Linux Bluetooth Wireless
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- [PATCHv4 08/15] android/gatt: Change handling of find_information requests, (continued)
- [PATCH ] Add device type info to device info(btd_device),
Bharat Panda
- [PATCH v2 1/3] shared/crypto: Add support for AES-CMAC-128,
Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH BlueZ] audio/media: Remove experimental status from Media* interfaces,
Luiz Augusto von Dentz
- [PATCH 1/3] input: Fix compilation errors on 32 bit machine,
Szymon Janc
- [PATCHv3 00/15] Fix reading attribute values,
Marcin Kraglak
- [PATCHv3 01/15] shared/gatt: Extend gatt_db_read function, Marcin Kraglak
- [PATCHv3 02/15] android/gatt: Refactor ATT read operations, Marcin Kraglak
- [PATCHv3 03/15] shared/gatt: Modify gatt_db_read_by_type to return handles only, Marcin Kraglak
- [PATCHv3 04/15] android/gatt: Change handling read_by_type requests, Marcin Kraglak
- [PATCHv3 05/15] shared/gatt: Remove unused structure, Marcin Kraglak
- [PATCHv3 06/15] shared/gatt: Modify gatt_db_find_information to return list of handles, Marcin Kraglak
- [PATCHv3 07/15] shared/gatt: Add helper function to get attribute type, Marcin Kraglak
- [PATCHv3 08/15] android/gatt: Change handling of find_information requests, Marcin Kraglak
- [PATCHv3 09/15] shared/gatt: Remove unused structure, Marcin Kraglak
- [PATCHv3 10/15] shared/gatt: Add function to get end group handle, Marcin Kraglak
- [PATCHv3 11/15] shared/gatt: Retun list of handles in gatt_db_read_by_group_type, Marcin Kraglak
- [PATCHv3 12/15] android/gatt: Change handling of read_by_group_type requests, Marcin Kraglak
- [PATCHv3 13/15] shared/gatt: Remove unused structure, Marcin Kraglak
- [PATCHv3 14/15] shared/gatt: Make 'find_by_type_value' callback compatible, Marcin Kraglak
- [PATCHv3 15/15] android/gatt: Add find by type and value handler, Marcin Kraglak
- [PATCH] Bluetooth: Fix L2CAP LE debugfs entries permissions,
Samuel Ortiz
- [PATCH 1/2] shared: Fix queue_find to accept const ptr as match data,
Andrzej Kaczmarek
- [PATCH] android/pts: Correct file's header,
Sebastian Chlad
- [PATCH 1/2] bluetooth: don't include local processing of HCI commands in the command timeout,
Alexander Holler
- [PATCH] android/pts: Run PTS tests for SM,
Sebastian Chlad
- [PATCH v6] doc: Add description for Get Connection Information command,
Andrzej Kaczmarek
- [PATCH 1/2] doc: Fix bit numbering in mgmt-api,
Andrzej Kaczmarek
- [PATCH v5 0/5] Bluetooth: Get Connection Information,
Andrzej Kaczmarek
- [PATCH] android/gatt: Fix handling advertising state,
Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v4 0/5] Bluetooth: Get Connection Information,
Andrzej Kaczmarek
- [PATCHv2 00/15] Refactor read attribute values,
Marcin Kraglak
- [PATCHv2 01/15] shared/gatt: Extend gatt_db_read function, Marcin Kraglak
- [PATCHv2 02/15] android/gatt: Refactor ATT read operations, Marcin Kraglak
- [PATCHv2 03/15] shared/gatt: Modify gatt_db_read_by_type to return handles only, Marcin Kraglak
- [PATCHv2 04/15] android/gatt: Change handling read_by_type requests, Marcin Kraglak
- [PATCHv2 05/15] shared/gatt: Remove unused structure, Marcin Kraglak
- [PATCHv2 06/15] shared/gatt: Moify gatt_db_find_information to return list of handles, Marcin Kraglak
- [PATCHv2 07/15] shared/gatt: Add helper function to get attribute type, Marcin Kraglak
- [PATCHv2 08/15] android/gatt: Change handling of find_information requests, Marcin Kraglak
- [PATCHv2 09/15] shared/gatt: Remove unused structure, Marcin Kraglak
- [PATCHv2 10/15] shared/gatt: Add function to get end group handle, Marcin Kraglak
- [PATCHv2 11/15] shared/gatt: Retun list of handles in gatt_db_read_by_group_type, Marcin Kraglak
- [PATCHv2 12/15] android/gatt: Change handling of read_by_group_type requests, Marcin Kraglak
- [PATCHv2 13/15] shared/gatt: Remove unused structure, Marcin Kraglak
- [PATCHv2 15/15] android/gatt: Add find by type and value handler, Marcin Kraglak
- [PATCHv2 14/15] shared/gatt: Make 'find_by_type_value' callback compatible, Marcin Kraglak
- [PATCH 1/3] shared/crypto: Add support for AES-CMAC-128,
Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH BlueZ] android/handsfree: Fix Connect SCO command,
Luiz Augusto von Dentz
- [RFC 0/6] android: Configuration command,
Szymon Janc
- External Bluez plugin and GATT profile,
Ján Lališ
- [PATCH v5] mgmt-api: Add support to get connection information, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH] android/pts: Add PTS testing files for MPS,
Sebastian Chlad
- [RFC 0/2] Add support for AES-CMAC-128,
Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH 1/3] android/pts: Add PTS test listing for HDP,
Sebastian Chlad
- [PATCH v3 0/5] Bluetooth: Get Connection Information,
Andrzej Kaczmarek
- Possible Bug (issue) in the Bluez 5.18 for BLE device detection, Amith Raghunath
- BLE connection failing,
Rick Mann
- [PATCH 1/2] android/bluetooth: Add function for getting bonded device list,
Grzegorz Kolodziejczyk
- [PATCHv6 01/11] android/hal-audio-hsp: Add open_output_stream(),
Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCHv6 05/11] android/ipc: Use error printing error messages, Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCHv6 03/11] android/handsfree: Add SCO Audio IPC, Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCHv6 04/11] android/hal-sco: Implement Audio IPC on Audio HAL, Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCHv6 09/11] android/audio: Add downmix support to audio SCO HAL, Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCHv6 11/11] android/audio: Add write to SCO, Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCHv6 08/11] audio/haltest: Make audio_stream static, Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCHv6 10/11] android/audio: Use resampler interface to resample SCO, Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCHv6 02/11] android/audio: Add Audio SCO message API, Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCHv6 07/11] android/audio: Add resampler support, Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCHv6 06/11] android/haltest: Add testinng for audio SCO HAL, Andrei Emeltchenko
- Re: [PATCHv6 01/11] android/hal-audio-hsp: Add open_output_stream(), Luiz Augusto von Dentz
- [PATCH] android/pts: Add test listing for MCAP, Sebastian Chlad
- [PATCH 0/8] Fix reading attribute value in database,
Marcin Kraglak
- [PATCH] android/pts: Add PTS test listing for HDP, Sebastian Chlad
- Query regarding BLE communication between 2 Dual Mode devices,
Amith Raghunath
- 168c:0032 ath3k built-in bluetooth cannot load firmware - sporadic, fuujuhi
- [PATCH v1 00/10] bt_att initial implementation,
Arman Uguray
- [PATCH v1 01/10] src/shared/att: Introduce struct bt_att., Arman Uguray
- [PATCH v1 02/10] unit/test-att: Add unit tests for src/shared/att., Arman Uguray
- [PATCH v1 03/10] tools/btatt: Add command-line tool for ATT protocol testing., Arman Uguray
- [PATCH v1 04/10] tools/btatt: Add "exchange-mtu" command., Arman Uguray
- [PATCH v1 05/10] src/shared/att: Add "Find Information" request and response., Arman Uguray
- [PATCH v1 06/10] unit/test-att: Add unit test for "Find Information" request/response., Arman Uguray
- [PATCH v1 07/10] tools/btatt: Add "find-information" command., Arman Uguray
- [PATCH v1 08/10] src/shared/att: Add "Find By Type Value" request and response., Arman Uguray
- [PATCH v1 09/10] unit/test-att: Add unit test for "Find By Type Value" request/response., Arman Uguray
- [PATCH v1 10/10] tools/btatt: Add "find-by-type-value" command., Arman Uguray
- [PATCH v2 0/6] Get Connection Information,
Andrzej Kaczmarek
- [PATCH 3/3] hog: Fix report_value_cb() buffer overflow, Petri Gynther
- [PATCH 2/3] hog: Improve report_value_cb() uHID error handling, Petri Gynther
- [PATCH 1/3] hog: Fix report_value_cb() signature,
Petri Gynther
- [PATCH 01/15] android/tester-ng: Add android-tester-ng,
Grzegorz Kolodziejczyk
- [PATCH 02/15] android/tester-ng: Add initial test case routines, Grzegorz Kolodziejczyk
- [PATCH 03/15] android/tester-ng: Add state machine handling mechanism and simple tester, Grzegorz Kolodziejczyk
- [PATCH 05/15] android/tester-ng: Add double enable success test case, Grzegorz Kolodziejczyk
- [PATCH 04/15] android/tester-ng: Add callback mechanism, Grzegorz Kolodziejczyk
- [PATCH 06/15] android/tester-ng: Add disable success test case, Grzegorz Kolodziejczyk
- [PATCH 08/15] android/tester-ng: Add initial hid test case, Grzegorz Kolodziejczyk
- [PATCH 07/15] android/tester-ng: Add initial socket test case, Grzegorz Kolodziejczyk
- [PATCH 09/15] android/tester-ng: Add basic GATT init test, Grzegorz Kolodziejczyk
- [PATCH 10/15] android/tester-ng: Add GATT client's register client case, Grzegorz Kolodziejczyk
- [PATCH 13/15] android/tester-ng: Add setprop scanmode conn disc success tc, Grzegorz Kolodziejczyk
- [PATCH 11/15] android/tester-ng: Add property check handling, Grzegorz Kolodziejczyk
- [PATCH 12/15] android/tester-ng: Add proprerty check and bdname set success test case, Grzegorz Kolodziejczyk
- [PATCH 14/15] android/tester-ng: Add setprop scanmode conn success tc, Grzegorz Kolodziejczyk
- [PATCH 15/15] android/tester-ng: Add setprop scanmode none success tc, Grzegorz Kolodziejczyk
- System will halt during a phone call with HandsFree profile,
Vinod Rayapudi
- Bluez 5.18 on 3.12,
David Eriksson
- [PATCHv5 01/13] android/hal-sco: Add audio HAL for SCO handling,
Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCHv5 06/13] android/ipc: Use error printing error messages, Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCHv5 03/13] android/audio: Add Audio SCO message API, Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCHv5 13/13] android/handsfree: Do not make unneeded VOICE ioctl(), Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCHv5 12/13] android/audio: Add write to SCO, Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCHv5 09/13] audio/haltest: Make audio_stream static, Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCHv5 10/13] android/audio: Add downmix support to audio SCO HAL, Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCHv5 05/13] android/hal-sco: Implement Audio IPC on Audio HAL, Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCHv5 07/13] android/haltest: Add testinng for audio SCO HAL, Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCHv5 08/13] android/audio: Add resampler support, Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCHv5 11/13] android/audio: Use resampler interface to resample SCO, Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCHv5 02/13] android/hal-audio-hsp: Add open_output_stream(), Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCHv5 04/13] android/handsfree: Add SCO Audio IPC, Andrei Emeltchenko
- Re: [PATCHv5 01/13] android/hal-sco: Add audio HAL for SCO handling, Luiz Augusto von Dentz
- [PATCH] hog: Fix report_value_cb(),
Petri Gynther
- [PATCH] doc: Add mgmt command for changing the controller public address, Marcel Holtmann
- [PATCH v2] Bluetooth: btusb: Add Broadcom patch RAM support,
Petri Gynther
- Bluetooth adapter not listed in linux-3.14.2,
Sree Harsha Totakura
- [PATCH v2] input: Add userspace HID support,
Petri Gynther
- [PATCH 0/8] Get Connection Information,
Andrzej Kaczmarek
- [PATCH v4 1/2] android/gatt: Extend android2uuid uuid type support,
Grzegorz Kolodziejczyk
- [PATCH 1/3] android/bluetooth: Pass device to set_device_bond_state,
Szymon Janc
- [PATCH v4] mgmt-api: Add support to get connection information, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v3] mgmt-api: Add support to get connection information,
Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCHv4 01/12] android/hal-sco: Add audio HAL for SCO handling,
Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCHv4 05/12] android/hal-sco: Implement Audio IPC on Audio HAL, Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCHv4 08/12] android/audio: Add resampler support, Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCHv4 03/12] android/audio: Add Audio SCO message API, Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCHv4 04/12] android/handsfree: Add SCO Audio IPC, Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCHv4 07/12] android/haltest: Add testinng for audio SCO HAL, Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCHv4 12/12] android/audio: Add write to SCO, Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCHv4 10/12] android/audio: Add downmix support to audio SCO HAL, Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCHv4 02/12] android/hal-audio-hsp: Add open_output_stream(), Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCHv4 06/12] android/ipc: Use error printing error messages, Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCHv4 09/12] audio/haltest: Make audio_stream static, Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCHv4 11/12] android/audio: Use resampler interface to resample SCO, Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCH] android/pts: PTS tests results for IOPT,
Sebastian Chlad
- [PATCH] Bluetooth: Add support for SMP Invalid Parameters error code,
johan . hedberg
- [PATCH v2 1/2] doc: Update RSSI property description.,
Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH] android/bluetooth: Make sure proper controller mode is set on start,
Szymon Janc
- Add SDP discovery support to gatttool with BR,
- [PATCH] android/gatt: Fix missing android address to bdadr conversion,
Grzegorz Kolodziejczyk
- [PATCHv3 00/12] SCO Audio interface for Android,
Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCHv3 04/12] android/handsfree: Add SCO Audio IPC, Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCHv3 02/12] android/hal-audio-hsp: Add open_output_stream(), Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCHv3 07/12] android/haltest: Add testinng for audio SCO HAL, Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCHv3 09/12] audio/haltest: Make audio_stream static, Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCHv3 10/12] android/audio: Add downmix support to audio SCO HAL, Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCHv3 12/12] android/audio: Add write to SCO, Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCHv3 01/12] android/hal-sco: Add audio HAL for SCO handling, Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCHv3 06/12] android/ipc: Use error printing error messages, Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCHv3 03/12] android/audio: Add Audio SCO message API, Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCHv3 11/12] android/audio: Use resampler interface to resample SCO, Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCHv3 08/12] android/audio: Add resampler support, Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCHv3 05/12] android/hal-sco: Implement Audio IPC on Audio HAL, Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCH] Bluetooth: btusb: Add Broadcom patch RAM support,
Petri Gynther
- Re: [PATCH 2/2] doc: Introduce Start/Stop Connection Monitor,
Tim Song
- [PATCH] tools: Add "hciconfig pagetype" command,
Petri Gynther
- [PATCH] shared/tester: Add support for debug logs for tester,
Grzegorz Kolodziejczyk
- [PATCH 1/2] doc: Update RSSI property description.,
Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v2] mgmt-api: Add support to get connection information, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCHv2 02/10] android/hal-audio-hsp: Add open_output_stream(), Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCHv2 01/10] android/hal-audio-hsp: Add audio HAL for HSP handling,
Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCHv2 02/10] android/hal-audio-hsp: Add open_output_stream(), Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCHv2 10/10] android/audio: Add write to SCO, Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCHv2 05/10] android/haltest: Add testinng for audio SCO HAL, Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCHv2 08/10] android/audio: Add downmix support to audio SCO HAL, Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCHv2 09/10] android/audio: Use resampler interface to resample SCO, Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCHv2 04/10] android/ipc: Use error printing error messages, Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCHv2 06/10] android/audio: Add resampler support, Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCHv2 07/10] audio/haltest: Make audio_stream static, Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCHv2 03/10] android/hal-audio: Add SCO audio API, Andrei Emeltchenko
- <Possible follow-ups>
- [PATCHv2 01/10] android/hal-audio-hsp: Add audio HAL for HSP handling, Andrei Emeltchenko
- [PATCH] android: Add possibility to start android daemon on PC in single mode,
Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH] mgmt-api: Add support to get connection characteristics,
Lukasz Rymanowski
- Problems enabling GATT, Rick Mann
- [PATCH] shared/gatt: Check if handles counter is not wrapped,
Szymon Janc
Sebastian Chlad
- Connecting to BLE slave to communicate with L2CAP packets, Prithvi Raj Narendra
- [PATCH] android/gatt: Remove redundant gatt_status variable set,
Grzegorz Kolodziejczyk
- [PATCH BlueZ 0/5] plugin/sixaxis: use the sysfs leds class,
Antonio Ospite
- [PATCH 1/4] android/gatt: Fix included service notification send,
Grzegorz Kolodziejczyk
- Handsfree and A2DP connection failed, Vinod Rayapudi
- [PATCH 00/10] bt_att initial implementation,
Arman Uguray
- [PATCH 01/10] src/shared/att: Introduce struct bt_att., Arman Uguray
- [PATCH 02/10] unit/test-att: Add unit tests for src/shared/att., Arman Uguray
- [PATCH 03/10] tools/btatt: Add command-line tool for ATT protocol testing., Arman Uguray
- [PATCH 04/10] tools/btatt: Add "exchange-mtu" command., Arman Uguray
- [PATCH 05/10] src/shared/att: Add "Find Information" request and response., Arman Uguray
- [PATCH 06/10] unit/test-att: Add unit test for "Find Information" request/response., Arman Uguray
- [PATCH 07/10] tools/btatt: Add "find-information" command., Arman Uguray
- [PATCH 08/10] src/shared/att: Add "Find By Type Value" request and response., Arman Uguray
- [PATCH 09/10] unit/test-att: Add unit test for "Find By Type Value" request/response., Arman Uguray
- [PATCH 10/10] tools/btatt: Add "find-by-type-value" command., Arman Uguray
- Re: [PATCH 00/10] bt_att initial implementation, Luiz Augusto von Dentz
- [PATCH] input: Add userspace HID support,
Petri Gynther
- BLE Passive scan & Bonding quest (dbus vs mgmt-api vs plugins),
d . eriksson
- [PATCH 0/3] Bluetooth LE 6LoWPAN using CoC,
Jukka Rissanen
- [PATCH 0/2] LE testing on PTS,
Sebastian Chlad
- [Bug 75351] New: Can't connect to AD2P profiles of some bluetooth headsets,
- Problems running the tests in BlueZ 5.18,
Sejo Ruiz
- [PATCH 01/11] attrib: Add simpler call for descriptors discovery,
Andrzej Kaczmarek
- [PATCH 10/11] gatt: Remove gatt_discover_char_desc, Andrzej Kaczmarek
- [PATCH 11/11] hog: Remove redundant struct, Andrzej Kaczmarek
- [PATCH 05/11] scan: Discover CCC using gatt_discover_desc, Andrzej Kaczmarek
- [PATCH 04/11] hog: Discover descriptors using gatt_discover_desc, Andrzej Kaczmarek
- [PATCH 02/11] attrib: Discover descriptors using gatt_discover_desc, Andrzej Kaczmarek
- [PATCH 03/11] gas: Discover CCC using gatt_discover_desc, Andrzej Kaczmarek
- [PATCH 07/11] cyclingspeed: Discover CCC using gatt_discover_desc, Andrzej Kaczmarek
- [PATCH 06/11] heartrate: Discover CCC using gatt_discover_desc, Andrzej Kaczmarek
- [PATCH 09/11] android/gatt: Discover descriptors using gatt_discover_desc, Andrzej Kaczmarek
- [PATCH 08/11] thermometer: Discover descriptors using gatt_discover_desc, Andrzej Kaczmarek
- Re: [PATCH 01/11] attrib: Add simpler call for descriptors discovery, Johan Hedberg
- Getting started with BLE device,
Rick Mann
- BUG: spinlock wrong CPU on CPU#3, krfcommd/1500 (resend),
Sander Eikelenboom
- [PATCH v4 00/38] android/gatt: GATT server implementation,
Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v4 01/38] android/gatt: Rename listen_clients to listen_apps, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v4 03/38] android/gatt: Add service functionality, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v4 04/38] android/gatt: Add implementation of delete service, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v4 05/38] android/gatt: Add included service implementation, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v4 02/38] android/gatt: Remove redundant find function parameter, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v4 06/38] android/gatt: Add characteristic implementation, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v4 07/38] android/gatt: Add handling of start service command, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v4 11/38] android/gatt: Assume that each server wants waits for connection, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v4 10/38] android/gatt: Add listening socket for GATT, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v4 09/38] android/gatt: Add descriptor implementation, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v4 12/38] android/gatt: Add ATT msg handler, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v4 15/38] shared/gatt: Add att_opcode to read/write callback, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v4 16/38] android/bluetooth: Add function for getting device Android name, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v4 19/38] android/gatt: Register device information service, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v4 20/38] android/gatt: Register GATT service, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v4 21/38] shared/gatt: Add function to read by group type, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v4 17/38] android/gatt: Add register GAP Service, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v4 18/38] gatt: Add some characteristics uuids, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v4 23/38] shared/gatt: Add function to read by type, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v4 13/38] shared/gatt: Use bdaddr instead of request_id, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v4 22/38] shared/gatt: Add function to find by type, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v4 14/38] shared/gatt: Extend read/write callback with offset, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v4 25/38] android/gatt: Add support for ATT read by group type, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v4 26/38] android/gatt: Add support for ATT read by type, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v4 24/38] shared/gatt: Add function to find information, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v4 30/38] android/gatt: Add Find info gatt server cmd handling, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v4 27/38] shared/gatt: Add support to read from database, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v4 33/38] android/gatt: Add support for execute write, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v4 29/38] android/gatt: Add MTU request cmd handling, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v4 32/38] android/gatt: Add support for write request, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v4 34/38] android/gatt: Add write_cb to GATT server, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v4 35/38] android/gatt: Add read_cb for GATT Server, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v4 37/38] android/gatt: Add support for GATT server send response, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v4 38/38] android/gatt: Add support for send indication, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v4 36/38] android/hal-gatt-api: Fix IPC definition for send response, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v4 28/38] android/gatt: Add support to read request, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v4 31/38] shared/gatt: Add support for write request, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v4 08/38] android/gatt: Add stop service command handling, Lukasz Rymanowski
- Re: [PATCH v4 00/38] android/gatt: GATT server implementation, Szymon Janc
- Re: [PATCH v4 00/38] android/gatt: GATT server implementation, Szymon Janc
- [PATCH] rfcomm: Convert spinlocks into mutexes,
Libor Pechacek
- [PATCH v2 1/2] hog: Fix checking for Report ID item presence,
Andrzej Kaczmarek
- [PATCH v3 40/40] android/gatt: Add support for send indication, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v2 00/40] android/gatt: GATT server implementation,
Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v2 01/40] android/gatt: Rename listen_clients to listen_apps, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v2 02/40] android/gatt: Remove redundant find function parameter, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v2 03/40] android/gatt: Add service functionality, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v2 04/40] android/gatt: Add implementation of delete service, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v2 05/40] android/gatt: Add included service implementation, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v2 06/40] android/gatt: Add characteristic implementation, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v2 07/40] android/gatt: Add handling of start service command, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v2 08/40] android/gatt: Add stop service command handling, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v2 09/40] android/gatt: Add descriptor implementation, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v2 10/40] android/gatt: Add listening socket for GATT, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v2 11/40] android/gatt: Assume that each server wants waits for connection, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v2 12/40] android/gatt: Add ATT msg handler, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v2 13/40] shared: Use pointer for request data instead of int, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v2 14/40] shared/gatt: Extend read callback with offset, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v2 15/40] shared/gatt: Add complete command callback, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v2 16/40] android/bluetooth: Add function for getting device Android name, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v2 17/40] android/gatt: Add register GAP Service, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v2 18/40] gatt: Add some characteristics uuids, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v2 19/40] android/gatt: Register device information service, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v2 20/40] shared: Extend write callback with offset, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v2 21/40] android/gatt: Register GATT service, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v2 22/40] shared/gatt: Add function to read by group type, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v2 23/40] shared/gatt: Add function to find by type, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v2 24/40] shared/gatt: Add function to read by type, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v2 25/40] android/gatt: Add support for ATT read by group type, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v2 26/40] android/gatt: Add support for ATT read by type, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v2 27/40] shared/gatt: Add support to read from database, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v2 28/40] android/gatt: Move struct req_data up in the file, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v2 29/40] android/gatt: Add support to read request, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v2 30/40] android/gatt: Add MTU request cmd handling, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v2 31/40] android/gatt: Add Find info gatt server cmd handling, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v2 32/40] shared/gatt: Add support for write request, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v2 33/40] android/gatt: Add support for write request, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v2 34/40] android/gatt: Add support for execute write, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v2 35/40] android/gatt: Move struct req_data upper in the file, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v2 36/40] android/gatt: Add write_cb to GATT server, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v2 37/40] android/gatt: Add read_cb for GATT Server, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v2 38/40] android/hal-gatt-api: Fix IPC definition for send response, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v2 39/40] android/gatt: Add support for GATT server send response, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH v2 40/40] android/gatt: Add support for send indication, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCHv2] android/gatt: Use common code for server and client register,
Jakub Tyszkowski
- [PATCH] android/pts: Correct PICS for A2DP,
Sebastian Chlad
- [PATCH] android/pts: Re-run OPP with ETS-12160,
Sebastian Chlad
- [PATCH] android/gatt: Remove redundant find function parameter,
Jakub Tyszkowski
- [PATCH 1/2] hog: Fix checking for Report ID item,
Andrzej Kaczmarek
- [PATCH 00/36] android/gatt: GATT server implementation,
Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH 01/36] android/gatt: Add comment about event type being sent, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH] android/gatt: Add support for send indication, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH 03/36] android/gatt: Add implementation of delete service, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH 02/36] android/gatt: Add service functionality, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH 05/36] android/gatt: Add characteristic implementation, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH 04/36] android/gatt: Add included service implementation, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH 07/36] android/gatt: Add stop service command handling, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH 06/36] android/gatt: Add handling of start service command, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH 08/36] android/gatt: Add descriptor implementation, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH 09/36] android/gatt: Add listening socket for GATT, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH 10/36] android/gatt: Add ATT msg handler, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH 11/36] shared: Use pointer for request data instead of int, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH 12/36] shared/gatt: Extend read callback with offset, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH 13/36] android/gatt: Add register GAP Service, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH 14/36] gatt: Add some characteristics uuids, Lukasz Rymanowski
- [PATCH 15/36] android/gatt: Register device information service, Lukasz Rymanowski
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