David Schwartz wrote:
Symantec wouldn't do this. The backlash they would recieve from angry users alone would be enough to discourage it, nevermind the potential for legal problems.My proposition is that the argument that they (and their associated webs
of trust) are inherently trustworthy because of external pressures is a
flawed assumption because they do not have the proposed level of
pressure applied to them since most of the people affected by their web
of trust don't understand it.
They don't have to. I don't understand how my supermarket gets their meat, but I trust them to use safe sources because I know that if they didn't those who do understand would tell me, and then I'd figure out a way to avoid it.
No CA wants to find out what market forces will appear as soon as they prove to be untrustworthy. There are already many vehicles for immediately deploying blacklists. For example, Symantec could release an update for any of their security products that removed a root CA. It wouldn't take more than a small percent of web users to have a problem with a CA before people wouldn't want their certificates to be signed by that CA.
Comparing CA accountability to meat sales isn't a valid analogy. Obviously, the CAs don't want to be regulated, but trusting them because of this is a bit like saying that business owners would never short-pay an employee because of fear of what the employees would do.
It's also like saying that corporations never form trusts and price fix for fear of the consumer.
Obviously, both of these assumptions are wrong and the assumption regarding CAs is also wrong. The fact that it is assumed in the first place is *the problem*.
Also, the fact that the CA market is competitive only further muddies the waters. Not all CAs are in the same country and their competition forces them to be price-competitive. This reduces the priority of being responsible. Or, to use your meat analogy, mass-produced meat tends to be of a lower quality than individually produced meat products, particularly in unregulated countries.
People who think that the market will inherently protect them have been reading too much Ayn Rand and need to step away from the fiction-proposed-as-fact isle. No offense meant by that - it's said tongue-in-cheek. :)