Hello! I have a problem at synchronization AD and FDS. I do not manage to synchronize completely domain AD mup-example.vrn.ru. The tree of the domain mup-example.vrn.ru is made as follows: in him exist OU (these are departments of the enterprise). In everyone OU there are users of a department and group into which these users enter. Certainly, besides this, in the domain there are system users, groups and OU. At me users and groups which are directly in the container mup-example.vrn.ru (dc=mup-example, dc=vrn, dc=ru) are synchronized only. OU (for example, ou=GIS, dc=mup-example, dc=vrn, dc=ru) which are in the container mup-example.vrn.ru - are not synchronized. If manually to create OU GIS in this container the group (cn=GIS, ou=GIS, dc=mup-example, dc=vrn, dc=ru is created), but users are not sync. Here a error in a log-file: [23/Apr/2007:13:53:33 +0400] NSMMReplicationPlugin - Beginning total update of replica "agmt="cn=win2003" (srv-vm1:636)". [23/Apr/2007:13:53:34 +0400] - Entry "uid=Guest,CN=Users,dc=mup-example,dc=vrn,dc=ru" missing attribute "sn" required by object class "person" [23/Apr/2007:13:53:34 +0400] - Entry "uid=SUPPORT_388945a0,CN=Users,dc=mup-example,dc=vrn,dc=ru" missing attribute "sn" required by object class "person" [23/Apr/2007:13:53:34 +0400] - Entry "uid=Alex_Saf,OU=GIS,dc=mup-example,dc=vrn,dc=ru" missing attribute "sn" required by object class "person" [23/Apr/2007:13:53:34 +0400] - Entry "uid=Administrator,CN=Users,dc=mup-example,dc=vrn,dc=ru" missing attribute "sn" required by object class "person" [23/Apr/2007:13:53:34 +0400] - Entry "uid=krbtgt,CN=Users,dc=mup-example,dc=vrn,dc=ru" missing attribute "sn" required by object class "person" [23/Apr/2007:13:53:34 +0400] - Entry "uid=IUSR_SRV-VM1,CN=Users,dc=mup-example,dc=vrn,dc=ru" missing attribute "sn" required by object class "person" [23/Apr/2007:13:53:34 +0400] - Entry "uid=IWAM_SRV-VM1,CN=Users,dc=mup-example,dc=vrn,dc=ru" missing attribute "sn" required by object class "person" [23/Apr/2007:13:53:34 +0400] - Entry "uid=SRV-VM1$,OU=Domain Controllers,dc=mup-example,dc=vrn,dc=ru" missing attribute "sn" required by object class "person" [23/Apr/2007:13:53:34 +0400] - Entry "uid=asd,OU=GIS,dc=mup-example,dc=vrn,dc=ru" missing attribute "sn" required by object class "person" [23/Apr/2007:13:53:34 +0400] NSMMReplicationPlugin - Finished total update of replica "agmt="cn=win2003" (srv-vm1:636)". Sent 7 entries. I Ask to help(assist) with the decision of a problem.