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- Re: Ethereal remote buffer overflow
- Re: Ethereal remote buffer overflow
- RE: Ethereal remote buffer overflow - addon
- [USN-93-1] Squid vulnerability
- [FLSA-2005:2404] Updated less package fixes security issue
- Ethereal remote buffer overflow
- Re: Windows Server 2003 and XP SP2 LAND attack vulnerability
- From: killer_loop@xxxxxxxx
- Re: houghts and a possible solution on homograph attacks
- Re: Windows Server 2003 and XP SP2 LAND attack vulnerability
- [SECURITY] [DSA 692-1] New kppp packages fix privileged file descriptor leak
- failles dans ProjectBB v0.4.5.1
- From: [hacktinium]@securityfocus.com@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- ArGoSoft FTP Server Buffer Overflow
- Multiple vulnerabilities in paFileDB
- [CLA-2005:931] Conectiva Security Announcement - squid
- Re: thoughts and a possible solution on homograph attacks
- Re: thoughts and a possible solution on homograph attacks
- Re: thoughts and a possible solution on homograph attacks
- Re: Windows Server 2003 and XP SP2 LAND attack vulnerability
- Re: Windows Server 2003 and XP SP2 LAND attack vulnerability
- Re: Windows Server 2003 and XP SP2 LAND attack vulnerability
- Re: Windows Server 2003 and XP SP2 LAND attack vulnerability
- Re: Remote Command Execution
- Re: thoughts and a possible solution on homograph attacks
- From: Dmitry Yu. Bolkhovityanov
- Re: Lingo VoIP ATA / UTStarcom iAN-02EX remote access vulnerability
- Re: thoughts and a possible solution on homograph attacks
- From: Dmitry Yu. Bolkhovityanov
- [SCAN Associates Security Advisory] xoops and below weak file extension validation
- RE: Avaya IP Office Phone Manager - Sensitive Information Cleartext Vulnerability
- From: Walton, John Michael (John)
- Re: Remote Command Execution
- PE Multiple Remote Access Validation Vulnerabilities (Participate Systems Inc. / Outstart Inc.)
- Re: [Full-Disclosure] Bypass of 22 Antivirus software with GDI+ bug exploit Mutations - part 2
- Multiples Vulnerabilities
- Re: phpBB 2.0.12 Session Handling Administrator Authentication Bypass Exploit
- Re: Gene6 FTP Server Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability
- iDEFENSE Labs Releases IDA RPC Enumerator
- RE: thoughts and a possible solution on homograph attacks
- From: Scovetta, Michael V
- Re: thoughts and a possible solution on homograph attacks
- UnixWare 7.1.4 : squid updated package fixes several security issues
- From: please_reply_to_security
- Re: thoughts and a possible solution on homograph attacks
- Re: phpBB 2.0.12 Session Handling Administrator Authentication Bypass Exploit
- Re: thoughts and a possible solution on homograph attacks
- Re: thoughts and a possible solution on homograph attacks
- Re: thoughts and a possible solution on homograph attacks
- Hosting Controller Multiple Unauthenticated information disclose
- UnixWare 7.1.4 : Samba multiple security issues
- From: please_reply_to_security
- Re: [ GLSA 200503-12 ] Hashcash: Format string vulnerability
- [ GLSA 200503-14 ] KDE dcopidlng: Insecure temporary file creation
- From: Sune Kloppenborg Jeppesen
- [USN-92-1] LessTif vulnerabilities
- phpWebLog <= 0.5.3 arbitrary file inclusion (VXSfx)
- Re: Windows Server 2003 and XP SP2 LAND attack vulnerability
- PHP mcNews <= 1.3 arbitrary file inclusion (VXSfx)
- [CLA-2005:930] Conectiva Security Announcement - kernel
- - Argeniss - Oracle Database Server Directory transversal
- See-security advisory: Trillian Basic 3.0 PNG Processing Buffer overflow
- Re: phpGiftReq SQL Injection
- drone armies C&C report - Feb/2005
- phpBB 2.0.13 - user level exploit
- vBulletin Worm - perl.Santy variant
- PHP Form Mail Script <= 2.3 arbitrary file inclusion exploit exploit
- Remote Testing SocialMPN Remote File Inclusion by y3dips
- Lingo VoIP ATA / UTStarcom iAN-02EX remote access vulnerability
- Re: GIMP gifload.exe GIF file (image width)*(image height)==0 DOS vulnerability
- Gene6 FTP Server Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability
- Re: phpBB 2.0.12 Session Handling Administrator Authentication Bypass -SIMPLIFIED-
- thoughts and a possible solution on homograph attacks
- phpBB 2.0.12 Session Handling Administrator Authentication Bypass Exploit
- [USN-91-1] EXIF library vulnerability
- Re: [Full-Disclosure] Bypass of 22 Antivirus software with GDI+ bug exploit Mutations - part 2
- CIRT.DK Advisory - SafeNet Inc Sentinel License Manager Buffer Overflow
- [Hat-Squad] Computer-Associates, License Manager POC Exploit
- From: Hat-Squad Security Team
- Real Realplayer 10 .smil local buffer overflow POC
- [FLSA-2005:2344] Updated php packages fix security issues
- [FLSA-2005:1748] Updated subversion packages fix security issues
- [ GLSA 200503-12 ] Hashcash: Format string vulnerability
- [ GLSA 200503-11 ] ImageMagick: Filename handling vulnerability
- Remote Command Execution
- [SECURITY] [DSA 691-1] New abuse packages fix local root exploit
- [ GLSA 200503-13 ] mlterm: Integer overflow vulnerability
- Re: Advisory #08 - phpBB 2.0.13 Bad filtered in usercp_register.php
- Windows Server 2003 and XP SP2 LAND attack vulnerability
- MDKSA-2005:050 - Updated gftp packages fix vulnerability
- From: Mandrakelinux Security Team
- MDKSA-2005:052 - Updated kdegraphics packages fix vulnerabilities
- From: Mandrakelinux Security Team
- MDKSA-2005:051 - Updated cyrus-imapd packages fix vulnerabilities
- From: Mandrakelinux Security Team
- MDKSA-2005:049 - Updated gaim packages fix multiple vulnerabilities
- From: Mandrakelinux Security Team
- MDKSA-2005:048 - Updated curl packages fix vulnerability
- From: Mandrakelinux Security Team
- PaX privilege elevation security bug
- phpBB 2.0.12 Session Handling Administrator Authentication Bypass -SIMPLIFIED-
- Bypass of 22 Antivirus software with GDI+ bug exploit Mutations - part 2
- [ GLSA 200503-10 ] Mozilla Firefox: Various vulnerabilities
- [ GLSA 200503-09 ] xv: Filename handling vulnerability
- [ GLSA 200503-08 ] OpenMotif, LessTif: New libXpm buffer overflows
- -==phpBB 2.0.13 Full path disclosure==-
- Re: TYPO3 SQL Injection vunerabilitie
- PHP Form Mail Script (2.3) - Arbitrary File Inclusion (VXSfx)
- Re: TYPO3 SQL Injection vunerabilitie
- Re: TYPO3 3rd party extension (cmw_linklist) SQL Injection vunerability
- RE: Microsoft AntiSpyware Beta and Windows Scripting Host
- Re: TYPO3 SQL Injection vunerabilitie
- Re: GIMP gifload.exe GIF file (image width)*(image height)==0 DOS vulnerability
- From: Frank Denis (Jedi/Sector One)
- Download Center Lite (DCL) - Arbitrary File Inclusion (VXSfx)
- GIMP gifload.exe GIF file (image width)*(image height)==0 DOS vulnerability
- RE: TYPO3 SQL Injection vunerabilitie
- From: GulfTech Security Research
- Re: TYPO3 SQL Injection vunerabilitie
- From: Sebastian Wolfgarten
- PHP News <= 1.2.4 - Remote File Inclusion Exploit
- Re: Microsoft Antispyware Beta window docking issue
- From: Susan Bradley, CPA aka Ebitz - SBS Rocks [MVP]
- [ GLSA 200503-07 ] phpMyAdmin: Multiple vulnerabilities
- From: Sune Kloppenborg Jeppesen
- Re: TYPO3 SQL Injection vunerabilitie
- [ GLSA 200503-06 ] BidWatcher: Format string vulnerability
- From: Sune Kloppenborg Jeppesen
- Re: Advisory #08 - phpBB 2.0.13 Bad filtered in usercp_register.php
- My-forum.org cookies vulnerability - data bug
- Microsoft Antispyware Beta window docking issue
- TYPO3 SQL Injection vunerabilitie
- [CLA-2005:928] Conectiva Security Announcement - clamav
- [XSS] paBox 1.6
- Microsoft AntiSpyware Beta and Windows Scripting Host
- Advisory #08 - phpBB 2.0.13 Bad filtered in usercp_register.php
- Re: SHA-1 broken
- [USN-90-1] Imagemagick vulnerability
- [SECURITY BULLETIN] SSRT4866 rev.0 MUP HP OpenVMS V6.x and V7.x privileged file access
- EEYE: Computer Associates License Manager Remote Vulnerabilities
- iDEFENSE Labs Releases IDA Sync
- Re: phpBB <= 2.0.12 UID Exploit
- Security Advisory: Computalynx CProxy Server Multiple Remote Vulnerabilities
- Golden Ftp server 1.29 Username remote Buffer Overflow
- Re: Firefox Software Update
- [ GLSA 200503-05 ] xli, xloadimage: Multiple vulnerabilities
- Vulnerabilities in Aura CMS
- [FLSA-2005:2314] Updated XFree86 packages fix security flaws
- Foxmail server "USER" command Multiple remote buffer overflow
- RealOne Player / Real .WAV Heap Overflow File Format Vulnerability
- [CLA-2005:926] Conectiva Security Announcement - mod_python
- License Patches Are Now Available To Address Buffer Overflows
- iDEFENSE Security Advisory 03.02.05: Computer Associates License Client and Server Invalid Command Buffer Overflow
- iDEFENSE Security Advisory 03.02.05: Computer Associates License Client PUTOLF Buffer Overflow
- iDEFENSE Security Advisory 03.02.05: Computer Associates License Client PUTOLF Directory Traversal
- iDEFENSE Security Advisory 03.02.05: Computer Associates License Client/Server GETCONFIG Buffer Overflow
- iDEFENSE Security Advisory 03.02.05: Computer Associates License Client/Server GCR Network Buffer Overflow
- iDEFENSE Security Advisory 03.02.05: Computer Associates License Client/Server GCR Checksum Buffer Overflow
- [USN-87-1] Cyrus IMAP server vulnerability
- [USN-86-1] cURL vulnerability
- [USN-88-1] reportbug information disclosure
- [USN-89-1] XML library vulnerabilities
- [ GLSA 200502-33 ] MediaWiki: Multiple vulnerabilities
- Re: Firefox Software Update
- [ GLSA 200503-02 ] phpBB: Multiple vulnerabilities
- [ GLSA 200503-04 ] phpWebSite: Arbitrary PHP execution and path disclosure
- [ GLSA 200503-03 ] Gaim: Multiple Denial of Service issues
- From: Sune Kloppenborg Jeppesen
- Re: Firefox Software Update
- Re: 7a69Adv#22 - UNIX unzip keep setuid and setgid files
- Re: Firefox Software Update
- PHP News <= 1.2.4 - Remote File Inclusion (VXSfx)
- iDEFENSE Security Advisory 03.01.05: RealNetworks RealPlayer .smil Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
- Re: 7a69Adv#22 - UNIX unzip keep setuid and setgid files
- [ GLSA 200503-01 ] Qt: Untrusted library search path
- From: Sune Kloppenborg Jeppesen
- [ Postnuke all versions + pnphpbb <=1.2 sql injection - jocanor ]
- Re: [ Postnuke all versions + pnphpbb <=1.2 sql injection - jocanor ]
- From: Maksymilian Arciemowicz
- Forumwa search.php xss vulnerability
- Software PBLang 4.63 sendpm.php reply file read vulnerability
- 427BB profile.php XSS vulnerability.
- Re: Firefox Software Update
- Re: Firefox Software Update
- Software PBLang 4.63 delpm.php authentication vulnerability
- Re: Firefox Software Update
- Re: Firefox Software Update
- [KDE Security Advisory] kppp Privileged fd Leak Vulnerability
- 427BB profile.php XSS vulnerability.
- Re: Firefox Software Update
- OpenServer 5.0.6 OpenServer 5.0.7 : A vulnerability in TCP
- From: please_reply_to_security
- phpBB <= 2.0.12 UID Exploit
- IObjectSafety and Internet Explorer
- Kernelpanik Labs Digest 2005-2
- From: Kernelpanik Labs - Security Lists
- [SIG^2 G-TEC] RaidenHTTPD Server Buffer Overflow and CGI Source Disclosure Vulnerabilities
- Re: iDEFENSE Security Advisory 02.28.05: Mozilla Firefox and Mozilla Browser Out Of Memory Heap Corruption Design Error
- Re: 7a69Adv#22 - UNIX unzip keep setuid and setgid files
- Re: BizMail 2.1 Spam Exploit
- [ Postnuke all versions + pnphpbb <=1.2 sql injection - jocanor ]
- From: JoCaNoR SeCuRiTy TeaM
- iDEFENSE Security Advisory 02.28.05: KPPP Privileged File Descriptor Leak Vulnerability
- Re: 7a69Adv#22 - UNIX unzip keep setuid and setgid files
- Badblue HTTP Server Exploit
- From: Miguel Tarascó Acuña
- Firefox Software Update
- Re: iDEFENSE Security Advisory 02.28.05: Mozilla Firefox and Mozilla Browser Out Of Memory Heap Corruption Design Error
- [SECURITYREASON.COM] PostNuke Critical SQL Injection 0.760-RC2=>x cXIb8O3.1
- From: Maksymilian Arciemowicz
- [SECURITYREASON.COM] PostNuke Critical XSS 0.760-RC2=>x cXIb8O3.2
- From: Maksymilian Arciemowicz
- [SECURITYREASON.COM] PostNuke SQL Injection 0.760-RC2=>x cXIb8O3.3
- From: Maksymilian Arciemowicz
- [Hat-Squad] GFI L.N.S.S 5.0 Insecure Credential Storage
- From: Hat-Squad Security Team
- iDEFENSE Security Advisory 02.28.05: Mozilla Firefox and Mozilla Browser Out Of Memory Heap Corruption Design Error
- WASC-Articles: 'The Insecure Indexing Vulnerability - Attacks Against Local Search Engines' By Amit Klein
- Re: iDEFENSE Security Advisory 02.25.05: WU-FTPD File Globbing Denial of Service Vulnerability
- 7a69Adv#22 - UNIX unzip keep setuid and setgid files
- From: Albert Puigsech Galicia
- Re: Office 10 applications & flashdrives can be used to browse restricted drives
- Re: Office 10 applications & flashdrives can be used to browse restricted drives
- From: Susan Bradley, CPA aka Ebitz - SBS Rocks [MVP]
- Re: Office 10 applications & flashdrives can be used to browse restricted drives
- Re: Mozilla Firefox 1.0.1 Javascript Images are Draggable
- [ GLSA 200502-30 ] cmd5checkpw: Local password leak vulnerability
- Re: Firescrolling [Firefox 1.0]
- Mozilla Firefox 1.0.1 Javascript Images are Draggable
- Re: Office 10 applications & flashdrives can be used to browse restricted drives
- Knet <= 1.04c Buffer Overflow Bug
- Re: [SECURITYREASON.COM] phpMyAdmin 2.6.1 Remote file inclusion
- -==phpBB 2.0.12 Full path disclosure==-
- Re: Firescrolling [Firefox 1.0]
- Re: iDEFENSE Security Advisory 02.25.05: WU-FTPD File Globbing Denial of Service Vulnerability
- CIS WebServer Directory Traversal Bug
- RE: Firescrolling [Firefox 1.0]
- iDEFENSE Security Advisory 02.25.05: WU-FTPD File Globbing Denial of Service Vulnerability
- RE: Firescrolling [Firefox 1.0]
- [USN-85-1] Gaim vulnerabilities
- [FLSA-2005:2336] Updated kernel packages fix security issues
- Re: Office 10 applications & flashdrives can be used to browse restricted drives
- AW: phpWebSite-0.10.0_exploit
- CFP: WORM 2005
- Announce: RSBAC v1.2.4 released
- [SECURITY] [DSA 690-1] New bsmtpd packages fix arbitrary command execution
- Firescrolling [Firefox 1.0]
- phpWebSite 0.10.0 Full Path disclosure
- phpWebSite 0.10.0 Full Path disclosure
- [SECURITYREASON.COM] phpMyAdmin 2.6.1 Remote file inclusion and XSS cXIb8O3.4
- From: Maksymilian Arciemowicz
- [FLSA-2005:2005] Updated gdk-pixbuf packages fix security flaws
- [FLSA-2005:2343] Updated vim packages fix security issues
- phpWebSite-0.10.0_exploit
- [FLSA-2005:2043] Updated zlib package fixes security issues
- MDKSA-2005:047 - Updated squid packages fix vulnerability
- From: Mandrakelinux Security Team
- MDKSA-2005:046 - Updated uim packages fix vulnerability
- From: Mandrakelinux Security Team
- Multiple vulns in punBB
- RE: Avaya IP Office Phone Manager - Sensitive Information Cleartext Vulnerability
- In-game cl_guid crash in Soldier of Fortune II 1.03
- [Security Bulletin] SSRT4694 HP-UX ftpd remote unauthorized access
- Cisco Security Advisory: ACNS Denial of Service and Default Admin Password Vulnerabilities
- From: Cisco Systems Product Security Incident Response Team
- Re: phpBB 2.0.12 released
- iDEFENSE Security Advisory 02.23.05: Sun Solaris kcms_configure Arbitrary File Corruption Vulnerability
- RE: Avaya IP Office Phone Manager - Sensitive Information Cleartext Vulnerability
- From: Walton, John Michael (John)
- Multiple vulnerabilities found in CSGuestbook by CoolSerlets.com
- RE: Incorrect Classification of iDownload's Product as Spyware...
- Office 10 applications & flashdrives can be used to browse restricted drives
- [Fwd: [arkeia-announce] Release of Arkeia Network Backup 5.3.5 fixes security issue]
- Release of Arkeia Network Backup 5.3.5 fixes security issue [bugtraq id 12594]
- Robustness patch for TWiki, vulnerability in ImageGalleryPlugin
- [ GLSA 200502-29 ] Cyrus IMAP Server: Multiple overflow vulnerabilities
- Incorrect Classification of iDownload's Product as Spyware...
- [SECURITY] [DSA 689-1] New mod_python packages fix information leak
- [SECURITY] [DSA 688-1] New squid packages fix denial of service
- Re: phpBB 2.0.12 released
- Re: Cross Site Scripting exploitation via malformed files
- From: http-equiv@xxxxxxxxxx
- Re: Knox Arkeia remote root/system exploit
- Re: Arkeia Network Backup Client Remote Access
- Software PBLang 4.65 pm.php XSS vulnerability
- Software PBLang 4.65 pmpshow.php XSS vulnerability
- Software PBLang 4.65 search.php XSS vulnerability
- iDEFENSE Security Advisory 02.22.05: phpBB Group phpBB2 Arbitrary File Unlink Vulnerability
- Cross Site Scripting exploitation via malformed files
- paNews v2.0b4 - PHP Injection
- [SCAN Associates Security Advisory] vbulletin 3.0.6 and below php code injection
- The WebConnect 6.4.4 and 6.5 contains several vulnerabilities
- Re: Combining Hashes
- RE: Windows Firewall Has A Backdoor
- Re: Windows Firewall Has A Backdoor
- From: Thor (Hammer of God)
- [NOBYTES.COM: #5] iGeneric eShop 1.2 - Information Disclosure & Possible SQL Injection
- SD Server 4.0.70 Directory Traversal Bug
- Re: Avaya IP Office Phone Manager - Sensitive Information Cleartext Vulnerability
- Re: Arkeia Network Backup Client Remote Access
- iDEFENSE Security Advisory 02.22.05: phpBB Group phpBB Arbitrary File Disclosure Vulnerability
- Re: Arkeia Network Backup Client Remote Access
- Avaya IP Office Phone Manager - Sensitive Information Cleartext Vulnerability
- phpBB 2.0.12 released
- Re: SHA-1 broken
- Re: SHA-1 broken
- iDEFENSE Security Advisory 02.21.05: Multiple Unix/Linux Vendor cURL/libcURL Kerberos Authentication Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
- RE: Windows Firewall Has A Backdoor
- iDEFENSE Security Advisory 02.21.05: Multiple Unix/Linux Vendor cURL/libcURL NTLM Authentication Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
- iDEFENSE Security Advisory 02.21.05: Multiple PuTTY SFTP Client Packet Parsing Integer Overflow Vulnerabilities
- [ GLSA 200502-28 ] PuTTY: Remote code execution
- Re: Joint encryption?
- Re: SHA-1 broken
- Re: Joint encryption?
- Re: SHA-1 broken
- Re: Windows Firewall Has A Backdoor
- Re: Joint encryption?
- Re: SHA-1 broken
- Re: Joint encryption?
- Re: SHA-1 broken
- From: peeon+securityfocus
- Re: SHA-1 broken
- Re: Joint encryption?
- RE: Joint encryption?
- Re: Joint encryption?
- RE: SHA-1 broken
- Re: Joint encryption?
- Re: Combining Hashes
- Re: SHA-1 broken
- [FLSA-2005:1944] GNOME VFS updates address extfs vulnerability
- [FLSA-2005:1945] Updated sox packages fix buffer overflows
- Re: Combining Hashes
- [FLSA-2005:2058] Updated cdrtools packages fix a security issue
- [USN-84-1] Squid vulnerabilities
- Windows Firewall Has A Backdoor
- ADP Elite System Max 9000 Series Login Vulnerability
- Gigafast/CompUSA router (model EE400-R) vulnerabilities
- Re: Knox Arkeia remote root/system exploit
- Arkeia Network Backup Client Remote Access
- [SECURITY] [DSA 674-3] New mailman packages really fix several vulnerabilities
- Re: Combining Hashes
- Re: SHA-1 broken
- Re: Dangers of discarding duplicated messages
- Re: Possible phpBB <=2.0.11 bug or sql injection?
- Re: Dangers of discarding duplicated messages
- Re: [Full-Disclosure] Thomson TCW690 Denial Of Service Vulnerability
- Re: SHA-1 broken
- Re: SHA-1 broken
- Knox Arkeia remote root/system exploit
- Re: Dangers of discarding duplicated messages
- Re: Combining Hashes
- Re: SHA-1 broken
- Re: SHA-1 broken
- Re: SHA-1 broken
- 3com 3CDaemon FTP Unauthorized "USER" Remote BOverflow
- Re: Joint encryption?
- Re: Joint encryption?
- Re: [lists] Combining Hashes
- Thomson TCW690 POST Password Validation Vulnerability
- Re: Combining Hashes
- Re: SHA-1 broken
- Re: Possible phpBB <=2.0.11 bug or sql injection?
- Re: Joint encryption?
- Re: Phishing hole found in IE and OE
- Re: Joint encryption?
- cfengine rsa heap remote exploit: part of PTjob project
- [FLSA-2005:2137] Updated cyrus-sasl resolves security vulnerabilities
- webfsd fun. opensource is god .lol windows
- [Hat-Squad] Findjmp2 Tool
- From: Hat-Squad Security Team
- exwormshoucast part of PTjob project: SHOUTcast v1.9.4 remote exploit
- Re: Joint encryption?
- [ GLSA 200502-27 ] gFTP: Directory traversal vulnerability
- Re: Joint encryption?
- Multiples vulnerability in ZeroBoard,
- Re: SHA-1 broken
- Re: SHA-1 broken
- Joint encryption?
- Multiple vulnerabilities in Glftpd v1.26 - v2.00 default zip based plug-ins
- MDKSA-2005:041 - Updated cups packages fix vulnerabilities on 64 bit platforms
- From: Mandrakelinux Security Team
- MDKSA-2005:040 - Updated PostgreSQL packages fix multiple vulnerabilities
- From: Mandrakelinux Security Team
- [ GLSA 200502-25 ] Squid: Denial of Service through DNS responses
- From: Sune Kloppenborg Jeppesen
- Re: AWStats <= 6.4 Multiple vulnerabilities - can't reproduce in 6.3?
- MDKSA-2005:044 - Updated tetex packages fix vulnerabilities on 64 bit platforms
- From: Mandrakelinux Security Team
- Re: SHA-1 broken
- Multiple vulnerabilities in TrackerCam 5.12
- Adobe Reader invalid root page node Count value DOS
- Re: SHA-1 broken
- Combining Hashes
- MDKSA-2005:045 - Updated kdelibs packages fix vulnerabilities
- From: Mandrakelinux Security Team
- Re: Phishing hole found in IE and OE
- RE: Possible phpBB <=2.0.11 bug or sql injection?
- From: Miguel Angel Rodríguez Jódar
- Re: SHA-1 broken
- Re: Phishing hole found in IE and OE
- Re: International Domain Name [IDN] support in modern browsers allows attackers to spoof domain name URLs + SSL certs.
- Re: International Domain Name [IDN] support in modern browsers allows attackers to spoof domain name URLs + SSL certs.
- 3com 3CDaemon FTP "USER" Remote BOverflow POC
- From: Hat-Squad Security Team
- [ GLSA 200502-26 ] GProFTPD: gprostats format string vulnerability
- From: Sune Kloppenborg Jeppesen
- MDKSA-2005:042 - Updated gpdf packages fix vulnerabilities on 64 bit platforms
- From: Mandrakelinux Security Team
- [SECURITY] [DSA 687-1] New bidwatcher packages fix format string vulnerability
- MDKSA-2005:043 - Updated xpdf packages fix vulnerabilities on 64 bit platforms
- From: Mandrakelinux Security Team
- Re: Possible phpBB <=2.0.11 bug or sql injection?
- Re: Dangers of discarding duplicated messages
- RE: SHA-1 broken
- BizMail 2.1 Spam Exploit
- Re: SHA-1 broken
- Re: SHA-1 broken
- Re: NetSec Security Advisory: Multiple Vulnerabilities Resulting From Use Of Apple OSX HFS+
- [USN-66-2] PHP vulnerability
- [USN-78-2] Fixed mailman packages for USN-78-1
- RE: SHA-1 broken
- From: Scovetta, Michael V
- Phishing hole found in IE and OE
- Re: International Domain Name [IDN] support in modern browsers allows attackers to spoof domain name URLs + SSL certs.
- RE: International Domain Name [IDN] support in modern browsers allows attackers to spoof domain name URLs + SSL certs.
- Re: International Domain Name [IDN] support in modern browsers allows attackers to spoof domain name URLs + SSL certs.
- Re: IE6 SP1 - Click N Crash
- RE: International Domain Name [IDN] support in modern browsers allows attackers to spoof domain name URLs + SSL certs.
- iDEFENSE Labs Website Launch
- hpm_guestbook.cgi JavaScript-Injection
- [SECURITY] [DSA 686-1] New gftp packages fix directory traversal vulnerability
- Re: International Domain Name [IDN] support in modern browsers allows attackers to spoof domain name URLs + SSL certs.
- Re: SHA-1 broken
- Re: International Domain Name [IDN] support in modern browsers allows attackers to spoof domain name URLs + SSL certs.
- Advisory: Multiple Vulnerabilities in BibORB
- [SECURITY] [DSA 685-1] New emacs21 packages fix arbitrary code execution
- Possible phpBB <=2.0.11 bug or sql injection?
- [PersianHacker.NET 200505-07] paFAQ Beta4 Sql Injection
- RE: International Domain Name [IDN] support in modern browsers allows attackers to spoof domain name URLs + SSL certs.
- Re: International Domain Name [IDN] support in modern browsers allows attackers to spoof domain name URLs + SSL certs.
- Remote Windows Kernel Exploitation - Step Into the Ring 0
- Re: International Domain Name [IDN] support in modern browsers allows attackers to spoof domain name URLs + SSL certs.
- From: Thor (Hammer of God)
- Re: Permission problem in Skype BETA for linux
- Re: International Domain Name [IDN] support in modern browsers allows attackers to spoof domain name URLs + SSL certs.
- [ SCL-2005.001 ] - WebCalendar: SQL Injection from encoded cookie
- RE: BrightStor ARCserve Backup buffer overflow PoC (fixes available)
- Re: International Domain Name [IDN] support in modern browsers allows attackers to spoof domain name URLs + SSL certs.
- Re: AWStats <= 6.4 Multiple vulnerabilities - can't reproduce in 6.3?
- Dangers of discarding duplicated messages
- Invision Power Boards 1.3.1 FINAL XSS Exploit
- [ GLSA 200502-24 ] Midnight Commander: Multiple vulnerabilities
- From: Sune Kloppenborg Jeppesen
- RECON 2005 CFP [Montreal, Canada]
- Re: xprobe2 v0.2.2 released
- MDKSA-2005:039 - Updated rwho packages fix vulnerability
- From: Mandrakelinux Security Team
- RE: AWStats <= 6.4 Multiple vulnerabilities - can't reproduce in 6.3?
- XSS vulnerabilty in ASP.Net [with details]
- Re: SHA-1 broken
- Re: SHA-1 broken
- RE: International Domain Name [IDN] support in modern browsers allows attackers to spoof domain name URLs + SSL certs.
- RE: International Domain Name [IDN] support in modern browsers allows attackers to spoof domain name URLs + SSL certs.
- Re: SHA-1 broken
- RE: BrightStor ARCserve Backup buffer overflow PoC (fix available)
- Re: International Domain Name [IDN] support in modern browsers allows attackers to spoof domain name URLs + SSL certs.
- Re: International Domain Name [IDN] support in modern browsers allows attackers to spoof domain name URLs + SSL certs.
- RE: International Domain Name [IDN] support in modern browsers allows attackers to spoof domain name URLs + SSL certs.
- Re: SHA-1 broken
- NetSec Security Advisory: Multiple Vulnerabilities Resulting From Use Of Apple OSX HFS+
- [PersianHacker.NET 200505-06] paNews v2.0b4 XSS Vulnerability
- Re: International Domain Name [IDN] support in modern browsers allows attackers to spoof domain name URLs + SSL certs.
- [USN-83-1] LessTif 2 vulnerabilities
- RE: Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer not seeing KB887742 and KB88 6185 Correction
- Re: International Domain Name [IDN] support in modern browsers allows attackers to spoof domain name URLs + SSL certs.
- Re: International Domain Name [IDN] support in modern browsers allows attackers to spoof domain name URLs + SSL certs.
- [Security Bulletin] SSRT5893 rev.0 - HP Web-enabled Management Software Remote Buffer Overflow
- Re: [Full-Disclosure] RE: Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer not seeing KB887742 and KB886185
- From: Thor (Hammer of God)
- RE: Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer not seeing KB887742 and KB88 6185 Correction
- RE: International Domain Name [IDN] support in modern browsers allows attackers to spoof domain name URLs + SSL certs.
- SHA-1 broken
- Re: AWStats <= 6.4 Multiple vulnerabilities - can't reproduce in 6.3?
- Update Your Bookmarks
- From: Amit Klein (AKsecurity)
- [SECURITY] [DSA 684-1] New typespeed packages fix arbitrary group games code execution
- Re: International Domain Name [IDN] support in modern browsers allows attackers to spoof domain name URLs + SSL certs.
- Re: vbulletin 3.0.x PHP code execution
- [ GLSA 200502-21 ] lighttpd: Script source disclosure
- [ GLSA 200502-20 ] Emacs, XEmacs: Format string vulnerabilities in movemail
- RE: International Domain Name [IDN] support in modern browsers allows attackers to spoof domain name URLs + SSL certs.
- [USN-82-1] Linux kernel vulnerabilities
- Blind Sql-Injection in MySQL Databases
- Advisory: Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability in Openconf Conference Management Software
- From: Maximillian Dornseif
- [ GLSA 200502-18 ] VMware Workstation: Untrusted library search path
- UPDATE: [ GLSA 200501-36 ] AWStats: Remote code execution
- [ GLSA 200502-23 ] KStars: Buffer overflow in fliccd
- From: Sune Kloppenborg Jeppesen
- xprobe2 v0.2.2 released
- Re: International Domain Name [IDN] support in modern browsers allows attackers to spoof domain name URLs + SSL certs.
- From: Gwendolynn ferch Elydyr
- Re: International Domain Name [IDN] support in modern browsers allows attackers to spoof domain name URLs + SSL certs.
- Re: International Domain Name [IDN] support in modern browsers allows attackers to spoof domain name URLs + SSL certs.
- From: Gwendolynn ferch Elydyr
- Re: International Domain Name [IDN] support in modern browsers allows attackers to spoof domain name URLs + SSL certs.
- Re: International Domain Name [IDN] support in modern browsers allows attackers to spoof domain name URLs + SSL certs.
- From: Janusz A. Urbanowicz
- [ GLSA 200502-22 ] wpa_supplicant: Buffer overflow vulnerability
- [KDE Security Advisory] Buffer overflow in fliccd of kdeedu/kstars/indi
- [hackgen-2005-#003] - SQL injection bugs in DCP-Portal
- [KDE Security Advisory] Buffer overflow in fliccd of kdeedu/kstars/indi
- MDKSA-2005:038 - Updated emacs/xemacs packages fix vulnerability
- From: Mandrakelinux Security Team
- Re: AWStats <= 6.4 Multiple vulnerabilities - can't reproduce in 6.3?
- Re: International Domain Name [IDN] support in modern browsers allows attackers to spoof domain name URLs + SSL certs.
- Re: BrightStor ARCserve Backup buffer overflow PoC
- Re: vbulletin 3.0.x PHP code execution
- Re: International Domain Name [IDN] support in modern browsers allows attackers to spoof domain name URLs + SSL certs.
- From: Thor (Hammer of God)
- Re: AWStats <= 6.4 Multiple vulnerabilities - can't reproduce in 6.3?
- [CLA-2005:925] Conectiva Security Announcement - evolution
- [Full Disclosure] Using DHTML XSS to launch HHCTRL exploit
- Re: AWStats <= 6.4 Multiple vulnerabilities - can't reproduce in 6.3?
- RE: [Full-Disclosure] RE: Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer no t seeing KB887742 and KB886185
- XSS in MySpace.com RuWeb.net and Primus.com
- Re: AWStats <= 6.4 Multiple vulnerabilities - can't reproduce in 6.3?
- RE: Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer not seeing KB887742 and KB886185
- Re: AWStats <= 6.4 Multiple vulnerabilities - can't reproduce in 6.3?
- RE: eBay Account Phishing with eBay Redirect
- RE: Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer not seeing KB887742 and KB88 6185 Correction
- RE: AWStats <= 6.4 Multiple vulnerabilities - can't reproduce in 6.3?
- Re: AWStats <= 6.4 Multiple vulnerabilities - can't reproduce in 6.3?
- Re: AWStats <= 6.4 Multiple vulnerabilities - can't reproduce in 6.3?
- Re: eBay Account Phishing with eBay Redirect
- [NOBYTES.COM: #3] osCommerce 2.2-MS2 - XSS Vulnerability
- RE: eBay Account Phishing with eBay Redirect
- From: Thomas T. Evans, III
- Scottsave.com Trade History Exploit
- Scottrader Application Exploit
- Re: IE6 SP1 - Click N Crash is old news
- Re: International Domain Name [IDN] support in modern browsers allows attackers to spoof domain name URLs + SSL certs.
- Re: International Domain Name [IDN] support in modern browsers allows attackers to spoof domain name URLs + SSL certs.
- Re: International Domain Name [IDN] support in modern browsers allows attackers to spoof domain name URLs + SSL certs.
- IE6 SP1 - Click N Crash
- Re: International Domain Name [IDN] support in modern browsers allows attackers to spoof domain name URLs + SSL certs.
- From: Thor (Hammer of God)
- Re: International Domain Name [IDN] support in modern browsers allows attackers to spoof domain name URLs + SSL certs.
- From: Gwendolynn ferch Elydyr
- Re: AWStats <= 6.4 Multiple vulnerabilities - can't reproduce in 6.3?
- Re: AWStats <= 6.4 Multiple vulnerabilities - can't reproduce in 6.3?
- Re: International Domain Name [IDN] support in modern browsers allows attackers to spoof domain name URLs + SSL certs.
- Re: eBay Account Phishing with eBay Redirect
- MDKSA-2005:037 - Updated mailman packages fix directory traversal vulnerability
- From: Mandrakelinux Security Team
- Re: vbulletin 3.0.x PHP code execution
- Re: eBay Account Phishing with eBay Redirect
- [SECURITY] [DSA 682-1] New awstats packages fix arbitrary command execution
- Re: International Domain Name [IDN] support in modern browsers allows attackers to spoof domain name URLs + SSL certs.
- Re: AWStats <= 6.4 Multiple vulnerabilities
- ASPjar Guestbook login.asp not official patch
- [SECURITY] [DSA 683-1] New postgresql packages fix arbitrary code execution
- [ GLSA 200502-19 ] PostgreSQL: Buffer overflows in PL/PgSQL parser
- From: Sune Kloppenborg Jeppesen
- [ GLSA 200502-17 ] Opera: Multiple vulnerabilities
- From: Sune Kloppenborg Jeppesen
- Re: eBay Account Phishing with eBay Redirect
- [NOBYTES.COM: #2] CubeCart 2.0.4 - Multiple Vulnerabilities
- Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer not seeing KB887742 and KB88 6185
- Re: BrightStor ARCserve Backup buffer overflow PoC
- [ GLSA 200502-14 ] mod_python: Publisher Handler vulnerability
- From: Sune Kloppenborg Jeppesen
- vbulletin 3.0.x PHP code execution
- eBay Account Phishing with eBay Redirect
- [SECURITY] [DSA 681-1] New synaesthesia packages fix unauthorised file access
- Credit Card Phishing with executable download
- RE: International Domain Name [IDN] support in modern browsers allows attackers to spoof domain name URLs + SSL certs.
- AWStats <= 6.4 Multiple vulnerabilities
- From: [ru]@securityfocus.com@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- [ GLSA 200502-15 ] PowerDNS: Denial of Service vulnerability
- [ GLSA 200502-16 ] ht://Dig: Cross-site scripting vulnerability
- RE: International Domain Name [IDN] support in modern browsers al lows attackers to spoof domain name URLs + SSL certs.
- [SECURITY] [DSA 680-1] New htdig packages fix cross-site scripting vulnerability
- [SECURITY] [DSA 679-1] New toolchain-source package fixes insecure temporary files
- [CLA-2005:924] Conectiva Security Announcement - XFree86
- Re: BrightStor ARCserve Backup buffer overflow PoC
- exim auth_spa_server() PoC exploit
- Infostring crash and shutdown in the Quake 3 engine
- Re: Advanced Guestbook 2.2 -- SQL Injection Exploit
- Re: [Full-Disclosure] Fireflashing [Firefox 1.0]
- Re: International Domain Name [IDN] support in modern browsers allows attackers to spoof domain name URLs + SSL certs.
- From: Janusz A. Urbanowicz
- Symantec UPX issue solution
- MDKSA-2005:032-1 - Updated cpio packages fix vulnerability
- From: Mandrakelinux Security Team
- Re: International Domain Name [IDN] support in modern browsers allows attackers to spoof domain name URLs + SSL certs.
- Re: International Domain Name [IDN] support in modern browsers allows attackers to spoof domain name URLs + SSL certs.
- iDEFENSE Security Advisory 02.11.05: ZoneAlarm 5.1 Invalid Pointer Dereference Vulnerability
- From: iDefense Customer Service
- [ GLSA 200502-12 ] Webmin: Information leak in Gentoo binary package
- Zone Labs Security Alert ZL05-01: Zone Labs IPC Instability
- From: Zone Labs Product Security
- [ GLSA 200502-13 ] Perl: Vulnerabilities in perl-suid wrapper
- SYM05-003 Symantec UPX Parsing Engine Heap Overflow
- Re: International Domain Name [IDN] support in modern browsers allows attackers to spoof domain name URLs + SSL certs.
- BrightStor ARCserve Backup buffer overflow PoC
- [FLSA-2005:2353] Updated gpdf package fixes security issues
- [FLSA-2005:2252] Updated iptables packages resolve security issues
- [FLSA-2005:2352] Updated Xpdf package fixes security issues
- [USN-80-1] mod_python vulnerability
- [USN-81-1] iptables vulnerability
- [FLSA-2005:2188] Updated gaim package resolves security issues
- [SECURITY] [DSA 677-1] New sympa packages fix potential arbitrary code execution
- [SECURITY] [DSA 676-1] New xpcd packages fix arbitrary code execution as root
- Re: Symantec UPX Parsing Engine Heap Overflow
- insecure temporary file creation in kdelibs 3.3.2
- [SECURITY] [DSA 674-2] New mailman packages really fix several vulnerabilities
- Remotely Controlling XSS Attacks - Announcing XSS-Proxy
- From: Rager, Anton (Anton)
- MDKSA-2005:036 - Updated MySQL packages fix temporary file vulnerability
- From: Mandrakelinux Security Team
- MDKSA-2005:035 - Updated python packages fix vulnerability
- From: Mandrakelinux Security Team
- MDKSA-2005:034 - Updated squid packages fix multiple vulnerabilities
- From: Mandrakelinux Security Team
- MDKSA-2005:033 - Updated enscript packages fix multiple vulnerabilities
- From: Mandrakelinux Security Team
- MDKSA-2005:032 - Updated cpio packages fix vulnerability
- From: Mandrakelinux Security Team
- [SECURITY] [DSA 678-1] New netkit-rwho packages fix denial of service
- TSLSA-2005-0003 - multi
- From: Trustix Security Advisor
- UPDATE: [ GLSA 200501-45 ] Gallery: Cross-site scripting vulnerability
- Crashes and socket unreacheable in Armagetron Advanced
- Re:iDEFENSE Security Advisory 02.10.05: IBM AIX ipl_varyon Local Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
- Re: International Domain Name [IDN] support in modern browsers allows attackers to spoof domain name URLs + SSL certs.
- iDEFENSE Security Advisory 02.09.05: CA BrightStor ARCserve Backup v11 Discovery Service Remote Buffer Overflow
- From: iDefense Customer Service
- Re: International Domain Name [IDN] support in modern browsers al lows attackers to spoof domain name URLs + SSL certs.
- RE: MSN Messenger PNG Image Buffer Overflow Download Shellcoded Exploit
- ASPjar guestbook (Injection in login page)
- Symantec UPX Parsing Engine Heap Overflow
- iDEFENSE Security Advisory 02.10.05: IBM AIX ipl_varyon Local Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
- From: iDefense Customer Service
- Re: iDEFENSE Security Advisory 02.10.05: IBM AIX lspath Local File Access Vulnerability
- Re: iDEFENSE Security Advisory 02.10.05: IBM AIX netpmon Local Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
- Re: Finjan Security Advisory: Microsoft Office XP Remote Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
- secure-roster script to address mailman email harvester
- [SECURITY] [DSA 675-1] New hztty packages fix local utmp exploit
- RE: MSN Messenger PNG Image Buffer Overflow Download Shellcoded Exploit
- RE: MSN Messenger PNG Image Buffer Overflow Download Shellcoded Exploit
- [ GLSA 200502-11 ] Mailman: Directory traversal vulnerability
- From: Sune Kloppenborg Jeppesen
- [USN-79-1] PostgreSQL vulnerabilities
- [FLSA-2005:1906] Updated abiword packages fix security issue
- [FLSA-2005:1943] Updated libpng resolves security vulnerabilities
- iDEFENSE Security Advisory 02.10.05: IBM AIX netpmon Local Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
- From: iDefense Customer Service
- [USN-78-1] Mailman vulnerability
- Re: iDEFENSE Security Advisory 02.08.05: IBM AIX auditselect Local Format String Vulnerability
- Re: iDEFENSE Security Advisory 02.07.05: IBM AIX chdev Local Format String Vulnerability
- Barracuda Spam Firewall <= 3.1.10 acts as open relay for whitelisted senders.
- iDEFENSE Security Advisory 02.10.05: IBM AIX lspath Local File Access Vulnerability
- From: iDefense Customer Service
- [SECURITY] [DSA 673-1] New evolution packages fix arbitrary code execution as root
- [SECURITY] [DSA 674-1] New mailman packages fix several vulnerabilities
- Re: yet another DSL modem backdoor - Mentor (Conexant)
- SUSE Security Announcement: squid (SUSE-SA:2005:006)
- [Security Bulletin] SSRT4861 rev.0 - HP-UX BIND9.2.0 remote Denial of Service (DoS)
- yet another DSL modem backdoor - Mentor (Conexant)
- CMS Core SQL injection
- SQL injection in Chipmunk forums
- Re: International Domain Name [IDN] support in modern browsers allows attackers to spoof domain name URLs + SSL certs.
- Paper: Solution to Red Hat PIE Protection
- [SECURITY] [DSA 672-1] New xview packages fix potential arbitrary code execution
- Re: GMail / Google Groups ESMTP software b0f
- Re: International Domain Name [IDN] support in modern browsers allows attackers to spoof domain name URLs + SSL certs.
- Patch available for high risk IBM DB2 Universal Database flaw
- From: NGSSoftware Insight Security Research
- CFP for SyScAN'05
- From: organiser@xxxxxxxxxx
- RE: International Domain Name [IDN] support in modern browsers al lows attackers to spoof domain name URLs + SSL certs.
- [ GLSA 200502-10 ] pdftohtml: Vulnerabilities in included Xpdf
- RE: International Domain Name [IDN] - browser-level fix (not network.enableIDN)
- Some details about MS05-007 security bulletin
- From: Jean-Baptiste Marchand
- RE: MSN Messenger PNG Image Buffer Overflow Download Shellcoded Exploit
- [ GLSA 200502-09 ] Python: Arbitrary code execution through SimpleXMLRPCServer
- Several SQL injection bugs in myPHP Forum v.1.0
- MDKSA-2005:031 - Updated perl packages fix multiple vulnerabilities
- From: Mandrakelinux Security Team
- Mercuryboard <= 1.1.1 Working Sql Injection
- [Security Bulletin] - SSRT4883 HP-UX ftpd remote privileged access
- [SIG^2 G-TEC] ArGoSoft Mail Server Webmail Multiple Directory Traversal Vulnerabilities
- Internet Explorer zone spoofing with encoded URLs
- MSN Messenger PNG Image Buffer Overflow Download Shellcoded Exploit
- Finjan Security Advisory: Microsoft Office XP Remote Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
- [SCL-2005.002] - IDN Feature Workaround via proxy.pac
- From: Scovetta, Michael V
- [SIG^2 G-TEC] 602LAN SUITE Web Mail Vulnerability Allows File Upload to Arbitrary Directories
- Integer overflow and arbitrary files deletion in RealArcade
- EEYE: Windows SMB Client Transaction Response Handling Vulnerability
- [SECURITY] [DSA 671-1] New xemacs21 packages fix arbitrary code execution
- Re: International Domain Name [IDN] support in modern browsers allows attackers to spoof domain name URLs + SSL certs.
- [SECURITY] [DSA 670-1] New emacs20 packages fix arbitrary code execution
- SafeNet SoftRemote VPN Client Issue: Clear-text password stored in memory
- mailman email harvester
- [PersianHacker.NET 200502-05] WWWoard passwd
- CORE-2004-0819: MSN Messenger PNG Image Parsing Vulnerability
- From: CORE Security Technologies Advisories
- AppleFileServer Denial of Service.
- iDEFENSE Security Advisory 02.08.05: IBM AIX auditselect Local Format String Vulnerability
- From: iDefense Customer Service
- RE: International Domain Name [IDN] - browser-level fix (not network.enableIDN)
- From: Scovetta, Michael V
- OpenServer 5.0.6 OpenServer 5.0.7 : enable command line buffer overflows
- From: please_reply_to_security
- UnixWare 7.1.4 : vulnerability in foomatic-rip in Foomatic before 3.0.2 allows local users or remote attackers with access to CUPS to execute arbitrary commands
- From: please_reply_to_security
- php-fusion 4.x vuln
- iDEFENSE Security Advisory 02.07.05: IBM AIX chdev Local Format String Vulnerability
- From: iDefense Customer Service
- UnixWare 7.1.3 UnixWare 7.1.1 : Vulnerabilities in long-lived TCP connections / Rose attack
- From: please_reply_to_security
- CodeCon Reminder
- International Domain Name [IDN] support in modern browsers allows attackers to spoof domain name URLs + SSL certs.
- UnixWare 7.1.4 : racoon multilple security issues
- From: please_reply_to_security
- [SePro Bugtraq] SQL-Injection in PerlDesk 1.x
- GMail / Google Groups ESMTP software b0f
- Firetabbing [Firefox 1.0]
- OpenServer 5.0.6 OpenServer 5.0.7 : Vulnerabilities in long-lived TCP connections / Rose attack
- From: please_reply_to_security
- [ GLSA 200502-08 ] PostgreSQL: Local privilege escalation
- Fireflashing [Firefox 1.0]
- iDEFENSE Security Advisory 02.07.05: SquirrelMail S/MIME Plugin Command Injection Vulnerability
- From: iDefense Customer Service
- Firedragging [Firefox 1.0]
- [Security Bulletin] HP Tru64 Unix Mozilla Application Suite 1.7.3 Remote Denial of Service (DoS)
- [ GLSA 200502-06 ] LessTif: Multiple vulnerabilities in libXpm
- Re: [Contact] Motorola broadband appliance team?
- [USN-77-1] Squid vulnerabilities
- [ GLSA 200502-07 ] OpenMotif: Multiple vulnerabilities in libXpm
- [USN-76-1] Emacs vulnerability
- DMA[2005-0131b] - 'Setuid Perl PERLIO_DEBUG buffer overflow'
- Vulnerability in 3Com 3CServer v1.1
- DMA[2005-0131a] - 'Setuid Perl PERLIO_DEBUG root owned file creation'
- [OSX Finder] DS_Store arbitrary file overwrite vulnerability.
- New version of ike-scan (IPsec IKE scanner) available - v1.7
- From: VoIP Security Aliance
- XSS Vulnerability at thefacebook.com
- [SECURITY] [DSA 669-1] New php3 packages fix several vulnerabilities
- Re: [USN-74-1] Postfix vulnerability
- [USN-74-2] Fixed Postfix packages for USN-74-1
- [USN-75-1] cpio vulnerability
- [USN-74-1] Postfix vulnerability
- [PersianHacker.NET 200502-05] WWWoard passwd
- directory traversal in RaidenHTTPD 1.1.27
- Foxmail Server Remote Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
- Re: Wireless networks/Default Admin username security problem in Croatia
- Re: Input Validation Vulnerability in Apple Safari version 1.2.4 v125.12
- Webroot Software Resigns from COAST
- [SECURITY] [DSA 667-1] New squid packages fix several vulnerabilities
- Input Validation Vulnerability in Apple Safari version 1.2.4 v125.12
- Re: Squirrelmail vacation v0.15 local root exploit
[Index of Archives]
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