I dont recomend something as: HASH(HASH(data)+data) until a research of propietries of that where investigated and mathematical proved. The better method (i think) is: HASH(HASH(data)), because adds two layer... and have the same or more security than HASH(data).
The two options differ in speed and security. Doing h(h(m) + m) where h is your hash function and m your message, is slow and requires m to be buffered. It also defeats length extension and partial message attacks, so is considered a relatively complete solution to many inherent hash function weaknesses.
Doing h(h(m)) is faster, but you can only claim n/2 bits of security for an otherwise n-bit hash function h. Speed for security is usually a bad tradeoff, so I recommend h(h(m) + m) as a better approach. Schneier and Ferguson also take this approach in "Practical Cryptography" (Wiley Publishing, 2003).