Hello, I'd like to provide some details about the vulnerability fixed by the MS05-007 security bulletin: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/ms05-007.mspx Microsoft security bulletin is in some ways misleading and I've seen that the following CERT vulnerability note: http://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/939074 incorrectly describes the vulnerability as related to the Computer Browser Windows service. The File information section of the MS05-007 security bulletin shows that srvsvc.dll is the only updated file. srvsvc.dll implements the lanmanserver service (Server service, userland part of server-side Windows SMB/CIFS implementation). If the vulnerability had been in the Computer Browser service itself, the updated file would have been browser.dll. The updated version of srvsvc.dll adds some additional restrictions to at least one operation of the srvsvc MSRPC interface. A complete list of operations of the srvsvc interface can be found at: http://www.hsc.fr/ressources/articles/win_net_srv/ch04s07s07.html Because it is typically possible to bind anonymously to RPC services such as srvsvc or wkssvc (RPC service of the workstation service), restrictions are defined for each operation: http://www.hsc.fr/ressources/articles/win_net_srv/ch04s06s11.html These restrictions are particularly important for anonymous accesses, that are possible using SMB NULL sessions to the IPC$ share. It was recently discovered that even in Windows XP SP2, it is still possible to gather some information anonymously, using specific operations of the srvsvc or wkssvc MSRPC interfaces: http://www.securityfriday.com/Topics/winxp2.html Specifically, using the NetrSessionEnum operation (srvsvc interface), it is possible to anonymously enumerate users who have established an SMB session on a remote server. The MS05-007 patch forbids the NetrSessionEnum operation in the context of a NULL session. Thus, it only fixes a very specific problem and can not be considered as the correct way to fix this kind of vulnerability. Before Windows XP SP2 (i.e., Windows XP SP1), you need to apply the MS05-007 patch if you want to prevent this vulnerability. On Windows XP SP2, the easiest way to fix the vulnerability without applying the patch is to remove the "browser" string from the NullSessionPipes registry value: http://www.hsc.fr/ressources/articles/win_net_srv/ch04s06s06.html Disabling the Computer Browser service is another method to prevent the vulnerability but this workaround only works for Windows XP SP2. Jean-Baptiste Marchand -- Jean-Baptiste.Marchand@xxxxxx HSC - http://www.hsc.fr/