My gnome desktop totally hanged, and out of frustration, I just pushed the reset button. Now I got a memory corruption error when trying to start up slapd: *** glibc detected *** malloc(): memory corruption: 0x08176080 *** slapd-neo/start-slapd: line 33: 7560 Aborted ./ns-slapd -D /opt/fedora-ds/slapd-neo -i /opt/fedora-ds/slapd-neo/logs/pid -w $STARTPIDFILE "$@" Couldn't find anything about cleaning up corrupted data in the admin guide. Could someone tell what's this error about? Now I wonder, if I can get this kind of corruption that easily, how would people handle it in real production environment? If I get a sudden power outage, or the cleaning guy just trips on the power cord, and boom, the server won't start. That's not pretty, isn't it? thanks sz __________________________________ Start your day with Yahoo! - Make it your home page!