I also have a measly 1Gb of RAM. When I have both PS CS4 and Lightroom
open...well, let's just say I don't do that very often.
On 10/27/10 5:58 PM, Emily L. Ferguson wrote:
22Gigs of RAM, really? Or is that 2.2 Gigs of RAM? I didn't know any
Macs have enough ports for that many chips!
If you really have that much RAM I can't imagine Time Machine slowing
you down. It only updates files that have been changed, once it gets
its basic database set up.
There must be some other problem. How many apps do you have always
open? Which versions of PS and iTunes are you running? Is your Time
Machine USB? How long as it been since you've quit Bridge and PS or
restarted? If you're using Lightroom, is your entire portfolio stored
in it?
Now I'm still running a G4 Powerbook with a single Gig of RAM, but the
only time I see slowing is when I've just finished processing a 400
file shoot and the caches in both Bridge and PS are totally clogged
with stuff. I haven't tried just emptying caches, but quitting PS and
Bridge usually speeds things up an appreciable amount.
On the other hand, if your Time Machine drive is USB 2, you could be
suffering from that. USB writes packets of data to RAM before copying
them to the attached drive. Firewire is a continuous stream without
continuous addressing of the RAM at all.