Bjorn Oglefjorn wrote: > > 1) With 66 users in the massweb group > > [root at megalon ~]# getent group massweb > *** glibc detected *** free(): invalid next size (normal): 0x09a225b0 *** > Aborted ... > Has anyone encountered a similar problem? Any suggestions would be most > welcome. Sounds kind of like a bug in glibc that was fixed in 2.3.4-2.13. You're probably best off reporting this to RH via bugzilla. I might be able to help you track down the precise cause of the problem, if you'd like, and help Red Hat get the issue resolved more quickly. * confirm the version of glibc on that system * install "ltrace" if necessary * stop the "nscd" service temporarily * run "ltrace -s 512 -S getent group massweb > /tmp/ltrace.getent 2>&1" Email me /tmp/ltrace.getent off-list. If there is any private info in /etc/ldap.conf, you'll want to clear it out of the ltrace file before sending it.