0600] dse_read_one_file
- The entry cn=schema in file
/etc/dirsrv/slapd-lyleauth1/schema/99user.ldif (lineno: 1) is
invalid, error code 21 (Invalid syntax) - attribute type
olcOverlay: Missing parent attribute syntax OID
[09/Jan/2013:16:23:05 -0600] dse - Please edit the file to
correct the reported problems and then restart the server.
*** Warning: 1 instance(s) failed to start
Looking at the time stamp on that file, it is: Dec 20 16:36
99user.ldif . So what I did yesterday did not touch it.
Anyone have any idea how to fix this?
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