All, I presented on this topic this past weekend at Shmoocon, but wanted to also brief the list on my persistent remote control XSS attack methods and a demonstration tool I've developed. I've combined common XSS exploitation techniques with Javascript Remoting and Session-Riding to create an attack tool that uses an XSS vulnerable site (or sites), and a victim that loads our XSS vector, to create a remotely controlled, interactive, two-way attacker command/control channel to the victim. The PoC demonstration tool is called XSS-Proxy and is a lightweight, Perl based attacker tool that provides the command/control channel to a victim browser by translating attacker requests into victim Javascript and collecting/displaying victim results to the attacker. This tool provides a persistent attacker command/control channel to the XSS'd victim and allows the attacker to provide additional commands to the victim with the victim forwarding readable document contents /results back to the attacker. It basically attack allows the attacker to drive the victim browser over the vulnerable site and perform most actions the victim could (like reading pages and submitting forms). The victim browser continues to loop and look for additional commands from the XSS-Proxy controller indefinitely, and can be controlled as long as we can keep the original XSS'd site window open - I call these idling victims "Browser-Zombies". We aren't just reading cookies anymore: we are requesting the victim load arbitrary documents off a target XSS'd server, submit forms (POST or GET) to XSS'd server and set/evaluate javascript vars/functions within the victim browser. This is useful for exploiting XSS vulnerable sites/users where cookies are not the primary mechanism for authentication by allowing an attacker to leverage trust relationships the victim may already have with target sites via cached authentication, client side certificate auth, IP access controls and perhaps even victims/targets behind firewalls. It is also possible to leverage this platform/attack for Cross-Site-Request-Forgery (CSRF) / Session-Riding attacks on non XSS vulnerable servers, multi-XSS site redirection (a list of sites to see if this user may have privs on), Masqueraded attacks on specific XSS vulnerable target servers (think Nikto thru someone-else's browser), MITM attacks on interactive victim windows and possibly even leverage CSRF traffic to look for other XSS flawed servers. I have a draft whitepaper that provides more detail on the basic XSS based Javascript Remoting attack and outlines some approaches/details on methods for extending the attack even further at The XSS-Proxy demonstration tool is available at the project section of the same site ( My Shmoocon slides and links to additional primer information on XSS attacks can be found at I am not a WWW developer, so may have missed some other implications and/or more elegant ways of implementing this sort of attack, but the basic attack does work and the XSS-Proxy tool allows it to be explored more. I had a lot of positive feedback from Shmoocon, but I'm very interested in other researcher feedback as well as other related ideas for extending persistent, intelligent and controlled XSS/Session-Riding/CSRF attacks. I think it's time folks pay more attention to XSS issues....This attack/tool is way more evil than just cookie theft. Regards, Anton Rager arager@xxxxxxxxx, a_rager@xxxxxxxxx