Ok, this is just great. I've locked myself out of the admin server now, and no ips can connect. So... I'll try the admconfig tool mentioned in the console.pdf file... oh great, that doesn't work either: [root at corporate-ds admin]# ./admconfig --h ./admconfig: line 55: /opt/fedora-ds/bin/base/jre/bin/java: No such file or directory ./admconfig: line 55: exec: /opt/fedora-ds/bin/base/jre/bin/java: cannot execute: No such file or directory [root at corporate-ds admin]# ls -l /opt/fedora-ds/bin/ admin/ slapd/ user/ Can I manually edit some config files somewhere to allow this to work? Also, I come in today to find the replication server's admin console doing this: [Fri Dec 16 11:30:22 2005] [notice] [client] unable to bind to server [ldap02.inside.*****.com:389] as [cn=admin-serv-ldap02, cn=Fedora Administration Server, cn=Server Group, cn=ldap02.inside.******.com, ou=inside.*******.com, o=NetscapeRoot] [Fri Dec 16 11:30:22 2005] [crit] populate_tasks_from_server(): Unable to search [cn=admin-serv-ldap02, cn=Fedora Administration Server, cn=Server Group, cn=ldap02.inside.*****.com, ou=inside.***************.com, o=NetscapeRoot] for LDAPConnection [ldap02.inside.*********.com:389] [Fri Dec 16 11:30:22 2005] [crit] [client] admserv_check_authz(): Task [cn=statusping, cn=operation, cn=tasks, cn=admin-serv-ldap02, cn=fedora administration server, cn=server group, cn=ldap02.inside.*************.com, ou=inside.*********************.com, o=netscaperoot] not found for user [uid=admin, ou=Administrators, ou=TopologyManagement, o=NetscapeRoot] - either the task was not registered or the user was not authorized And the admin console server won't start with this error: [Fri Dec 16 11:39:31 2005] [crit] mod_admserv_post_config(): unable to build user/group LDAP server info: unable to set User/Group baseDN Anybody got any clues what is going on? I seem to be having some pretty bad luck here. Thanks again. On Fri, 2005-12-16 at 11:29 -0600, Michael Montgomery wrote: > >You need to set hostnames to allow to NULL or empty - if there is anything there, it will assume you want to do access based on host/domain name, which must have the correct DNS /etc/nsswitch.conf or /etc/hosts configuration. > > Thank you, > Thank you. > > When it mentions that you can use wildcards, it simply causes confusion.