Fedora Websites
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- Re: Infofeed needs F-10 updates/testing
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <stickster@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: tomboy, thereby mono shown installed on main website
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Sentence not complete in documentation.
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Infofeed needs F-10 updates/testing
- From: Seth Vidal <skvidal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Infofeed needs F-10 updates/testing
- From: Seth Vidal <skvidal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Infofeed needs F-10 updates/testing
- From: "Paul Frields" <stickster@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Is fedora 10 a free software?
- From: Basil Mohamed Gohar <abu_hurayrah@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Is fedora 10 a free software?
- From: "olu yisa" <segunyisa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: A few missing items on your FAQ about using Yum to jump from FC6 to FC8
- From: Rahul Sundaram <sundaram@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: compliments on download page
- From: Rahul Sundaram <sundaram@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Binary download page
- From: Rahul Sundaram <sundaram@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Bug Report
- From: Rahul Sundaram <sundaram@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Wrong help advice on fedoraproject.org website
- From: "Fabio d'Alessi" <fabio.dalessi@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fedora wiki login issues
- From: Nigel Jones <nigjones@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: http://fedoraproject.org/relnotes
- From: Ricky Zhou <ricky@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Some inaccuracy
- From: Ricky Zhou <ricky@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Bug Report
- From: Boris Fridman <borya_fridman@xxxxxxx>
- Binary download page
- From: "Ali Venell" <ali.venell@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: check sum for fedora live cd from website is wrong
- From: Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams <ivazqueznet@xxxxxxxxx>
- check sum for fedora live cd from website is wrong
- From: "James Conway" <conways5@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- compliments on download page
- From: "James G. Sack (jim)" <jgsack@xxxxxxxxxx>
- http://fedoraproject.org/relnotes
- From: josef radinger <cheese@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Some inaccuracy
- From: "Евгений Оглоблин" <jackogloblin@xxxxxxxxx>
- Promos
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <stickster@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Missing italian language
- From: "Craig Thomas" <bicycle.nutz@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Missing italian language
- From: "Craig Thomas" <craigt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- A few missing items on your FAQ about using Yum to jump from FC6 to FC8
- From: Matt Hillier <hillier@xxxxxxxx>
- Sentence not complete in documentation.
- From: claneys.skyne@xxxxxxxxx
- Missing italian language
- From: Francesco Tombolini <tombo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fedora wiki login issues
- From: Tim Abbott <tabbott@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Desktop User Guide
- From: Ricky Zhou <ricky@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fedora wiki login issues
- From: Ricky Zhou <ricky@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wrong link in KDE download page
- From: Ricky Zhou <ricky@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: PowerPC download link is i386
- From: Ricky Zhou <ricky@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- From: Ricky Zhou <ricky@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- tomboy, thereby mono shown installed on main website
- From: "G.LeeJ" <neighborlee@xxxxxxxxx>
- From: Ben <benl11235@xxxxxxxxx>
- PowerPC download link is i386
- From: "Jonas Sundström" <jonas@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Fedora wiki login issues
- From: Tim Abbott <tabbott@xxxxxxx>
- fedora download not working
- From: "jaider bertoli" <jaiderbertoli007@xxxxxxxxx>
- Thank you for Fedora 10!
- From: Станислав <s08@xxxxxxxxx>
- Wrong link in KDE download page
- From: "Jordi Martinez" <jordi122@xxxxxxxxx>
- Fwd: Fedora PPC: wrong download link for the DVD
- From: "Jon Stanley" <jonstanley@xxxxxxxxx>
- sorry for the commit spam, redirecting firehose ASAP
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Desktop User Guide
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxx>
- tweaks to docs.fp.o CSS
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxx>
- f10 websites postmortem
- From: Max Spevack <mspevack@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: fedora download not working
- From: <Matt_Domsch@xxxxxxxx>
- congrats
- From: Max Spevack <mspevack@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/selinux-user-guide/f10/en-US/images icon.svg, NONE, 1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/selinux-user-guide/f10/en-US/images sealert_gui.png, NONE, 1.1 setroubleshoot_denial.png, NONE, 1.1 xguest.png, NONE, 1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/install-guide/f10 index.php,NONE,1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/install-guide index.php,1.6,1.7
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes index.php,1.50,1.51
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10/en_US fedora.css, NONE, 1.1 How_are_Things_for_Developers.php, 1.1, 1.2 Legal_Stuff_and_Administrivia.php, 1.1, 1.2 Power_Users_Get_What_Features_and_Fixes.php, 1.1, 1.2 Upfront_About_Multimedia.php, 1.1, 1.2 What_Do_System_Adminstrators_Care_About.php, 1.1, 1.2 What_is_New_for_Gamers_Scientists_and_Hobbyists.php, 1.1, 1.2 What_is_New_for_Installation_and_Live_Images.php, 1.1, 1.2 What_is_the_Latest_on_the_Desktop.php, 1.1, 1.2 index.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-legalnotice.php, 1.1, 1.2
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10/zh_TW fedora.css,NONE,1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10/uk fedora.css,NONE,1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10/zh_CN fedora.css,NONE,1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10/sv fedora.css,NONE,1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10/ta fedora.css,NONE,1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10/te fedora.css,NONE,1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10/sr_Latn fedora.css,NONE,1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10/sr fedora.css,NONE,1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10/sk fedora.css,NONE,1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10/pt_BR fedora.css,NONE,1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10/or fedora.css,NONE,1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10/pl fedora.css,NONE,1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10/nb fedora.css,NONE,1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10/ru fedora.css,NONE,1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10/pa fedora.css,NONE,1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10/ms fedora.css,NONE,1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10/pt fedora.css,NONE,1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10/mr fedora.css,NONE,1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10/nl fedora.css,NONE,1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10/ko fedora.css,NONE,1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10/ml fedora.css,NONE,1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10/kn fedora.css,NONE,1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10/ja fedora.css,NONE,1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10/id fedora.css,NONE,1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10/it fedora.css,NONE,1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10/hr fedora.css,NONE,1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10/hu fedora.css,NONE,1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10/hi fedora.css,NONE,1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10/he fedora.css,NONE,1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10/gu fedora.css,NONE,1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10/fr fedora.css,NONE,1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10/es fedora.css,NONE,1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10/de fedora.css,NONE,1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10/el fedora.css,NONE,1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10/ca fedora.css,NONE,1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10/da fedora.css,NONE,1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10/cs fedora.css,NONE,1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10/as fedora.css,NONE,1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10/bn_IN fedora.css,NONE,1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs index.php,1.50,1.51
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/css docbook.css,1.2,1.3
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10 index.php,NONE,1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10/zh_TW/stylesheet-images 1.png, NONE, 1.1 10.png, NONE, 1.1 11.png, NONE, 1.1 12.png, NONE, 1.1 13.png, NONE, 1.1 14.png, NONE, 1.1 15.png, NONE, 1.1 2.png, NONE, 1.1 3.png, NONE, 1.1 4.png, NONE, 1.1 5.png, NONE, 1.1 6.png, NONE, 1.1 7.png, NONE, 1.1 8.png, NONE, 1.1 9.png, NONE, 1.1 caution.png, NONE, 1.1 important.png, NONE, 1.1 note.png, NONE, 1.1 tip.png, NONE, 1.1 titlepage.png, NONE, 1.1 warning.png, NONE, 1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10/zh_TW How_are_Things_for_Developers.php, NONE, 1.1 Legal_Stuff_and_Administrivia.php, NONE, 1.1 Power_Users_Get_What_Features_and_Fixes.php, NONE, 1.1 Upfront_About_Multimedia.php, NONE, 1.1 What_Do_System_Adminstrators_Care_About.php, NONE, 1.1 What_is_New_for_Gamers_Scientists_and_Hobbyists.php, NONE, 1.1 What_is_New_for_Installation_and_Live_Images.php, NONE, 1.1 What_is_the_Latest_on_the_Desktop.php, NONE, 1.1 index.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-legalnotice.php, NONE, 1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10/zh_CN How_are_Things_for_Developers.php, NONE, 1.1 Legal_Stuff_and_Administrivia.php, NONE, 1.1 Power_Users_Get_What_Features_and_Fixes.php, NONE, 1.1 Upfront_About_Multimedia.php, NONE, 1.1 What_Do_System_Adminstrators_Care_About.php, NONE, 1.1 What_is_New_for_Gamers_Scientists_and_Hobbyists.php, NONE, 1.1 What_is_New_for_Installation_and_Live_Images.php, NONE, 1.1 What_is_the_Latest_on_the_Desktop.php, NONE, 1.1 index.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-legalnotice.php, NONE, 1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10/zh_CN/stylesheet-images 1.png, NONE, 1.1 10.png, NONE, 1.1 11.png, NONE, 1.1 12.png, NONE, 1.1 13.png, NONE, 1.1 14.png, NONE, 1.1 15.png, NONE, 1.1 2.png, NONE, 1.1 3.png, NONE, 1.1 4.png, NONE, 1.1 5.png, NONE, 1.1 6.png, NONE, 1.1 7.png, NONE, 1.1 8.png, NONE, 1.1 9.png, NONE, 1.1 caution.png, NONE, 1.1 important.png, NONE, 1.1 note.png, NONE, 1.1 tip.png, NONE, 1.1 titlepage.png, NONE, 1.1 warning.png, NONE, 1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10/uk/stylesheet-images 1.png, NONE, 1.1 10.png, NONE, 1.1 11.png, NONE, 1.1 12.png, NONE, 1.1 13.png, NONE, 1.1 14.png, NONE, 1.1 15.png, NONE, 1.1 2.png, NONE, 1.1 3.png, NONE, 1.1 4.png, NONE, 1.1 5.png, NONE, 1.1 6.png, NONE, 1.1 7.png, NONE, 1.1 8.png, NONE, 1.1 9.png, NONE, 1.1 caution.png, NONE, 1.1 important.png, NONE, 1.1 note.png, NONE, 1.1 tip.png, NONE, 1.1 titlepage.png, NONE, 1.1 warning.png, NONE, 1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10/uk How_are_Things_for_Developers.php, NONE, 1.1 Legal_Stuff_and_Administrivia.php, NONE, 1.1 Power_Users_Get_What_Features_and_Fixes.php, NONE, 1.1 Upfront_About_Multimedia.php, NONE, 1.1 What_Do_System_Adminstrators_Care_About.php, NONE, 1.1 What_is_New_for_Gamers_Scientists_and_Hobbyists.php, NONE, 1.1 What_is_New_for_Installation_and_Live_Images.php, NONE, 1.1 What_is_the_Latest_on_the_Desktop.php, NONE, 1.1 index.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-legalnotice.php, NONE, 1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10/te/stylesheet-images 1.png, NONE, 1.1 10.png, NONE, 1.1 11.png, NONE, 1.1 12.png, NONE, 1.1 13.png, NONE, 1.1 14.png, NONE, 1.1 15.png, NONE, 1.1 2.png, NONE, 1.1 3.png, NONE, 1.1 4.png, NONE, 1.1 5.png, NONE, 1.1 6.png, NONE, 1.1 7.png, NONE, 1.1 8.png, NONE, 1.1 9.png, NONE, 1.1 caution.png, NONE, 1.1 important.png, NONE, 1.1 note.png, NONE, 1.1 tip.png, NONE, 1.1 titlepage.png, NONE, 1.1 warning.png, NONE, 1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10/ta How_are_Things_for_Developers.php, NONE, 1.1 Legal_Stuff_and_Administrivia.php, NONE, 1.1 Power_Users_Get_What_Features_and_Fixes.php, NONE, 1.1 Upfront_About_Multimedia.php, NONE, 1.1 What_Do_System_Adminstrators_Care_About.php, NONE, 1.1 What_is_New_for_Gamers_Scientists_and_Hobbyists.php, NONE, 1.1 What_is_New_for_Installation_and_Live_Images.php, NONE, 1.1 What_is_the_Latest_on_the_Desktop.php, NONE, 1.1 index.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-legalnotice.php, NONE, 1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10/te How_are_Things_for_Developers.php, NONE, 1.1 Legal_Stuff_and_Administrivia.php, NONE, 1.1 Power_Users_Get_What_Features_and_Fixes.php, NONE, 1.1 Upfront_About_Multimedia.php, NONE, 1.1 What_Do_System_Adminstrators_Care_About.php, NONE, 1.1 What_is_New_for_Gamers_Scientists_and_Hobbyists.php, NONE, 1.1 What_is_New_for_Installation_and_Live_Images.php, NONE, 1.1 What_is_the_Latest_on_the_Desktop.php, NONE, 1.1 index.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-legalnotice.php, NONE, 1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10/ta/stylesheet-images 1.png, NONE, 1.1 10.png, NONE, 1.1 11.png, NONE, 1.1 12.png, NONE, 1.1 13.png, NONE, 1.1 14.png, NONE, 1.1 15.png, NONE, 1.1 2.png, NONE, 1.1 3.png, NONE, 1.1 4.png, NONE, 1.1 5.png, NONE, 1.1 6.png, NONE, 1.1 7.png, NONE, 1.1 8.png, NONE, 1.1 9.png, NONE, 1.1 caution.png, NONE, 1.1 important.png, NONE, 1.1 note.png, NONE, 1.1 tip.png, NONE, 1.1 titlepage.png, NONE, 1.1 warning.png, NONE, 1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10/sr_Latn How_are_Things_for_Developers.php, NONE, 1.1 Legal_Stuff_and_Administrivia.php, NONE, 1.1 Power_Users_Get_What_Features_and_Fixes.php, NONE, 1.1 Upfront_About_Multimedia.php, NONE, 1.1 What_Do_System_Adminstrators_Care_About.php, NONE, 1.1 What_is_New_for_Gamers_Scientists_and_Hobbyists.php, NONE, 1.1 What_is_New_for_Installation_and_Live_Images.php, NONE, 1.1 What_is_the_Latest_on_the_Desktop.php, NONE, 1.1 index.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-legalnotice.php, NONE, 1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10/sr/stylesheet-images 1.png, NONE, 1.1 10.png, NONE, 1.1 11.png, NONE, 1.1 12.png, NONE, 1.1 13.png, NONE, 1.1 14.png, NONE, 1.1 15.png, NONE, 1.1 2.png, NONE, 1.1 3.png, NONE, 1.1 4.png, NONE, 1.1 5.png, NONE, 1.1 6.png, NONE, 1.1 7.png, NONE, 1.1 8.png, NONE, 1.1 9.png, NONE, 1.1 caution.png, NONE, 1.1 important.png, NONE, 1.1 note.png, NONE, 1.1 tip.png, NONE, 1.1 titlepage.png, NONE, 1.1 warning.png, NONE, 1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10/sr How_are_Things_for_Developers.php, NONE, 1.1 Legal_Stuff_and_Administrivia.php, NONE, 1.1 Power_Users_Get_What_Features_and_Fixes.php, NONE, 1.1 Upfront_About_Multimedia.php, NONE, 1.1 What_Do_System_Adminstrators_Care_About.php, NONE, 1.1 What_is_New_for_Gamers_Scientists_and_Hobbyists.php, NONE, 1.1 What_is_New_for_Installation_and_Live_Images.php, NONE, 1.1 What_is_the_Latest_on_the_Desktop.php, NONE, 1.1 index.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-legalnotice.php, NONE, 1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10/sk/stylesheet-images 1.png, NONE, 1.1 10.png, NONE, 1.1 11.png, NONE, 1.1 12.png, NONE, 1.1 13.png, NONE, 1.1 14.png, NONE, 1.1 15.png, NONE, 1.1 2.png, NONE, 1.1 3.png, NONE, 1.1 4.png, NONE, 1.1 5.png, NONE, 1.1 6.png, NONE, 1.1 7.png, NONE, 1.1 8.png, NONE, 1.1 9.png, NONE, 1.1 caution.png, NONE, 1.1 important.png, NONE, 1.1 note.png, NONE, 1.1 tip.png, NONE, 1.1 titlepage.png, NONE, 1.1 warning.png, NONE, 1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/selinux-user-guide/f10/en-US/images - New directory
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/selinux-user-guide - New directory
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/install-guide/f10 - New directory
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/selinux-guide/f10/en-US appe-Security-Enhanced_Linux-Revision_History.html, 1.1, 1.2 chap-Security-Enhanced_Linux-Confining_Users.html, 1.1, 1.2 chap-Security-Enhanced_Linux-Introduction.html, 1.1, 1.2 chap-Security-Enhanced_Linux-SELinux_Contexts.html, 1.1, 1.2 chap-Security-Enhanced_Linux-Targeted_Policy.html, 1.1, 1.2 chap-Security-Enhanced_Linux-Trademark_Information.html, 1.1, 1.2 chap-Security-Enhanced_Linux-Troubleshooting.html, 1.1, 1.2 chap-Security-Enhanced_Linux-Working_with_SELinux.html, 1.1, 1.2 index.html, 1.1, 1.2 pr01s02.html, 1.1, 1.2 pref-Security-Enhanced_Linux-Preface.html, 1.1, 1.2 sect-Security-Enhanced_Linux-Booleans-Configuring_Booleans.html, 1.1, 1.2 sect-Security-Enhanced_Linux-Booleans-Examples_Booleans_for_NFS_and_CIFS.html, 1.1, 1.2 sect-Security-Enhanced_Linux-Confining_Users-Changing_the_Default_Mapping.html, 1.1, 1.2 sect-Security-Enhanced_Linux-Confining_Users-Confining_Existing_Linux_Users_semanage_login.html, 1.1, 1.2 sect-Security-Enhanced_Linux-Confining_Users-Confining_New_Linux_Users_useradd.html, 1.1, 1.2 sect-Security-Enhanced_Linux-Confining_Users-xguest_Kiosk_Mode.html, 1.1, 1.2 sect-Security-Enhanced_Linux-Enabling_and_Disabling_SELinux-Disabling_SELinux.html, 1.1, 1.2 sect-Security-Enhanced_Linux-Fixing_Problems-Raw_Audit_Messages.html, 1.1, 1.2 sect-Security-Enhanced_Linux-Fixing_Problems-Searching_For_and_Viewing_Denials.html, 1.1, 1.2 sect-Security-Enhanced_Linux-Fixing_Problems-sealert_Messages.html, 1.1, 1.2 sect-Security-Enhanced_Linux-Introduction-Examples.html, 1.1, 1.2 sect-Security-Enhanced_Linux-Introduction-SELinux_on_other_Operating_Systems.html, 1.1, 1.2 sect-Security-Enhanced_Linux-Maintaining_SELinux_Labels_-Archiving_Files_with_star.html, 1.1, 1.2 sect-Security-Enhanced_Linux-Maintaining_SELinux_Labels_-Archiving_Files_with_tar.html, 1.1, 1.2 sect-Security-Enhanced_Linux-Maintaining_SELinux_Labels_-Checking_the_Default_SELinux_Context.html, 1.1, 1.2 sect-Security-Enhanced_Linux-Maintaining_SELinux_Labels_-Moving_Files_and_Directories.html, 1.1, 1.2 sect-Security-Enhanced_Linux-Mounting_File_Systems-Changing_the_Default_Context.html, 1.1, 1.2 sect-Security-Enhanced_Linux-Mounting_File_Systems-Making_Context_Mounts_Persistent.html, 1.1, 1.2 sect-Security-Enhanced_Linux-Mounting_File_Systems-Mounting_an_NFS_File_System.html, 1.1, 1.2 sect-Security-Enhanced_Linux-Mounting_File_Systems-Multiple_NFS_Mounts.html, 1.1, 1.2 sect-Security-Enhanced_Linux-SELinux_Contexts-SELinux_Contexts_for_Processes.html, 1.1, 1.2 sect-Security-Enhanced_Linux-SELinux_Contexts-SELinux_Contexts_for_Users.html, 1.1, 1.2 sect-Security-Enhanced_Linux-SELinux_Contexts_Labeling_Files-Persistent_Changes_semanage_fcontext.html, 1.1, 1.2 sect-Security-Enhanced_Linux-Targeted_Policy-Confined_and_Unconfined_Users.html, 1.1, 1.2 sect-Security-Enhanced_Linux-Targeted_Policy-Unconfined_Processes.html, 1.1, 1.2 sect-Security-Enhanced_Linux-Top_Three_Causes_of_Problems-Evolving_Rules_and_Broken_Applications.html, 1.1, 1.2 sect-Security-Enhanced_Linux-Top_Three_Causes_of_Problems-How_are_Confined_Services_Running.html, 1.1, 1.2 sect-Security-Enhanced_Linux-Troubleshooting-Fixing_Problems.html, 1.1, 1.2 sect-Security-Enhanced_Linux-Troubleshooting-Top_Three_Causes_of_Problems.html, 1.1, 1.2 sect-Security-Enhanced_Linux-Working_with_SELinux-Booleans.html, 1.1, 1.2 sect-Security-Enhanced_Linux-Working_with_SELinux-Enabling_and_Disabling_SELinux.html, 1.1, 1.2 sect-Security-Enhanced_Linux-Working_with_SELinux-Main_Configuration_File.html, 1.1, 1.2 sect-Security-Enhanced_Linux-Working_with_SELinux-Maintaining_SELinux_Labels_.html, 1.1, 1.2 sect-Security-Enhanced_Linux-Working_with_SELinux-Mounting_File_Systems.html, 1.1, 1.2 sect-Security-Enhanced_Linux-Working_with_SELinux-SELinux_Contexts_Labeling_Files.html, 1.1, 1.2 sect-Security-Enhanced_Linux-Working_with_SELinux-SELinux_Modes.html, 1.1, 1.2 sect-Security-Enhanced_Linux-Working_with_SELinux-The_file_t_and_default_t_Types.html, 1.1, 1.2 sect-Security-Enhanced_Linux-Working_with_SELinux-Which_Log_File_is_Used.html, 1.1, 1.2
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- No Websites Meeting Today
- From: Ricky Zhou <ricky@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Turkish Website
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <stickster@xxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/selinux-guide/f10/en-US/Common_Content/css common.css, 1.2, 1.3
- From: Murray McAllister <mdious@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/selinux-guide/f10/en-US/Common_Content/css common.css, 1.1, 1.2
- From: Murray McAllister <mdious@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/selinux-guide index.php,1.4,1.5
- From: Murray McAllister <mdious@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Turkish Website
- From: Tufan çetin <tufan@xxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/selinux-guide index.php,1.3,1.4
- From: Murray McAllister <mdious@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- User signup not working?
- From: "Rick Noelle" <Rick.Noelle@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- (no subject)
- From: afwan halim <meuligo_aa@xxxxxxxxx>
- (no subject)
- From: "R. Jana" <ra.jana@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fedora 10 release banner
- From: Paolo Leoni <hydra84@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: get-fedora renders unusually thin columns in Google Chrome
- From: Ricky Zhou <ricky@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Self Introduction
- From: Ricky Zhou <ricky@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Intro for Leo Albert Jackson Jr (lajjr)
- From: Ricky Zhou <ricky@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Introduction
- From: Ricky Zhou <ricky@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Self Introduction
- get-fedora renders unusually thin columns in Google Chrome
- From: Steven Bularca <steve@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Meeting Log - 2008-11-17
- From: Ricky Zhou <ricky@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Intro for Leo Albert Jackson Jr (lajjr)
- From: Leo Jackson <lajjr@xxxxxxxxx>
- Meeting Reminder - Today at 22:00 UTC
- From: Ricky Zhou <ricky@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Fedora 10 release banner
- From: Paolo Leoni <hydra84@xxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/selinux-guide index.php,1.2,1.3
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Purchase Op system
- From: Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams <ivazqueznet@xxxxxxxxx>
- Purchase Op system
- From: <jackson1552@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/selinux-guide index.php,1.1,1.2
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/selinux-guide index.php,NONE,1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: needsome infomation
- From: Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams <ivazqueznet@xxxxxxxxx>
- needsome infomation
- From: "oshan rubesinghe" <drkmafia@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Issue with the DVD iso download?
- From: "Honnon, Chris" <CHonnon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Issue with the DVD iso download?
- From: Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams <ivazqueznet@xxxxxxxxx>
- Issue with the DVD iso download?
- From: "Honnon, Chris" <CHonnon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Introduction
- From: "Antoni Sousa" <blckspder@xxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/selinux-guide/f10/en-US/images icon.svg, NONE, 1.1 sealert_gui.png, NONE, 1.1 setroubleshoot_denial.png, NONE, 1.1 xguest.png, NONE, 1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/selinux-guide/f10preview/en-US/Common_Content/css common.css, NONE, 1.1 default.css, NONE, 1.1 overrides.css, NONE, 1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/selinux-guide/f10/en-US/Common_Content/css common.css, NONE, 1.1 default.css, NONE, 1.1 overrides.css, NONE, 1.1
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/selinux-guide/f10/en-US/Common_Content/images - New directory
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/selinux-guide/f10/en-US/Common_Content/css - New directory
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/selinux-guide/f10/en-US/images - New directory
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/selinux-guide/f10/en-US/Common_Content - New directory
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/selinux-guide/f10/en-US - New directory
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/selinux-guide/f10 - New directory
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/selinux-guide/f10preview/en-US/images - New directory
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/selinux-guide/f10preview/en-US/Common_Content/css - New directory
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/selinux-guide/f10preview/en-US/Common_Content - New directory
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/selinux-guide/f10preview/en-US - New directory
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/selinux-guide/f10preview - New directory
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/selinux-guide - New directory
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Spotlight video banners
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <stickster@xxxxxxxxx>
- Front page links to pkgdb?
- From: Jason L Tibbitts III <tibbs@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: remove entry
- From: "Karsten 'quaid' Wade" <kwade@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Spotlight video banners
- From: Ricky Zhou <ricky@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Suggestions
- From: "Karsten 'quaid' Wade" <kwade@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Spotlight video banners
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <stickster@xxxxxxxxx>
- Meeting Log - 2008-11-10
- From: Ricky Zhou <ricky@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [Fwd: Re: Fedora Classroom]
- From: Rahul Sundaram <sundaram@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- remove entry
- From: "Glauber Adriano Reis" <glauber.reis@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: fedora planet
- From: Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams <ivazqueznet@xxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes index.php,1.49,1.50
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- fedora planet
- From: Henry Anchante <helpdesk@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Meeting Reminder - 2008-11-10
- From: Ricky Zhou <ricky@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview/en_US Are_There_Hideous_Bugs_and_Terrible_Tigers.php, 1.1, 1.2 How_are_Things_for_Developers.php, 1.1, 1.2 index.php, 1.1, 1.2 Legal_Stuff_and_Administrivia.php, 1.1, 1.2 Power_Users_Get_What_Features_and_Fixes.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-legalnotice.php, 1.1, 1.2 Upfront_About_Multimedia.php, 1.1, 1.2 What_Do_System_Adminstrators_Care_About.php, 1.1, 1.2 What_is_New_for_Gamers_Scientists_and_Hobbyists.php, 1.1, 1.2 What_is_New_for_Installation_and_Live_Images.php, 1.1, 1.2 What_is_the_Latest_on_the_Desktop.php, 1.1, 1.2
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: fedora 10 review - installable live cds?
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <stickster@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: fedora 10 review - installable live cds?
- From: Ricky Zhou <ricky@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: fedora 10 review - installable live cds?
- From: Rahul Sundaram <sundaram@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- fedora 10 review - installable live cds?
- From: Máirín Duffy <duffy@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: shadowrpg.net
- From: "Jon Stanley" <jonstanley@xxxxxxxxx>
- shadowrpg.net
- From: Brandon Padgett <gamerboy1994328@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Docs.fp.o restyling
- From: Michael Beckwith <michael.d.beckwith@xxxxxxxxx>
- Account Problem
- From: Stefa Nos <stefanos4555@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fedora 10 countdown banner
- From: Nicu Buculei <nicu_fedora@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Suggestions
- From: Joseph Izang <joeizang@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- subscrib
- From: "vasanth naidu" <vasanthnaidu2004@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fedora 10 countdown banner
- From: Nicu Buculei <nicu_fedora@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview/hr Are_There_Hideous_Bugs_and_Terrible_Tigers.php, NONE, 1.1 How_are_Things_for_Developers.php, NONE, 1.1 Legal_Stuff_and_Administrivia.php, NONE, 1.1 Power_Users_Get_What_Features_and_Fixes.php, NONE, 1.1 Upfront_About_Multimedia.php, NONE, 1.1 What_Do_System_Adminstrators_Care_About.php, NONE, 1.1 What_is_New_for_Gamers_Scientists_and_Hobbyists.php, NONE, 1.1 What_is_New_for_Installation_and_Live_Images.php, NONE, 1.1 What_is_the_Latest_on_the_Desktop.php, NONE, 1.1 index.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-legalnotice.php, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview/hi_IN/stylesheet-images 1.png, NONE, 1.1 10.png, NONE, 1.1 11.png, NONE, 1.1 12.png, NONE, 1.1 13.png, NONE, 1.1 14.png, NONE, 1.1 15.png, NONE, 1.1 2.png, NONE, 1.1 3.png, NONE, 1.1 4.png, NONE, 1.1 5.png, NONE, 1.1 6.png, NONE, 1.1 7.png, NONE, 1.1 8.png, NONE, 1.1 9.png, NONE, 1.1 caution.png, NONE, 1.1 important.png, NONE, 1.1 note.png, NONE, 1.1 tip.png, NONE, 1.1 titlepage.png, NONE, 1.1 warning.png, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview/hr/stylesheet-images - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview/hr/stylesheet-images 1.png, NONE, 1.1 10.png, NONE, 1.1 11.png, NONE, 1.1 12.png, NONE, 1.1 13.png, NONE, 1.1 14.png, NONE, 1.1 15.png, NONE, 1.1 2.png, NONE, 1.1 3.png, NONE, 1.1 4.png, NONE, 1.1 5.png, NONE, 1.1 6.png, NONE, 1.1 7.png, NONE, 1.1 8.png, NONE, 1.1 9.png, NONE, 1.1 caution.png, NONE, 1.1 important.png, NONE, 1.1 note.png, NONE, 1.1 tip.png, NONE, 1.1 titlepage.png, NONE, 1.1 warning.png, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview/nb Are_There_Hideous_Bugs_and_Terrible_Tigers.php, NONE, 1.1 How_are_Things_for_Developers.php, NONE, 1.1 Legal_Stuff_and_Administrivia.php, NONE, 1.1 Power_Users_Get_What_Features_and_Fixes.php, NONE, 1.1 Upfront_About_Multimedia.php, NONE, 1.1 What_Do_System_Adminstrators_Care_About.php, NONE, 1.1 What_is_New_for_Gamers_Scientists_and_Hobbyists.php, NONE, 1.1 What_is_New_for_Installation_and_Live_Images.php, NONE, 1.1 What_is_the_Latest_on_the_Desktop.php, NONE, 1.1 index.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-legalnotice.php, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview/nb/stylesheet-images - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview/ms/stylesheet-images - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview/mr/stylesheet-images 1.png, NONE, 1.1 10.png, NONE, 1.1 11.png, NONE, 1.1 12.png, NONE, 1.1 13.png, NONE, 1.1 14.png, NONE, 1.1 15.png, NONE, 1.1 2.png, NONE, 1.1 3.png, NONE, 1.1 4.png, NONE, 1.1 5.png, NONE, 1.1 6.png, NONE, 1.1 7.png, NONE, 1.1 8.png, NONE, 1.1 9.png, NONE, 1.1 caution.png, NONE, 1.1 important.png, NONE, 1.1 note.png, NONE, 1.1 tip.png, NONE, 1.1 titlepage.png, NONE, 1.1 warning.png, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview/mr/stylesheet-images - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview/ml Are_There_Hideous_Bugs_and_Terrible_Tigers.php, NONE, 1.1 How_are_Things_for_Developers.php, NONE, 1.1 Legal_Stuff_and_Administrivia.php, NONE, 1.1 Power_Users_Get_What_Features_and_Fixes.php, NONE, 1.1 Upfront_About_Multimedia.php, NONE, 1.1 What_Do_System_Adminstrators_Care_About.php, NONE, 1.1 What_is_New_for_Gamers_Scientists_and_Hobbyists.php, NONE, 1.1 What_is_New_for_Installation_and_Live_Images.php, NONE, 1.1 What_is_the_Latest_on_the_Desktop.php, NONE, 1.1 index.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-legalnotice.php, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview/ml/stylesheet-images - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview/ko/stylesheet-images - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview/kn/stylesheet-images - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview/ja/stylesheet-images - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview/it/stylesheet-images - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview/hu/stylesheet-images - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview/gu Are_There_Hideous_Bugs_and_Terrible_Tigers.php, NONE, 1.1 How_are_Things_for_Developers.php, NONE, 1.1 Legal_Stuff_and_Administrivia.php, NONE, 1.1 Power_Users_Get_What_Features_and_Fixes.php, NONE, 1.1 Upfront_About_Multimedia.php, NONE, 1.1 What_Do_System_Adminstrators_Care_About.php, NONE, 1.1 What_is_New_for_Gamers_Scientists_and_Hobbyists.php, NONE, 1.1 What_is_New_for_Installation_and_Live_Images.php, NONE, 1.1 What_is_the_Latest_on_the_Desktop.php, NONE, 1.1 index.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-legalnotice.php, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview/es/stylesheet-images - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview/fi Are_There_Hideous_Bugs_and_Terrible_Tigers.php, NONE, 1.1 How_are_Things_for_Developers.php, NONE, 1.1 Legal_Stuff_and_Administrivia.php, NONE, 1.1 Power_Users_Get_What_Features_and_Fixes.php, NONE, 1.1 Upfront_About_Multimedia.php, NONE, 1.1 What_Do_System_Adminstrators_Care_About.php, NONE, 1.1 What_is_New_for_Gamers_Scientists_and_Hobbyists.php, NONE, 1.1 What_is_New_for_Installation_and_Live_Images.php, NONE, 1.1 What_is_the_Latest_on_the_Desktop.php, NONE, 1.1 index.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-legalnotice.php, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview/fi/stylesheet-images - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview/el Are_There_Hideous_Bugs_and_Terrible_Tigers.php, NONE, 1.1 How_are_Things_for_Developers.php, NONE, 1.1 Legal_Stuff_and_Administrivia.php, NONE, 1.1 Power_Users_Get_What_Features_and_Fixes.php, NONE, 1.1 Upfront_About_Multimedia.php, NONE, 1.1 What_Do_System_Adminstrators_Care_About.php, NONE, 1.1 What_is_New_for_Gamers_Scientists_and_Hobbyists.php, NONE, 1.1 What_is_New_for_Installation_and_Live_Images.php, NONE, 1.1 What_is_the_Latest_on_the_Desktop.php, NONE, 1.1 index.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-legalnotice.php, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview/en_US/stylesheet-images - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview/el/stylesheet-images - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview/de/stylesheet-images - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview/da/stylesheet-images - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview/cs/stylesheet-images 1.png, NONE, 1.1 10.png, NONE, 1.1 11.png, NONE, 1.1 12.png, NONE, 1.1 13.png, NONE, 1.1 14.png, NONE, 1.1 15.png, NONE, 1.1 2.png, NONE, 1.1 3.png, NONE, 1.1 4.png, NONE, 1.1 5.png, NONE, 1.1 6.png, NONE, 1.1 7.png, NONE, 1.1 8.png, NONE, 1.1 9.png, NONE, 1.1 caution.png, NONE, 1.1 important.png, NONE, 1.1 note.png, NONE, 1.1 tip.png, NONE, 1.1 titlepage.png, NONE, 1.1 warning.png, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview/cs/stylesheet-images - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview/ca/stylesheet-images - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview/zh_TW - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview/uk - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview/te - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview/ta - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview/ru - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview/nb - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview/or - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview/pa - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview/pl - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview/ja - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview/ml - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview/kn - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview/it - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview/ko - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview/he - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview/hu - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview/id - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview/hr - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview/gu - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview/fr - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview/es - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview/el - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview/de - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview/da - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview/cs - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview/ca - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview/bn_IN - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/f10preview/as - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: problem in installing glimmer3.02
- From: Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams <ivazqueznet@xxxxxxxxx>
- problem in installing glimmer3.02
- From: msc2 <msc2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Meeting Reminder: Today 22:00 UTC
- From: Ricky Zhou <ricky@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Meeting Reminder: Today 22:00 UTC
- From: Ricky Zhou <ricky@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fedora 10 countdown banner
- From: Paolo Leoni <hydra84@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: (forw) Would like to join mirror-list-d
- From: Matt Domsch <Matt_Domsch@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fedora 10 countdown banner
- From: Paolo Leoni <hydra84@xxxxxxxxx>
- countdown banner a href link
- From: Matt Domsch <Matt_Domsch@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: F10 beta download
- From: Rahul Sundaram <sundaram@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: removal of fedora page
- From: "Craig Thomas" <craigt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- removal of fedora page
- From: THOBILE MDLULI <sadiaspace@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- F10 beta download
- From: "Dawna-Joe" <dawnajoewalkem@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fedora 10 countdown banner
- From: Paolo Leoni <hydra84@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fedora 10 countdown banner
- From: Máirín Duffy <duffy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fedora 10 countdown banner
- From: Paolo Leoni <hydra84@xxxxxxxxx>
- hi, i misspelled your site but it gives a redirekt
- From: "Jan aka öpötime aka Snipes Karel" <snipesxxl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fedora 10 countdown banner
- From: Nicu Buculei <nicu_fedora@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Fedora 10 countdown banner
- From: Paolo Leoni <hydra84@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Join
- From: "Karsten 'quaid' Wade" <kwade@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Join
- From: Ricky Zhou <ricky@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Hello Everyone!
- From: Ricky Zhou <ricky@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Hello Everyone!
- From: "Jacob Haug" <consulting@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Join the team?
- From: "Jacob Haug" <consulting@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Join
- From: "赵榕" <vista.imac@xxxxxxxxx>
- From: Darren VanBuren <onekopaka@xxxxxxxxx>
- From: Luis Rottman <rottman24@xxxxxxxxx>
- Meeting Log - 2008-10-27
- From: Ricky Zhou <ricky@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Meeting Reminder: Today 20:00 UTC
- From: Ricky Zhou <ricky@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: USB Wireless Support
- From: Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams <ivazqueznet@xxxxxxxxx>
- USB Wireless Support
- From: "Anthony Thomas" <internet_cowboy@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Greetings, Fedora Websites team
- From: Steven Bularca <steve@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Connecting to FedoraPeople
- From: Mike McGrath <mmcgrath@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Join
- From: "赵榕" <vista.imac@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: 5th birthday - still celebrating?
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <stickster@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: 5th birthday - still celebrating?
- From: seth vidal <skvidal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- 5th birthday - still celebrating?
- From: Adam Pribyl <pribyl@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Connecting to FedoraPeople
- From: "Rodrigo Menezes" <menezes.rodrigo@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: fedora hosted trac src
- From: Mike McGrath <mmcgrath@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: fedora hosted trac src
- From: Rahul Sundaram <sundaram@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Bitte Ihre Produktanzeige wieder herausnehmen
- From: Bernd + Irmtraut Schwarz <schwarz-heizung@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- fedora hosted trac src
- From: "Alex Tsariounov" <tsariounov@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: gros problème avec fedora 9
- From: Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams <ivazqueznet@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: renew contract
- From: Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams <ivazqueznet@xxxxxxxxx>
- gros problème avec fedora 9
- From: Stÿffffe9phane BLONDIN <chaplin_be@xxxxxxxx>
- renew contract
- From: "CLITES, MICHAEL" <MCLITES@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Need some help for the fedora maps project
- From: Huzaifa Sidhpurwala <huzaifas@xxxxxxxxxx>
- fedora-wiki list for wiki users and contributors
- From: "Ian Weller" <ianweller@xxxxxxxxx>
- fedora-wiki list for wiki users and contributors
- From: "Ian Weller" <ianweller@xxxxxxxxx>
- fedora-wiki list for wiki users and contributors
- From: Ian Weller <ianweller@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: bonneau.com
- From: Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams <ivazqueznet@xxxxxxxxx>
- bonneau.com
- From: "Christiana" <christiana@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Problem with ssh to fedorapeople.org
- From: <Srinivas_Ramanatha@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Problem with ssh to fedorapeople.org
- From: Mike McGrath <mmcgrath@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: why can't I EVER find where to download the damn source files?
- From: Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams <ivazqueznet@xxxxxxxxx>
- Problem with ssh to fedorapeople.org
- From: <Srinivas_Ramanatha@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: why can't I EVER find where to download the damn source files?
- From: Matthew Zillmer <zillmerm@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: talk.fedoraproject.org
- From: "Clint Savage" <herlo1@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: talk.fedoraproject.org
- From: "Craig Thomas" <bicycle.nutz@xxxxxxxxx>
- talk.fedoraproject.org
- From: "Clint Savage" <herlo1@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: bugreports
- From: Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams <ivazqueznet@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: why can't I EVER find where to download the damn source files?
- From: Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams <ivazqueznet@xxxxxxxxx>
- bugreports
- From: "Yaroslav Swatko" <yaroslav.swatko@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: why can't I EVER find where to download the damn source files?
- From: Matthew Zillmer <zillmerm@xxxxxxxxx>
- why can't I EVER find where to download the damn source files?
- From: Matthew Zillmer <zillmerm@xxxxxxxxx>
- Meeting Log - 2008-10-20
- From: Ricky Zhou <ricky@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: New design for Get-fedora section
- From: Adam Pribyl <pribyl@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Meeting Reminder: Tomorrow 22:00 UTC
- From: Ricky Zhou <ricky@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: New design for Get-fedora section
- From: Mairin Duffy <duffy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: New design for Get-fedora section
- From: "Karsten 'quaid' Wade" <kwade@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: New design for Get-fedora section
- From: Juan Camilo Prada <juankprada@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: New design for Get-fedora section
- From: Mairin Duffy <duffy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- New design for Get-fedora section
- From: "Juan Camilo Prada Ojeda" <juankprada@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to remove me from fedoraproject.org/wiki page?
- From: "Karsten 'quaid' Wade" <kwade@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to remove me from fedoraproject.org/wiki page?
- From: "Arthur Pemberton" <pemboa@xxxxxxxxx>
- How to remove me from fedoraproject.org/wiki page?
- From: Ernest Schleicher <ernest.schleicher@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [SPAM]
- From: Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams <ivazqueznet@xxxxxxxxx>
- [SPAM]
- From: leroys103@xxxxxxxxxxx
- Addition to YumUpgradeFAQ
- From: "Erich Schroeder" <vrteach@xxxxxxxxx>
- Test Site/Repo
- From: Ricky Zhou <ricky@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Contributing to Fedora ...
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <stickster@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: preparing websites content for Fedora 10
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <stickster@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Contributing to Fedora ...
- From: Till Maas <opensource@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Fedora-legal-list] Re: About breaking GPL license and copyrights on Fedora Core.
- From: Rahul Sundaram <sundaram@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Fedora-legal-list] Re: About breaking GPL license and copyrights on Fedora Core.
- From: "Arthur Pemberton" <pemboa@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Fedora-legal-list] Re: About breaking GPL license and copyrights on Fedora Core.
- From: Rahul Sundaram <sundaram@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Contributing to Fedora ...
- From: seth vidal <skvidal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Fedora-legal-list] Re: About breaking GPL license and copyrights on Fedora Core.
- From: "Jon Stanley" <jonstanley@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Fedora-legal-list] Re: About breaking GPL license and copyrights on Fedora Core.
- From: Josh Boyer <jwboyer@xxxxxxxxx>
- Contributing to Fedora ...
- From: "Mark O'Neill" <mao@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Unable reset password (500 Internal error)
- From: Milan Keršláger <milan.kerslager@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Fedora-legal-list] Re: About breaking GPL license and copyrights on Fedora Core.
- From: "Tom \"spot\" Callaway" <tcallawa@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Fedora-legal-list] Re: About breaking GPL license and copyrights on Fedora Core.
- From: Giulio Fidente <gfidente@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Fedora-legal-list] Re: About breaking GPL license and copyrights on Fedora Core.
- From: Rahul Sundaram <sundaram@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Fedora-legal-list] Re: About breaking GPL license and copyrights on Fedora Core.
- From: "Tom \"spot\" Callaway" <tcallawa@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: About breaking GPL license and copyrights on Fedora Core.
- From: Rahul Sundaram <sundaram@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: About breaking GPL license and copyrights on Fedora Core.
- From: Giulio Fidente <gfidente@xxxxxxxxxx>
- metalinks on "Advanced User" download page pls
- From: Matt Domsch <Matt_Domsch@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: adding releases to bodhi and cluttered menu
- From: Till Maas <opensource@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: adding releases to bodhi and cluttered menu
- From: Nigel Jones <dev@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: adding releases to bodhi and cluttered menu
- From: Mike McGrath <mmcgrath@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Meeting Log - 2008-10-13
- From: "Craig Thomas" <bicycle.nutz@xxxxxxxxx>
- Meeting Log - 2008-10-13
- From: Ricky Zhou <ricky@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Planet Fedora language selection
- From: "Ed Avis" <eda@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Download ISO Dvd Fedora 9 da http://fedoraproject.org/it/index
- From: Franco Belfiore <iupbel@xxxxxx>
- Re: help.fp.o
- From: Nigel Jones <dev@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: help.fp.o
- From: Nigel Jones <dev@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: help.fp.o
- From: "Jonathan Roberts" <jonrob@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- help.fp.o
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <stickster@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Planet Fedora language selection
- From: seth vidal <skvidal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Planet Fedora language selection
- From: Ricky Zhou <ricky@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: About breaking GPL license and copyrights on Fedora Core.
- From: Rahul Sundaram <sundaram@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: About breaking GPL license and copyrights on Fedora Core.
- From: "Jon Stanley" <jonstanley@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: About breaking GPL license and copyrights on Fedora Core.
- From: "Arthur Pemberton" <pemboa@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: About breaking GPL license and copyrights on Fedora Core.
- From: Rahul Sundaram <sundaram@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: About breaking GPL license and copyrights on Fedora Core.
- From: "Arthur Pemberton" <pemboa@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: About breaking GPL license and copyrights on Fedora Core.
- From: Rahul Sundaram <sundaram@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- About breaking GPL license and copyrights on Fedora Core.
- From: "CREOtiv" <creotiv@xxxxxxxxx>
- Planet Fedora language selection
- From: "Ed Avis" <eda@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Broken Link
- From: Matthias Eberle <Matthias.Eberle@xxxxxxxxx>
- Small correction
- From: "Kiran Subash" <kiran.subash@xxxxxxxxx>
- subcribe
- From: afwan halim <meuligo_aa@xxxxxxxxx>
- post to this list
- From: "pregie garin" <pregiegarin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: preparing websites content for Fedora 10
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <stickster@xxxxxxxxx>
- Symantic wiki
- From: Greg Dekoenigsberg <gdk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Footnoteable Wiki
- From: Nigel Jones <dev@xxxxxxxxxx>
- IRC log and updates 2008-10-06 meeting
- From: "Karsten 'quaid' Wade" <kwade@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Meeting Log - 2008-10-06
- From: Ricky Zhou <ricky@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: meeting tonight at 2200 UTC ... right?
- From: "Karsten 'quaid' Wade" <kwade@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: preparing websites content for Fedora 10
- From: John Poelstra <poelstra@xxxxxxxxxx>
- meeting tonight at 2200 UTC ... right?
- From: "Karsten 'quaid' Wade" <kwade@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: My contributions
- From: "Karsten 'quaid' Wade" <kwade@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Correction to web page
- From: "Karsten 'quaid' Wade" <kwade@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Regarding the status of fedora free media request
- From: "Danishka Navin" <danishka@xxxxxxxxx>
- Correction to web page
- From: Peter Newell <p_newell@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Regarding the status of fedora free media request
- From: Pradip Dhawan <pdhawan_doc@xxxxxxxxx>
- [tp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: Re: My contributions]
- From: Ian Weller <ianweller@xxxxxxxxx>
- Print Stylesheets
- From: "Andrew Myers" <am2605@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: My contributions
- From: Ian Weller <ianweller@xxxxxxxxx>
- My contributions
- From: Thilo Pfennig <tp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Print Stylesheets
- From: "Craig Thomas" <bicycle.nutz@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Print Stylesheets
- From: Ian Weller <ianweller@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Print Stylesheets
- From: Ricky Zhou <ricky@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: preparing websites content for Fedora 10
- From: Máirín Duffy <duffy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: preparing websites content for Fedora 10
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <stickster@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: preparing websites content for Fedora 10
- From: Máirín Duffy <duffy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: preparing websites content for Fedora 10
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <stickster@xxxxxxxxx>
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