Hello, in my organization I have a master ldap server based on openLDAP. Now I have installed a new ldap server (slave) based on Fedora Directory Server. The openLDAP server have a replica directive in the cenfiguration file to replicate the modify to FDS server. Modify entry that exist on master server work fine. The problem in the insert of e new user into the master server. When I try to insert e new user from the followind ldif, i see an error in the insert. testuser.ldif: dn: uid=testuser, dc=studenti, dc=unipmn,dc=it givenName: TEST postalCode: 1920 objectClass: top objectClass: person objectClass: inetOrgPerson objectClass: posixAccount userPassword:: e21kNX0rcmM3V2xoeE9QcnZLc0MvdlJtRlZnPT0= mail: roberto.pinna at studenti.unipmn.it uid: testuser uidNumber: 6763578 cn: TEST USER carLicense: PNNRRT73B26A182A loginShell: /bin/bash gidNumber: 100 homeDirectory: /home/test sn: TEST Error from FDS error log: Entry "uid=testuser,dc=studenti,dc=unipmn,dc=it" -- attribute "structuralobjectclass" not allowed Error from slurpd (on master openLDAP server): Error: ldap_add_s failed adding DN "uid=testuser,dc=studenti,dc=unipmn,dc=it": attribute "structuralobjectclass" not allowed Information from reject file of the surpd: ERROR:: T2JqZWN0IGNsYXNzIHZpb2xhdGlvbjogYXR0cmlidXRlICJzdHJ1Y3R1cmFsb2JqZWN0Y2 xhc3MiIG5vdCBhbGxvd2VkCg== replica: db.mfn.unipmn.it:389 time: 1189156318.0 dn: uid=testuser,dc=studenti,dc=unipmn,dc=it changetype: add givenName: TEST postalCode: 1920 objectClass: top objectClass: person objectClass: inetOrgPerson objectClass: posixAccount userPassword:: e21kNX0rcmM3V2xoeE9QcnZLc0MvdlJtRlZnPT0= uid: testuser mail: roberto.pinna at studenti.unipmn.it uidNumber: 6763578 cn: TEST USER carLicense: PNNRRT73B26A182A loginShell: /bin/bash gidNumber: 100 homeDirectory: /home/test sn: TEST structuralObjectClass: inetOrgPerson entryUUID: 21363b50-f16e-102b-96d1-e14b33466425 creatorsName: cn=manager,dc=unipmn,dc=it createTimestamp: 20070907091157Z entryCSN: 20070907091157Z#000000#00#000000 modifiersName: cn=manager,dc=unipmn,dc=it modifyTimestamp: 20070907091157Z I have see that the structuralobjectclass is not defined in the attributes available in FDS.... how can resolve the probem? Thank's in advance -------------------------------------------------------------- Matteo Angelino Dipartimento di Informatica Via Bellini 25\G 15100 Alessandria ITALY Tel: +39 0131 360375 Email: matteo.angelino at mfn.unipmn.it --------------------------------------------------------------