389 Directory Server Users - Thread Index
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- Installing using yum, admin server & automatic uid, (continued)
- Need Help - FDS 1.0.4 - Admin Console - Details Inside - Thanks,
Sphenis cidae
- Winsync and "New Windows User Sync" and "New Windows Group Sync",
Ivan Ferreira
- Replication over SSL with simple authentication,
Reinhard Nappert
- Centos5 does not install,
Maurizio Marini
- Group membership display issue, Jeff Applewhite
- Problem with fds 1.0.4 on Red Hat 5 64 bits.,
Esteban Torres Rodriguez
- automatically add attributes for new People users, Maurizio Marini
- Need Help - FDS 1.0.4 - Admin Console - Details Inside - Thanks, Sphenis cidae
- Admin Server Port,
Steve Rigler
- Group name not gid,
- Going insane (can't logon from Windows),
Mont Rothstein
- backup to ldif,
Jonathan Mills
- ns-slapd crashes, Federico Renzetti
- db2ldif causes server to hang, Steve Halstead
- error compiling FedoraDirectory Server,
- New Root Object creation problem,
Marcin Mazurek
- Problem with passsync between FDS and AD, Alexandre MOREL
- Replication fails due to lack of permissions, Brian Fender
- Load Testing question,
Anderson, Cary
- Create Browsing Index disabled,
Ville Silventoinen
- ACIs not propagating to subtrees?, Sascha Wilde
- ACI trouble: binding as a UID in an "hidden" branch,
Sascha Wilde
- FDS on EL4 startup errors,
Tom Diehl
- Win Sync doesn't work, Luigi Santangelo
- nss_ldap - using full DNs in member attribute,
Stipl, Stepan
- Directory Views in different suffix-databases,
Fernando Muñoz
- help... please !!, tulio at oi.com.br
- changing password,
Maurizio Marini
- [root@plank samba]# /usr/sbin/smbldap-useradd -t 5 -n -d /dev/null -s /bin/false -w "teste$" Error: Insufficient 'write' ......., comjota
- adding user programmatically,
Derek Alexander
- admin console failure, Jonathan Mills
- Restore Master LDAP Server fromSecondary???, HAWKER, Dan
- Restore Master LDAP ServerfromSecondary???,
- view aci attributes as default behavior,
Stipl, Stepan
- Restore Master LDAP Server from Secondary???,
- Can't contact LDAP server during sync, Luigi Santangelo
- NIS to LDAP (N2L) service?,
Ray Van Dolson
- FDS and RHDS : Are there any differences between them ?,
André Luís Lopes
- Admin console configuration authentication errors, Frazier, Darrell USA CRC (Contractor)
- Uninstall/Reinstall ?,
clockwork at sigsys.org
- slapd password,
Gregory P. Ennis
- Register the administration configuration in a remote server,
Fernando Muñoz
- Windows Sync using SSL : Peer's Certificate issuer is not recognized,
André Luís Lopes
- Windows Sync with NT4?, Glenn
- Administration domain,
Fernando Muñoz
- Three-Way Password Sync?, Glenn
- Windows Sync Password Complexity, Glenn
- NSUniqueID,
Bjorn Oglefjorn
- ldapsearch results.,
Balaji Ganesan
- disable anonymous binding,
- matchingRules in FDS.,
Balaji Ganesan
- Unable to configure admin server with SSL,
FDS User
- How to reset admin's expired password?,
Ankur Agarwal
- unable to delete after a restore,
Sam Smith
- What groups FDS the user belongs?,
Сафонов Алексей
- Is There A HowTo?,
Gene Poole
- Another question about winsync - can't logon windows,
Yu Joe
- Abount "Account Expiration Date" in winsync, Yu Joe
- Fedora Console maximum number of results,
Paulo Estrela - Suporte LabInfo UNIFACS
- SambaXP talk, Howard Chu
- Converting OpenLDAP access directives to FDS ACIs, Sascha Wilde
- Requiring TLS/SSL communication,
Eric Brown
- use certificates from FedoraDS in Apache?,
Jo De Troy
- Startconsole error - please help,
- Modify the Schema,
Patricio A. Bruna
- Map FDS group to Posix group,
Сафонов Алексей
- IPv6 support,
Mike Mueller
- I have 2 masters in MM mode- how do I add a 3rd and 4th?,
Dave Augustus
- Winsync - repeating password synchronization,
- Fedora Directory Service and Java error,
- fds 1.0.4 on Gentoo 64-bit,
David Stutzman
- Re: Issues with TLS, password modify operation, and password expiration, Philip Kime
- Setting up Mutual Authenticated SSL between FDS and RHEL4, Eric Brown
- Issues with TLS, password modify operation, and password expiration,
François Beretti
- Problem with Admin Console failover using FedoraDS,
Kyley Engle
- Previous password still works?,
Chris Halstead
- SASL bindings via PLAIN mechanism to FDS, Jonathan Barber
- Renew server certificate,
Renato Ribeiro da Silva
- AD and FDS sync problem, Сафонов Алексей
- Fedora DS, Kerberos, Active Directory - HOWTO?,
Howard Wilkinson
- Automatically inactivate accounts after a certain time or on a certain date?,
Philip Kime
- setting up single master replication between 2 fedora directory servers, Sameet Joshi
- How to achieve load balancing in multi-master set-up?,
Ankur Agarwal
- FDS on redhat 5,
Paulo Estrela - Suporte LabInfo UNIFACS
- ldap and certificate,
Paolo Ercolani
- How can I check other user info in non-privileged mode, Yu Joe
- How can I check other user info in non-privileged mode?,
Yu Joe
- SSH help,
Dennis Crissman
- Replication Subtree not Available?,
- More segfaults - getting urgent, Philip Kime
- reset admin password,
Deric Abel
- Non-indexed searches on objectclass?,
Philip Kime
- ldap super users,
Rick Mattier
- ssl certificate problem,
Paolo Ercolani
- Error viewing Encryption settings tab,
Philip Kime
- Errors in error log on startup,
Philip Kime
- Replica has no update vector . . . .,
- Restoring an LDAP backup to a different server db2bak,
Eddie C
- What is syncronized?,
Dennis Crissman
- TLS issues during screen lock,
Brian Zuromski
- constructing attribute from two others, MJD Shop Account
- FDS-ADS Sync,
Kris S. Amundson
- PassSync and SSL,
Dennis Crissman
- Problem running console on Windows,
- search problems,
Nate Bradley
- Regarding Fedora Clients Authentication to FDS,
Chakkaradeep C C
- Another segfault ...,
Philip Kime
- SSL Trouble - Windows Sync, Glenn
- Create users using scripting language,
Paulo Estrela - Suporte LabInfo UNIFACS
- Two differents suffix, only one search...,
Victor Rodriguez
- The Fedora DS website is now http://directory.fedoraproject.org/, Richard Megginson
- "Bad Ber Tag Encountered" in log analysis,
Philip Kime
- virtual attributes in targetfilter,
George Holbert
- ip in ACI bind rules,
George Holbert
- Complicated ACI Definitions,
Bjorn Oglefjorn
- PSET failure,
- Comments on the setupssl.sh enabling SSL script, Andy Schofield
- Connect Active Directory to my LDAP,
Michiel van Heukelom - Van Boxtel Software BV
- Suse client PAM setting, Diwakoe
- samba CTRL ALT DEL password sync problem,
Stephane ARMANET
- How to change password storage method?,
Andy Schofield
- db_verify,
Ville Silventoinen
- Failover between masters,
Coe, Colin C. (Unix Engineer)
- CA certificate format,
Yoram Kahana
- Conditional Cos/Roles?,
Philip Kime
- How to disable anonymous bind to LDAP?,
Ankur Agarwal
- configuring SSL without using the "check peer no" option,
Yoram Kahana
- Error : Critical extension unavailable,
Victor Rodriguez
- Recovering from database corruption?,
Josh Kelley
- Fedora Directry as a domain controller,
Peter Biggerstaff
- Creating a dynamic group to mirror a netgroup?, Philip Kime
- Trying to set up a simple authentication and file server,
Andy Schofield
- Question about the type of binds that are done after authentication,
Anderson, Cary
- http-client plugin,
Paulo Estrela - Suporte LabInfo UNIFACS
- Unindexed Search question,
Renato Ribeiro da Silva
- Can't Create Root Entry,
James S. White
- Create Browsing Index gets stuck,
Ville Silventoinen
- Adding custom attributes without the gui,
James S. White
- LDAP Server Unwilling to perform replication?,
James S. White
- java 64bit libjss3.0 Can't load AMD 64-bit .so on a AMD 64-bit platform, Nguyen, A (Alex)
- VLV index and uid attribute,
Ville Silventoinen
- Error message: Failed to initialize cipher AES in attrcrypt_init,
Guyon Julien
- consumer reinitialization ..., Reinhard Nappert
- Deleting database,
Ville Silventoinen
- MMR broken, reinitialization erases db,
Chris St. Pierre
- nisDomain/Solaris schema not loading???,
Jim Hogan
- Integrating EMC NAS (and Solaris How-To),
Jim Hogan
- Password replication problems between a multi-master system and AD,
Alexandre Augusto da Rocha
- "error trying to bind as user", clockwork at sigsys.org
- Replication Possibilities,
Paxton, Darren
- FDS and Automatic home dir creation,
Brian Kosick
- lookthrough vs. sizelimit,
George Holbert
- admin-server error and cloning incapacity, Grégory Depaix
- tls_checkpeer for the openldap API, Yoram Kahana
- accessing Fedora DS from other subnet, Robby Gunawan S.
- LDAP and RDBMS Integration,
Bill Bailey
- Error while running setup: security library: bad database.,
clockwork at sigsys.org
- Windows Sync audit log?, Richard Hesse
- Guide to setting up a replica.,
clockwork at sigsys.org
- Problems with syncronism between Fedora-DS and Samba,
Agnaldo Freitas
- User Authentication and Adding Clients,
Chakkaradeep C C
- Samba/Fedora DS/Windows Password Sync,
Phil Allred
- ldap too many connections from clients? following ldap even for local accounts?,
MJD Shop Account
- ldap too many connections from clients? following ldap even for local accounts?,
MJD Shop Account
- Newuser.pl Script from Netauth and Automatic UID generation question, Keith M. Lafaso
- Multi-Master Replication Problems,
Wendt, Trevor
- sorry retarded question on fds and tcpip no luck in faq,
SheridanJ West
- 2 user passwords ? / updates on consumer without referral, ivan mitev
- pam_ldap: error trying to bind as user (Constraint violation),
Aaron Cline
- User Account Management,
Paxton, Darren
- 'Server Side Sorting' in many entries Problem....,
Yasuhiro Hiraishi
- not enough file descriptors,
MJD Shop Account
- Password expiration question, Rankin, Kent
- Password Sync Error,
Jeffrey Jamisola
- authentication linux users via Fedora directory server,
Yoram Kahana
- Schema changes not reflected,
Ankur Agarwal
- Manually reset ldap port?,
Stephen Nesbitt
- Granting authority to run ldapmodify and ldapdelete,
Oscar A. Valdez
- Admin server installation failed, which logfile should I check?,
Richard Hesse
- Setting password expiry and other rules through command line or script,
Ankur Agarwal
- Error string : 'The server ID must be a valid filename and DN component',
David Boreham
- 2 SSL certs?,
Dave Augustus
- FDS and trusts, Roman Dronov
- FDS <-> AD,
Brandon Young
- admin console problem: Failed to instantiate Server Object, Jo De Troy
- Empty console window, Marko Karg
- NT FDS emulation,
Roman Dronov
- rdronov@xxxxxxxxx, Roman Dronov
- Preparing to upgrade to fds 1.0.4,
Bliss, Aaron
- How to make application connect to multi-master set-up?,
Ankur Agarwal
- ldapsearch on virtual view,
Mikael Kermorgant
- Do not yum install fedora-ds or yum upgrade!,
Richard Megginson
- Suddenly, all our LDAP servers segfaulted today?,
Philip Kime
- Stress tool to FDS,
Renato Ribeiro da Silva
- Detecting password changes in fds, Bliss, Aaron
- FDS backup_now script, Eddie C
- ACL,
Michał Droździewicz
- <Possible follow-ups>
- ACl, Aziza Lichir
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