Postgresql Users
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- Re: Alter table never finishes, (continued)
- Fwd: Trigger on VIEW not firing,
Massimo Costantini
- Reddwarf for PostgreSQL?,
Tatsuo Ishii
- Recovery failure,
Klaus Ita
- to know what columns are getting updated,
Sajeev Mayandi
- Fwd: corrupted files,
Klaus Ita
- Postgres 9.2.4 for Windows (Vista) Dell Vostro 400, re-installation failure PLEASE CAN SOMEONE HELP!!,
Stephen Brearley
- Re: Postgres 9.2.4 for Windows (Vista) Dell Vostro 400, re-installation failure PLEASE CAN SOMEONE HELP!!,
Adrian Klaver
- Re: Postgres 9.2.4 for Windows (Vista) Dell Vostro 400, re-installation failure PLEASE CAN SOMEONE HELP!!,
Thomas Kellerer
- Re: Postgres 9.2.4 for Windows (Vista) Dell Vostro 400, re-installation failure PLEASE CAN SOMEONE HELP!!,
George Weaver
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Postgres 9.2.4 for Windows (Vista) Dell Vostro 400, re-installation failure PLEASE CAN SOMEONE HELP!!,
Stephen Brearley
- Re: Postgres 9.2.4 for Windows (Vista) Dell Vostro 400, re-installation failure PLEASE CAN SOMEONE HELP!!,
- Re: Postgres 9.2.4 for Windows (Vista) Dell Vostro 400, re-installation failure PLEASE CAN SOMEONE HELP!!,
Adrian Klaver
- Re: Postgres 9.2.4 for Windows (Vista) Dell Vostro 400, re-installation failure PLEASE CAN SOMEONE HELP!!,
Stephen Brearley
5 is not a smallint but '5' is,
John DeSoi
how to get UPDATEXML function in postgresql as it works in oracle,
saritha N
Incorrect response code after XA recovery,
Ondrej Chaloupka
Event trigger information accessibility on plpgsql,
Javier de la Torre
to_char with locale decimal separator,
Ingmar Brouns
SQL for multimedia retrieval,
Olivier Austina
postgres FDW cost estimation options unrecognized in 9.3-beta1,
Lonni J Friedman
REPLICATION Stopped abruptly,
akp geek
Trigger and deadlock,
Loïc Rollus
DATE type output does not follow datestyle parameter,
trouble with pam building 9.3beta2,
Rob Sargent
how _not_ to log?,
Tim Spencer
How to do incremental / differential backup every hour in Postgres 9.1?,
Neil McGuigan
Speed up Switchover,
group by query plan on already clustered index,
Sandeep Gupta
Rule Question,
Andrew Bartley
upgrading from 9.3-beta1 to 9.3-beta2 requires dump & reload?,
Lonni J Friedman
Tablespace on Postgrsql,
unique index corruption,
pg noob
Why are stored procedures looked on so negatively?,
Some Developer
process deadlocking on its own transactionid?,
Kevin Goess
Viewing another role's search path?,
Ian Lawrence Barwick
maintenance_work_mem and CREATE INDEX time,
Amit Langote
Different transaction log for database/schema,
Ondrej Chaloupka
Index for Levenshtein distance,
Janek Sendrowski
Reply: Can we specify transaction level,
Insert result does not match record count,
Natalie Wenz
Best Postgresql books,
Pedro Costa
cron tasks in pg 9.3,
Joe Van Dyk
LibreOffice Base and PostgreSQL Transactions,
Don Parris
Set cost for a specific index scan,
Thomas Strunz
Postgresql, sql client and I/O exceptions,
Paul Maddock
Hot Standby and Foreign Tables,
Tim Kane
Postgres 9.2.4 for Windows (Vista) Dell Vostro 400, re-installation failure (re-sent, shorter),
Stephen Brearley
new instance of postgres on windows,
Arvind Singh
FW: Postgres 9.2.4 for Windows (Vista) Dell Vostro 400, re-installation failure,
Stephen Brearley
About postgres scale out,
Xiang Jun Wu
dynamic table names,
John Smith
What are my options to avoid a Row Exclusive/RowShareLock conflict / is there a better way?,
Query plan different depending on the value of where filter,
Looby, Denis
pgAdmin for ubuntu,
Muhammad Bashir Al-Noimi
Question re contribs of Julian Assange,
Parameter for query,
Robert James
PostgresQL 9.2 table query - underscores,
Victoria S.
Driver Question,
Corbett, James
Upgrading from Pg 9.1 to 9.2,
Muhammad Bashir Al-Noimi
Using pg_start_backup() and pg_stop_backup(),
David B Harris
Reply: Reply: Can we specify transaction level when connectting toexternal postgresql server via postgres_fdw,
last_vacuum field is not updating,
AI Rumman
Reply: Can we specify transaction level when connectting toexternal postgresql server via postgres_fdw,
Read data from WAL,
Baldur Þór Emilsson
Return cols and rows via stored procedure,
Robert James
Syntax error at or near “on”,
Alexander Farber
Update big table,
Haiming Zhang
passing text value with single quote to stored procedure,
Prabhjot Sheena
Build RPM from Postgres Source,
pg_upgrade could not create catalog dump while upgrading from 9.0 to 9.2,
Distributed systems and primary keys,
Melvin Call
Changing the function used in an index.,
Clodoaldo Neto
[no subject],
Vincenzo Romano
function returning select result to JDBC,
Full text search,
itishree sukla
Transaction control in shards through PLPROXY,
Granthana Biswas
How can you get "WAL segment has already been removed" when doing synchronous replication ?!,
hubert depesz lubaczewski
Re: Reply: [GENERAL] 回复: [GENERAL] Can't create plpython language,
function query error: column does not exist,
pg recovery,
Jayadevan M
Can we specify transaction level when connectting to external postgresql server via postgres_fdw,
How to implement a value alias or synonym,
Gauthier, Dave
Single Line Query Logging,
Removing duplicates,
Johann Spies
plpgsql plan caching allowing invalid data to enter table?,
Joe Van Dyk
Dump/Reload pg_statistic to cut time from pg_upgrade?,
Jerry Sievers
function with unknown params,
pg 9.2.4 dblink,
Peter Kroon
Re: [GENERAL] 回复: [GENERAL] Can't create plpython language,
My question about autonomous transaction,
Support for Foreign keys with arrays,
itishree sukla
PERFORM statement,
Mike Christensen
Force ssl connection,
Muhammad Bashir Al-Noimi
Dynamically accessing record elements using EXECUTE,
Moshe Jacobson
domains, case statements, functions: bug?,
Joe Van Dyk
replication stops working,
John DeSoi
Longest Common Subsequence in Postgres - Algorithm Challenge,
Robert James
backend hangs at sendto() and can't be terminated,
Why is NULL = unbounded for rangetypes?,
Andreas Joseph Krogh
Computing count of intersection of two queries (Relational Algebra --> SQL),
Robert James
Re: incorrect checksum in control file,
Ian Turner
General Query on Roles - Reg,
Problems installing 9.2 on Ubuntu 12.04,
Re: How to build postgresql 9.3 beta2 from source withplpython3u handler and postgres_fdw extensions.,
"soft lockup" in kernel,
Stuart Ford
Complex case statement,
How to build postgresql 9.3 beta2 from source with plpython3u handler and postgres_fdw extensions.,
postgresql93-devel-9.3beta2-1PGDG.rhel5.x86_64 missed pg_config,
Reply: Can't create plpython language,
itishree sukla
User defined cast creation,
Arun P.L
query on query,
Jayadevan M
decrease my query duration,
David Carpio
Efficiency of materialized views refresh in 9.3,
Joe Van Dyk
unable to call a function,
Best Table to find Query Logs.,
Can't create plpython language,
async streaming and recovery_target_timeline=latest,
Ben Chobot
Cannot connect to remote postgres database,
Stephen Carville
Feature Idea: Statement Echo in DO$$,
David Johnston
odd locking behaviour,
pg noob
AWS, cascading replication and WAL archiving,
Daniel Serodio (lists)
How to create a cursor that is independent of transactions and doesn't calculated when created ?,
C User Defined Functions,
Jake Silverman
V8.4 TOAST table problem,
Paul Tilles
seq. DEFAULT values and rules,
salah jubeh
Analyzing last run query in psql,
Joe Van Dyk
What is the difference between cmin and cmax,
incomplete CTE declaration and "column reference x is ambiguous",
Marc Mamin
(Default) Group permissions,
Michael Orlitzky
Generate documentation from PL/pgsql source code?,
Jeremy Palmer
Application locking,
Kenneth Tilton
Cleaning up a text import,
Bob Pawley
AFTER triggers and constraints,
David Greco
How to REMOVE an "on delete cascade"?,
Phoenix Kiula
Why are there no inequality scans for ctid?,
hubert depesz lubaczewski
DELETE with LIMIT - workaround?,
Chris Angelico
How to get fully qualified names with EXPLAIN,
Bartosz Dmytrak
auto_explain & FDW,
David Greco
Triggers NOT running as table owner,
Sandro Santilli
Migration from DB2 to PostgreSQL-TIMESTAMP(arg1,arg1),
sachin kotwal
convert from json to text[],
Mason Leung
installer woes, 9.1 on windows 2008 R2,
John R Pierce
unique constraint violations,
pg noob
Problem with at_askml function in Postgis,
Hall, Samuel L (Sam)
Semi-Pseudo Data Types & Procedure Arguments,
Joshua Burns
Need help compiling from souce,
Jake Silverman
dynamic partitioning,
dafNi zaf
array_agg and partition sorts,
Rory Campbell-Lange
Concatenate table name in Pl/Pgsql,
Adarsh Sharma
LDAP referrals,
James Sewell
utf8 errors,
Jiří Pavlovský
autovacuum: found orphan temp table,
Nicolau Roca
Data Minning and analisys tool for Postgres?,
PostgreSQL 9.3 pg_dump issue,
dinesh kumar
greatest cannot be used as sfunc for CREATE AGGREGATE,
Ryan Kelly
Debian Weezy PGDG CD/DVD iso image,
Daniel Cristian Cruz
Re: In memory Database for postgres,
pg_largeobject.sql script not run after upgrade,
Stuart Ford
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