Gluster Users
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- Storage Cluster Question, (continued)
- HELP mmap or java nio,
- HELP !!!!!!Files lost after DHT expansion!!!!!!!!!!,
- hostname vs IP in 2.0.2,
Pavel Říha
- list files very slow when 400K+ files in Glusterfs 1.3.12,
- compile Gluster on Mac OS X 10.4,
Ate Poorthuis
- help,
- <Possible follow-ups>
- help,
michael at
- help,
Fariborz Mafakheri
- Error when expand dht model volumes,
- install glustefs2.02 on freebsd,
- how can i mount glusterfs with cloud(nufa single processor) configuration?,
- Limit of Glusterfs help,
- Limit of Glusterfs help,
- Gluster-users Digest, Vol 14, Issue 34,
- AFR problem,
maurizio oggiano
- unify and auto heal,
David Saez Padros
- bailout after period of inactivity,
Arend-Jan Wijtzes
- GlusterFS ACL support?,
Christian Svensson
- Dubious write performance on simple "nfs" setup,
Peter Gervai
- mirroring problems with replicate Please Help!,
Phillip Walsh
- migrating from standalone storage to distributed storage,
Deyan Chepishev
- Gluster (2.0.1 -> git) with fuse 2.8 crashes NFS,
Justice London
- Rebalancing the Distribute Hash Table Translator - Possible solutions,
Brandon Ooi
- intended behavior filter translator,
Ate Poorthuis
- Low Performance Problems,
Martin Reissner
- Gluster 2.0.2 locking up issues,
Daniel Jordan Bambach
- Poor Performance on a replicate client,
Rainer Krienke
- features/trash,
- Permissions on mount point,
Marcio Teixeira
- Gluster 2.0.1 Locking up entire machine under load,
Daniel Jordan Bambach
- client side trash translator,
Ate Poorthuis
- glusterfs - fuse_loc_fill() failed,
Tibor Köröcz
- AFR Config sanity check?,
Daniel Jordan Bambach
- Glusterfs client stops,
Paras Fadte
- Need a quick answer on "Distributed Replicated Storage" questions,
Jonathan Bayles
- NUFA + replicate,
Sacerdoti, Federico
- Issue with java nio when using GFS2.0.0,
- Issue with files on glusterfs becoming unreadable.,
Elbert Lai
- Problem with fs hang,
Stephan von Krawczynski
- Problem with new version of GlusterFS-2.0.1 while copying.,
Vikas Gorur
- Problem with new version of GlusterFS-2.0.1 while copying.,
- Fwd: Self-healing fails to create missing directories (2.0.1),
Ville Tuulos
- Files lost after DHT expansion!,
mki-glusterfs at
- Gluster 2.0.1 and ib-verbs,
Jason Williams
- GFS 2.0.2 Stabilitiy issues,
- DHT Transport endpoint is not connected,
Maris Ruskulis
- balancing at the distribute translator,
- Question regarding Replicate Translator,
- Wiki entry under wrong category,
- alfresco with GFS2.0.0,
- Remounting a glusterFS volume without interruption,
Julien Cornuwel
- Feature Requests About Redistribution,
Vahriç Muhtaryan
- Configuration validation needed,
Julien Cornuwel
- About DHT Translater,
Vahriç Muhtaryan
- CIFS GlusterFS 2.2 FUSE and WINDOWS,
Vahriç Muhtaryan
- Could be the bug of Glusterfs? The file system is unstable and hang,
Alpha Electronics
- Horrible performance with small files (DHT/AFR),
Benjamin Krein
FORGET xxxx not found in inode table,
Jasper van Wanrooy - Chatventure
GlusterFS with VIrtual Machines,
Vijay Bellur
File deletion issue,
Paras Fadte
NUFA/replicate setup,
James Cipar
Glusterfs 2.0 hangs on high load,
Maris Ruskulis
<Possible follow-ups>
Glusterfs 2.0 hangs on high load,
Maris Ruskulis
Thank you + Glusterfs design question,
Marcio Teixeira
About Installation,
Vahriç Muhtaryan
on-the-fly addition of nodes,
Harold Lim
mod_glusterfs binding port,
jvanwanrooy at
Slow write performance,
Heine Andersen
Fedora 10: No 32-bit RPMs, and rpmbuild fails,
Marcio Teixeira
replication issues with XFS still,
Phillip Walsh
GlusterFS on high latency links,
Johannes Grassler
AFR translator on more than one client node,
George Negoita
Problems with x86_64 servers and ppc64 client,
Steven Truelove
raid5 or raid6 level cluster,
Vahriç Muhtaryan
jvanwanrooy at
Timestamp on replicated files and dirs,
Matthew J. Salerno
About FileSystem,
Vahriç Muhtaryan
nufa and missing files,
Todd Pfaff
Patchwork at,
Anand Avati
gluster-2.0.1, mandriva-2008.1-x86_64, libtool, lt_unset,
Todd Pfaff
Distribute rm problem,
gluster-2.0.1, mandriva-2008.1-x86_64, libtool, lt_unset,
Todd Pfaff
mod_glusterfs build error on mandriva-2008.1-x86_64,
Todd Pfaff
AFR for Xen VMs,
Patricio A. Bruna
Help me please with replication,
Виктор Вислобоков
GlusterFS 2.0 Release,
Anand Babu Periasamy
Big storage],
ERROR in glusterfs 2.0.0 with suse xen creating image,
Glusterfs-2 locks/hangs on EC2/vtun setup,
Simon Detheridge
GlusterFS with OpenSolaris and ZFS,
Phillip Steinbachs
Exported NFS - written files are zero size,
Bike & Snow
Trouble getting NUFA/IB-VERBS running,
bug with mount bind ?,
Problem with rm -rf *,
Problems with server sided afr.,
Maris Ruskulis
gfs vs nfs: abysmal performance difference,
Paolo Pisati
build fails on OS X 10.5 and there is no .dmg file,
Problem with mv operation after disconnect in DHT,
Patrick Ruckstuhl
Problem of afr in glusterfs 2.0.0rc1,
fail to compile glfs-bm.c,
Big storage,
Artur Kamiński
rm -rf errors,
Sacerdoti, Federico
Patched FUSE Won't Compile,
Bike & Snow
Version 2.0.0: "validating translator failed",
Gluster 2 with stable AFR,
Stas Oskin
Backing up glusterfs files using LVM snapshot,
Chandranshu .
Help tourble with afr,
gluster across internet,
Lyric Hartley
glusterfs and nfs-locks,
Wolfgang Hotwagner
Using gluster for a CDN,
simple afr client setup,
Adrian Terranova
samba export: transport endpoint not connected,
Ate Poorthuis
activating bail-out :frame sent = 2009-04-30 17:59:10. transport-timeout = 600,
Vu Tong Minh
help me saturate my reads with a stripe of 4 machines,
Erick Tryzelaar
rsync and glusterfs,
Sean Davis
When 2.0 become stable?,
[posix.c:1736:posix_writev] posix: writev failed: No space left on device,
wenaideyu wenaideyu
"No space left on device" problem,
wenaideyu wenaideyu
slow concurrent access in same client,
Alpha Electronics
another NFS vs glusterfs performance question,
Matt M
glusterfs and samba (file-max limit reached),
Luca Barbato
NUFA: some questions,
Roberto Franchini
Posix ACL,
Wolfgang Hotwagner
GlusterFS on a FreeBSD-Server,
Stefan Mohn
BUG: 2.0.0rc8 does not build,
Ron Gage
Gluster on a Mail Server,
Andrew Burkett
Direct I/O access performance with GLFS2 rc8,
Hideo Umemura(Max-T)
Problem of data restore with afr (help),
loop mount makes the system hang and reboot,
Frank Wang
rebuild DHT cache,
Mickey Mazarick
connection requirements,
Gluster documentation,
Ron Gage
processor requirements,
Fwd: [Gluster-devel] rc8,
Liam Slusser
Hot-adding storage bricks,
Ron Gage
glusterfs-2.0.0rc7 and php5 sessions,
Stefan Klingner
adding a brick with nufa glusterfs-2.0.0rc7,
Matthew Wilkins
memory leak in 2.0.0rc7,
Liam Slusser
anonuid-like feature?,
Ralf Terdic
GFS question with xen create virtual machine,
If a file grows bigger and bigger, how can glusterfs move it between bricks?,
Kirby Zhou
Benefit to storing SQL data files in GlusterFS volume,
Stas Oskin
NFS export under Centos 5.3,
Justice London
Stripe mode question,
error on rc2,
Vu Tong Minh
severe performance io-cache bug with large cache in rc7 and git?,
Erick Tryzelaar
AFR trouble in glusterfs,
sticky bit?,
Matthew Wilkins
upgrading from 1.3.10 to 2.0.0rc7,
Matthew Wilkins
<Possible follow-ups>
upgrading from 1.3.10 to 2.0.0rc7,
Matthew Wilkins
favorite-child prevents from syncing an empty directory,
Stas Oskin
Multiple disks per server functionality,
Stas Oskin
AFR performance killer,
Having some trouble while using AFR,
Nagios monitoring of replicated volumes..,
Cory Meyer
Web-based admin tool,
Stas Oskin
Fw:how to set the IRC of glusterfs,
mmap shared write support,
Filipe Maia
Writing/reading from local server first in AFR pair,
Stas Oskin
Broken AFR - DU / DF - part 2,
Stas Oskin
AFR trouble in glusterfs,
Message not available
Gentoo E-Build for GlusterFS Version 2.0rc7 and older,
John Simmonds
glusterfsd crashed,
Parity for NUFA ?,
Julien Cornuwel
Xen and Glusterfs,
Matt Lawrence
Slower than NFS,
loading 'features/posix-locks' on server side may help your application,
Vu Tong Minh
RAID-1 over network scenario - incredible problems,
Ondrej Jombik
Strange issues with du and df,
Stas Oskin
Trouble with AFR,
Two bugs in the latest version,
Stas Oskin
Afr doesn't work correctly, many errors in the log files,
Stas Oskin
Why a log of mismatch message with dht?,
Kirby Zhou
Slow working,
Artur Kamiński
Replicating data files is causing issue with postgres,
Jeff Lord
Expanding a unify volume,
Matt Lawrence
Is there a Regression Test cycle exist?,
Kirby Zhou
2.0.0rc7 can not remove symbol-links,
Kirby Zhou
DF reports incorrect sizes,
Stas Oskin
Distrbute AFR Storage,
2.0.0rc7 rpmbuild failed,
Kirby Zhou
Replication Options?,
Jeff Lord
Auto AFR sync when server node comes up,
Stas Oskin
GlusterFS client takes all memory,
Stas Oskin
Zimbra Email Server Setup / General Questions,
Drew A. Friestedt
Performance expectations,
Gennadiy Nerubayev
ISCSI and Gluster,
storage/bdb glusterfs crash at dir creation or file add,
Renatas Ulevičius
cloud volume problem when read/write glusterfs,
William Hanwoody
Strange errors with cluster/distribute or cluster/replicate,
Konstantin A. Lepikhov
2.0.0rc4 performance/write-behind seems broken with flush-behind=on,
Kirby Zhou
Gluster-users Digest, Vol 11, Issue 46,
some newbie questions,
Steve Friedman
Unable to move file to cluster via Java?,
Stas Oskin
ERROR of gluster.2.0.rc1 client on suse reiserfs,
glusterfs bdb backend problem,
William Hanwoody
AFR and Nufa,
Stas Oskin
Joining pairs of servers into a single space,
Stas Oskin
GlusterFS non-favorably stability review,
Stas Oskin
GlusterFS optimizations translators,
Stas Oskin
AFR synchronization,
Stas Oskin
Single server (NAS) and gluster advantages,
Sean Davis
cluster/nufa not consistent across nodes running 2.0.0rc1,
John Kilburg
AFR simple setup and not working?,
Pathiakis, Paul
<Possible follow-ups>
AFR simple setup and not working?,
Pathiakis, Paul
Writing files to back-end directory,
Stas Oskin
Fetching client.vol file from remote server,
Stas Oskin
How can I mount glusterfs-1.3 and glusterfs-2.0 simultaneously?,
Kirby Zhou
Posix locks question,
Stas Oskin
Error report: glusterfs2.0rc4 abend -- "readv failed (Bad address) ",
Andrew McGill
How to use the bdb storage translator?,
Nguyễn Khánh Duy
Gluster2.0.rc1 and openfiler 2.3,
Message not available
Message not available
Message not available
Message not available
<Possible follow-ups>
Gluster2.0.rc1 and openfiler 2.3,
Gluster Patched Fuse?,
Unexpected AFR self-heal behavior (file contents not synced).,
Matthew Davis
question of UNIFY,
Enterprise Application with O_DIRECT access,
Hideo Umemura(Max-T)
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