Hi! I don't now if this is the right email address to ask my problem.. I'm using fedora Directory -server to implement ldap. The problem is about certificate: I create a certificate but is impossible to use that because the issuer's certificate is not recornize. How can i solve this problem?Whit console I fixed CA cert name and I edit trust. Is necessary to fix certmap mappingName issuerDN in certmap.conf file? I try to do this but nothing changed. Sorry for my bad english! Thanks! ------------------------------------------------------ Leggi GRATIS le tue mail con il telefonino i-mode? di Wind http://i-mode.wind.it/ _______________________________________________ Like your solution? Hate it? Go to your software vendor's page at RHX - http://rhx.redhat.com - and tell us what you think! Help improve RHX. The RHX team is looking for your feedback with a short, 12 question survey: http://www.keysurvey.com/survey/162511/fa85/ ------------------------------------------------------ Leggi GRATIS le tue mail con il telefonino i-mode? di Wind http://i-mode.wind.it/