389 Directory Server Users Archive
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- reducing memory footprint?
- From: prowley at redhat.com (Pete Rowley)
- reducing memory footprint?
- From: gholbert at broadcom.com (George Holbert)
- Re: setup fails, cannot start server (slapd)
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Re: setup fails, cannot start server (slapd)
- From: horlacher at belwue.de (Ulli Horlacher)
- FreeRadius LDAP Extensions
- From: rspencer at auspicecorp.com (Roger Spencer)
- Strange problem with replication
- From: sboggs at TrustedCS.com (Scott Boggs)
- Admin limit exceeded
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- FreeRadius LDAP Extensions
- From: rspencer at auspicecorp.com (Roger Spencer)
- Admin limit exceeded
- From: warthog at warthogsolutions.com (Jamie McKnight)
- Admin limit exceeded
- From: looneyg at otc.edu (Greg Looney)
- Account Expiration Warning
- From: warthog at warthogsolutions.com (Jamie McKnight)
- Re: setup fails, cannot start server (slapd)
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Account Expiration Warning
- From: jsummers at bachman.cs.ou.edu (Jim Summers)
- Re: setup fails, cannot start server (slapd)
- From: horlacher at belwue.de (Ulli Horlacher)
- reducing memory footprint?
- From: richter at ecos.de (Gerald Richter)
- Account Expiration Warning
- From: jsummers at bachman.cs.ou.edu (Jim Summers)
- auto increment/track uid and gid's
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- auto increment/track uid and gid's
- From: aaron at theblissfamily.org (Aaron Bliss)
- need help with ldap and sshd
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- need help with ldap and sshd
- From: aaron at theblissfamily.org (Aaron Bliss)
- PassSync/WinSync
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- PassSync/WinSync
- From: sboggs at TrustedCS.com (Scott Boggs)
- Multiple sync agreements
- From: dshackel at arbor.edu (Daniel Shackelford)
- Account Expiration Warning
- From: warthog at warthogsolutions.com (Jamie McKnight)
- Account Expiration Warning
- From: jsummers at bachman.cs.ou.edu (Jim Summers)
- Re: setup fails, cannot start server (slapd)
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Account Expiration Warning
- From: warthog at warthogsolutions.com (Jamie McKnight)
- Re: setup fails, cannot start server (slapd)
- From: horlacher at belwue.de (Ulli Horlacher)
- Account Expiration Warning
- From: rhds at caerdroia.org (Jeff Medcalf)
- need help with ldap and sshd
- From: vestrum at msi.umn.edu (John A Vestrum)
- Account Expiration Warning
- From: jsummers at bachman.cs.ou.edu (Jim Summers)
- Re: setup fails, cannot start server (slapd)
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Re: setup fails, cannot start server (slapd)
- From: horlacher at belwue.de (Ulli Horlacher)
- From: Shocque at verspieren.com (HOCQUE Steve)
- need help with ldap and sshd
- From: aaron at theblissfamily.org (Aaron Bliss)
- need help with ldap and sshd
- From: prowley at redhat.com (Pete Rowley)
- need help with ldap and sshd
- From: aaron at theblissfamily.org (Aaron Bliss)
- DS equivalent of "access to": setting permissions for writing
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- DS equivalent of "access to": setting permissions for writing
- From: minfrin at sharp.fm (Graham Leggett)
- (no subject)
- From: del at babel.com.au (Del)
- Solaris 9 ssl/tls setup. (security library: bad database.)
- From: warthog at warthogsolutions.com (Jamie McKnight)
- Solaris 9 ssl/tls setup. (security library: bad database.)
- From: mmontgomery at theplanet.com (Michael Montgomery)
- Solaris 9 ssl/tls setup. (security library: bad database.)
- From: warthog at warthogsolutions.com (Jamie McKnight)
- Solaris 9 ssl/tls setup. (security library: bad database.)
- From: mmontgomery at theplanet.com (Michael Montgomery)
- Solaris 9 ssl/tls setup. (security library: bad database.)
- From: mmontgomery at theplanet.com (Michael Montgomery)
- Solaris 9 ssl/tls setup. (security library: bad database.)
- From: mmontgomery at theplanet.com (Michael Montgomery)
- Solaris 9 ssl/tls setup. (security library: bad database.)
- From: gholbert at broadcom.com (George Holbert)
- Solaris 9 ssl/tls setup. (security library: bad database.)
- From: warthog at warthogsolutions.com (Jamie McKnight)
- Solaris 9 ssl/tls setup. (security library: bad database.)
- From: mmontgomery at theplanet.com (Michael Montgomery)
- setup fails, cannot start server (slapd)
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- setup fails, cannot start server (slapd)
- From: horlacher at belwue.de (Ulli Horlacher)
- (no subject)
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- (no subject)
- From: Steve.Saady at DSS.Virginia.gov (Steve Saady)
- user password management
- From: avaalak at yahoo.com (Doug)
- Admin Console - RHEL3 Taroon Update 6
- From: kmurphy at herzumsoftware.com (Kieran Murphy)
- Replication - consumer failed to replay change
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Replication - consumer failed to replay change
- From: kevin_myer at iu13.org (Kevin M. Myer)
- ShadowPassword / ShadowExpire
- From: jsummers at bachman.cs.ou.edu (Jim Summers)
- log files not cleaned up
- From: mj at sci.fi (Mike Jackson)
- ShadowPassword / ShadowExpire
- From: jsummers at bachman.cs.ou.edu (Jim Summers)
- Replication - consumer failed to replay change
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- SSL: importing a cert and key - howto anywhere?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Changing IP of the admin server - is this possible?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- SSL: importing a cert and key - howto anywhere?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- log files not cleaned up
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- log files not cleaned up
- From: craigwhite at azapple.com (Craig White)
- log files not cleaned up
- From: gerhard.dejager at vcontractor.co.za (Gerhard de Jager)
- SSL: importing a cert and key - howto anywhere?
- From: minfrin at sharp.fm (Graham Leggett)
- Changing IP of the admin server - is this possible?
- From: minfrin at sharp.fm (Graham Leggett)
- SSL: importing a cert and key - howto anywhere?
- From: minfrin at sharp.fm (Graham Leggett)
- Replication - consumer failed to replay change
- From: kevin_myer at iu13.org (Kevin M. Myer)
- Replication - consumer failed to replay change
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- Replication - consumer failed to replay change
- From: kevin_myer at iu13.org (Kevin M. Myer)
- ShadowPassword / ShadowExpire
- From: jsummers at bachman.cs.ou.edu (Jim Summers)
- admserv_host_ip_check
- From: mmontgomery at theplanet.com (Michael Montgomery)
- admserv_host_ip_check
- From: nkinder at redhat.com (Nathan Kinder)
- admserv_host_ip_check
- From: mmontgomery at theplanet.com (Michael Montgomery)
- admserv_host_ip_check
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- admserv_host_ip_check
- From: craigwhite at azapple.com (Craig White)
- ERROR: Can't find component: base
- From: nhosoi at redhat.com (Noriko Hosoi)
- admserv_host_ip_check
- From: mmontgomery at theplanet.com (Michael Montgomery)
- admserv_host_ip_check
- From: mmontgomery at theplanet.com (Michael Montgomery)
- Probably very stupid problem ....
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Probably very stupid problem ....
- From: admin at hostyle.it (Enrico Valsecchi)
- Probably very stupid problem ....
- From: craigwhite at azapple.com (Craig White)
- Probably very stupid problem ....
- From: admin at hostyle.it (Enrico Valsecchi)
- ERROR: Can't find component: base
- From: minfrin at sharp.fm (Graham Leggett)
- PATCH: fedora-directoryconsole builds clean on JDK v1.5
- From: minfrin at sharp.fm (Graham Leggett)
- SambaDomain
- From: jsummers at bachman.cs.ou.edu (Jim Summers)
- ldapimport anonymous bind...
- From: jsummers at bachman.cs.ou.edu (Jim Summers)
- ldapimport anonymous bind...
- From: del at babel.com.au (Del)
- SambaDomain
- From: del at babel.com.au (Del)
- admserv_host_ip_check
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- ldapimport anonymous bind...
- From: Steve.Saady at DSS.Virginia.gov (Steve Saady)
- admserv_host_ip_check
- From: mmontgomery at theplanet.com (Michael Montgomery)
- SambaDomain
- From: jsummers at bachman.cs.ou.edu (Jim Summers)
- admserv_host_ip_check
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- admserv_host_ip_check
- From: mmontgomery at theplanet.com (Michael Montgomery)
- admserv_host_ip_check
- From: mmontgomery at theplanet.com (Michael Montgomery)
- Re: Installing FDS on SuSE 10.0
- From: horlacher at belwue.de (Ulli Horlacher)
- admserv_host_ip_check
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Admin Console - RHEL3 Taroon Update 6
- From: kmurphy at herzumsoftware.com (Kieran Murphy)
- admserv_host_ip_check
- From: mmontgomery at theplanet.com (Michael Montgomery)
- startup script for FDS
- From: nhosoi at redhat.com (Noriko Hosoi)
- startup script for FDS
- From: Steve.Saady at DSS.Virginia.gov (Steve Saady)
- Console Login Problem
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Console Login Problem
- From: jsummers at bachman.cs.ou.edu (Jim Summers)
- init script failure and ulimit
- From: mj at sci.fi (Mike Jackson)
- Admin Console - RHEL3 Taroon Update 6
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Admin Console
- From: jsummers at bachman.cs.ou.edu (Jim Summers)
- Re: Installing FDS on SuSE 10.0
- From: horlacher at belwue.de (Ulli Horlacher)
- Admin Console
- From: mj at sci.fi (Mike Jackson)
- Admin Console
- From: dyioulos at firstbhph.com (Dimitri Yioulos)
- Admin Console
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Admin Console
- From: HaneJ at gsicommerce.com (Jason Hane)
- Re: Installing FDS on SuSE 10.0
- From: horlacher at belwue.de (Ulli Horlacher)
- Re: Installing FDS on SuSE 10.0
- From: ds at marco.de (Daniel Spannbauer)
- Re: Installing FDS on SuSE 10.0
- From: horlacher at belwue.de (Ulli Horlacher)
- Re: Installing FDS on SuSE 10.0
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Re: Installing FDS on SuSE 10.0
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Admin Console
- From: jsummers at bachman.cs.ou.edu (Jim Summers)
- Re: Installing FDS on SuSE 10.0
- From: horlacher at belwue.de (Ulli Horlacher)
- Re: Installing FDS on SuSE 10.0
- From: horlacher at belwue.de (Ulli Horlacher)
- Installing FDS on SuSE 10.0
- From: rcritten at redhat.com (Rob Crittenden)
- Installing FDS on SuSE 10.0
- From: rcritten at redhat.com (Rob Crittenden)
- Re: Installing FDS on SuSE 10.0
- From: horlacher at belwue.de (Ulli Horlacher)
- Installing FDS on SuSE 10.0
- From: ds at marco.de (Daniel Spannbauer)
- Installing FDS on SuSE 10.0
- From: ds at marco.de (Daniel Spannbauer)
- Legacy Replication Plugin
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Legacy Replication Plugin
- From: aaronsca at gmail.com (Aaron Scarisbrick)
- Migrating OpenLDAP with Samba to FDS
- From: del at babel.com.au (Del)
- init script failure and ulimit
- From: del at babel.com.au (Del)
- Migrating OpenLDAP with Samba to FDS
- From: craigwhite at azapple.com (Craig White)
- Unable to import ldif from OpemLDAP
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- More problems building on Solaris 10: icu library ignored
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Re: Installing FDS on SuSE 10.0
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Problem Uninstalling and Reinstalling
- From: HaneJ at gsicommerce.com (Jason Hane)
- Problem Uninstalling and Reinstalling
- From: tony.molloy at ul.ie (Tony Molloy)
- Problem Uninstalling and Reinstalling
- From: nkinder at redhat.com (Nathan Kinder)
- Problem Uninstalling and Reinstalling
- From: craigwhite at azapple.com (Craig White)
- Problem Uninstalling and Reinstalling
- From: HaneJ at gsicommerce.com (Jason Hane)
- Re: Installing FDS on SuSE 10.0
- From: horlacher at belwue.de (Ulli Horlacher)
- Migrating OpenLDAP with Samba to FDS
- From: 1midniterider at comcast.net (Marcus White)
- Migrating OpenLDAP with Samba to FDS
- From: craigwhite at azapple.com (Craig White)
- Unable to import ldif from OpemLDAP
- From: taymour.elerian at tedata.net (Taymour A. El Erian)
- Migrating OpenLDAP with Samba to FDS
- From: 1lnxraider at comcast.net (Marcus O. White)
- More problems building on Solaris 10: icu library ignored
- From: minfrin at sharp.fm (Graham Leggett)
- Problems building on Solaris 10
- From: minfrin at sharp.fm (Graham Leggett)
- Problems building on Solaris 10
- From: minfrin at sharp.fm (Graham Leggett)
- init script failure and ulimit
- From: mj at sci.fi (Mike Jackson)
- Public key based authentication with Redhat Directory Server
- From: Gary_Tay at platts.com (Tay, Gary)
- Setting ACIs
- From: craigwhite at azapple.com (Craig White)
- init script failure and ulimit
- From: del at babel.com.au (Del)
- Setting ACIs
- From: yproulx at cloudraker.com (Yanik Proulx)
- mail aliases
- From: ando at sys-net.it (Pierangelo Masarati)
- mail aliases
- From: kevin_myer at iu13.org (Kevin M. Myer)
- mail aliases
- From: craigwhite at azapple.com (Craig White)
- x80Fx01x03x01 console admin request
- From: kevin_myer at iu13.org (Kevin M. Myer)
- Public key based authentication with Redhat Directory Server
- From: squid at oranged.to (Jimmy)
- Installing FDS on SuSE 10.0
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- \x80F\x01\x03\x01 console admin request
- From: rcritten at redhat.com (Rob Crittenden)
- Public key based authentication with Redhat Directory Server
- From: ckannan at redhat.com (Chandrasekar Kannan)
- \x80F\x01\x03\x01 console admin request
- From: kevin_myer at iu13.org (Kevin M. Myer)
- Samba3 and FDS (schema problem and workaround)
- From: gpt at tirloni.org (Giovanni P. Tirloni)
- migrating from flat files to fedora directory...
- From: sstrong at crwash.org (Steve Strong)
- Public key based authentication with Redhat Directory Server
- From: squid at oranged.to (Jimmy)
- Installing FDS on SuSE 10.0
- From: ds at marco.de (Daniel Spannbauer)
- Installing FDS on SuSE 10.0
- From: ds at marco.de (Daniel Spannbauer)
- From: craigwhite at azapple.com (Craig White)
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- dsbuild and libadminutil build error os Slackware 10.2 -
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- From: craigwhite at azapple.com (Craig White)
- migrating from flat files to fedora directory...
- From: del at babel.com.au (Del)
- migrating from flat files to fedora directory...
- From: sstrong at crwash.org (Steve Strong)
- TLS for dummies
- From: craigwhite at azapple.com (Craig White)
- mail aliases
- From: ando at sys-net.it (Pierangelo Masarati)
- mail aliases
- From: mj at sci.fi (Mike Jackson)
- mail aliases
- From: mj at sci.fi (Mike Jackson)
- mozilla-thunderbird address book
- From: mj at sci.fi (Mike Jackson)
- Fedora-ds + Samba (PDC)
- From: del at babel.com.au (Del)
- TLS for dummies
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- Re: TLS for dummies
- From: hyc at symas.com (Howard Chu)
- migrating from flat files to fedora directory...
- From: del at babel.com.au (Del)
- TLS for dummies
- From: hyc at symas.com (Howard Chu)
- mozilla-thunderbird address book
- From: craigwhite at azapple.com (Craig White)
- mail aliases
- From: craigwhite at azapple.com (Craig White)
- dsbuild and libadminutil build error os Slackware 10.2 -
- From: mlowrie at vendetta.ca (Mike Lowrie)
- TLS for dummies
- From: ando at sys-net.it (Pierangelo Masarati)
- WinSync reports "Insufficient Access"
- From: bryan.fransman at gmail.com (Bryan Fransman)
- Fedora-ds + Samba (PDC)
- From: agnaldofreitas at hotmail.com (Agnaldo Freitas)
- TLS for dummies
- From: craigwhite at azapple.com (Craig White)
- syntax errors reported when using LdapImport with Fedora Directory
- From: sstrong at crwash.org (sstrong at crwash.org)
- TLS for dummies
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- TLS for dummies
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- TLS for dummies
- From: craigwhite at azapple.com (Craig White)
- WinSync reports "Insufficient Access"
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- WinSync reports "Insufficient Access"
- From: bryan.fransman at gmail.com (Bryan Fransman)
- Host Access Based on Group Membership
- From: HaneJ at gsicommerce.com (Jason Hane)
- Sync not updating
- From: dyioulos at firstbhph.com (Dimitri Yioulos)
- Console - Administration Panel
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Console - Administration Panel
- From: craigwhite at azapple.com (Craig White)
- Console - Administration Panel
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Installing FDS on SuSE 10.0
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Installing FDS on SuSE 10.0
- From: ds at marco.de (Daniel Spannbauer)
- Announcing Fedora Directory Server 1.0.1
- From: ch at code-heads.com (CodeHeads)
- Announcing Fedora Directory Server 1.0.1
- From: craigwhite at azapple.com (Craig White)
- Console - Administration Panel
- From: craigwhite at azapple.com (Craig White)
- Announcing Fedora Directory Server 1.0.1
- From: ch at code-heads.com (CodeHeads)
- Announcing Fedora Directory Server 1.0.1
- From: tim at registriesltd.com.au (Tim Edwards)
- Announcing Fedora Directory Server 1.0.1
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Announcing Fedora Directory Server 1.0.1
- From: tim at registriesltd.com.au (Tim Edwards)
- Announcing Fedora Directory Server 1.0.1
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- still working instructions through...
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- still working instructions through...
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- still working instructions through...
- From: kevin_myer at iu13.org (Kevin M. Myer)
- Console - Administration Panel
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- still working instructions through...
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Console - Administration Panel
- From: craigwhite at azapple.com (Craig White)
- still working instructions through...
- From: craigwhite at azapple.com (Craig White)
- still working instructions through...
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- still working instructions through...
- From: craigwhite at azapple.com (Craig White)
- still working instructions through...
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- still working instructions through...
- From: craigwhite at azapple.com (Craig White)
- still working instructions through...
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- self signed certificates
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- still working instructions through...
- From: craigwhite at azapple.com (Craig White)
- migrating from flat files to fedora directory...
- From: craigwhite at azapple.com (Craig White)
- migrating from flat files to fedora directory...
- From: sstrong at crwash.org (Steve Strong)
- Cant't Start Console
- From: craigwhite at azapple.com (Craig White)
- self signed certificates
- From: craigwhite at azapple.com (Craig White)
- Sync not updating
- From: dyioulos at firstbhph.com (Dimitri Yioulos)
- Cant't Start Console
- From: golden at cnt.org (Golden Butler)
- self signed certificates
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Sync not updating
- From: dyioulos at firstbhph.com (Dimitri Yioulos)
- self signed certificates
- From: craigwhite at azapple.com (Craig White)
- Sync not updating
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- self signed certificates
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- self signed certificates
- From: craigwhite at azapple.com (Craig White)
- Sync not updating
- From: dyioulos at firstbhph.com (Dimitri Yioulos)
- Re: a little bit of samba confusion
- From: mj at sci.fi (Mike Jackson)
- sharing files
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- PassSync .. again
- From: scott.boggs at gmail.com (lvtx)
- Sync not updating
- From: dean at hwr.arizona.edu (Dean Jones)
- Sync not updating
- From: dyioulos at firstbhph.com (Dimitri Yioulos)
- Sync not updating
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- Sync not updating
- From: dyioulos at firstbhph.com (Dimitri Yioulos)
- Installing FDS on SuSE 10.0
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Sync not updating
- From: tngan at redhat.com (To Ngan)
- Installing FDS on SuSE 10.0
- From: ds at marco.de (Daniel Spannbauer)
- Sync not updating
- From: dyioulos at firstbhph.com (Dimitri Yioulos)
- Installing FDS on SuSE 10.0
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Installing FDS on SuSE 10.0
- From: ds at marco.de (Daniel Spannbauer)
- Sync not updating
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- sharing files
- From: arunudr at sancharnet.in (arun shrimali)
- Installing FDS on SuSE 10.0
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Sync not updating
- From: dyioulos at firstbhph.com (Dimitri Yioulos)
- Small error in wiki Howto:Samba
- From: rcritten at redhat.com (Rob Crittenden)
- FDS with Open Exchange
- From: ds at marco.de (Daniel Spannbauer)
- Installing FDS on SuSE 10.0
- From: ds at marco.de (Daniel Spannbauer)
- Small error in wiki Howto:Samba
- From: dean.plant at roke.co.uk (Plant, Dean)
- Host Access Based on Group Membership
- From: Gary_Tay at platts.com (Tay, Gary)
- have you already talked about this?
- From: uno at webworks.se (Uno Engborg)
- Windows NT4 Password Sync Problem
- From: nkinder at redhat.com (Nathan Kinder)
- Windows NT4 Password Sync Problem
- From: hartmut.woehrle at mail.pcom.de (Hartmut Wöhrle)
- have you already talked about this?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- have you already talked about this?
- From: sstrong at crwash.org (Steve Strong)
- Host Access Based on Group Membership
- From: HaneJ at gsicommerce.com (Jason Hane)
- Re: a little bit of samba confusion
- From: kgtemp at ensenda.com (Kevin M. Goess)
- Integration with Apple's OpenDirectory
- From: D.R.Barker at exeter.ac.uk (David Barker)
- Integration with Apple's OpenDirectory
- From: aly.dharshi at telus.net (Aly S.P Dharshi)
- Correction: [SECURITY] Fedora Directory Server 1.0 Update: Admin Server
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Integration with Apple's OpenDirectory
- From: ckannan at redhat.com (Chandrasekar Kannan)
- Integration with Apple's OpenDirectory
- From: billy at elec.gla.ac.uk (Billy Allan)
- Integration with Apple's OpenDirectory
- From: aly.dharshi at telus.net (Aly S.P Dharshi)
- SECURITY] Fedora Directory Server 1.0 Update: Admin Server
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Integration with Apple's OpenDirectory
- From: billy at elec.gla.ac.uk (Billy Allan)
- Integration with Apple's OpenDirectory
- From: aly.dharshi at telus.net (Aly S.P Dharshi)
- FDS 1.0 console problem
- From: taymour.elerian at tedata.net (Taymour A. El Erian)
- Schema fun :-)
- From: D.R.Barker at exeter.ac.uk (David Barker)
- MD5 passwords for FDS
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- FDS 1.0 console problem
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- FDS 1.0 console problem
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- FDS 1.0 console problem
- From: taymour.elerian at tedata.net (Taymour A. El Erian)
- FDS 1.0 console problem
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- moron at the helm - can't coordinate users-groups & padl stuff
- From: craigwhite at azapple.com (Craig White)
- Re: Fedora-directory-users Digest, Vol 7, Issue 15
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Windows NT4 Password Sync Problem
- From: nkinder at redhat.com (Nathan Kinder)
- Integration with Apple's OpenDirectory
- From: billy at elec.gla.ac.uk (Billy Allan)
- Windows NT4 Password Sync Problem
- From: hartmut.woehrle at mail.pcom.de (hartmut.woehrle at mail.pcom.de)
- FDS 1.0 console problem
- From: taymour.elerian at tedata.net (Taymour A. El Erian)
- Cant't Start Console
- From: pete at openrowley.com (Pete Rowley)
- Re: a little bit of samba confusion
- From: mj at sci.fi (Mike Jackson)
- Cant't Start Console
- From: golden at cnt.org (Golden Butler)
- Cant't Start Console
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- moron at the helm - can't coordinate users-groups & padl stuff
- From: kevin_myer at iu13.org (Kevin M. Myer)
- Cant't Start Console
- From: golden at cnt.org (Golden Butler)
- Gidnumber
- From: kevin_myer at iu13.org (Kevin M. Myer)
- moron at the helm - can't coordinate users-groups & padl stuff
- From: craigwhite at azapple.com (Craig White)
- Cant't Start Console
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- another issue starting the console
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Cant't Start Console
- From: golden at cnt.org (Golden Butler)
- Re: Fedora-directory-users Digest, Vol 7, Issue 15
- From: ktemp at ensenda.com (Kevin M. Goess)
- another issue starting the console
- From: craigwhite at azapple.com (Craig White)
- another issue starting the console
- From: nkinder at redhat.com (Nathan Kinder)
- another issue starting the console
- From: craigwhite at azapple.com (Craig White)
- Re: a little bit of samba confusion
- From: sbonnevi at redhat.com (Steven Bonneville)
- MD5 passwords for FDS
- From: ryan.ordway at oregonstate.edu (Ryan Ordway)
- v1.0-2 admin server as non-root user?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- v1.0-2 admin server as non-root user?
- From: kgtemp at ensenda.com (Kevin M. Goess)
- Schema fun :-)
- From: mj at sci.fi (Mike Jackson)
- How to ldapsearch password expiration data?
- From: simonf at cshl.edu (Vsevolod (Simon) Ilyushchenko)
- another issue starting the console
- From: nkinder at redhat.com (Nathan Kinder)
- Cant't Start Console
- From: nkwan at redhat.com (Thomas Kwan)
- another issue starting the console
- From: craigwhite at azapple.com (Craig White)
- Schema fun :-)
- From: D.R.Barker at exeter.ac.uk (David Barker)
- Cant't Start Console
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Cant't Start Console
- From: golden at cnt.org (Golden Butler)
- Gidnumber
- From: brzurom at tycho.ncsc.mil (Brian Zuromski)
- Cant't Start Console
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- FedoraDS-Postfix-Dovecot
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- FedoraDS-Postfix-Dovecot
- From: jdennis at redhat.com (John Dennis)
- FedoraDS-Postfix-Dovecot
- From: werder at mpd-2024.tvcom.ru (Pavel Sementsov)
- FedoraDS-Postfix-Dovecot
- From: pvsem at mail.ru (Pavel V. Sementsov)
- Cant't Start Console
- From: golden at cnt.org (Golden Butler)
- Cant't Start Console
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Cant't Start Console
- From: golden at cnt.org (Golden Butler)
- problem importing sendmail.schema in fds
- From: mj at sci.fi (Mike Jackson)
- Re: "This beta software has expired"?
- From: kovach at gmail.com (Kevin Kovach)
- Re: "This beta software has expired"?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Re: "This beta software has expired"?
- From: kovach at gmail.com (Kevin Kovach)
- Advantages of using FDS vs OpenLDAP?
- From: hyc at symas.com (Howard Chu)
- Re: "This beta software has expired"?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Re: "This beta software has expired"?
- From: kovach at gmail.com (Kevin Kovach)
- Re: "This beta software has expired"?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Re: "This beta software has expired"?
- From: kovach at gmail.com (Kevin Kovach)
- Re: "This beta software has expired"?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Re: "This beta software has expired"?
- From: kovach at gmail.com (Kevin Kovach)
- From: craigwhite at azapple.com (Craig White)
- Advantages of using FDS vs OpenLDAP?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- FDS 1.0 console problem
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Call for a replication project
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- "This beta software has expired"?
- From: kovach at gmail.com (Kevin Kovach)
- Change port after setup
- From: dshackel at arbor.edu (Daniel Shackelford)
- Call for a replication project
- From: hartmut.woehrle at mail.pcom.de (Hartmut Wöhrle)
- Server Side Sorting limitations/configuration
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- FDS-7.1-2 and PAM
- From: pierig56 at yahoo.com (Pierig Le Saux)
- Server Side Sorting limitations/configuration
- From: thierry.lanfranchi at wanadoo.fr (Thierry Lanfranchi)
- FDS 1.0 console problem
- From: taymour.elerian at tedata.net (Taymour A. El Erian)
- Advantages of using FDS vs OpenLDAP?
- From: mj at sci.fi (Mike Jackson)
- Call for a replication project
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- a little bit of samba confusion
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Fedora-ds on ubuntu
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Fedora-ds on ubuntu
- From: brendan0powers at gmail.com (brendan powers)
- From: jclowser at unitedmessaging.com (Jeff Clowser)
- Creating Replication Agreements at the Command Line (again)
- From: mj at sci.fi (Mike Jackson)
- From: craigwhite at azapple.com (Craig White)
- a little bit of samba confusion
- From: craigwhite at azapple.com (Craig White)
- command line client usage and simple bind
- From: craigwhite at azapple.com (Craig White)
- a little bit of samba confusion
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- command line client usage and simple bind
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- command line client usage and simple bind
- From: craigwhite at azapple.com (Craig White)
- a little bit of samba confusion
- From: craigwhite at azapple.com (Craig White)
- Advantages of using FDS vs OpenLDAP?
- From: arshad.noor at strongauth.com (Arshad Noor)
- Call for a replication project
- From: hartmut.woehrle at mail.pcom.de (Hartmut Wöhrle)
- jre1.5 and other "bugs"
- From: nkinder at redhat.com (Nathan Kinder)
- Advantages of using FDS vs OpenLDAP?
- From: blizzard at redhat.com (Christopher Blizzard)
- jre1.5 and other "bugs"
- From: jon.jahren at gmail.com (Jon Jahren)
- samba & openldap
- From: craigwhite at azapple.com (Craig White)
- samba & openldap
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- samba & openldap
- From: craigwhite at azapple.com (Craig White)
- Creating Replication Agreements at the Command Line (again)
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Re: Fedora-directory-users Digest, Vol 7, Issue 6
- From: hyc at symas.com (Howard Chu)
- JAVA_HOME problems after upgrade
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- JAVA_HOME problems after upgrade
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Printer Objects
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Advantages of using FDS vs OpenLDAP?
- From: arshad.noor at strongauth.com (Arshad Noor)
- Winsync Problem with NT4
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- Advantages of using FDS vs OpenLDAP?
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- Advantages of using FDS vs OpenLDAP?
- From: hyc at symas.com (Howard Chu)
- Printer Objects
- From: moliveira at rhla.com (Márcio Oliveira)
- Winsync Problem with NT4
- From: hartmut.woehrle at mail.pcom.de (Hartmut Wöhrle)
- JAVA_HOME problems after upgrade
- From: del at babel.com.au (Del)
- JAVA_HOME problems after upgrade
- From: kevin_myer at iu13.org (Kevin M. Myer)
- Calendar server
- From: kevin_myer at iu13.org (Kevin M. Myer)
- JAVA_HOME problems after upgrade
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- JAVA_HOME problems after upgrade
- From: kevin_myer at iu13.org (Kevin M. Myer)
- Announcing Fedora Directory Server 1.0
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- JAVA_HOME problems after upgrade
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- From: dshackel at arbor.edu (Daniel Shackelford)
- Calendar server
- From: jdennis at redhat.com (John Dennis)
- JAVA_HOME problems after upgrade
- From: nkinder at redhat.com (Nathan Kinder)
- Calendar server
- From: jclowser at unitedmessaging.com (Jeff Clowser)
- Announcing Fedora Directory Server 1.0
- From: kevin_myer at iu13.org (Kevin M. Myer)
- From: dshackel at arbor.edu (Daniel Shackelford)
- JAVA_HOME problems after upgrade
- From: brzurom at tycho.ncsc.mil (Brian Zuromski)
- Announcing Fedora Directory Server 1.0
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Announcing Fedora Directory Server 1.0
- From: kevin_myer at iu13.org (Kevin M. Myer)
- Calendar server
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- fedora-ds-1.0-2.FC4.i386.opt.rpm failure
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Calendar server
- From: jclowser at unitedmessaging.com (Jeff Clowser)
- fedora-ds-1.0-2.FC4.i386.opt.rpm failure
- From: ndbecker2 at gmail.com (Neal Becker)
- Calendar server
- From: jdennis at redhat.com (John Dennis)
- Calendar server
- From: mj at sci.fi (Mike Jackson)
- Calendar server
- From: jclowser at unitedmessaging.com (Jeff Clowser)
- Announcing Fedora Directory Server 1.0
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Announcing Fedora Directory Server 1.0
- From: kevin_myer at iu13.org (Kevin M. Myer)
- Winsync Problem with NT4
- From: hartmut.woehrle at mail.pcom.de (Hartmut Wöhrle)
- Winsync Problem with NT4
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- FDS 1.0 and Friends
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Winsync Problem with NT4
- From: nkinder at redhat.com (Nathan Kinder)
- Winsync Problem with NT4
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- Winsync Problem with NT4
- From: hartmut.woehrle at mail.pcom.de (Hartmut Wöhrle)
- Winsync Problem with NT4
- From: hartmut.woehrle at mail.pcom.de (Hartmut Wöhrle)
- FDS 1.0 and Friends
- From: nkinder at redhat.com (Nathan Kinder)
- FDS 1.0 and Friends
- From: aly.dharshi at telus.net (Aly Dharshi)
- Server Side Sorting limitations/configuration
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- Announcing Fedora Directory Server 1.0
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Announcing Fedora Directory Server 1.0
- From: kevin_myer at iu13.org (Kevin M. Myer)
- Announcing Fedora Directory Server 1.0
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- [Fedora-directory-users] Server Side Sorting limitations/configuration
- From: chen_shaopeng at idsignet.com (Chen Shaopeng)
- Server Side Sorting limitations/configuration
- From: thierry.lanfranchi at wanadoo.fr (Thierry Lanfranchi)
- Server Side Sorting limitations/configuration
- From: chen_shaopeng at idsignet.com (Chen Shaopeng)
- Server Side Sorting limitations/configuration
- From: thierry.lanfranchi at wanadoo.fr (Thierry Lanfranchi)
- Creating Replication Agreements at the Command Line (again)
- From: del at babel.com.au (Del)
- Creating Replication Agreements at the Command Line (again)
- From: del at babel.com.au (Del)
- LDAP subagent questions
- From: nkinder at redhat.com (Nathan Kinder)
- LDAP subagent questions
- From: kevin_myer at iu13.org (Kevin M. Myer)
- LDAP subagent questions
- From: nkinder at redhat.com (Nathan Kinder)
- LDAP subagent questions
- From: kevin_myer at iu13.org (Kevin M. Myer)
- NIS migration
- From: mj at sci.fi (Mike Jackson)
- NIS migration
- From: brzurom at tycho.ncsc.mil (Brian Zuromski)
- Search by "uid" attribute returns duplicate results
- From: kevin_myer at iu13.org (Kevin M. Myer)
- Winsync Problem with NT4
- From: elliot at bozemanpass.com (Elliot Schlegelmilch)
- pam.conf on Solaris 2.6?
- From: simonf at cshl.edu (Vsevolod (Simon) Ilyushchenko)
- problem importing sendmail.schema in fds
- From: basile.mathieu at siris.sorbonne.fr (basile au siris)
- problem importing sendmail.schema in fds
- From: basile.mathieu at siris.sorbonne.fr (basile au siris)
- 'No Such Object' when importing LDIFfrom OpenLDAP
- From: del at babel.com.au (Del)
- 'No Such Object' when importing LDIF from OpenLDAP
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- 'No Such Object' when importing LDIF from OpenLDAP
- From: kevin_myer at iu13.org (Kevin M. Myer)
- Search by "uid" attribute returns duplicate results
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- 'No Such Object' when importing LDIF from OpenLDAP
- From: tim at registriesltd.com.au (Tim Edwards)
- Search by "uid" attribute returns duplicate results
- From: kevin_myer at iu13.org (Kevin M. Myer)
- Search by "uid" attribute returns duplicate results
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- Search by "uid" attribute returns duplicate results
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Search by "uid" attribute returns duplicate results
- From: kevin_myer at iu13.org (Kevin M. Myer)
- Re: Re: ssl client authentication
- From: mmontgomery at theplanet.com (Michael Montgomery)
- Creating Replication Agreements at the Command Line
- From: mj at sci.fi (Mike Jackson)
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- Creating Replication Agreements at the Command Line
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- From: bribbeck at rice.edu (Barry R. Ribbeck)
- Creating Replication Agreements at the Command Line
- From: lembo at optonline.net (lembo at optonline.net)
- What does "Cert Token" mean?
- From: ckannan at redhat.com (Chandrasekar Kannan)
- Apps switched in SysV admin init script
- From: rcritten at redhat.com (Rob Crittenden)
- What does "Cert Token" mean?
- From: joe at openpower.com.tw (joe)
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- From: Barry.R.Ribbeck at rice.edu (Barry R Ribbeck)
- Creating Replication Agreements at the Command Line
- From: philip at lembobrothers.com (Philip Lembo)
- Apps switched in SysV admin init script
- From: kevin_myer at iu13.org (Kevin M. Myer)
- Winsync Problem with NT4
- From: elliot at bozemanpass.com (Elliot Schlegelmilch)
- Winsync Problem with NT4
- From: hartmut.woehrle at mail.pcom.de (Hartmut Wöhrle)
- Winsync Problem with NT4
- From: hartmut.woehrle at mail.pcom.de (Hartmut Wöhrle)
- Require SSL/TLS Only Connections
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- Winsync Problem with NT4
- From: hartmut.woehrle at mail.pcom.de (Hartmut Wöhrle)
- Winsync Problem with NT4
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- Winsync Problem with NT4
- From: hartmut.woehrle at mail.pcom.de (Hartmut Wöhrle)
- Require SSL/TLS Only Connections
- From: ulf.weltman at hp.com (Ulf Weltman)
- Require SSL/TLS Only Connections
- From: cramert at musc.edu (Thomas Cramer)
- Active Directory Interaction
- From: nkinder at redhat.com (Nathan Kinder)
- Active Directory Interaction
- From: sboggs at trustedcs.com (Scott Boggs)
- Consult about experience with Red Hat Directory Server
- From: wilmer5 at gmail.com (Wilmer Jaramillo)
- design docs of FDS?
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- Binary Download links borken on main site -- Any mirrors?
- From: mj at sci.fi (Mike Jackson)
- Binary Download links borken on main site -- Any mirrors?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- design docs of FDS?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- design docs of FDS?
- From: mj at sci.fi (Mike Jackson)
- Binary Download links borken on main site -- Any mirrors?
- From: mj at sci.fi (Mike Jackson)
- design docs of FDS?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- design docs of FDS?
- From: mj at sci.fi (Mike Jackson)
- Binary Download links borken on main site -- Any mirrors?
- From: Jon.Jackson at identix.com (Jackson, Jon)
- Binary Download links borken on main site -- Any mirrors?
- From: Jon.Jackson at identix.com (Jackson, Jon)
- design docs of FDS?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- design docs of FDS?
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- what is LA/LAS?
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- design docs of FDS?
- From: speedy_zinc at yahoo.com (speedy zinc)
- what is LA/LAS?
- From: speedy_zinc at yahoo.com (speedy zinc)
- error and access logs
- From: ftardini at gmail.com (Fernando D. Tardini)
- Account expiration on Solaris 2.8 doesnotwork.
- From: Gary_Tay at platts.com (Tay, Gary)
- Missing packages
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Missing packages
- From: Jon.Jackson at identix.com (Jackson, Jon)
- Account expiration on Solaris 2.8 does notwork.
- From: simonf at cshl.edu (Vsevolod (Simon) Ilyushchenko)
- Account expiration on Solaris 2.8 does notwork.
- From: Gary_Tay at platts.com (Tay, Gary)
- Account expiration on Solaris 2.8 does notwork.
- From: Gary_Tay at platts.com (Tay, Gary)
- Account expiration on Solaris 2.8 does not work.
- From: simonf at cshl.edu (Vsevolod (Simon) Ilyushchenko)
- ssl probleme with ldapsearch
- From: basile.mathieu at siris.sorbonne.fr (basile au siris)
- ssl probleme with ldapsearch
- From: basile.mathieu at siris.sorbonne.fr (basile au siris)
- Winsync - passwords?
- From: darjo.gregoric at hit.si (Darjo Gregoric)
- binary release
- From: romanportrait at yahoo.com (Roman Portrait)
- Winsync - passwords?
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- Winsync - passwords?
- From: nkinder at redhat.com (Nathan Kinder)
- Winsync - passwords?
- From: dean at hwr.arizona.edu (Dean Jones)
- ssl client authentication
- From: mmontgomery at theplanet.com (Michael Montgomery)
- questions on ssl and certutil
- From: basile.mathieu at siris.sorbonne.fr (basile au siris)
- MD5 for password hashes
- From: del at babel.com.au (Del)
- Directory server
- From: ftardini at gmail.com (Fernando D. Tardini)
- MD5 for password hashes
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- MD5 for password hashes
- From: mj at sci.fi (Mike Jackson)
- ssl client authentication
- From: nkwan at redhat.com (Thomas)
- ssl client authentication
- From: mmontgomery at theplanet.com (Michael Montgomery)
- MD5 for password hashes
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- MD5 for password hashes
- From: del at babel.com.au (Del)
- Need some pointers to information
- From: mont.rothstein at gmail.com (Mont Rothstein)
- problem with ssl
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- lagest depoyment?
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- lagest depoyment?
- From: speedy_zinc at yahoo.com (speedy zinc)
- problem with ssl
- From: basile.mathieu at siris.sorbonne.fr (basile au siris)
- problem with ssl
- From: basile.mathieu at siris.sorbonne.fr (basile au siris)
- lagest depoyment?
- From: mj at sci.fi (Mike Jackson)
- lagest depoyment?
- From: speedy_zinc at yahoo.com (speedy zinc)
- help with memory corruption
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- more than one base domain?
- From: speedy_zinc at yahoo.com (speedy zinc)
- Re: help for building FDS
- From: speedy_zinc at yahoo.com (speedy zinc)
- help with memory corruption
- From: speedy_zinc at yahoo.com (speedy zinc)
- Second Try:
- From: dshackel at arbor.edu (Daniel Shackelford)
- Second Try:
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- probleme with replication
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Second Try:
- From: dshackel at arbor.edu (Daniel Shackelford)
- probleme with replication
- From: basile.mathieu at siris.sorbonne.fr (basile au siris)
- Re: help for building FDS
- From: chen_shaopeng at idsignet.com (Chen Shaopeng)
- Re: Can't authenticate to directory server
- From: mont.rothstein at gmail.com (Mont Rothstein)
- Re: Can't authenticate to directory server
- From: nhosoi at redhat.com (Noriko Hosoi)
- Re: Can't authenticate to directory server
- From: mont.rothstein at gmail.com (Mont Rothstein)
- Can't authenticate to directory server
- From: mont.rothstein at gmail.com (Mont Rothstein)
- Fedora DS and a C# .NET app
- From: mont.rothstein at gmail.com (Mont Rothstein)
- Joins domain, won't logon.
- From: james at dvzproperty.com (James van Zeeland)
- lagest depoyment?
- From: chen_shaopeng at idsignet.com (Chen Shaopeng)
- Joins domain, won't logon.
- From: james at dvzproperty.com (James van Zeeland)
- help with memory corruption
- From: chen_shaopeng at idsignet.com (Chen Shaopeng)
- help with memory corruption
- From: speedy_zinc at yahoo.com (speedy zinc)
- How to ldapsearch password expiration data?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- help with memory corruption
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- more than one base domain?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- help with memory corruption
- From: speedy_zinc at yahoo.com (speedy zinc)
- help with memory corruption
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- help with memory corruption
- From: speedy_zinc at yahoo.com (speedy zinc)
- Re: help for building FDS
- From: speedy_zinc at yahoo.com (speedy zinc)
- Re: help for building FDS
- From: chen_shaopeng at idsignet.com (Chen Shaopeng)
- probleme with replication
- From: uffe at loop.to (uffe at loop.to)
- more than one base domain?
- From: nhosoi at redhat.com (Noriko Hosoi)
- probleme with replication
- From: basile.mathieu at siris.sorbonne.fr (basile au siris)
- How to ldapsearch password expiration data?
- From: simonf at cshl.edu (Vsevolod (Simon) Ilyushchenko)
- more than one base domain?
- From: speedy_zinc at yahoo.com (speedy zinc)
- Re: help for building FDS
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Re: help for building FDS
- From: speedy_zinc at yahoo.com (speedy zinc)
- more than one base domain?
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- more than one base domain?
- From: speedy_zinc at yahoo.com (speedy zinc)
- howto Step by Step install Directory Server, help me!
- From: adireks at gmail.com (adirek sanyakhuan)
- howto Step by Step install Directory Server, help me!
- From: nkinder at redhat.com (Nathan Kinder)
- howto Step by Step install Directory Server, help me!
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- howto Step by Step install Directory Server, help me!
- From: adireks at gmail.com (adirek sanyakhuan)
- howto Step by Step install Directory Server, help me!
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- howto Step by Step install Directory Server, help me!
- From: adireks at gmail.com (adirek sanyakhuan)
- howto Step by Step install Directory Server, help me!
- From: mj at sci.fi (Mike Jackson)
- howto Step by Step install Directory Server, help me!
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- howto Step by Step install Directory Server, help me!
- From: adireks at gmail.com (adirek sanyakhuan)
- How to ldapsearch password expiration data?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- How to ldapsearch password expiration data?
- From: simonf at cshl.edu (Vsevolod (Simon) Ilyushchenko)
- question about required fields and I18N issues
- From: blizzard at redhat.com (Christopher Blizzard)
- FD/DS Quota Disk
- From: mj at sci.fi (Mike Jackson)
- tls/ssl howto
- From: ivan.ivanyi at isb-sib.ch (Ivan Ivanyi)
- FD/DS Quota Disk
- From: wilmer5 at gmail.com (Wilmer Jaramillo)
- Directory Server and SSL
- From: wilmer5 at gmail.com (Wilmer Jaramillo)
- Directory Server and SSL
- From: uffe at loop.to (uffe at loop.to)
- Boncing
- From: wilmer5 at gmail.com (Wilmer Jaramillo)
- question about required fields and I18N issues
- From: chen_shaopeng at idsignet.com (Chen Shaopeng)
- question about required fields and I18N issues
- From: nhosoi at redhat.com (Noriko Hosoi)
- question about required fields and I18N issues
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Re: help for building FDS
- From: speedy_zinc at yahoo.com (speedy zinc)
- question about required fields and I18N issues
- From: speedy_zinc at yahoo.com (speedy zinc)
- question about required fields and I18N issues
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- question about required fields and I18N issues
- From: chen_shaopeng at idsignet.com (Chen Shaopeng)
- Can't start admin server
- From: tim at registriesltd.com.au (Tim Edwards)
- Configuring Read/Write Replicas
- From: nkinder at redhat.com (Nathan Kinder)
- Configuring Read/Write Replicas
- From: agabila at con.mdsnews.com (Anthony Gabila)
- question about schema file keywords
- From: mj at sci.fi (Mike Jackson)
- question about schema file keywords
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- question about schema file keywords
- From: mj at sci.fi (Mike Jackson)
- question about schema file keywords
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- question about schema file keywords
- From: mj at sci.fi (Mike Jackson)
- Directory Server and Jive Messenger
- From: pete at openrowley.com (Pete Rowley)
- question about required fields and I18N issues
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- How can I create a User ID alias?
- From: jclowser at unitedmessaging.com (Jeff Clowser)
- Directory Server and SSL
- From: wilmer5 at gmail.com (Wilmer Jaramillo)
- Directory Server and Jive Messenger
- From: elwartowski at gmail.com (Chad Elwartowski)
- Directory Server and Jive Messenger
- From: mj at sci.fi (Mike Jackson)
- Directory Server and Jive Messenger
- From: elwartowski at gmail.com (Chad Elwartowski)
- question about required fields and I18N issues
- From: chen_shaopeng at idsignet.com (Chen Shaopeng)
- question about required fields and I18N issues
- From: uffe at loop.to (uffe at loop.to)
- question about required fields and I18N issues
- From: chen_shaopeng at idsignet.com (Chen Shaopeng)
- question about required fields and I18N issues
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Re: help for building FDS
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Can't start admin server
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Re: help for building FDS
- From: speedy_zinc at yahoo.com (speedy zinc)
- question about required fields and I18N issues
- From: speedy_zinc at yahoo.com (speedy zinc)
- Can't start admin server
- From: tim at registriesltd.com.au (Tim Edwards)
- make an attribute default to object class?
- From: speedy_zinc at yahoo.com (speedy zinc)
- question about required fields and I18N issues
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- question about required fields and I18N issues
- From: speedy_zinc at yahoo.com (speedy zinc)
- How can I create a User ID alias?
- From: dfulton-lists at concepttechnologyinc.com (Darren Fulton)
- Re: help for building FDS
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Can't start admin server
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Re: help for building FDS
- From: speedy_zinc at yahoo.com (speedy zinc)
- Can't start admin server
- From: tim at registriesltd.com.au (Tim Edwards)
- Directory Server and SSL
- From: wilmer5 at gmail.com (Wilmer Jaramillo)
- How can I create a User ID alias?
- From: jclowser at unitedmessaging.com (Jeff Clowser)
- How can I create a User ID alias?
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- How can I create a User ID alias?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- make an attribute default to object class?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- question about required fields and I18N issues
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Re: help for building FDS
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- question about schema file keywords
- From: dom at ijichi.org (Dominic Ijichi)
- make an attribute default to object class?
- From: mj at sci.fi (Mike Jackson)
- question about schema file keywords
- From: mj at sci.fi (Mike Jackson)
- question about schema file keywords
- From: lists at ijichi.org (Dominic Ijichi)
- question about schema file keywords
- From: mj at sci.fi (Mike Jackson)
- make an attribute default to object class?
- From: speedy_zinc at yahoo.com (speedy zinc)
- real world example of nested roles?
- From: speedy_zinc at yahoo.com (speedy zinc)
- question about schema file keywords
- From: speedy_zinc at yahoo.com (speedy zinc)
- question about schema file keywords
- From: mj at sci.fi (Mike Jackson)
- numerical prefix of schema file
- From: mj at sci.fi (Mike Jackson)
- question about schema file keywords
- From: speedy_zinc at yahoo.com (speedy zinc)
- Re: help for building FDS
- From: speedy_zinc at yahoo.com (speedy zinc)
- Re: help for building FDS
- From: speedy_zinc at yahoo.com (speedy zinc)
- Re: help for building FDS
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- numerical prefix of schema file
- From: speedy_zinc at yahoo.com (speedy zinc)
- Re: help for building FDS
- From: chen_shaopeng at idsignet.com (Chen Shaopeng)
- Re: help for building FDS
- From: speedy_zinc at yahoo.com (speedy zinc)
- How can I create a User ID alias?
- From: dfulton-lists at concepttechnologyinc.com (Darren Fulton)
- role of uxwdog?
- From: mj at sci.fi (Mike Jackson)
- role of uxwdog?
- From: mj at sci.fi (Mike Jackson)
- role of uxwdog?
- From: mj at sci.fi (Mike Jackson)
- role of uxwdog?
- From: uffe at loop.to (uffe at loop.to)
- role of uxwdog?
- From: mj at sci.fi (Mike Jackson)
- question about required fields and I18N issues
- From: speedy_zinc at yahoo.com (speedy zinc)
- role of uxwdog?
- From: speedy_zinc at yahoo.com (speedy zinc)
- what's wrong with this ACI?
- From: speedy_zinc at yahoo.com (speedy zinc)
- what's wrong with this ACI?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- role of uxwdog?
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- role of uxwdog?
- From: rcritten at redhat.com (Rob Crittenden)
- role of uxwdog?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- what's wrong with this ACI?
- From: chen_shaopeng at idsignet.com (Chen Shaopeng)
- what's wrong with this ACI?
- From: speedy_zinc at yahoo.com (speedy zinc)
- role of uxwdog?
- From: speedy_zinc at yahoo.com (speedy zinc)
- Extending AD replication
- From: dshackel at arbor.edu (Daniel Shackelford)
- AD sync
- From: darjo.gregoric at hit.si (Darjo Gregoric)
- pass thru authentication
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- pass thru authentication
- From: derek at umiacs.umd.edu (Derek T. Yarnell)
- Fedora Management Console 7.0
- From: Gary_Tay at platts.com (Tay, Gary)
- Expiration flags from NIS+?
- From: simonf at cshl.edu (Vsevolod (Simon) Ilyushchenko)
- Fedora Management Console 7.0
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Fedora Management Console 7.0
- From: agabila at con.mdsnews.com (Anthony Gabila)
- openlda client and fedora-ds
- From: nhosoi at redhat.com (Noriko Hosoi)
- openlda client and fedora-ds
- From: gholbert at broadcom.com (George Holbert)
- openlda client and fedora-ds
- From: admin at hostyle.it (Enrico Valsecchi)
- openlda client and fedora-ds
- From: admin at hostyle.it (Enrico Valsecchi)
- Re: Aboout Winsync
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
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