All, I am migrating an LDAP server off of Netscape I-Planet to Fedora Directory Server 1.0.4. I am having some issues with ldapmodify in that the command that worked in I-Planet 5.0 to do adds, modifiess, and deletes from the same run doesn't seem to work in Fedora DS. With I-Planet: ldapmodify -a -c -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w xxxxx -f updates.ldif would take updates.ldif and do the adds, modifies, and deletions that were in the ldif all in one run. However, to do the same thing in Fedora DS, I find that I am having to do: ldapmodify -c -x -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w xxxxx -f updates.ldif and then ldapmodify -a -c -x -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w xxxxx -f updates.ldif So I guess I wondering if there is a way to get one iteration of ldapmodify to handle changes, adds, and deletes as the I-Planet version did. Thanks!