Meeting Log - 2008-10-27

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19:59 -!- ricky changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Fedora Websites Meeting - Who's here?
20:00 -!- rwmjones_ [n=rwmjones@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:01 < ivazquez> Pong.
20:01 < daMaestro> pong
20:01 -!- ezq [n=ezq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:02 -!- tw2113 [n=tw2113@fedora/tw2113] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:02 -!- mizmo [n=duffy@nat/redhat/x-f59a7193df533b33] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:03 < ricky> All right, tw2113 and mizmo are here as well :-)
20:03 -!- ricky changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Fedora Websites Meeting - Tasks
20:03 < ricky>
20:04 < ricky> Let's go through and clean up the tasks list a bit
20:04 < ricky> No updates on usability testing or CMS
20:04 -!- fbijlsma [n=fbijlsma@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:04  * ricky takes /contact off the list, since it's done
20:05 -!- giarc [i=hidden-u@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:05 < ricky> tw2113: Should we leave docs.fp.o on there to track any remaining CSS tweaking, etc.?
20:05 < ricky> giarc: Hey 
20:05 < ianweller> oh hi!
20:05 < ivazquez> spins.fp.o is in both lists.
20:05 < tw2113> i have kind of forgot that i agreed to do that
20:06 < tw2113> i'll take note to do it, but i don't think it needs to be on the tasks list
20:06 < tw2113> since it got pushed live already
20:06 < ianweller> i looked at docs.fp.o and list items aren't indented :(
20:06 < ianweller> so the table of contents is hard to read
20:06 < ricky> All right, I'll take that out too, then
20:07 < ricky> mizmo: Do you have anything on the myfedora entry?  /me hasn't heard much about that recently
20:07 -!- DemonJes1er [n=DemonJes@xxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit "leaving"
20:07 < mizmo> ricky, j5 was building it out so there was apublic test instance
20:07 < mizmo> i was travelling last week though so i haven't talked to him in a few days so i dont know the status on that
20:07 < mizmo> last week i did fix a css bug in the lightbox code he has
20:07 < J5> ricky:
20:08 < mizmo> yay
20:08 < J5> I'm currently recording a screencast and writing a release announcement for the beta
20:08 < ricky> Ah, cool, it's up on the publictest - that's great to see
20:08 -!- tc1415 [i=blewis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:08 < SmootherFrOgZ> nice
20:09 < ricky> I guess I'll leave that on the list and we can try to look at it more after the release
20:09 < ricky> ianweller: Any upstream discussion about the MW redircects?
20:09 -!- petreu [n=peter@fedora/petreu] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:09 < ianweller> ricky: no i've been quite busy lately :(
20:10 < ianweller> if it were still summer i probably could've gotten that done but i don't see it getting done very fast at this rate ;)
20:10  * ricky understands - same here!
20:10 < ricky> No worries
20:10 -!- londo [n=georgiou@xxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)
20:10 -!- londo [n=georgiou@xxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:10 < ricky> So updates relating to Infrastructure/Websites
20:10 < ianweller> if G or someone could help out on that that would be sweet.
20:11 < ricky> Yeah, he might be pretty busy with having been moving this while :-)
20:11 < ianweller> yeah
20:11 < ianweller> we're all busy :/
20:12 < ricky> So we're looking to freeze the website right after the preview release
20:12 -!- JSchmitt [n=s4504kr@fedora/JSchmitt] has quit "Konversation terminated!"
20:12 < ianweller> what still needs to be done for that?
20:12 < ricky> Can you remind me of what we need to get the counter images created?
20:12 < ianweller> oh
20:13 < ianweller> mizmo: do you have that script handy from last time?
20:13 < mizmo> ianweller, i think i mailed it to the list so it should be in the archives
20:13 < ianweller> k i'll look for it
20:13 < ianweller> i need a string for the english one, and then we can translate as necessary
20:13 < mizmo> ianweller, thanks :)
20:13 < ianweller> and do basically the same thing we did last time, i presume
20:14 < ianweller> ricky: you know morea bout getting it into the repo than i do
20:14 -!- smooge [n=smooge@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit "-ENOCAFFEINE"
20:14 < ricky> Yeah, I can handle getting it in once we have the images
20:14 < ianweller> i'll peek through the archives to refresh what we did last time in my head
20:16 -!- ezq [n=ezq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit Remote closed the connection
20:16 < ricky> All right
20:16 -!- ricky changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Fedora Websites - get-fedora
20:16 < ricky> So this is the total of what we have at the moment:
20:17 < ricky> We still need side boxes for PPC, KDE
20:17 < ianweller> hmm i'm seeing a problem, let me do some things with a screenshot
20:19 < tw2113> ianweller, could you also get a screenshot of the lack of TOC indents? so i know where to focus?
20:20 < ricky> I'll start creating the KDE and PPC version of get-fedrora later this week
20:20 < ianweller> tw2113: yeah i'll do that in a sec
20:21 -!- EvilBob [n=EvilBob@fedora/pdpc.sustaining.BobJensen] has quit Remote closed the connection
20:21 < ianweller> ricky: who's writing content for sideboxes? is that you too?
20:21 < ricky> I haven't thought of what the string should be yet, actually
20:21 -!- fbijlsma [n=fbijlsma@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit "Leaving"
20:22 < ricky> Any ideas?  
20:22 < ianweller> well, just something explanatory
20:22 < ianweller> like
20:23 -!- J5 [n=quintice@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit "Ex-Chat"
20:23 < ianweller> "If you prefer the K Desktop Environment (KDE) over Gnome, you may be interested in the Live KDE distribution of Fedora." or something like that.
20:23 < ianweller> something that tells the user directly what they need to do, without sounding biased towards one version or another
20:23 < ricky> mizmo: Did you have any vision for what the sideboxes would look like or say?
20:24 < mizmo> ricky, i was just thinking really quick one-liners
20:24 < mizmo> eg
20:24 < ianweller> same for ppc, "If you have an older Mac or a computer that runs on a PowerPC (PPC) processor, you will need a specific Fedora version for your architechture, such as blah blah blah."
20:24 < mizmo> 'KDE fans, go here!'
20:24 < ianweller> something simple, to the point
20:24 < mizmo> 'Need PPC? go here!'
20:24 < mizmo> with a KDE logo
20:24 < ianweller> mizmo: but does that /explain/ it?
20:24 < ianweller> doesn't explain ppc. a lot of people don't know what ppc is.
20:24 < mizmo> ianweller, i dont think the people who need either really need explanation as to why they need it
20:24 < ivazquez> Does that matter?
20:24 < mizmo> ianweller, thats why they arent on the front page
20:25 < giarc> the short one-liners seem best to me...KDE/PPC ... you know what you are looking for
20:25 < mizmo> eg audio snobs know where to get vinyl. i might look at the vinyl section of the record store kind of strangely and wonder why it is there, but it doesnt impede me from browsing the CDs
20:25 < ianweller> but what if you need ppc but you don't know the difference?
20:25 < mizmo> you could put an explanatory sentence at the top of each the kde and ppc page in case a newb clicks on the banner to figure out what it is
20:26 -!- petreu| [n=peter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)
20:26 < ianweller> mizmo: ok yeah that'll work.
20:26 < mizmo> ianweller, if you need ppc and dont know the difference you've got other problems we cant solve
20:26 < ianweller> +1 to explanatory sentence on page
20:26 < ricky> I guess it couldn't hurt to get the text for those thought out right now :-)
20:26 < mizmo> i just wouldnt clutter the front page with it is all
20:26 < mizmo> for the PPC page
20:27 < ianweller>
20:27 < ianweller> ok there's the screenshot i wanted to show
20:27 < ianweller> with my crappy circle drawn around the part i want to point out
20:27 < ianweller> having the fedora image floated left and the documentation box floated right leaves very little room for, um, text
20:27 < ianweller> in the middle
20:27 < ianweller> it just looks cluttered. messy. etc.
20:27 < ricky> Haha, looks like we need to size that entire column up or make it more fluid
20:28 < ianweller> i think you should clear: both; it
20:28 < ianweller> and possibly make the resources box a bit wider
20:28 < mizmo> "Below you may download a special version of Fedora for older Macintosh computers and other computers that have PowerPC (PPC) processors. If you do not have a machine with a PowerPC processor, you should go back to the main _get fedora_ page to download a version of Fedora that will work best for  your computer."
20:28 < giarc> what ianweller just said ... move the text to below resources
20:28 < ricky> Gah, sorry - I have to move real quickly - will hopefully be back in a minute :-(
20:29 < ianweller> i have to go soon too
20:29 < mizmo> for KDE
20:30 < mizmo> "The _K Desktop Environment_ (KDE) is an alternative desktop environment for Fedora. It provides a different look and feel to the windows, menus, and general desktop behavior of Fedora. If you prefer the K Desktop Environment, you may download the KDE version of Fedora below."
20:30  * ianweller heads out, be back in about 20 minutes
20:30 -!- ianweller is now known as ianweller_afk
20:30 < ricky> See ya
20:33  * ricky gets back
20:34 < ricky> All right, so if ianweller_afk can get the counter ready sometime this week, I'll try to work out and CSS bugs/get the different version of get-fedora created for ppc and kde
20:34 < ricky> Should the "I know what I want" page be a sidebox as well?
20:35 -!- petreu| [n=peter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:36 -!- alexxed [n=alex@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit "Leaving."
20:37 < mizmo> ricky, yeh probably
20:37 -!- bpepple|lt [n=bpepple|] has quit "Ex-Chat"
20:37 < ricky> All right, then I'll work on getting something complete-ish by the end of the week and try to run it by you then
20:37 < ricky> /look for images to add to my plain text :-)
20:38 < mizmo> cool
20:38 < mizmo> :)
20:38 < ricky> Anybody have anything else to discuss?
20:38 < mizmo> ricky, how does the code freeze tomorrow affect websites?
20:39 -!- ubertibbs [n=tibbs@fedora/tibbs] has quit "Konversation terminated!"
20:39 < ricky> I think that's rawhide, so it won't affect us at all
20:39 < mizmo> oh okay
20:39 < ricky> The website (the repo that's generating fp.o right now) will be frozen after the prerelease (the last few changes will probably be getting the counter in)
20:39 < ricky> Then we'll work on the fedora-web.test repo, which is what's showing on the publictest15 link
20:40 < ricky> Hopefully, translations will happen on that repo until we merge back to the main one
20:40 < ricky> So we're aiming to have everything string-wise ready by the 4th
20:42 < ricky> All right, looks like we have a plan, then :-)
20:42 < ricky> Thanks for coming, everybody

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