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CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 154, Issue 3, centos-announce-request
kernel: blk_cloned_rq_check_limits: over max segments limit., Device Mapper Multipath, iBFT, iSCSI COMSTAR, Tom Robinson
broadcom and centos 7,
Keith Keller
Centos7: backup with rsync problem: "rsync: rsync_xal_set: lremovexattr(""/tmp/test/etc/fstab"", "security.selinux") failed: Permission denied (13)", Dario Lesca
Offsite hosted backup solutions,
Joseph L. Casale
Centos 7: avc: denied { reload } for auid=0 uid=0 gid=0 cmdline="/usr/bin/systemctl reload named-chroot.service" ...., Dario Lesca
Re: Strange dots on monitor,
vychytraly .
GUI/X11 login and shells other than bash?,
Valeri Galtsev
Question on CentoS 7.4 on nvidia,
Jerry Geis
Some problemas working with network namespaces, C. L. Martinez
Accessing crashed disk,
martin . wagner
Centos 6 Samba 4 specific question,
Kienker, Fred
Mate desktop configuration question, me
LUKS question,
Wells, Roger K.
Spamassassin vs. SELinux trouble,
Nicolas Kovacs
Broadcom BCM4352 on Centos 7,
Gary Stainburn
Problems with dnscrypt's package from EPEL,
C. L. Martinez
CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 154, Issue 2, centos-announce-request
CAA records using PowerDNS from EPEL,
kmod c74 broken: howto report it,
Stijn De Weirdt
yum files in /tmp,
Jerry Geis
Linux IO Performance Monitor,
Ali Mumcu
upgrading python,
Larry Martell
Switch off laptop screen when docked with lid close - CentOS 7,
Toralf Lund
Run as root w/o terminal/gksu-polkit uses 100 % CPU, Toralf Lund
problem with cloud-init-0.7.9-9.el7.centos.2.x86_64 setting up puppet.conf,
Fwd: Qwery regarding Selinux Change Id context, Aman Sharma
Fwd: Default User in Selinux, Aman Sharma
Broadcom BCM4360,
Gregory P. Ennis
Apache and web content permissions,
Nicolas Kovacs
time foo,
Partition advice, Kenneth Porter
Good linux software RAID primer advise,
Valeri Galtsev
Accessing KRB5 NFS from local system accounts, Gordon Messmer
C 7, docker, and storage, m . roth
C7 and docker storage,
m . roth
Perl fun part 2,
Mark Haney
Missing /usr/share/perl5 in C7,
Mark Haney
C 7, lockd issue,
m . roth
CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 153, Issue 7, centos-announce-request
Migrating From CentOS-6 To CentOS-7,
Eugene Poole
Admins supporting both RHEL and CentOS,
Joseph L. Casale
CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 153, Issue 6, centos-announce-request
Failed attempts,
Jerry Geis
Kickstart and nvme0n1,
Devilspie or wmctrl for CentOS 6,
Chromium on CentOS 6,
Gnome boot problem (again :-) ),
vychytraly .
Cluster installation CentOS 7.4 network problems, Vadim Bulst
Creating Spec file for RPM,
Andrew W
CentOS6 davfs2 shows invalid free/total storage capacity, Walter H.
CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 153, Issue 5, centos-announce-request
ebtables bug,
Andrew Radygin
File access in Apache 2.4 (clarification),
Grub2 utilities missing from Rescue environment in build 1708, arjones85
File access in Apache 2.4,
grub To grub2 Migration,
Eugene Poole
CentOS Atomic and OpsWorks?, Dave Johansen
Intel Bluetooth problems - "Invalid request code (56)" - on CentOS 6.9,
Toralf Lund
Possible to have EthX acting like the ipaddress of the attached device (aka bridge) having no ipaddress?, Jobst Schmalenbach
CentOS 7: unable to mount, wwp
skypeforlinux lacks dependencies, won't update,
CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 153, Issue 4, centos-announce-request
CentOS Linux 6 to CentOS Linux 7 upgrade tool, Johnny Hughes
m . roth
CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 153, Issue 3, centos-announce-request
USB Serial Ports,
Chris Olson
CentOS 7 "Set Up Enterprise Login" after update and reboot,
Valeri Galtsev
gnome boot problem,
dominic adair-jones
Issues with Virtualbox,
Abhinay Khanna
Can't update,
Ilyass Kaouam
CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 153, Issue 2, centos-announce-request
Fwd: [CentOS-announce] CESA-2017:3200 Important CentOS 6 kernel Security Update,
Christian Anthon
How to blacklist a device driver (sysemd),
Frank Thommen
run bash <filename> from cron,
Mark Haney
Samba help,
C6 and xfce,
m . roth
Strrange behavior of VirtualHosts in Apache (CentOS6),
Walter H.
VMWare Workstation 14 on CentOS 7?, wwp
slow libreoffice,
Advice for storage location ..., Walter H.
virt-install cannot mount virtio iso during installation, Periko Support
Logitech Brio 4K Ultra HD Webcam - 960-001105,
Gregory P. Ennis
XFS quota usage mismatch on CentOS 6 ?, James Pearson
Best laptop with NVIDIA graphics,
Jeff Layton
CentOS 7 + NVidia Quadro 2000 graphic card,
Nicolas Kovacs
Fwd: Persistent route,
Ritah Mulinde
Possibly [OT] ansible vmware inventory plugin,
Mark Haney
lets talk abaut gstreamer 1.10.5, gstreamer-libav, ffmpeg, bluray and vlc, Andreas Benzler
m . roth
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Yum-cron, m . roth
how do I use CDC usb ports?, Michael Hennebry
C6, lightweight window managers - opinions?,
m . roth
Re: C7.4 and sshd restart problem [SOLVED], Alessandro Baggi
JOB | Permanent Sysadmin (Amsterdam OR remote), James Tobin
Firefox print to file fail silent & side notes of cms4all.,
Andreas Benzler
how to install pyserial on centos 6?,
Michael Hennebry
C7.4 and sshd restart problem, Alessandro Baggi
yum update info output,
Thomas Roth
Nvidia error,
Jerry Geis
Error message at times, Jerry Geis
How to detect botnet user on the server ?,
marcos valentine
Is CentOS extras repo broken?,
Barak Korren
Intermittently unresponsive mouse,
CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 153, Issue 1, centos-announce-request
mariadb server memory usage,
/usr/bin/x0vncserver large blocks on screen at times, Jerry Geis
Repository with current FreeTDS?, Adam Tauno Williams
Semi-OT: a docker log question, m . roth
CentOS 6 P2V alternatives?,
Sorin Srbu
modestly priced laptop for C7,
Fred Smith
HP laptops with CentOS 7?,
Sorin Srbu
low end file server with h/w RAID - recommendations,
Gary Stainburn
PHP package versions,
Gregory Orange
Centos and xen network bridge issue,
Scott Gennari
NoScript allow scripts globally reversible?,
Michael Hennebry
Kickstart ksdevice question,
Mark Haney
RH software collections,
Fred Smith
Fwd: Call for presentations: CentOS Dojo, Brussels, February 2nd, before FOSDEM, Rich Bowen
CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 152, Issue 12, centos-announce-request
Question about a bug in bugzilla,
Rainer Duffner
Maria 10 breaks unixodbc mysql connector,
John Harragin
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