At 1:43 PM -0400 10/28/10, Andy wrote:
> Much the same can be said for Microsoft, when they upgrade the operating
> system you generally need a new computer and to upgrade all the software.
I dunno. I've run System 9, OS X.2, X.3, X.4, and X.5 on first my
Titanium Powerbook and now this G4 Powerbook. True, I'm at the end
of the line, and if I processed a lot of words and really wanted to
stick with WordPerfect I'd be stuck here forever.
But that's 11 years of Mac OS and two computers - one G3 and one G4.
Seems like a good deal for someone with a limited annul income
willing to take a chance on eBay.
Emily L. Ferguson
New England landscapes, wooden boats and races
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