There is another situation,
We have a demo table with about 17000000 rows, the "select count(1) from demotable" statement finishes with-in 3 seconds when executed directlly against the Greenplum database,but it takes about 230 seconds to finish when executed via postgres_fdw inside PostgreSQL 9.3 beta2, I guess that it may because of postgres_fdw pulling data to the PostgreSQL instance and counts the rows there, but I think the query optimizer should pass through the count() function to the Greenplum end, and gets only the result back.
Xiaobo Gu
------------------ Original ------------------
From: "guxiaobo1982"<guxiaobo1982@xxxxxx>;
Date: Jul 16, 2013
To: "Tom Lane"<tgl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>;
Cc: "Jov"<amutu@xxxxxxxxx>; "pgsql-general"<pgsql-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>;
Subject: Reply: Reply: [GENERAL] Can we specify transaction level when connectting toexternal postgresql server via postgres_fdw
Greeplum is based on 8.2.15, so we can only use the read-only option.
------------------ Original ------------------
Sender: "Tom Lane"<tgl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>;
Send time: Tuesday, Jul 16, 2013 1:57 PM
To: "guxiaobo1982"<guxiaobo1982@xxxxxx>;
Cc: "Jov"<amutu@xxxxxxxxx>; "pgsql-general"<pgsql-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>;
Subject: Re: Reply: [GENERAL] Can we specify transaction level when connectting toexternal postgresql server via postgres_fdw
> It works for insert and select statement under serializable level, but it seems update/delete statements are not support, is that true?
> template1=# update user_info set info='1234' where id=102;
> DETAIL: Cursors must be READ ONLY.
The postgres_fdw documentation says
postgres_fdw can be used with remote servers dating back to
PostgreSQL 8.3. Read-only capability is available back to 8.1.
I don't recall exactly when Greenplum forked off from Postgres, but
8.1 or so wouldn't surprise me. The quoted error message looks about
like what you'd get when trying to use postgres_fdw with a pre-8.3
remote server.
regards, tom lane