Server Side Sorting limitations/configuration

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Sorry for the slow answer, I've been busy reinstalling my dev platform :)

I don't get any error message while using FDS's version of ldapsearch 
with "-x" option to enable server side sorting, and can't enable 
debugging as I'd have to recompile the ldapsearch utility with 
LDAP_DEBUG defined. As I don't have access to all necessary librairies 
for now, it's not an option.

There's no error message in any of the three logs (access, error and audit).

I can confirm though that when I do a one-letter substring search, the 
search seems as slow as an unindexed search, so I guess you're right 
about oneletter searches being non-indexed.

Do you think there is anything I can do to enable oneletter indexes ?

Thanks in advance,
Thierry Lanfranchi
(PS: Sorry if my english's not that good, trying to do my best as it's 
not my mother tongue)

David Boreham a ?crit :

> Thierry Lanfranchi wrote:
>> Is that "not sorting on single letter search" feature wanted (maybe 
>> even RFC stuff that I haven't read yet), and if so, can I enable 
>> sorting even in that case, or is it to be considered a strange 
>> behavior and I need to look for more informations in order to solve it ?
> Yes. One clue might be that a single letter substring search filter 
> will not be indexed (while a leading two-letter substring
> search filter will). An unindexed search may not be sortable : it's 
> been a long time since I messed with this part of the
> code and without reading it again I'm not sure. Anyway, if you made 
> the sort control mandatory in your search,
> the server should respond with an error in the case that it's unable 
> to sort. Did you see any response control with
> information like that in it ?
> -- 
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