GIMP gifload.exe GIF file (image width)*(image height)==0 DOS vulnerability ****** Author ****** Hongzhen Zhou ( Fortinet,inc ) { felix__zhou _at_ hotmail _dot_ com hzhou _at_ fortinet _dot_ com } ******************** vulnerable version ******************** Just tested on GIMP version 2.2.3 & 2.0.5 for windows But the laster version 2.2.4 for all platform should be vulnerable. ********** descriptor ********** The GIMP is the GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a freely distributed piece of software for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring. It works on many operating systems, in many languages. Thge GIMP uses a plugin (gifload) to parse the GIF file format. The gifload has a DOS vulnerability when it processes some special GIF files. ********************* vulnerability details ********************* GIMP use gifload.exe to load a GIF file. The gifload.exe did't check the value of width and height fields in image descriptor when read from GIF file(not the screen width and height field), it used its to generate a size to call g_malloc() and it did't check the return pointer value from g_malloc() yet before used the pointer. So if gifload.exe got 0 from the width or height field of image descriptor which read from the GIF file, it crashed. Change a normal gif file's image width value or image height value to 0 and open it using GIMP.exe to see the gifload.exe die! I tested it on GIMP version 2.2.3 & 2.0.5 for windows. But the laster version 2.2.4 for all platform should be vulnerable. Reported to vendor in Mar 2, 2005. ============================================== source code from gimp-2.2.4\plug-ins\common\gifload.c ============================================== ---------------------------------------------- // load_image() ---------------------------------------------- // Didn't check the value of width and height fields in image descriptor // when read from file --------------- if (!useGlobalColormap) { if (ReadColorMap (fd, bitPixel, localColorMap, &grayScale)) { g_message ("Error reading local colormap"); return image_ID; } image_ID = ReadImage (fd, filename, LM_to_uint (buf[4], buf[5]), LM_to_uint (buf[6], buf[7]), localColorMap, bitPixel, grayScale, BitSet (buf[8], INTERLACE), imageCount, (guint) LM_to_uint (buf[0], buf[1]), (guint) LM_to_uint (buf[2], buf[3]), GifScreen.Width, GifScreen.Height ); } else { image_ID = ReadImage (fd, filename, LM_to_uint (buf[4], buf[5]), LM_to_uint (buf[6], buf[7]), GifScreen.ColorMap, GifScreen.BitPixel, GifScreen.GrayScale, BitSet (buf[8], INTERLACE), imageCount, (guint) LM_to_uint (buf[0], buf[1]), (guint) LM_to_uint (buf[2], buf[3]), GifScreen.Width, GifScreen.Height ); } ----------------------------------------------- // ReadImage() len==image width, height==image height ----------------------------------------------- // xpos and ypos are initialized to 0 gint xpos = 0, ypos = 0, pass = 0; --------------- if (alpha_frame) dest = (guchar *) g_malloc (len * height * (promote_to_rgb ? 4 : 2)); // dest == 0; else dest = (guchar *) g_malloc (len * height); // dest == 0; --------------- if (promote_to_rgb) { temp = dest + ( (ypos * len) + xpos ) * 4; // temp = 0 + ( (0 * 0) + 0) * 4; // temp == 0 // So it cause write access exception! *(temp ) = (guchar) cmap[0][v]; *(temp+1) = (guchar) cmap[1][v]; *(temp+2) = (guchar) cmap[2][v]; *(temp+3) = (guchar) ((v == Gif89.transparent) ? 0 : 255); } else { temp = dest + ( (ypos * len) + xpos ) * 2; // temp = 0 + ( (0 * 0) + 0) * 2; *temp = (guchar) v; *(temp+1) = (guchar) ((v == Gif89.transparent) ? 0 : 255); } ------------------------------------------------- That's all:) =================================================