389 Directory Server Users Archive
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- problem with certificate
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- problem with certificate
- From: puestadelsol83 at libero.it (puestadelsol83)
- problem with certificate
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- netscape error
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- netscape error
- From: zahra_bahar at ec.iut.ac.ir (Zahra Bahar)
- problem with certificate
- From: puestadelsol83 at libero.it (puestadelsol83)
- Problem with AES
- From: kekkou.a at cs.ucy.ac.cy (Andreas Kekkou)
- Can't locate CSN in Multi-Master replica
- From: Dael.Maselli at lnf.infn.it (Dael Maselli)
- Can't locate CSN in Multi-Master replica
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Can't locate CSN in Multi-Master replica
- From: Dael.Maselli at lnf.infn.it (Dael Maselli)
- Can't locate CSN in Multi-Master replica
- From: Dael.Maselli at lnf.infn.it (Dael Maselli)
- Problem with getting FDS and AD to sync
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Problem with getting FDS and AD to sync
- From: timothy.hunt at intraisp.com (Timothy Hunt)
- Problem with getting FDS and AD to sync
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Problem with getting FDS and AD to sync
- From: timothy.hunt at intraisp.com (Timothy Hunt)
- Problem with getting FDS and AD to sync
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Problem with getting FDS and AD to sync
- From: timothy.hunt at intraisp.com (Timothy Hunt)
- Can't locate CSN in Multi-Master replica
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Can't locate CSN in Multi-Master replica
- From: Dael.Maselli at lnf.infn.it (Dael Maselli)
- Problem with AES
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Problem with AES
- From: kekkou.a at cs.ucy.ac.cy (Andreas Kekkou)
- Problem with getting FDS and AD to sync
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Problem with getting FDS and AD to sync
- From: timothy.hunt at intraisp.com (Timothy Hunt)
- Problem with AES
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Problem with AES
- From: kekkou.a at cs.ucy.ac.cy (Andreas Kekkou)
- Windows Sync only works one way
- From: glenn at mail.txwes.edu (Glenn)
- gentoo and web console
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- gentoo and web console
- From: Kirill.Petrov at farheap.com (Kirill Petrov)
- gentoo and web console
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- gentoo and web console
- From: Kirill.Petrov at farheap.com (Kirill Petrov)
- gentoo and web console
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- gentoo and web console
- From: Kirill.Petrov at farheap.com (Kirill Petrov)
- Re: backup/dump--restore/import
- From: sysadmin.linux at gmail.com (Linux Admin)
- Re: backup/dump--restore/import
- From: sysadmin.linux at gmail.com (Linux Admin)
- Re: backup/dump--restore/import
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Re: backup/dump--restore/import
- From: sysadmin.linux at gmail.com (Linux Admin)
- Re: backup/dump--restore/import
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Re: backup/dump--restore/import
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Re: backup/dump--restore/import
- From: gholbert at broadcom.com (George Holbert)
- Re: backup/dump--restore/import
- From: sysadmin.linux at gmail.com (Linux Admin)
- Re: backup/dump--restore/import
- From: gholbert at broadcom.com (George Holbert)
- Re: backup/dump--restore/import
- From: sysadmin.linux at gmail.com (Linux Admin)
- Re: backup/dump--restore/import
- From: sysadmin.linux at gmail.com (Linux Admin)
- Re: backup/dump--restore/import
- From: sysadmin.linux at gmail.com (Linux Admin)
- Re: backup/dump--restore/import
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Re: backup/dump--restore/import
- From: sysadmin.linux at gmail.com (Linux Admin)
- Re: backup/dump--restore/import
- From: gholbert at broadcom.com (George Holbert)
- Re: backup/dump--restore/import
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Re: backup/dump--restore/import
- From: sysadmin.linux at gmail.com (Linux Admin)
- mandated TLS connections
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- mandated TLS connections
- From: gnulinux9 at googlemail.com (John gray)
- Samba schema
- From: mwallnoefer at yahoo.de (Matthias Dieter Wallnöfer)
- backup/dump--restore/import
- From: iferreir at personal.com.py (Ivan Ferreira)
- backup/dump--restore/import
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- backup/dump--restore/import
- From: sysadmin.linux at gmail.com (Linux Admin)
- Re: Virtual Views problem
- From: oeufdure at gmail.com (Fabrice Durand)
- Testing FDS 1.1
- From: carlopmart at gmail.com (carlopmart)
- Windows Sync and displayname Attribute
- From: glenn at mail.txwes.edu (Glenn)
- Virtual Views problem
- From: prowley at redhat.com (Pete Rowley)
- Automatically Full Re-syncronization Windows Synchronization agreement
- From: fmunoz at hispafuentes.com (Fernando Muñoz)
- AD with FDS with Dovecot
- From: etorres at dap.es (Esteban Torres Rodriguez)
- Virtual Views problem
- From: oeufdure at gmail.com (Fabrice Durand)
- Missing tasks directory
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Missing tasks directory
- From: martin.eckel at infopunkte.de (Martin Eckel)
- Missing tasks directory
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- samba password change error
- From: afreitas at sei.ba.gov.br (Agnaldo Freitas)
- DB Recovery Help?
- From: GCopeland at efjohnson.com (Greg Copeland)
- AD with FDS with Dovecot
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- AD with FDS with Dovecot
- From: etorres at dap.es (Esteban Torres Rodriguez)
- Howto issue Fedora-ds with an Microsoft Active Directory Enterprise Certificate
- From: aGiggins at wcg.net.au (Anthony Giggins)
- Error 12 on sorted queries
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Error 12 on sorted queries
- From: LACY_S at Mercer.edu (Scott Lacy)
- ldapmodify and Fedora DS migration - SOLVED
- From: LACY_S at Mercer.edu (Scott Lacy)
- Missing tasks directory
- From: martin.eckel at infopunkte.de (Martin Eckel)
- howto delete ldbm database ?
- From: palo at akinosoft.org (PaLo)
- howto delete ldbm database ?
- From: satish at suburbia.org.au (Satish Chetty)
- howto delete ldbm database ?
- From: palo at akinosoft.org (PaLo)
- Missing tasks directory
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Error Logging Performance
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Missing tasks directory
- From: martin.eckel at infopunkte.de (Martin Eckel)
- error loading startconsole
- From: fedoracore.lists at gmail.com (jhon choptieso)
- Error Logging Performance
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- Error Logging Performance
- From: roman.rathler at lsr-noe.gv.at (Roman RATHLER)
- slapi search internal errors popping up in error log
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- slapi search internal errors popping up in error log
- From: richard at powerset.com (Richard Hesse)
- slapi search internal errors popping up in error log
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- slapi search internal errors popping up in error log
- From: richard at powerset.com (Richard Hesse)
- slapi search internal errors popping up in error log
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- slapi search internal errors popping up in error log
- From: richard at powerset.com (Richard Hesse)
- Re: Setting up Netgroups with Fedora DS
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- slapi search internal errors popping up in error log
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- RE: Fedora-directory-users Digest, Vol 29, Issue 5
- From: Clementous.Clement at fox.com (Clementous Clement)
- slapi search internal errors popping up in error log
- From: richard at powerset.com (Richard Hesse)
- problem with SSL and load balance
- From: listas.vhs at gmail.com (Victor Hugo dos Santos)
- problem with SSL and load balance
- From: listas.vhs at gmail.com (Victor Hugo dos Santos)
- ldapmodify and Fedora DS migration
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- ldapmodify and Fedora DS migration
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- ldapmodify and Fedora DS migration
- From: LACY_S at Mercer.edu (Scott Lacy)
- Samba - Fedora DS password update
- From: alan.orlic at zd-lj.si (Alan Orlič Belšak)
- Roles, Groups and Samba
- From: tu2bgone at gmail.com (denmat)
- RedHat 4/Fedora-DS - SSL Cert DB not readable?
- From: glenn at mail.txwes.edu (Glenn)
- Fedora-DS/netgroup configuration
- From: srigler at MarathonOil.com (Steve Rigler)
- problem with SSL and load balance
- From: msauton at redhat.com (Marc Sauton)
- problem with SSL and load balance
- From: msauton at redhat.com (Marc Sauton)
- linux authentication though ds
- From: msauton at redhat.com (Marc Sauton)
- problem with SSL and load balance
- From: jazcek at scs.fsu.edu (Jazcek Braden)
- problem with SSL and load balance
- From: richard at powerset.com (Richard Hesse)
- linux authentication though ds
- From: lance.raymond at gmail.com (lance raymond)
- problem with SSL and load balance
- From: Enrico.M.V.Fasanelli at le.infn.it (Enrico M. V. Fasanelli)
- Fedora-DS/netgroup configuration
- From: Clementous.Clement at fox.com (Clementous Clement)
- nss_ldap cannot authenticate vs FDS
- From: peters at psinergybbs.com (Peter Santiago)
- nss_ldap cannot authenticate vs FDS
- From: srigler at marathonoil.com (Steve Rigler)
- nss_ldap cannot authenticate vs FDS
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- nss_ldap cannot authenticate vs FDS
- From: peters at psinergybbs.com (Peter Santiago)
- problem with SSL and load balance
- From: iferreir at personal.com.py (Ivan Ferreira)
- problem with SSL and load balance
- From: listas.vhs at gmail.com (Victor Hugo dos Santos)
- RedHat 4/Fedora-DS - SSL Cert DB not readable?
- From: tag at netfoo.org (Travis)
- RedHat 4/Fedora-DS - SSL Cert DB not readable?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- problems with post/fedora-ds
- From: jemcdon at gmail.com (Jeffrey McDonald)
- RedHat 4/Fedora-DS - SSL Cert DB not readable?
- From: glenn at mail.txwes.edu (Glenn)
- RedHat 4/Fedora-DS - SSL Cert DB not readable?
- From: tag at netfoo.org (Travis)
- need for Winsync clarification
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- need for Winsync clarification
- From: peters at psinergybbs.com (Peter Santiago)
- RedHat 4/Fedora-DS - SSL Cert DB not readable?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- RedHat 4/Fedora-DS - SSL Cert DB not readable?
- From: richard at powerset.com (Richard Hesse)
- RedHat 4/Fedora-DS - SSL Cert DB not readable?
- From: tag at netfoo.org (Travis)
- RedHat 4/Fedora-DS - SSL Cert DB not readable?
- From: tag at netfoo.org (Travis)
- RedHat 4/Fedora-DS - SSL Cert DB not readable?
- From: rcritten at redhat.com (Rob Crittenden)
- RedHat 4/Fedora-DS - SSL Cert DB not readable?
- From: tag at netfoo.org (Travis)
- How can you monitor replication?
- From: edlinuxguru at gmail.com (Eddie C)
- fds vs passsync vs AD
- From: peters at psinergybbs.com (Peter Santiago)
- fds vs passsync vs AD
- From: glenn at mail.txwes.edu (Glenn)
- fds vs passsync vs AD
- From: peters at psinergybbs.com (Peter Santiago)
- fds vs passsync vs AD
- From: paolo.barbato at igi.cnr.it (Paolo Barbato)
- glibc errors
- From: wilmer at fedoraproject.org (Wilmer Jaramillo M.)
- libatomic.o missing; Solaris 8 Build
- From: daelic at gmail.com (Jason)
- libatomic.o missing; Solaris 8 Build
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- libatomic.o missing; Solaris 8 Build
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- libatomic.o missing; Solaris 8 Build
- From: daelic at gmail.com (Jason)
- fds vs passsync vs AD
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- fds vs passsync vs AD
- From: pedram at pr-sol.com (Pedram M)
- fds vs passsync vs AD
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- fds vs passsync vs AD
- From: peters at psinergybbs.com (Peter Santiago)
- fds vs passsync vs AD
- From: paolo.barbato at igi.cnr.it (Paolo Barbato)
- fds vs passsync vs AD
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- fds vs passsync vs AD
- From: peters at psinergybbs.com (Peter Santiago)
- glibc errors
- From: yinyang at eburg.com (Gordon Messmer)
- fds vs passsync vs AD
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- fds vs passsync vs AD
- From: glenn at mail.txwes.edu (Glenn)
- Active Directory Password Question
- From: glenn at mail.txwes.edu (Glenn)
- glibc errors
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- glibc errors
- From: sys.mailing at gmail.com (Bjorn Oglefjorn)
- Active Directory Password Question
- From: iferreir at personal.com.py (Ivan Ferreira)
- Active Directory Password Question
- From: djh5983 at ksu.edu (Dusty Herrman)
- How can you monitor replication?
- From: ianmmeyer at gmail.com (Ian Meyer)
- How can you monitor replication?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- How can you monitor replication?
- From: iferreir at personal.com.py (Ivan Ferreira)
- How can you monitor replication?
- From: ianmmeyer at gmail.com (Ian Meyer)
- new installation - console working but web can not find objects
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Dynamic Groups and PAM/NSS _ldap
- From: rubin at xs4all.nl (Rubin)
- fds vs passsync vs AD
- From: paolo.barbato at igi.cnr.it (Paolo Barbato)
- white space at the end of attributes that refuses to go away
- From: edlinuxguru at gmail.com (Eddie C)
- new installation - console working but web can not find objects
- From: ergoxsx at gmail.com (ergoxsx)
- Five-way MMR
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Five-way MMR
- From: koippa at gmail.com (Kimmo Koivisto)
- new installation - console working but web can not find objects
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Email and LDAP
- From: trever.adams at gmail.com (Trever L. Adams)
- new installation - console working but web can not find objects
- From: ergoxsx at gmail.com (ergoxsx)
- Disabling SASL
- From: partridgedv at comcast.net (David Partridge)
- white space at the end of attributes that refuses to go away
- From: yinyang at eburg.com (Gordon Messmer)
- white space at the end of attributes that refuses to go away
- From: ulf.weltman at hp.com (Ulf Weltman)
- posixaccount and shadowlastchange
- From: listas.vhs at gmail.com (Victor Hugo dos Santos)
- white space at the end of attributes that refuses to go away
- From: edlinuxguru at gmail.com (Eddie C)
- posixaccount and shadowlastchange
- From: srigler at MarathonOil.Com (Steve Rigler)
- posixaccount and shadowlastchange
- From: listas.vhs at gmail.com (Victor Hugo dos Santos)
- posixaccount and shadowlastchange
- From: srigler at marathonoil.com (Steve Rigler)
- posixaccount and shadowlastchange
- From: listas.vhs at gmail.com (Victor Hugo dos Santos)
- new installation - console working but web can not find objects
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- new installation - console working but web can not find objects
- From: ergoxsx at gmail.com (ergoxsx)
- white space at the end of attributes that refuses to go away
- From: dlannom at umd.umich.edu (Dan Lannom)
- white space at the end of attributes that refuses to go away
- From: edlinuxguru at gmail.com (Eddie C)
- slapd_poll timed out error
- From: sbelnap at byuh.edu (Scott Belnap)
- question about SSL configuration with IP takeover HA setup
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Good afternoon .... 1st post by the new guy
- From: lance.raymond at gmail.com (lance raymond)
- question about SSL configuration with IP takeover HA setup
- From: Ryan.Braun at ec.gc.ca (Ryan Braun)
- question about SSL configuration with IP takeover HA setup
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- question about SSL configuration with IP takeover HA setup
- From: Ryan.Braun at ec.gc.ca (Ryan Braun)
- question about SSL configuration with IP takeover HA setup
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- question about SSL configuration with IP takeover HA setup
- From: Ryan.Braun at ec.gc.ca (Ryan Braun)
- Unknown attribute syntax OID
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Unknown attribute syntax OID
- From: jamesdeuchar at hotmail.com (James Deuchar)
- question about SSL configuration with IP takeover HA setup
- From: gholbert at broadcom.com (George Holbert)
- question about SSL configuration with IP takeover HA setup
- From: Ryan.Braun at ec.gc.ca (Ryan Braun)
- acls problem
- From: gholbert at broadcom.com (George Holbert)
- acls problem
- From: g.digiambelardini at fabaris.it (Di Giambelardini Gabriele)
- acls problem
- From: g.digiambelardini at fabaris.it (Di Giambelardini Gabriele)
- acls problem
- From: g.digiambelardini at fabaris.it (Di Giambelardini Gabriele)
- failover works but very slow.
- From: markwu05 at gmail.com (Hai Wu)
- getting sh on RHAS5 to work with FDS.
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- getting sh on RHAS5 to work with FDS.
- From: Steven.Jones at vuw.ac.nz (Steven Jones)
- samba + PDC + FDS
- From: linuxtrap at yahoo.co.in (satish patel)
- FDS and Samba3
- From: niranjan.ashok at gmail.com (mallapadi niranjan)
- FDS and Solaris Client Question
- From: msauton at redhat.com (Marc Sauton)
- FDS and Solaris Client Question
- From: jay.coleman at cctechnol.com (Jeremiah Coleman)
- FDS and Solaris Client Question
- From: msauton at redhat.com (Marc Sauton)
- FDS and Samba3
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- FDS and Samba3
- From: myacc at roundbox.com (Raj Seenivasan)
- FDS and Solaris Client Question
- From: jay.coleman at cctechnol.com (Jeremiah Coleman)
- FDS and Samba3
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- FDS and Samba3
- From: myacc at roundbox.com (Raj Seenivasan)
- Re: getting sh on RHAS5 to work with FDS.
- From: hyc at symas.com (Howard Chu)
- getting sh on RHAS5 to work with FDS.
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- question about certificate
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Password Expiration Warning notification
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- One way replication FROM Active Directory
- From: racerx at makeworld.com (Chris)
- Password Expiration Warning notification
- From: maumar at cost.it (Maurizio Marini)
- question about certificate
- From: puestadelsol83 at libero.it (puestadelsol83)
- help....unable to start fedora server
- From: gvenkat at gmail.com (G Venkataraman)
- help....unable to start fedora server
- From: Steven.Jones at vuw.ac.nz (Steven Jones)
- help....unable to start fedora server
- From: brgurung at gmail.com (bikas gurung)
- getting sh on RHAS5 to work with FDS.
- From: Steven.Jones at vuw.ac.nz (Steven Jones)
- getting sh on RHAS5 to work with FDS.
- From: Steven.Jones at vuw.ac.nz (Steven Jones)
- getting sh on RHAS5 to work with FDS.
- From: Steven.Jones at vuw.ac.nz (Steven Jones)
- Directory Server capabilities (DynamicGroups)
- From: phanoko at gmail.com (matt wells)
- Directory Server capabilities (DynamicGroups)
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Directory Server capabilities (DynamicGroups)
- From: jeff_clowser at fanniemae.com (Clowser, Jeff (Contractor))
- Directory Server capabilities (Dynamic Groups)
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Setting up a Debian client for ssl
- From: Steven.Jones at vuw.ac.nz (Steven Jones)
- Directory Server capabilities (Dynamic Groups)
- From: prowley at redhat.com (Pete Rowley)
- Directory Server capabilities (Dynamic Groups)
- From: jeff_clowser at fanniemae.com (Clowser, Jeff (Contractor))
- Setting up a redhat client for ssl
- From: Steven.Jones at vuw.ac.nz (Steven Jones)
- Setting up a Debian client for ssl
- From: Steven.Jones at vuw.ac.nz (Steven Jones)
- Setting up clients for ssl only?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Setting up a Debian client for ssl
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- FDS and OpenLDAP integration
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- samba + Directory server + windows client
- From: linuxtrap at yahoo.co.in (satish patel)
- rhas4 Setting up clients for ssl only?
- From: Steven.Jones at vuw.ac.nz (Steven Jones)
- rhas4 Setting up clients for ssl only?
- From: Steven.Jones at vuw.ac.nz (Steven Jones)
- Setting up clients for ssl only?
- From: Steven.Jones at vuw.ac.nz (Steven Jones)
- Setting up a Debian client for ssl
- From: Steven.Jones at vuw.ac.nz (Steven Jones)
- FDS and OpenLDAP integration
- From: ando at sys-net.it (Pierangelo Masarati)
- Directory Server capabilities
- From: hyc at symas.com (Howard Chu)
- Debian client to FDS howto
- From: Steven.Jones at vuw.ac.nz (Steven Jones)
- Directory Server capabilities
- From: jeff_clowser at fanniemae.com (Clowser, Jeff (Contractor))
- Debian client to FDS howto
- From: hyc at symas.com (Howard Chu)
- Setting up a Debian client for ssl
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- FDS and OpenLDAP integration
- From: del at babel.com.au (Del)
- Debian client to FDS howto
- From: Steven.Jones at vuw.ac.nz (Steven Jones)
- Debian client to FDS howto
- From: hyc at symas.com (Howard Chu)
- Setting up a Debian client for ssl
- From: Steven.Jones at vuw.ac.nz (Steven Jones)
- Setting up clients for ssl only?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Setting up a Debian client for ssl
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Setting up clients for ssl only?
- From: Steven.Jones at vuw.ac.nz (Steven Jones)
- Setting up a Debian client for ssl
- From: Steven.Jones at vuw.ac.nz (Steven Jones)
- Setting up a Debian client for ssl
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Setting up a Debian client for ssl
- From: Steven.Jones at vuw.ac.nz (Steven Jones)
- syntax in inf file
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Setting up a Debian client for ssl
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Setting a self ssl certificate
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Setting up a Debian client for ssl
- From: Steven.Jones at vuw.ac.nz (Steven Jones)
- Setting a self ssl certificate
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Setting up a client for ssl
- From: Steven.Jones at vuw.ac.nz (Steven Jones)
- Setting a self ssl certificate
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Setting a self ssl certificate
- From: Steven.Jones at vuw.ac.nz (Steven Jones)
- Setting a self ssl certificate
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Setting a self ssl certificate
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Setting a self ssl certificate
- From: Steven.Jones at vuw.ac.nz (Steven Jones)
- syntax in inf file
- From: scott.ding at autodesk.com (Scott Ding)
- Setting a self ssl certificate
- From: Steven.Jones at vuw.ac.nz (Steven Jones)
- Setting a self ssl certificate
- From: Steven.Jones at vuw.ac.nz (Steven Jones)
- Setting a self ssl certificate
- From: Steven.Jones at vuw.ac.nz (Steven Jones)
- Setting a self ssl certificate
- From: Steven.Jones at vuw.ac.nz (Steven Jones)
- Debian client to FDS howto
- From: Steven.Jones at vuw.ac.nz (Steven Jones)
- Setting a self ssl certificate
- From: Steven.Jones at vuw.ac.nz (Steven Jones)
- FDS schema
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Setting a self ssl certificate
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Setting a self ssl certificate
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Setting a self ssl certificate
- From: peters at psinergybbs.com (Peter Santiago)
- Setting a self ssl certificate
- From: Steven.Jones at vuw.ac.nz (Steven Jones)
- Setting a self ssl certificate
- From: Steven.Jones at vuw.ac.nz (Steven Jones)
- Debian and MAC OSX (10.4) clients to FDS
- From: Steven.Jones at vuw.ac.nz (Steven Jones)
- ssh login fail ~ a gottha on RHAS4
- From: Steven.Jones at vuw.ac.nz (Steven Jones)
- Fedora DS 1.0.4 build on Solaris 10?
- From: scott.ding at autodesk.com (Scott Ding)
- ssh login fail
- From: Steven.Jones at vuw.ac.nz (Steven Jones)
- Fedora DS 1.0.4 build on Solaris 10?
- From: scott.ding at autodesk.com (Scott Ding)
- FDS schema
- From: mwallnoefer at yahoo.de (Matthias Dieter Wallnöfer)
- Fedora DS 1.0.4 build on Solaris 10?
- From: rcritten at redhat.com (Rob Crittenden)
- failover works but very slow.
- From: gholbert at broadcom.com (George Holbert)
- Fedora DS 1.0.4 build on Solaris 10?
- From: scott.ding at autodesk.com (Scott Ding)
- FDS crash - happened after adding views
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- FDS crash - happened after adding views
- From: davea at support.kcm.org (Dave Augustus)
- FDS schema
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Fedora DS 1.0.4 build on Solaris 10?
- From: rcritten at redhat.com (Rob Crittenden)
- failover works but very slow.
- From: srigler at marathonoil.com (Steve Rigler)
- ssh login fail
- From: srigler at marathonoil.com (Steve Rigler)
- Fedora DS 1.0.4 build on Solaris 10?
- From: davea at support.kcm.org (Dave Augustus)
- failover works but very slow.
- From: markwu05 at gmail.com (Hai Wu)
- Fedora DS 1.0.4 build on Solaris 10?
- From: scott.ding at autodesk.com (Scott Ding)
- FDS crash - happened after adding views
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Fedora DS 1.0.4 build on Solaris 10?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- failover works but very slow.
- From: gholbert at broadcom.com (George Holbert)
- failover works but very slow.
- From: markwu05 at gmail.com (Hai Wu)
- failover works but very slow.
- From: gholbert at broadcom.com (George Holbert)
- failover works but very slow.
- From: markwu05 at gmail.com (Hai Wu)
- Fedora DS 1.0.4 build on Solaris 10?
- From: scott.ding at autodesk.com (Scott Ding)
- FDS crash - happened after adding views
- From: davea at support.kcm.org (Dave Augustus)
- FDS crash - happened after adding views
- From: davea at support.kcm.org (Dave Augustus)
- ssh login fail
- From: Steven.Jones at vuw.ac.nz (Steven Jones)
- ssh login fail
- From: Steven.Jones at vuw.ac.nz (Steven Jones)
- Fedora DS 1.0.4 build on Solaris 10?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Fedora DS 1.0.4 build on Solaris 10?
- From: scott.ding at autodesk.com (Scott Ding)
- ssh login fail
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- ssh login fail
- From: Steven.Jones at vuw.ac.nz (Steven Jones)
- FDS schema
- From: mwallnoefer at yahoo.de (Matthias Dieter Wallnöfer)
- Fedora DS 1.0.4 build on Solaris 10?
- From: scott.ding at autodesk.com (Scott Ding)
- Fedora DS 1.0.4 build on Solaris 10?
- From: rcritten at redhat.com (Rob Crittenden)
- ssh login fail
- From: srigler at marathonoil.com (Steve Rigler)
- ssh login fail
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- FDS and OpenLDAP integration
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- ssh login fail
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- ssh login fail
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- FDS and OpenLDAP integration
- From: del at babel.com.au (Del)
- ssh login fail
- From: Steven.Jones at vuw.ac.nz (Steven Jones)
- ssh login fail
- From: Steven.Jones at vuw.ac.nz (Steven Jones)
- ssh login fail
- From: Steven.Jones at vuw.ac.nz (Steven Jones)
- ssh login fail
- From: Steven.Jones at vuw.ac.nz (Steven Jones)
- ssh login fail
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- ssh login fail
- From: Steven.Jones at vuw.ac.nz (Steven Jones)
- ssh login fail
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- ssh login fail
- From: Steven.Jones at vuw.ac.nz (Steven Jones)
- ssh login fail
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- ssh login fail
- From: Steven.Jones at vuw.ac.nz (Steven Jones)
- ssh login fail
- From: Steven.Jones at vuw.ac.nz (Steven Jones)
- ssh login fail
- From: patrick.morris at hp.com (Patrick Morris)
- ssh login fail
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- ssh login fail
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- ssh login fail
- From: Steven.Jones at vuw.ac.nz (Steven Jones)
- Fedora DS 1.0.4 build on Solaris 10?
- From: scott.ding at autodesk.com (Scott Ding)
- Active directory users sync with FedoraDS
- From: Steven.Jones at vuw.ac.nz (Steven Jones)
- ssh login fail
- From: Steven.Jones at vuw.ac.nz (Steven Jones)
- FDS and OpenLDAP integration
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- FDS and OpenLDAP integration
- From: ando at sys-net.it (Pierangelo Masarati)
- ssh login fail
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Active directory users sync with Fedora DS
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- FDS and OpenLDAP integration
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Password Expiration Warning notification
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Password Expiration Warning notification
- From: srigler at marathonoil.com (Steve Rigler)
- Password Expiration Warning notification
- From: myacc at roundbox.com (FDS User)
- FDS and OpenLDAP integration
- From: matteo.angelino at mfn.unipmn.it (Matteo Angelino)
- Active directory users sync with Fedora DS
- From: peters at psinergybbs.com (Peter Santiago)
- ssh login fail
- From: Steven.Jones at vuw.ac.nz (Steven Jones)
- ssh login fail
- From: Steven.Jones at vuw.ac.nz (Steven Jones)
- MMR: Directory updates on same object
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- MMR: Directory updates on same object
- From: rnappert at juniper.net (Reinhard Nappert)
- FDS and OpenLDAP integration
- From: ando at sys-net.it (Pierangelo Masarati)
- FDS and OpenLDAP integration
- From: ando at sys-net.it (Pierangelo Masarati)
- cleint problems with ssl and tls
- From: marco.strullato at gmail.com (Marco Strullato)
- FDS and OpenLDAP integration
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- cleint problems with ssl and tls
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- cleint problems with ssl and tls
- From: marco.strullato at gmail.com (Marco Strullato)
- cleint problems with ssl and tls
- From: satish at suburbia.org.au (Satish Chetty)
- FDS and OpenLDAP integration
- From: matteo.angelino at mfn.unipmn.it (Matteo Angelino)
- FDS 1.0.4 and DNS host filter based ACIs
- From: peter at md.kth.se (Peter Reuterås)
- cleint problems with ssl and tls
- From: marco.strullato at gmail.com (Marco Strullato)
- MMR: Directory updates on same object
- From: rnappert at juniper.net (Reinhard Nappert)
- FDS & NIS sync.
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- FDS & NIS sync.
- From: kekkou.a at cs.ucy.ac.cy (Andreas Kekkou)
- MMR: Directory updates on same object
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- error logging in first time
- From: rewdn at bellsouth.net (Bob Wooden)
- MMR: Directory updates on same object
- From: rnappert at juniper.net (Reinhard Nappert)
- deletion problem - multi-master
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- deletion problem - multi-master
- From: sam.smith at ece.gatech.edu (Sam Smith)
- MMR: Directory updates on same object
- From: rnappert at juniper.net (Reinhard Nappert)
- MMR: Directory updates on same object
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- MMR: Directory updates on same object
- From: rnappert at juniper.net (Reinhard Nappert)
- error logging in first time
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- deletion problem - multi-master
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- deletion problem - multi-master
- From: sam.smith at ece.gatech.edu (Sam Smith)
- Directory size (/var/opt/netscape/server7)
- From: rubin at xs4all.nl (Rubin)
- Directory size (/var/opt/netscape/server7)
- From: abliss at brockport.edu (Aaron Bliss)
- Directory size (/var/opt/netscape/server7)
- From: rubin at xs4all.nl (Rubin)
- error logging in first time
- From: rewdn at bellsouth.net (Bob Wooden)
- error logging in first time
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- error logging in first time
- From: rewdn at bellsouth.net (Bob Wooden)
- error logging in first time
- From: j at jamver.id.au (James Lever)
- error logging in first time
- From: rewdn at bellsouth.net (Bob Wooden)
- Permissions to manager passwds as admin
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Permissions to manager passwds as admin
- From: mountainman_gh at yahoo.com (Jeff)
- deletion problem - multi-master
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- error logging in first time
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Permissions to manager passwds as admin
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- MMR broken, can't get it started again
- From: stpierre at NebrWesleyan.edu (Chris St. Pierre)
- deletion problem - multi-master
- From: sam.smith at ece.gatech.edu (Sam Smith)
- Permissions to manager passwds as admin
- From: mountainman_gh at yahoo.com (Jeff)
- error logging in first time
- From: rewdn at bellsouth.net (Bob Wooden)
- GID missing? Probably minor but strange problem
- From: satish at suburbia.org.au (Satish Chetty)
- GID missing? Probably minor but strange problem
- From: markhsa at gmail.com (Mark Hutchinson)
- troubles with ldapmodify and db2ldif
- From: stephanie.labruyere at gmail.com (stefi)
- troubles with ldapmodify and db2ldif
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- troubles with ldapmodify and db2ldif
- From: stephanie.labruyere at gmail.com (stefi)
- help! db2ldif and static groups
- From: stephanie.labruyere at gmail.com (stefi)
- Removing SSL, broke access
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Removing SSL, broke access
- From: mountainman_gh at yahoo.com (Jeff)
- Books on FDS/RDS?
- From: jay.coleman at cctechnol.com (Jeremiah Coleman)
- Fedora 7 and FDS 1.0.4-FC6
- From: del at babel.com.au (Del)
- password lenght problem
- From: srigler at marathonoil.com (Steve Rigler)
- password lenght problem
- From: g.digiambelardini at fabaris.it (Di Giambelardini Gabriele)
- Dublicated entries appears, the initialization don't finish its work
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- Fedora 7 and FDS 1.0.4-FC6
- From: patrick.morris at hp.com (Patrick Morris)
- Fedora 7 and FDS 1.0.4-FC6
- From: del at babel.com.au (Del)
- Dublicated entries appears, the initialization don't finish its work
- From: kalinmlists at aol.com (kalinmlists at aol.com)
- Changing the supplier port on FDS
- From: ianmmeyer at gmail.com (Ian Meyer)
- home directories
- From: satish at suburbia.org.au (Satish Chetty)
- FDS 1.0.4 and DNS host filter based ACIs
- From: reuteras at kth.se (Peter Reuterås)
- home directories
- From: d.pryakhin at connectus.ru (Pryakhin Dimitry)
- Fedora 7 and FDS 1.0.4-FC6
- From: srigler at marathonoil.com (Steve Rigler)
- Fedora 7 and FDS 1.0.4-FC6
- From: satish at suburbia.org.au (Satish Chetty)
- Fedora 7 and FDS 1.0.4-FC6
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Host based authentication
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- more on "Username not found!"
- From: maumar at cost.it (Maurizio Marini)
- Host based authentication
- From: zdenek.kolar at veba.cz (zdenek.kolar at veba.cz)
- still Username not found!
- From: maumar at cost.it (Maurizio Marini)
- Fedora 7 and FDS 1.0.4-FC6
- From: del at babel.com.au (Del)
- Fedora 7 and FDS 1.0.4-FC6
- From: del at babel.com.au (Del)
- deletion problem - multi-master
- From: sam.smith at ece.gatech.edu (Sam Smith)
- Kerberos SASL connections using service principals
- From: howard at cohtech.com (Howard Wilkinson)
- Installing passsync in a AD domain with multiple domain controllers?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Installing passsync in a AD domain with multiple domain controllers?
- From: howard at cohtech.com (Howard Wilkinson)
- Fedora 7 and FDS 1.0.4-FC6
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- FDS <-> AD Sync with Windows 2003 R2 using RFC2307 extensions
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Installing passsync in a AD domain with multiple domain controllers?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- bloquear o envio de anexos para alguns usuarios
- From: cloudyvdb at gmail.com (thierry vandenbroucke)
- Installing passsync in a AD domain with multiple domain controllers?
- From: howard at cohtech.com (Howard Wilkinson)
- FDS <-> AD Sync with Windows 2003 R2 using RFC2307 extensions
- From: howard at cohtech.com (Howard Wilkinson)
- FDS <-> AD Sync with Windows 2003 R2 using RFC2307 extensions
- From: howard at cohtech.com (Howard Wilkinson)
- Fedora 7 and FDS 1.0.4-FC6
- From: del at babel.com.au (Del)
- AD sync errors when renaming an account?
- From: joshkel at gmail.com (Josh Kelley)
- cache sizing and db2ldif, db2bak
- From: gholbert at broadcom.com (George Holbert)
- cache sizing and db2ldif, db2bak
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- cache sizing and db2ldif, db2bak
- From: gholbert at broadcom.com (George Holbert)
- Admin Console Problems
- From: niranjan.ashok at gmail.com (mallapadi niranjan)
- Admin Console Problems
- From: Cary_Anderson at CalPERS.ca.gov (Anderson, Cary)
- Admin Console Problems
- From: satish at suburbia.org.au (Satish Chetty)
- Admin Console Problems
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Admin Console Problems
- From: Cary_Anderson at CalPERS.ca.gov (Anderson, Cary)
- synchronization agreement
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Admin tools for fedora-ds on Fedora 7
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- initial installation/configuration question
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- initial installation/configuration question
- From: jay.coleman at cctechnol.com (Jeremiah Coleman)
- Admin tools for fedora-ds on Fedora 7
- From: danny at keyop.co.uk (Danny Smith)
- synchronization agreement
- From: gonz at mcnc.org (Gonzalo Guzman)
- Admin tools for fedora-ds on Fedora 7
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Admin tools for fedora-ds on Fedora 7
- From: scott.coats at gmail.com (Scott Coats)
- FDS SSL performance tuning query
- From: yinyang at eburg.com (Gordon Messmer)
- Problems using the administrative GUI when the primary master is down.
- From: Cary_Anderson at CalPERS.ca.gov (Anderson, Cary)
- directory server setting fail toterminateidle connections
- From: FenderB at gsicommerce.com (Brian Fender)
- directory server setting fail toterminate idle connections
- From: rcritten at redhat.com (Rob Crittenden)
- FDS log management - bug?
- From: andrey.ivanov at polytechnique.fr (Andrey Ivanov)
- directory server setting fail toterminate idle connections
- From: FenderB at gsicommerce.com (Brian Fender)
- FDS log management - bug?
- From: nhosoi at redhat.com (Noriko Hosoi)
- moving fds data from one server to its replacement
- From: pthagonal at gmail.com (Tony)
- Get Effective Rights on other entries
- From: andrey.ivanov at polytechnique.fr (Andrey Ivanov)
- FDS log management - bug?
- From: andrey.ivanov at polytechnique.fr (Andrey Ivanov)
- solaris8 simple auth
- From: prjctgeek at gmail.com (Doug Chapman)
- solaris8 simple auth
- From: gholbert at broadcom.com (George Holbert)
- solaris8 simple auth
- From: satish at suburbia.org.au (Satish Chetty)
- solaris8 simple auth
- From: prjctgeek at gmail.com (Doug Chapman)
- Fedora Directory Server: the Evolution of Linux Authentication | Linux Journal
- From: satish at suburbia.org.au (Satish Chetty)
- Groups
- From: satish at suburbia.org.au (Satish Chetty)
- directory server setting fail to terminate idle connections
- From: ulf.weltman at hp.com (Ulf Weltman)
- directory server setting fail to terminate idle connections
- From: FenderB at gsicommerce.com (Brian Fender)
- Resolved - Re: Groups
- From: txtoth at gmail.com (Ted X Toth)
- Groups
- From: txtoth at gmail.com (Ted X Toth)
- Changing filesystem path names from "fedora-ds" to "dirsrv"
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Windows and Linux Profiles???
- From: rstaaf at bellsouth.net (rstaaf at bellsouth.net)
- Windows and Linux clients???
- From: rsvancara at wsu.edu (Randall Svancara)
- Windows and Linux clients???
- From: rstaaf at bellsouth.net (rstaaf at bellsouth.net)
- Re: dbus and ldap and boot problems
- From: txtoth at gmail.com (Ted X Toth)
- Groups
- From: ashley at csse.uwa.edu.au (ashley)
- FDS SSL performance tuning query
- From: jon at compbio.dundee.ac.uk (Jonathan Barber)
- FDS SSL performance tuning query
- From: jon at compbio.dundee.ac.uk (Jonathan Barber)
- dbus and ldap and boot problems
- From: txtoth at gmail.com (Ted X Toth)
- Groups
- From: patrick.morris at hp.com (Patrick Morris)
- Setting up the administrative server using ssl on port 636
- From: Cary_Anderson at CalPERS.ca.gov (Anderson, Cary)
- Groups
- From: txtoth at gmail.com (Ted X Toth)
- FDS SSL performance tuning query
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- Groups
- From: satish at suburbia.org.au (Satish Chetty)
- FDS SSL performance tuning query
- From: david.bogen at icecube.wisc.edu (David Bogen)
- Groups
- From: txtoth at gmail.com (Ted X Toth)
- Fedora 7 and FDS 1.0.4-FC6
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Sync passwords from FDS to AD
- From: vsi at ebi.ac.uk (Ville Silventoinen)
- Fedora 7 and FDS 1.0.4-FC6
- From: del at babel.com.au (Del)
- FDS SSL performance tuning query
- From: Andrey.Ivanov at polytechnique.edu (Andrey Ivanov)
- FDS SSL performance tuning query
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- fedora directory server and sun directory server
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- Peer does not recognize and trust the CA that issued your certificate.
- From: rsvancara at wsu.edu (Randall Svancara)
- FDS SSL performance tuning query
- From: satish at suburbia.org.au (Satish Chetty)
- FDS SSL performance tuning query
- From: jon at compbio.dundee.ac.uk (Jonathan Barber)
- FDS SSL performance tuning query
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- FDS SSL performance tuning query
- From: jon at compbio.dundee.ac.uk (Jonathan Barber)
- FDS SSL performance tuning query
- From: rcritten at redhat.com (Rob Crittenden)
- FDS SSL performance tuning query
- From: jon at compbio.dundee.ac.uk (Jonathan Barber)
- FDS SSL performance tuning query
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- FDS SSL performance tuning query
- From: jon at compbio.dundee.ac.uk (Jonathan Barber)
- FDS as an Address Book
- From: adamaod at gmail.com (Adam Valenzuela)
- Does fedora-ds server need to be a DNS server too?
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- Does fedora-ds server need to be a DNS server too?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Does fedora-ds server need to be a DNS server too?
- From: txtoth at gmail.com (Xavier Toth)
- Re: fedora directory server and sun directory server
- From: abliss at brockport.edu (Aaron Bliss)
- fedora directory server and sun directory server
- From: abliss at brockport.edu (Aaron Bliss)
- Does fedora-ds server need to be a DNS server too?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Does fedora-ds server need to be a DNS server too?
- From: txtoth at gmail.com (Ted X Toth)
- How limit access to server
- From: Dennis.DeMarco at lexisnexis.com (DeMarco, Dennis)
- How limit access to server
- From: rsvancara at wsu.edu (Randall Svancara)
- How limit access to server
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- How limit access to server
- From: abliss at brockport.edu (Aaron Bliss)
- How limit access to server
- From: zdenek.kolar at veba.cz (zdenek.kolar at veba.cz)
- Zimbra Schema for FDS
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- Zimbra Schema for FDS
- From: satish at suburbia.org.au (Satish Chetty)
- Zimbra Schema for FDS
- From: wilmer at fedoraproject.org (Wilmer Jaramillo M.)
- moving fds data from one server to its replacement
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- moving fds data from one server to its replacement
- From: pthagonal at gmail.com (Tony)
- Excessive clock skew error breaking replication
- From: kyley_engle at hotmail.com (Kyley Engle)
- Excessive clock skew error breaking replication
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- db corrupted
- From: basile.mathieu at siris.sorbonne.fr (basile)
- Excessive clock skew error breaking replication
- From: kyley_engle at hotmail.com (Kyley Engle)
- Excessive clock skew error breaking replication
- From: kyley_engle at hotmail.com (Kyley Engle)
- Instructions to add a new multi-master?
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- admserv_host_ip_check: ap_get_remote_host could not resolve
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- admserv_host_ip_check: ap_get_remote_host could not resolve
- From: rsvancara at wsu.edu (Randall Svancara)
- Instructions to add a new multi-master?
- From: email.ldap at gmail.com (Geoff)
- db corrupted
- From: nhosoi at redhat.com (Noriko Hosoi)
- db corrupted ( 2 )
- From: basile.mathieu at siris.sorbonne.fr (basile)
- db corrupted
- From: basile.mathieu at siris.sorbonne.fr (basile)
- Windows Sync
- From: iferreir at personal.com.py (Ivan Ferreira)
- Windows Sync
- From: etorres at dap.es (Esteban Torres Rodriguez)
- Samba update LDAP password
- From: alan.orlic at zd-lj.si (Alan Orlič Belšak)
- Sudo over tls/ssl connection
- From: greg.hetrick at gmail.com (Greg Hetrick)
- Sudo over tls/ssl connection
- From: joshkel at gmail.com (Josh Kelley)
- Instructions to add a new multi-master?
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- Dynamic Groups
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Dynamic Groups
- From: W.Edmunds at exeter.ac.uk (Bill Edmunds)
- Instructions to add a new multi-master?
- From: niranjan.ashok at gmail.com (mallapadi niranjan)
- Instructions to add a new multi-master?
- From: satish at suburbia.org.au (Satish Chetty)
- Instructions to add a new multi-master?
- From: email.ldap at gmail.com (Geoff)
- Sudo over tls/ssl connection
- From: greg.hetrick at gmail.com (Greg Hetrick)
- Samba + Fedora-DS
- From: wilmer at fedoraproject.org (Wilmer Jaramillo M.)
- Unlimited line width for ldapsearch
- From: wilmer at fedoraproject.org (Wilmer Jaramillo M.)
- Solaris client question
- From: tour9 at ece.lsu.edu (Saied W. Andalib)
- Solaris client question
- From: gholbert at broadcom.com (George Holbert)
- Solaris client question
- From: srigler at marathonoil.com (Steve Rigler)
- Solaris client question
- From: tour9 at ece.lsu.edu (Saied W. Andalib)
- Unlimited line width for ldapsearch
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Unlimited line width for ldapsearch
- From: howard at cohtech.com (Howard Wilkinson)
- Unlimited line width for ldapsearch
- From: wilmer at fedoraproject.org (Wilmer Jaramillo M.)
- Replicating the configuration database
- From: Cary_Anderson at CalPERS.ca.gov (Anderson, Cary)
- Replicating the configuration database
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Replicating the configuration database
- From: Cary_Anderson at CalPERS.ca.gov (Anderson, Cary)
- Replicating the configuration database
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Replicating the configuration database
- From: Cary_Anderson at CalPERS.ca.gov (Anderson, Cary)
- Fedora Directory Server on Ubuntu, problem with libsasldb (reward)
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Unlimited line width for ldapsearch
- From: howard at cohtech.com (Howard Wilkinson)
- Unlimited line width for ldapsearch
- From: wilmer at fedoraproject.org (Wilmer Jaramillo M.)
- Fedora Directory Server on Ubuntu, problem with libsasldb (reward)
- From: ivanelterrible at ivanyvenian.com (Ivan V.)
- Fedora Directory Server on Ubuntu, problem with libsasldb (reward)
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Usersync Error
- From: wilmer at fedoraproject.org (Wilmer Jaramillo M.)
- Samba + Fedora-DS
- From: wilmer at fedoraproject.org (Wilmer Jaramillo M.)
- Fedora Directory Server on Ubuntu, problem with libsasldb (reward)
- From: ivanelterrible at ivanyvenian.com (Ivan V.)
- Usersync Error
- From: glenn at mail.txwes.edu (Glenn)
- FDS, Kerberos, SASL confusion
- From: yinyang at eburg.com (Gordon Messmer)
- Samba + Fedora-DS
- From: yinyang at eburg.com (Gordon Messmer)
- db2bak Question
- From: kingttx at tomslinux.homelinux.org (Thomas King)
- Configuration Directory Question
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Configuration Directory Question
- From: jamesdeuchar at hotmail.com (James Deuchar)
- db2bak Question
- From: srigler at marathonoil.com (Steve Rigler)
- Configuration Directory Question
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Configuration Directory Question
- From: jamesdeuchar at hotmail.com (James Deuchar)
- Configuration Directory Question
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Configuration Directory Question
- From: jamesdeuchar at hotmail.com (James Deuchar)
- db2bak Question
- From: kingttx at tomslinux.homelinux.org (Thomas King)
- FDS, Kerberos, SASL confusion
- From: hintermayer.johannes at afb.de (Hintermayer Johannes)
- db2bak Question
- From: srigler at marathonoil.com (Steve Rigler)
- db2bak Question
- From: srigler at marathonoil.com (Steve Rigler)
- FDS, Kerberos, SASL confusion
- From: rcritten at redhat.com (Rob Crittenden)
- db2bak Question
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Samba + Fedora-DS
- From: cloudyvdb at gmail.com (thierry vandenbroucke)
- FDS, Kerberos, SASL confusion
- From: hintermayer.johannes at afb.de (Hintermayer Johannes)
- Windows Sync or Replication with NT4?
- From: glenn at mail.txwes.edu (Glenn)
- Windows Sync NT4 Search Base?
- From: glenn at mail.txwes.edu (Glenn)
- FDS, Kerberos, SASL confusion
- From: mjdshop at earthlink.net (MJD Shop Account)
- Windows Sync NT4 Search Base?
- From: patrick.morris at hp.com (Morris, Patrick)
- FDS, Kerberos, SASL confusion
- From: rcritten at redhat.com (Rob Crittenden)
- Enabling SSL for PassSync
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- FDS, Kerberos, SASL confusion
- From: hintermayer.johannes at afb.de (Hintermayer Johannes)
- Windows Sync NT4 Search Base?
- From: glenn at mail.txwes.edu (Glenn)
- Enabling SSL for PassSync
- From: etorres at dap.es (Esteban Torres Rodriguez)
- NT4 Sync Hassle
- From: glenn at mail.txwes.edu (Glenn)
- FDS / HR synchronization
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- FDS / HR synchronization
- From: robert.ludvik at zd-lj.si (Robert Ludvik)
- Performance
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Performance
- From: yinyang at eburg.com (Gordon Messmer)
- Problem with Massive Replication Agreements
- From: fmunoz at hispafuentes.com (Fernando Muñoz)
- FD sync with NT4?
- From: glenn at mail.txwes.edu (Glenn)
- Managing openLDAP et Active Directory users via Fedora DS
- From: Julien.Garet at inria.fr (Julien Garet)
- Performance
- From: ando at sys-net.it (Pierangelo Masarati)
- Performance
- From: vampired at gmail.com (Vampire D)
- Failover and SSL
- From: kekkou.a at cs.ucy.ac.cy (Andreas Kekkou)
- Problem with Massive Replication Agreements
- From: fmunoz at hispafuentes.com (Fernando Muñoz)
- Problem with Massive Replication Agreements
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- Problem with Massive Replication Agreements
- From: fmunoz at hispafuentes.com (Fernando Muñoz)
- Performance
- From: vampired at gmail.com (Vampire D)
- Performance
- From: yinyang at eburg.com (Gordon Messmer)
- Performance
- From: anh at thespringrollhouse.com (Anh Nguyen)
- Another LDAP crashing question
- From: triswimjoe at hotmail.com (Joe Sheehan)
- Another LDAP crashing question
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Another LDAP crashing question
- From: triswimjoe at hotmail.com (Joe Sheehan)
- Enable SSL server
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- rpm -e behavior
- From: stpierre at NebrWesleyan.edu (Chris St. Pierre)
- rpm -e behavior
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Enable SSL server
- From: etorres at dap.es (Esteban Torres Rodriguez)
- 64-bit PassSync?
- From: joshkel at gmail.com (Josh Kelley)
- LDAP Server Crashed - Now Read-Only
- From: GCopeland at efjohnson.com (Greg Copeland)
- Another LDAP crashing question
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Another LDAP crashing question
- From: triswimjoe at hotmail.com (Joe Sheehan)
- LDAP Server Crashed - Now Read-Only
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- LDAP Server Crashed - Now Read-Only
- From: GCopeland at efjohnson.com (Greg Copeland)
- LDAP Server Crashed - Now Read-Only
- From: GCopeland at efjohnson.com (Greg Copeland)
- rpm -e behavior
- From: nhosoi at redhat.com (Noriko Hosoi)
- rpm -e behavior
- From: rcritten at redhat.com (Rob Crittenden)
- rpm -e behavior
- From: srigler at marathonoil.com (Steve Rigler)
- rpm -e behavior
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- rpm -e behavior
- From: stpierre at NebrWesleyan.edu (Chris St. Pierre)
- rpm -e behavior
- From: srigler at marathonoil.com (Steve Rigler)
- Failover and SSL
- From: jon at compbio.dundee.ac.uk (Jonathan Barber)
- Performance
- From: hyc at symas.com (Howard Chu)
- Failover and SSL
- From: rubin at xs4all.nl (Rubin)
- Performance
- From: hyc at symas.com (Howard Chu)
- FDS Console on Windows
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- FDS Console on Windows
- From: vampired at gmail.com (Vampire D)
- rpm -e behavior
- From: nhosoi at redhat.com (Noriko Hosoi)
- Performance
- From: anh at thespringrollhouse.com (Anh Nguyen)
- questions about FDS and distro/email groups
- From: adamaod at gmail.com (Adam Valenzuela)
- Performance
- From: stpierre at NebrWesleyan.edu (Chris St. Pierre)
- Creating a new group...
- From: ashley at csse.uwa.edu.au (ashley)
- Performance
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- questions about FDS and distro/email groups
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Performance
- From: ngaywood at une.edu.au (Norman Gaywood)
- questions about FDS and distro/email groups
- From: adamaod at gmail.com (Adam Valenzuela)
- questions about FDS and distro/email groups
- From: adamaod at gmail.com (Adam Valenzuela)
- questions about FDS and distro/email groups
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- how to search using attributes of the parent nodes
- From: seriv at omniti.com (Sergey Ivanov)
- how to search using attributes of the parent nodes
- From: seriv at omniti.com (Sergey Ivanov)
- Using certs from MS CA server
- From: mrsalty0 at gmail.com (J Davis)
- Using certs from MS CA server
- From: mrsalty0 at gmail.com (J Davis)
- Creating a new group...
- From: tour9 at ece.lsu.edu (Saied W. Andalib)
- Help creating aci for a password manager account
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Help creating aci for a password manager account
- From: Cary_Anderson at CalPERS.ca.gov (Anderson, Cary)
- UPDATED: Using certs from MS CA server
- From: joshua at itsecureadmin.com (Joshua M. Miller)
- Using certs from MS CA server
- From: joshua at itsecureadmin.com (Joshua M. Miller)
- questions about FDS and distro/email groups
- From: adamaod at gmail.com (Adam Valenzuela)
- questions about FDS and distro/email groups
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Using certs from MS CA server
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Using certs from MS CA server
- From: mrsalty0 at gmail.com (J Davis)
- Performance
- From: lesmikesell at gmail.com (Les Mikesell)
- Performance
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- Performance
- From: vampired at gmail.com (Vampire D)
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