Hello everyone! I'm new on this list so first of all I want to say big 'Hi' to everybody! And big 'Thanks' to developers ;) I have to swap my old NFS box for some kind of distributed file system quite soon. I have just chacked out GlusterFS 1.3 (from Debian testing packages) and GlusterFS 2.0RC8 from sources and I really like the idea of FUSE and vol-files :) But due to big differences between 1.3 (unify/afr) and 2.0 (dht/replicate) I want to avoid setting up 1.3 and then upgrading it to 2.0. So my question is: Does anybody can tell me when will be stable GlusterFS2.0 released? Is it matter of weeks or months? I couldn't find such information in Gluster Wiki but I found noyhing but the feature roadmap. Thanx in advance for any information. Konrad Szeromski