On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 6:43 PM, Nicolau Roca <nicolau.roca@xxxxxxx> wrote:
after a server crash the following messages appear in the log file every minute:
2013-06-25 15:02:15 CEST [::18264:1:] LOG: autovacuum: found orphan temp table "pg_temp_47"."est_backup_ids_temp" in database "estudis1314"
2013-06-25 15:02:15 CEST [::18264:2:] LOG: autovacuum: found orphan temp table "pg_temp_47"."est_backup_files_temp" in database "estudis1314"
I read a suggestion in the list pgsql-hackers (Message ID 48F4599D.7010601@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) about just dropping the pg_temp_x schema. However, no such schema exists:
You can query to find those schemas :
select relname,nspname from pg_class join pg_namespace on (relnamespace= pg_namespace.oid) where pg_is_other_temp_schema(relnamespace);
On finding you can drop those schemas,if you want to get rid of the messages, just do DROP SCHEMA pg_temp_NNN CASCADE;