Squid Proxy Cache Users
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- Re: Squid caching broken responses, (continued)
- http://www1.ngtech.co.il/ - Down?,
Rudi Kramer
- debug headers between squid --> website,
Ahmad Alzaeem
- reverse proxy and HTTP redirects,
Vieri Di Paola
- ssl negotiation error,
robert k Wild
- icap result caching in squid,
Darren Breeze
- Squid 4.9 Client IP PTR lookup on connect,
Romanov Vonamor
- Proper separation of multiple squid instances on the same machine,
Robert Senger
- Testing,
Ahmad Alzaeem
- limit new req/sec on squid to X per sec,
- Squid Send to Cache Peer based on Header Access if not matched .,
- making proxy-int to talk to proxy-ext,
robert k Wild
- What is the proper way to close an ICAP transaction?,
Felipe Arturo Polanco
- Help with squid proxy parent directive,
- building squid 4 terminates with fatal error but doesnt say the error,
robert k Wild
- not getting tcp_hit on squid 3.5.27,
I.T. Helpdesk - San Antonio Resort
- yum update fails when using squid even though .redhat.com is whitelisted,
Berger J Nicklas
- squid 4.1 transparent https issue "curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate in certificate chain",
Berger J Nicklas
- Changing the time format for access_log,
James Moe
- Facebook Cache,
Ishtiaq Iqbal
- single acl analysis,
Matus UHLAR - fantomas
- ecap trickling (antivirus scan),
- logformat for requests using PROXY protocol,
- difference of settings doing the same as it seems,
Walter H.
- acl whitelist ssl::server_name not working,
John Lowry
- Automate SSL Certificate - Reverse Squid Proxy - vyas,
Vayalpadu, Vedavyas
- After enabling IPv6 squid no longer responds,
James Moe
- Ubuntu 18 LTS repository for Squid 4.9 (rebuilt with sslbump support from sources in Debian unstable),
Rafael Akchurin
- squid with Java Problem - Idrac 6 Hp servers,
- Re: squid with Java Problem - Idrac 6 Hp servers,
Matus UHLAR - fantomas
Header forgery detected,
Darren Breeze
[squid-announce] [ADVISORY] SQUID-2019:11 Information Disclosure issue in HTTP Digest Authentication,
Amos Jeffries
[squid-announce] [ADVISORY] SQUID-2019:10 HTTP Request Splitting issue in HTTP message processing,
Amos Jeffries
[squid-announce] Squid 4.9 is available,
Amos Jeffries
[squid-announce] [ADVISORY] SQUID-2019:7 Heap Overflow issue in URN processing,
Amos Jeffries
[squid-announce] [ADVISORY] SQUID-2019:9 Cross-Site Request Forgery issue in HTTP Request processing,
Amos Jeffries
[squid-announce] [ADVISORY] SQUID-2019:8 Multiple issues in URI processing,
Amos Jeffries
How to use http_status acl?,
Felipe Arturo Polanco
Another "Forwarding loop detected" issue,
Nick Howitt
Cannot configure squid 4.6 to splice without bumping,
John Lowry
comments in ACL files,
Matus UHLAR - fantomas
reply_body_max_size not always enforced,
Eduard Weissmann
helperHandleRead: unexpected read,
optional verification of clients?,
Antonio SJ Musumeci
Squid proxy will forward message with 'alternating host header' but logs another?,
Mark Bergman
Unsuccessful at using Squid v4 with intercept,
FOUTREL Sébastien
ssl bump intermediate certificate,
Marek Greško
acl for matching URLs (non-regex),
Felix Leimbach
Call for adaptation after sni peeked,
Jatin Bhasin
assertion failed: Controller.cc:838: "!transients || e.hasTransients()",
Antonio SJ Musumeci
external_acl_type and ipv6,
Vieri Di Paola
Is an ACL read from memory or disk?,
Erick Perez - Quadrian Enterprises
How to make squid use ipv4 only for connecting to websites,
Robert Senger
SSL negotiation errors on https_port,
SIGBUS attempting to use rock,
Antonio SJ Musumeci
Overwrite an URL containing an IP when it is requested with a custom Host header,
How to use "cache", "store_miss" and "send_hit" directives?,
pinger replacements?,
Antonio SJ Musumeci
Problem webpagge filter - acl & http_access,
Filtering cipher suites and certificate algorithms without man-in-the-middle,
Ali Galip Çamlı
Icap redirection issues,
Darren Breeze
Clarification on behavior,
Joseph Jones
How to make only IPV6 visible even incoming via IPV4?,
Marcelo Rodrigo - Graminsta.com.br
re-forwarding questions,
Antonio SJ Musumeci
External ACL undocumented changes?,
how to use squid authentication with expiration?,
mohammad reza sheikh
cache_peer and ssl,
Peek and splice where SNI not present,
Squid to Android,
IE and EDGE and Microsoft yammer,
Erick Perez - Quadrian Enterprises
Guidance needed. Issues with WPAD and Firefox,
Erick Perez - Quadrian Enterprises
Annotating transaction from inside ICAP,
Fw: [Bug 4977] stmem.cc:98: "lowestOffset () <= target_offset" assertion when adapting Content-Range value,
Matus UHLAR - fantomas
Does Squid support ICAP early responses?,
Felipe Arturo Polanco
Squid blocking 192.168.x.x,
Martin S
Squid instalaltion for NTLM error,
Tevfik Ceydeliler
real time priority,
Squid sends 2 replies after peek/splice when using an user-agent http_access rule,
Gaël Ranaivo
Kerberos nad keytab problem,
Tevfik Ceydeliler
Warning: ACL is used in context without an HTTP response,
Alessandro Andrei
Working proxy_protocol_access settings on Squid 3.5 or 4?,
Tom Karches
Error page headers,
Delay pools not working with squid 4.x , and more Question !!,
always bungled to my config,
Tevfik Ceydeliler
Peek-and-splice not working when mixing TLS1.3 servers and TLS1.2 clients,
Protecting squid against ddos attacks,
Chirayu Patel
access log without hostname,
--foreground vs -N,
B. Cook
SSL termination problem - squid's requests using https,
Sam Holden
How to extend Squid ICAP preview size,
Felipe Arturo Polanco
Problem with ssl_choose_client_version:inappropriate fallback on some sites when using TLS1.2,
John Sweet-Escott
Non-Transparent HTTP+HTTP Proxy,
squid 4.8 web reports,
Erick Perez - Quadrian Enterprises
Squid Transparent Proxy with Coovachilli is not working,
Multiple LDAP authentication server for Squid,
Antonino Sanacori
intercept vs. accel vhost allow-direct,
caching and changing content,
Disable 302 redirect in squid, but only to http://eais.rkn.gov.ru,
Igor Rylov
request_header_replace User-Agent 'UA string' for certain URLs/domains/ACLs,
Igor Rylov
squid email using curl/smtp using squid,
usage of etag,
Squid CAS integration,
Dario Basset
perl script for translating log times,
Matus UHLAR - fantomas
simultanous requests: collapsed_forwarding,
HEAD requests: pass through?,
Cant open some HTTPS with Squid 4.8,
help with helper,
cannot access squid with https_port: 403,
cache peer , force peer to use dns ipv4 not ipv6,
Squid 4.8 Issue,
Advice on Cache Peer ACLs,
Help with IP forwarder on squid,
AD user Login + Squid Proxy + Automatic Authentication,
Randi Indrawan
SQUID proxy to access web application from another subnet,
jagadeesh am
TCP_MISS_ABORTED/503 - -Squid-Error: ERR_DNS_FAIL 0,
L A Walsh
Linearly increasing delays in HTTPS proxy CONNECTS / 3.5.20,
Ilari Laitinen
squid for live streaming,
Getting lot of client lifetime timeout and subsequently running out of file descriptors,
Chirayu Patel
helping to setting a grace time for auth_param basic,
Cache html pages with advertised length of -1?,
Joshua Kronemeyer
Assertion failure in helper.cc,
Chirayu Patel
Sérgio Vieira
help to disconnect users after determinated time. TTL,
Stuck Filtering HTTPS URL,
Garbacik, Joe
While using icap_service squid working when ip is used and failing when domain name is provided,
Prudhvisagar Bellamkonda
squid Illegal instruction,
Problems with squid 3.1 to 3.3 upgrade,
Tom Karches
acl src question,
Service MV
Squid url rewriters creating issues in case of multi-threaded mode,
Chirayu Patel
outgoing address for DNS queries per instance,
cache-peer and tls,
Eugene M. Zheganin
Squid 3.5.27 not caching at all,
Mohamed Ali Ahmed
crash Error negotiating SSL connection on FD 54,
logformat for squid5 ?,
Blocking CONNECT,
Reverse Proxy Detected,
Using few ICAP services at one time,
Nikita Seregin
dns_v4_first off for squid Squid Cache: Version 5.0.0-20190715-rd3527ec67,
Unable to limit bandwidth (squid 4.7.2 ),
Service MV
Why `Storage Mem capacity` has a value larger than 100%.,
VoIP Software trouble,
error:transaction-end-before-headers on squid 5.x,
squid 4 fails to authenticate using NTLM,
HAProxy + Squid,
Service MV
squdi access.log,
squid external address to be sequential from list of addresses,
caching apt package lists/Raspbian,
Ubuntu 18 LTS repository for Squid 4.8 (rebuilt with sslbump support from sources in Debian unstable),
Rafael Akchurin
Squid + ShadowSocks,
M. Anwer Ali
squid time out,
network problems with squid ssl-bump,
Re: SOLVED - SECURITY ALERT: Host header forgery detected,
Stephen Borrill
Possible to user reply_header_add directive with acl random access list ?,
Re: squid-users Digest, Vol 59, Issue 12,
Arunabha Saha
sending certificate chain from squid reverse proxy,
Kate Dawson
Does request_header_replace support calling into another file,
Lei Wen
Debian Buster, Squid 4.6-1 amd64, "Too few negotiateauthenticator processes are running",
James Zuelow
tcp_outgoing_address acl based on - incoming header Flag,
Allowing access to Whatsapp Web,
Nurdiyana Ali
Squid security advisories,
[squid-announce] Squid 4.8 is available,
Amos Jeffries
[squid-announce] [ADVISORY] SQUID-2019:6 Multiple Cross-Site Scripting issues in cachemgr.cgi,
Amos Jeffries
[squid-announce] [ADVISORY] SQUID-2019:5 Heap Overflow issue in HTTP Basic Authentication processing,
Amos Jeffries
[squid-announce] [ADVISORY] SQUID-2019:3 Denial of Service in HTTP Digest Authentication processing,
Amos Jeffries
[squid-announce] [ADVISORY] SQUID-2019:2 Denial of Service in HTTP Basic Authentication processing,
Amos Jeffries
[squid-announce] [ADVISORY] SQUID-2019:1 Denial of Service issue in cachemgr.cgi,
Amos Jeffries
allowing headers per ip and block headers on others,
Re: squid-users Digest, Vol 59, Issue 10,
Arunabha Saha
Non-standard proxy setup,
Tardif, Christian
Gmail issues windows 10,
Guido Fratesi
ipsec and squid https intercept,
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