On Fri, Jul 12, 2013 at 11:48 AM, itishree sukla <itishree.sukla@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
ItishreeRegards,For example in my document let Pizza Hut is there, if i am searching for Pizza Hut is it giving me the values for only Pizza or a spell mistake like pizz is not returning any thing. any work around for this, please suggest.Hello everyone,I am using full text search, however it is not helping me to get the partial value.
Hope you are looking like this.
create table foo(v text);
insert into foo values('Near to my house there\'s no any Pizza Hut restuarant');
insert into foo values('I wont like pizza, but friends are crazy of it');
postgres=# select * from foo where v ~* 'pizz';
Near to my house there's no any Pizza Hut restuarant
I wont like pizza, but friends are crazy of it
(2 rows)
postgres=# select * from foo where v ~* 'pizza hut';
Near to my house there's no any Pizza Hut restuarant
(1 row)
postgres=# select * from foo where v ~* 'pizza';
Near to my house there's no any Pizza Hut restuarant
I wont like pizza, but friends are crazy of it
(2 rows)
with ILIKE
select * from foo where v ilike '%hut%';