Re: Extra programs for Red Hat

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You have some points there, but not all.

I am fine with the things are just now, but I am afraid also that Red
Hat would gradually loose wast ground he was built upon, and that's a
community, all those john does that use the certain OS, feel good with
it. and recommend it to their bosses, friends, coleagues. I am working
within Windows surroundings, and hence I should know what I am talking

The story is simple:
Q: I want to try Linux, what I should do?
A: Install it (partitioning, boot loader, that all was not a problem).
Q: Can you give me CDS?
A: Yes, 3 + DOCS.
Q: Wow, that's a lot (comparing to one Windows CD + Office), do I get
the whole thing?
A: Actually no, you will have to get the rest from the Internet.
Q: Is there any easier way of trying Linux?
A: You could try some other distribution.
Q: Okay, give me that.

Another possible Red Hat user bites the dust.

Or it can go the way it is, but this way I am obliged to give a full
time support for those people, and I don't have so much time.
On uto, 2003-05-27 at 11:16, Matthias Saou wrote:
> Igor Nestorovià wrote :
> > I am talking about newbies, from the Windows world, who used to have
> > programs for playing audio and video files INCLUDED in the OS. 
> Huh!? Don't tell me you can play DivX, ogg, RealAudio on Windows _without_
> downloading any additional software? I haven't actually used a Windows
> based computer since the Windows 98, and at that time it wasn't possible to
> play _anything_ with the base OS, not even uncompress .zip files... people
> have told me it has since changed, but when I see people complaining about
> the lack of "out-of-the-box" features for a GNU/Linux distribution
> _compared_ to Windows, I find that almost insane.
> > I am saying the following: can we strech a bit and give help to people
> > like Matthias to compose that EXTRA ISO to be downloaded, not from Red
> > Hat, so they can stay clean, but from somewhere else?
> I've been thinking of doing that for some time, but as my packages evolve
> quite a lot, and constantly, ithe ISO image would be quickly mostly
> obsolete.
> > Red Hat should do two things:
> > 1. Include the information that this CD exists, but that they have
> > nothing to do with it, etc, both on the site and in the Desktop
> > somewhere, like they issued that "Red Hat Speaks On Multimedia" for the
> > Psyche release.
> Hmmm, I don't really like that idea. Red Hat Inc. supports already _all_
> the bundled applications of their distro, and including such information
> would have some users expect full compatibility, ease of use and support of
> the same level... which isn't the case.
> > 2. Present something like yum or apt bundled in the Control Center (it
> > could be called "More Programs", or something), Internet oriented, with
> > wast database of all sorts of programs, ready for download from
> > we-all-know-which-sites. Nice warning "We don't have nothing to do with
> > the following steps, and it is not supported in any way." notice would
> > have to be included here.
> Then some day a disaster occurs, and 3rd party packages blow up some users
> systems... then blame Red Hat Inc. claiming they installed everything from
> within the distribution itself and thought is was part of Red Hat Linux.
> For me this feature is a clear case "no", and I support the current
> situation.
> > The point is: when newbie, or Windows convert tries Red Hat, he/she
> > would not go away scared/frustrated because it doesn't have this or
> > that. He will have an EXTRA ISO to choose from, just insert the CD and
> > pick programs (audio, video, etc.). Advanced users (and newbies) can go
> > also to Control Center and pick more programs, unsupported by Red Hat.
> > The important thing is that the choice exists!
> See my comment above. IMHO you get much more to play with when you install
> GNU/Linux than Windows. Put a newbie (_computer_ newbie, non techie) in
> front of Windows... and watch... you'll get nothing. At most you'll see a
> game of solitaire. Many people don't realize how used to Windows they are,
> just like many of us don't realize how used to GNU/linux we are, and just
> know where to go grab this and that in order to watch or listen to
> something or achieve a certain task.
> Matthias
> -- 
> Clean custom Red Hat Linux rpm packages :
> Raw Hide 20030526 running Linux kernel 2.4.20-20.1.2002.nptl
> Load : 0.21 0.62 0.93

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